Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 425 Far-reaching influence

When Ma Shouxin returned to his home in Songjiang Mansion and reported the matter to his father, to be honest Ma Yong was a little unhappy.It's not to blame Ma Shouxin's self-assessment. The Ma family can also produce hundreds of idle looms. Even if they pay money to buy new looms, it is not a big fortune for the Ma family. It's just that the property allocated to Ma Shouxin is less.The main reason is that Runing is in a turbulent area, and Ma Yong is afraid that his second son's life will be in danger.

But when Ma Shouxin promised that the Runing army could guarantee his own safety, Ma Shouxin thought that he could arrange a family steward to run the weaving workshop in Runing, so in the end Ma Yong reluctantly agreed.

At least his son wants to start a career, and as a father, he should always support it.As for those who made friends with the noble sons of officials in Nanjing, Ma Yong did not only have two sons anyway.

However, after the establishment of the weaving workshop, the supply of cloth immediately exceeded the demand.Although Henan is chaotic, its overall consumption capacity is not low. Clothing, food, housing, and transportation are the basic needs of every citizen. However, the inconvenience of transportation caused by the chaos kept the price of cloth high and curbed the consumption of ordinary people. .

But now there is the high-quality Majia Songjiang cloth, and the price is not too expensive. In addition, the armed escort of the Four Seas Trading Company solved the transportation, so it almost immediately monopolized the Henan market.

And the influence is not only that, the weaving industry in the Ming Dynasty was basically concentrated in the Jiangnan area, and the weaving industry in the mainland was in a rudimentary state.However, Runing Majia Weaving Workshop has filled this gap.In the end, merchants from the nearby Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Huguang areas also ordered large quantities from the Majia weaving workshop and sold them for huge profits.

Therefore, Ma Yong quickly went from reluctantly agreeing to supporting, and finally to strongly supporting.The scale of the weaving workshop also increased from a hundred looms to hundreds, and finally to thousands.

And because it was later able to purchase local cotton from the Jimin Reclamation Firm.The cost of raw materials was greatly reduced, coupled with the ability to resell grain to obtain income, the Ma family immediately transformed from a wealthy family in Songjiang Prefecture to a wealthy family in the south of the Ming Dynasty.The Runing Mansion has also become another important production base of the Ma family.

And that's not all.Later, after Ma Yong visited Wu Shigong in Runing Mansion in person, he immediately discovered the beauty of the "Patent Law" promulgated by the Runing Army. He immediately applied for patents for the weaving and dyeing industry in the south of the Yangtze River, as well as technologies in many industries.

Therefore, in a short period of time, in the area controlled by the Runing Army, the Ma family's products have been exclusively sold under the protection of the "Patent Law". In addition, the Ma family has also completely blocked the Runing Army from attracting investment from their counterparts in the south of the Yangtze River. Therefore, in just a few years, a huge amount of wealth has been obtained for the Ma family.

But there is no impenetrable wall in the world after all.When the rivals of the Ma family in the south of the Yangtze River finally found out the reason why the Ma family became rich, they immediately discovered the paradise of Runing Mansion with keen eyesight, so they either joined forces with the Ma family or came alone to open a restaurant in Runing Mansion. Lots of workshops.And a complete industrial chain was gradually established in Runing Mansion.

However, the entry of a large number of wealthy businessmen also brought many contradictions.The most prominent thing is that the Ma family applied for patents for many technologies unique to other wealthy businessmen.This also led to a series of lawsuits later on, and Deng Qifan, who was in charge of civil affairs, was devastated.Under the pressure of this situation.The "Patent Law", which was originally somewhat crude, has been greatly improved.So that in the end, due to the mediation and judgment of a large number of commercial dispute cases, the prototype of "Commercial Law" finally appeared here in Runing Army.

A stable environment, a huge market, a complete industrial chain, cheap labor, perfect legal protection, controllable taxation, basically no illegal regulations and embezzlement of people's property, and effective financial support...all of these make Runing Mansion had a wealth accumulation effect.

Moreover, those big merchants also actively participated in a large number of local business activities in Runing Prefecture.For example, investing and speculating through the stock exchange, such as partnering with Jimin Reclamation Firm to go out to reclaim wasteland.Therefore, a powerful Yushang Group has been formed in this time and space.

After the establishment of this weaving workshop, Yuan Xingshan and Zhang Xuebin, who were in charge of business and attracting investment from Runing Army, immediately discovered a new way of cooperation.They immediately summed up Wu Shigong's method of attracting investment by throwing bricks and jade into experience, and distributed it to the local officials of the Runing Army for them to learn.

Since then, various local officials have launched a big fight for their own investment achievements, and many favorable investment conditions have been thrown out.This also led to the great development of industry and commerce in the area controlled by the Runing Army.

Fu Wenzhai, director of the Propaganda Department, also keenly discovered this new propaganda point. He focused on publicizing Wu Shigong's behavior of giving away his land and property for nothing in order to let the refugees who took refuge in him live and work in peace and contentment.

This further increased Wu Shigong's local prestige in Runing, and also made the refugees who took refuge in him feel grateful to Wu Shigong.It's a little funny that Wu Shigong has formed two completely different images inside and outside.

Outside the area controlled by the Runing Army, some bandits and refugees formed the image of Wu Shigong as a butcher because of Wu Shigong's massacre, and Emperor Chongzhen and court officials also believed that Wu Shigong was a greedy, lustful, cruel and unscrupulous warrior.

However, in the area controlled by the Runing Army, the scholars believed that Wu Shigong was the son of a sage who had read the books of sages; the local gentry considered Wu Shigong to be their close friend; A good man who spares money with righteousness.

As for Wu Shigong's family and Runing Jun himself!Because of its status, the Runing Army has participated in a large number of industries in the name of the Runing Army Headquarters and the Official Foundation, which has resulted in explosive growth in the revenue of the Runing Army and the income of officials.The retired veterans at the bottom also received a batch of land or a large resettlement fee.

You know, if there is no Runing Army group, then these people will not have this income in the future, so the political group Runing Army is more closely united, so the group formed by economic interests is the best Unbreakable, is this the new interpretation of political economy?

Under the staff of Zhao Ruya, the wives of Wu Shigong's inner house, together with officials of the Runing Army, local officials and gentry, also invested heavily in various industries, which also greatly expanded their private wealth.So in the end, Wu Shigong's control area formed a monolith, and everyone willingly accepted Wu Shigong's leadership in the end.

Of course, it's not without noise.There are always some court officials who do not want their powers to be deprived of their power by the Runing Army, but they are immediately squeezed out and ignored by their superiors, colleagues, and a large number of small officials and government servants who have participated in the Runing Army's civil service system and the Internal Affairs Department. I couldn't receive the routine of one tael of silver, and I could only stay in the yamen and count the ants on the ground every day, looking forward to being transferred out of this ghost place as soon as possible.

The activeness of industry and commerce also greatly eased the pressure on the Runing Army to resettle refugees.Later, those businessmen took the initiative to build bridges and pave roads for the development of commerce, and helped the Runing Army build a large amount of infrastructure.The establishment of a wasteland reclamation village with food and silver, solved the cost of resettling a large number of refugees for the Runing Army.

Moreover, those businessmen also showed their talents, through the officials of the DPRK and China who had relations with them.A lot of upper-level connections were made for Wu Shigong, which made Wu Shigong's path forward much smoother.

And Shanchuan Division also took the opportunity to achieve great development. They were finally not limited to Runing, Guide and other places, and extended Shanchuan Division's spider web through various relationships.

The finances of the Runing Army have also been greatly developed, so that in the end the Runing Army gradually became rich and powerful.Just because of various objective reasons.In one hour and three quarters, the Runing Army will not be able to expand its army again.

However, due to the establishment of a large number of village guard teams, they also stored a large amount of weapons and food.The reserve source of the Runing Army is also extremely concentrated and inflated.The structure of their source of troops has gradually become reasonable, and under the general mobilization, they can quickly form a jaw-dropping army.

Afterwards, the only thing that gave Wu Shigong some headaches was Yang Goudan's wife.To be honest, this Yang's energy in the Runing Army even surpassed that of Yang Goudan and Yang Rusong.Because when the Runing Army was first established, almost all senior officials had received Yang's care, and later a large number of Runing Army officers got married through her introduction.

Because this time Wu Shigong handed over the original weaving workshop and clothing workshop of the Runing Army to the Ma family for management.Yang thought it was Wu Shigong's punishment for her mismanagement, so she hid in her home and did not get angry.

After learning about the situation, Wu Shigong immediately sent Li Xin to the Yang family with gifts to appease the Yang family, but the Yang family was still very stubborn.Unrelentingly, he wanted to spend 1000 taels of silver to buy [-]% of the shares of these two workshops, and he wanted to show his determination to live and die with these two workshops.

Wu Shigong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he immediately set up a women's and children's bureau under the inner study, and asked Yang to be the director of the women's and children's bureau, responsible for the affairs of the women and children in the Runing Army, showing that he valued Yang's attitude.

But in this way, the female officer system in the Runing Army first appeared.Although due to long-term habits, this female officer system has not been promoted for a long period of time, but after all, it has set a precedent.As a result, after a long time, some women finally participated in politics and served as officials.Yang also became a pioneer in women's liberation in this time and space.

What Wu Shigong didn't expect was that he set up this institution in order to appease Yang, but under the auspices of Yang, it became prosperous.With the cooperation of the Bureau of Women and Children and the Bureau of Medicine established later, a lot of work has been done for women's childbirth and postpartum recovery, as well as the healthy growth of children.The survival rate of children in the Runing Army has been greatly improved.

As a result, there was a population explosion in the area controlled by the Runing Army. Of course, this is also a matter of the future, but at this time, Yang's work has been unanimously respected by all members of the Runing Army.

And Yang Shi, who regained Wu Shigong's attention, also had a second spring. When the shares she invested in the two workshops gained a great increase in value, Yang donated the huge sum of money and set up a prize. Reward those doctors who have made contributions to medicine every year, so that a very influential medical award was formed later.

But all of this is still in the distant future.If Wu Shigong at this time cannot guarantee the tranquility of the area controlled by the Runing Army, then everything he does will be castles in the air.At this time, the peasant rebel army will also act again. (To be continued..)

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