Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 435 Falling into the Runing Army

"Treasurer Li, shopkeeper Li! You must tell Boss Xue about your request!" Tang Mei begged bitterly.

"Got it! Got it!" Shopkeeper Li waved his hand impatiently, "Go out quickly. Don't arouse the suspicion of your servants at the door."

Seeing the woman with the veil reluctantly leave, shopkeeper Li is very upset.

This shopkeeper Li was one of the first batch of local veterans Wu Shigong recruited after he arrived in Henan. He was injured on the battlefield and he is not suitable to stay in the army.But he has a quick mind and is loyal to Wu Shigong, so he was selected by Xue Zhinong to be the leader of the Kaifeng city spies in the Shanchuan Division.

Externally, shopkeeper Li opened a grocery store in Kaifeng City, which has no connection with Runing Army or even Runing Army's industry—Sihai Commercial Bank.But internally, he has all the powers to deploy the spies of the Shanchuan Division in Kaifeng City and collect and gather intelligence.

But Shopkeeper Li has another mission, which is to contact Tang Mei one-way.If it is general information, Tang Mei may contact another point through her illiterate maid.But for important information, she would come directly to Shopkeeper Li's grocery store.

So shopkeeper Li was taken aback when he saw Tang Mei today, he knew that something urgent must have happened.But even if he was mentally prepared, Shopkeeper Li stayed on the spot after hearing Tang Mei's information. This news really decided the life and death of the Runing Army!

So later, when Tang Mei begged to leave the Shanchuan Division, Shopkeeper Li had no intention of entanglement, so he thought about sending Tang Mei out earlier, and then arranged for people to send this important information back to the Runing Army as soon as possible.

"Pillar!" Shopkeeper Li shouted loudly.

A young man who was watching the counter at the door immediately responded and ran into the back room.This is shopkeeper Li's nephew, and these two people usually take care of the grocery store.Shopkeeper Li didn't have any children, so he thought about handing over his errands in the Shanchuan Division to his nephew to take over in the future, so now he brought his nephew by his side to hone his skills.

Shopkeeper Li took out a piece of paper.Write more than a dozen people's names on it, hand it to Zhuzi and say: "Go and run around, call all these people if you find them, forget about those who are not here, don't waste time. "

Half an hour later, Zhu Zi led the six people to the grocery store, sweating profusely.When they entered the back room, they were surprised to find that shopkeeper Li had put two pistols and some short blades on the table in the back room.

Seeing the arrival of these people, shopkeeper Li didn't talk nonsense, and immediately arranged: "There is an urgent letter that needs to be delivered home. Let's divide into groups, a group of five people. I will lead the team and go straight through Kaifeng Mansion to go home. A group of three people," shopkeeper Li hesitated, and then said, "the team will be led by Zhuzi. We will take a detour to Guide Mansion to go home. We all know that there are Shaanxi bandits on the road, so everyone must take care. Take everyone. We will be there soon Pick up the horse from the carriage and horse shop outside the city."

Then shopkeeper Li gave everyone a small bamboo tube with a note, and then said: "You can walk together, or you can walk separately. As long as one person passes the news home, it will be a great achievement."

The eight people in the room took the small bamboo tube silently, and then followed shopkeeper Li out of the grocery store.when going out.Zhu Zi asked, "Second uncle! Is the door panel of the grocery store closed?"

Shopkeeper Li smiled wryly, shook his head, and said, "Why do you care about this grocery store?"

Shopkeeper Li knew that this trip was quite dangerous.Because if you want to hurry, you need to ride a fast horse.It can pass through areas where peasant rebels, bandits, and rioters are rampant. The small team on horseback is like a bright light in the dark.

Shopkeeper Li can only walk the more dangerous straight road by himself.And let his nephew take a safer detour.As for those pistols and short blades, they are nothing more than courage.And Tang Mei asked her to ask her, which was already left behind by shopkeeper Li.

Chongzhen seven years on November 25th.The secret agent arranged by Shanchuan Division in Kaifeng City learned the news of the peasant rebel army's three-way attack.They sent eight messengers, each taking a different path.

Among them, shopkeeper Li and the five of them were all missing when they crossed Kaifeng Mansion.As for Li Zhu and the other three, only two survived. They detoured to Guide Mansion and sent the news back to the headquarters of the Runing Army.

Deng Qifan and Xue Yongli, who stayed at the headquarters, were shocked when they heard the news.They immediately sent messengers to deliver this important news to Wu Shigong who led the army to fight in Ruzhou, but by this time six days had passed, and it was already the second day of the twelfth lunar month.

The gate of the camp was opened.A group of cavalry roared into the camp.The cavalry flaunted the heads on the horseback and threw them on the ground, causing cheers and whistles from the cavalry and soldiers in the camp.

"My lord! The morale is very high!" Zhou Xun said to Wu Shigong cheerfully, looking at the cavalry who were still juggling on horseback.

"These bastards!" Wu Shigong also shook his head while laughing and cursing.

Now this battle has all fallen into the rhythm of the Runing Army.It has been eight days since we met the peasant rebel army on the South Road, and the Runing Army has completely entangled them.

The reason why the peasant rebel army is called wandering bandits is that their power is reflected in the word "flow". If they cannot flee, then the peasant rebel army with no base and low combat effectiveness will immediately abolish their martial arts.

This is why the peasant rebel army fled to the mountainous area whenever the situation was not good, because after entering the mountainous area, it was difficult for the Ming army to entangle the peasant rebel army.

The Ming court also knew this, so no matter who presided over the encirclement and suppression of the peasant rebel army, he would propose a strategy similar to the one proposed by Wu Shigong before - regional defense and full-court pressing. Peasant rebels fled.

Moreover, this strategy is also a panacea, and it is easy to deal with the rebellion of the refugees.This strategy was still adopted until the end of the Qing Dynasty when the Hunan Army encircled and suppressed the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

But although the strategy is good, it still needs a good commander and troops to implement it.This also reflects that everyone can change tricks, and each has its own ingenuity.For example, the last time Chen Qiyu had already pushed the peasant rebel army into a corner, but in the blink of an eye, the Chexiang Gorge changed, so he also played out this trick.

The main reason why the peasant rebel army on South Road could no longer flee was that they were now in the great plains in the hinterland of Henan, and they were facing a powerful army like the Runing Army. (To be continued..)

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