Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 385 Fanatical Attack

The thousand-man phalanx of the Runing Army is actually a rectangular phalanx of forty by 25, with 40 people on the long side of the rectangle on the front.In the first six rows of the phalanx are gunners, followed by pikemen and axemen.So now the Runing Army has 160 gunners in each platoon.

After distributing the firecrackers, the firecracker assistants immediately picked up their own firecrackers and ran to the end of the phalanx. They all took off their shields and lined up, ready to plug the leak at any time to prevent the peasant rebels from opening the square. array gap.

The 160 rounds of bullets, like an invisible wall, immediately blocked the momentum of the peasant rebels' charge.But at this moment, the first row of arrows thrown by the archers in Luo Rucai's army also flew there, and these arrows immediately hit the heads and bodies of those firecrackers, making bursts of metal crashing sounds.

After Wu Shigong's reorganization this time, Yang Goudan's workshop division produced a large number of iron helmets, and Bian's ironware workshop also produced a large number of iron pieces together with the workshop division to improve the beggar's armor.

But after all, the time is too short to satisfy the equipment of all the soldiers of the Runing Army, so they give priority to the gunners who are in the front of the formation and are more vulnerable to damage.

And these armor equipments have played a role now, except for a few particularly unlucky soldiers, the gunners in the Runing Army have not suffered any damage.However, the range of the thrown arrows is different. A small part of the arrows flew over the heads of the gunners and flew into the soldiers of the thousand-man phalanx, which also caused damage to some soldiers in the Runing Army.

Although the damage caused was not large, the sudden blow to the soldiers of the Runing Army still caused some confusion.Fortunately, the peasant rebel army charging on the opposite side was also hit by the firecrackers, and they also paused for a while, so they did not rush to the thousand-man phalanx of the Runing Army.

The gunners of the Runing Army are basically composed of veterans, so they return to normal quite quickly.When the peasant rebel army paused and wanted to rush into the thousand-man phalanx again, the second row of gunfire from the Runing Army fired.

Then came the third row, the fourth row... After the fifth row of firecrackers fired, the soldiers of the Peasant Rebel Army lay down in a large area.The heavy casualties caused the peasant rebels in the back row to retreat.

At this time, a soldier of the peasant rebel army who was lucky and unscathed stood among the dead bodies.He looked left and right at the corpse of his companion lying on the ground, then suddenly laughed like crazy, and shouted: "I'm fine! Go!"

This cry immediately revived the frenzy of the peasant rebel army.But at this moment, the Runing Army's second round of firecrackers fired again.A bullet just shattered the head of the laughing soldier, and his blood and brains immediately splattered everywhere.

The peasant rebel army who came up from behind ran right behind him, and several soldiers were knocked down, and several soldiers hiding behind were also sprayed with blood and brains all over their bodies.

Another soldier went mad and wept.With a hoarse voice, he sang loudly in Henan accent:

"The mountain flowers bloom in Shandandan Mountain,

The younger sister came from the mountain carrying the burden.


This crazy mood immediately infected the entire peasant rebel army.What is the point of living a life that is worse than death?If there is a chance of survival given by the Eight Great Kings, then use your life in exchange.

Folk songs came and went in the entire peasant rebel army, everyone went crazy, and everyone ignored all life, including their own.What bullets, knives and guns?Then use our flesh and blood!The peasant rebel army rushed forward again desperately.

Due to the interference of thrown arrows, some gunners of the Runing Army did not have time to finish loading their ammunition.So this round of musket fire only shot three or four rows.And after this round of shooting was completed, there was an obvious pause in the gunfire shooting of the Runing army. Taking advantage of this pause, the peasant rebel army rushed into a distance of twenty steps.And at first sight the situation is not good.The gunners quickly walked through the queue and ran towards the back of the thousand-man phalanx.

However, the prepared pikemen had to make way for the formation in order to let the gunners retreat, which also caused cracks in the formation of the thousand-man phalanx.

But after all, these peasant rebels don't have much military experience. They are already red-eyed at this time, and they only know that they are heading towards the phalanx of the Runing Army.

That was simply a group of lunatics. The soldiers of the peasant rebel army did not dodge at all, and rushed towards those spears.They hit the spears with the weapons in their hands, and if they couldn't hit them, they simply used their bodies to hit them.

Soon, the spears of the Runing Army's spearmen were covered with corpses.The soldiers of the Peasant Rebel Army were still charging forward one after another, and the soldiers in the back row even threw their weapons at the Runing Army, regardless of whether they were bare-handed or not.

The thousand-man phalanx of the Runing Army was a little loose.But three thousand-man phalanxes are okay, and one thousand-man phalanx is not so good.And this thousand-man phalanx was formed by the engineering regiment.Most of the soldiers in the Corps of Engineers were new recruits. During their usual training, they also had to carry out training such as transportation and bridge-building, so the training for the phalanx was relatively small, so the situation of the Corps of Engineers was suddenly on the verge of danger.

Seeing the crisis situation ahead, Xue Yongli, the commander, immediately became angry: "Gong Ben is really eating grass? Why hasn't his artillery regiment joined yet?"

Gong Benshi, who commanded the artillery regiment, was also sweating.At this time, the cannon had just been unloaded from the horse. He directed the gunner and said, "Push the one-pound cannon up first. Remember, push the cannon loaded with shotgun first. If anyone pushes it wrong, I will cut him down."

A group of gunners, together with the artillery guards, pushed the artillery forward from the passage between the thousand-man phalanx.

The cavalry commanded by Li Sanhe at the back saw that the two armies in front were about to fight hand-to-hand, and he immediately wanted to order the cavalry to line up and press forward to support the thousand-man phalanx.

But at this moment, the cavalry commanded by Li Dingguo also moved, and they also lined up and slowly pressed towards the cavalry of the Runing Army.

Seeing that Li Dingguo was about to attack, Li Sanhe immediately ordered the cavalry to turn into formation, preparing to clear away Li Dingguo's cavalry before going to support the thousand-man phalanx.

But seeing that the cavalry of the Runing Army was ready to fight with him, after about a hundred steps forward, Li Dingguo's cavalry stopped and returned to their starting point.Now Li Dingguo wants to contain the cavalry of the Runing Army.

At this time, the peasant rebel army had gone crazy to the extreme, and the arrows were still being fired round after round.After receiving two blows from top to bottom, the thousand-man phalanx of the engineering corps was finally broken through a gap.

And Xue Cunyi, the head of the engineering regiment, was also in a hurry. He took the ax and gun from the soldiers around him and shouted: "No one is allowed to retreat!"

Then Xue Cunyi knocked down a retreating Runing Army soldier, and then rushed towards the gap in the first place.

As soon as he jumped into the crowd of peasant rebels, Xue Cunyi stabbed the two peasant rebels to death.Then he swung his ax and gun, sweeping away the peasant rebels around him.

A soldier of the peasant rebel army did not dodge Xue Cunyi's ax and spear. Amidst the screams, Xue Cunyi's ax spear slammed into the body of the peasant rebel army.

But Xue Cunyi chopped too deeply, he couldn't draw out his ax and spear for a while.At this moment, a peasant rebel soldier on Xue Cunyi's left stabbed Xue Cunyi's face fiercely with a wooden gun in his hand.Xue Cunyi subconsciously raised his head to avoid it, only to feel pain on his face, black eyes, and fainted on the ground.

Seeing his regiment leader being knocked to the ground, the soldiers behind were also jealous.They jumped out with all their might, knocked down the peasant rebel army who had wounded Xue Cunyi with a few axes, and then wrestled with the following peasant rebel army.

At this moment, beside the phalanx of thousands of engineers, the first artillery was pushed into position.The gunner cut the match very short, and at the same time as the match was lit, a shot was fired.All of a sudden, the peasant rebel army who charged later opened up a large open space.

However, several peasant rebels on the side immediately rushed towards the gunner.Several gunners were caught off guard and killed by them one after another.And the soldiers of the guarding artillery team also drew their waist knives and rushed towards the peasant rebels.

The attack on the gunners is actually a flashback of the peasant rebel army. The artillery of the Runing Army was pushed to the front line one after another. With the sound of cannonballs being fired, the crazy peasant rebel army finally woke up in front of the god of death. come over.

As if they were crazy just now, the morale of these peasant rebels is also low for a moment.The peasant rebels who charged turned around and fled.The entire offensive posture collapsed like an avalanche.

However, the Runing Army still did not stop attacking the peasant rebel army. The musketeers moved forward one after another, shooting freely at the fleeing peasant rebel army, and the artillery loaded with solid shells was fired, making them leisurely shoot and throw arrows. The archers in Luo Rucai's army were finally threatened.

It stands to reason that those archers are lined up, and the solid shells cannot cause them too many casualties.But those archers are all veterans, so they don't have the mood swings of fanaticism and discouragement like the peasant rebel army who charged just now.Therefore, they immediately fled back, trying to avoid the shells.

The entire battle lasted less than half an hour. The Runing Army, who was still in shock, looked at the flesh and blood Shura field in front of the thousand-man phalanx, and gasped, as if it was just a dream.The conductor Xue Yongli finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai let out a long sigh.They all knew that the fanaticism of the peasant rebels just now was quite rare.Facing the threat of death from firecrackers and long spears, even if they send the elite from their respective camps to fight, they may not necessarily achieve better results than those peasant rebels.

And the officer army on the opposite side is too difficult to deal with. (To be continued..)

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