Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 477 The Powerful Bombardment

"Suppress it! Hold it down! Don't charge too hard!" Wu Shigong who was behind couldn't help shouting after seeing the cavalry charge.

The soldiers all looked at Wu Shigong, waiting for Wu Shigong to issue the order, but after Wu Shigong took a long breath, he gestured to the soldiers, telling them not to pass the order to Zhou Xun in a hurry.

In fact, today the command of the main force of the Runing Army has been given to Zhou Xun who is in the front. Wu Shigong shouldn't intervene too much, because it will lead to multiple commands and lead to command confusion.

But just now Wu Shigong couldn't help shouting under the nervous mood, but luckily he stopped the soldiers' orders in time.But now Wu Shigong keeps reminding himself in his heart: "Be calm! Be calm!"

And Zhou Xun, who was commanding in the front, also understood this a long time ago. After the cavalry had covered up two or three miles, he called the gold in time to let the cavalry return to the main formation.Today's battle has just begun, and it's not yet time to make a final decision, so the horse's physical strength should be used sparingly.

In fact, this is the rhythm that generals need to pay attention to on the battlefield.When it should be fast, it should be fast, and when it should be slow, it should be slow, and the process of war must be incorporated into the routines that our own army is good at.

For amateur military fans, the favorite battle scene is: a siege to wipe out the enemy army; an ambush to wipe out the enemy army; a charge to push the enemy army flat.

Is there such a war?Of course there is, and this kind of war that can easily win a big victory is also the dream of every general in his command career.However, in real wars, the two sides are often in a stalemate for a period of time, so for the generals, the first thing to do is to fight steadily in the war command.

And now the peasant rebel army that needs to cross the river has 10,000+ people, relying on one shelling, one round of firecrackers and one cavalry charge from the Runing Army, you want to defeat all these 10,000+ people?That must be unrealistic.

What the Runing Army needs to do is to completely crush the resistance of the Peasant Rebel Army first.When the peasant rebel army lost resistance.It was the Runing Army that squeezed the space for the Peasant Rebel Army to cross the river.

As long as there are those pontoon bridges on the Huaihe River, it will give the peasant rebels a hope of life.There is no need for the Runing Army to drive them away, they will gather at the pontoon bridge and rush to cross the river.

Otherwise, if the pontoon bridge is cut off, the peasant rebel army who did not cross the river will either be trapped or flee in all directions, which will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble to the Runing army.

In fact, this is the essence of attacking at half-cross. This is like besieging three and missing one in a siege battle. It is the most effective method of killing and injuring the enemy summed up in a long-term war.

However, the cavalry who saw the Runing Army stopped pursuing them, and some peasant rebels fled into the crowd behind them.He concealed his fear with that false sense of security; the other part, led by the sweeping king, wanted to resist on the spot.

With the arrival of Zhang Xianzhong, Taiping Wang and other troops, more than 2 people gathered here in Sweeping King.But this time they didn't dare to launch an active charge again. They were all crowded together, bolstering each other's courage.Watching the Runing army phalanx gradually approaching.

Standing on the roof of the car, Zhang Xianzhong watched Sweeping King's troops and shook his head helplessly.Then he ordered: "Kewang, Wenxiu! Take people there quickly. Find a way to bring Sweeping King and the others over."

"Really! King Sweeper has fought so many battles, and he can't even see the ferocity of Butcher Wu's artillery. Is it because we want to be hit by iron bullets if we huddle together like this?"

Then Zhang Xianzhong said to Li Dingguo: "How many people from our old camp have crossed the river?"

"One hour and a half. In just one hour, all of our old battalion can cross the river." Li Dingguo replied.

"Let them move quickly!" Zhang Xianzhong continued to order, "Dingguo, you stand guard by the bridge yourself, and use military law if there are crowds trying to cross the river. It's amazing! You bring three thousand people from the old battalion and drive away the others. Press down on King Sweeper, and find a way to entangle them with Butcher Wu's men. You have to be careful yourself, and come back and cross the river immediately after driving those people over!"

"Yes! Godfather!" Li Dingguo and Ai Nengqi immediately took orders.

It's all arranged.Zhang Xianzhong jumped off the cart and mounted his horse, leading the way to the pontoon bridge.

The combat effectiveness of the army is reflected in their discipline.And seeing the phalanx of the Runing Army marching in unison, and the armor clearly approaching gradually, the peasant rebels who blocked them became even more nervous.It is also more compact to rely on.

When the Runing army walked about [-] steps away from the peasant rebel army, the whole army stopped at a command, and the artillery in the rear row came up again.Being able to attack the enemy at a long distance, who would have a hot head to fight with the peasant rebels?

The twenty or so cannons that were pulled up first did not aim, and fired in the direction of the peasant rebel army.Those are all shotguns, and unless the shotguns are knocked out, they cannot be loaded with solid bullets, so except for six cannons that are also loaded with shotguns to prevent accidents, the rest of the artillery will also shoot into the air.

Therefore, this shelling poses no threat to the peasant rebel army. The peasant rebel army, who was already mentally prepared to withstand the shelling, was pleasantly surprised to find that they had no casualties.

Some leaders of the peasant rebel army smirked and said: "It's a squib! The cannon of the official dog is nothing special! We all rushed to grab the gun!" Under the instigation of those leaders, the soldiers of the peasant rebel army pushed and shoved Shoving and rushing towards the Runing army.

But before they ran a few steps, the guns of the Runing Army, which had been reloaded with solid ammunition, also came up.After a roar, the formation of the peasant rebel army was hit more than [-] times "too heart-cooling".

The gunners of the Runing Army are all well-trained, especially under the training of Gonzalez and the others, the actions of clearing, loading, aiming and shooting are very standardized and skilled.So those guns that were emptied of shotguns were also quickly reloaded with solid ammunition, and fired a second round.

This round of shelling woke up the bewildered peasant rebels. Fortunately, the peasant rebels who were not injured immediately ran away screaming, thinking of escaping from these fire-breathing monsters as soon as possible.This time, the gunner who was about to shoot was out of action, and Xiong Zhengen also raised his chin provocatively at the commander of the gun.

It's still the cavalry that hides and kills, or the phalanx of thousands of people follows up.After chasing for about two miles, the cavalry returned to the formation and arranged the infantry and artillery formation.The whole Runing army still walked towards the mouth of the river in a leisurely manner.

This time, no peasant rebel army dared to block their footsteps. They all scrambled towards the pontoon bridge, thinking of leaving here earlier and running to the safer opposite bank.

The limited order in the peasant rebel army was also completely broken, and situations of pushing, trampling, and even using fists, feet and weapons to seize the way also began to occur.

Sweeping King was thrown to the ground by a frightened horse during the shelling of the Runing Army, and now he jumped on another horse, his face was covered with blood, and he was waving a knife and shouting: "Go up and block it! Quickly block it! The official dog is here and we have no way out!"

But now no one obeys the order of the sweeping king anymore.Except for a dozen personal soldiers who protected him, the rest of the people bypassed the somewhat abnormal Sweeping King and fled behind him.

In a hurry, the sweeping king cut down on a fleeing soldier.But that soldier's scream caused other soldiers to resist, and those fleeing soldiers immediately surrounded the Sweeping King and his soldiers who were blocking the way. The situation was extremely critical.

At this moment, a group of cavalry rushed in and immediately killed the rout soldiers around King Sweeper.Sun Kewang, the leader of the cavalry, shouted: "Sweeping King! Our godfather wants you to cross the river quickly, and sent us to meet you!"

"I'm not going! I'm not going!" Sweeping King was still in a state of madness while waving a knife, "I want to fight the official dog with a white knife in and a red knife out!"

Seeing the sweeping king like this, Sun Kewang knew that it would be difficult to reason with him.He yelled at the captain of the Sweeping King's soldiers: "What are you still doing in a daze? Take your master away, he is a little crazy now!"

The guards who reacted immediately, led by the captain of the guards, grabbed the knife from King Sweeper's hand, pulled his horse, and followed Sun Kewang to the pontoon bridge.

The King Sweeper, who was tied to his horse, also gradually came to his senses. He thought that the refugees and looted property gathered this time were basically impossible to take to the other side of the Huaihe River, so he wept bitterly: "All Nothing! Nothing!"

After the first shelling, Zhao Gan was not so shocked by the second shelling of the Runing Army.Seeing that the Runing Army defeated the peasant rebel army easily again, Zhao Gan smiled and said to Cheng Niu: "Brother Cheng! It's easy to defeat like this, we will use this firearm to fight, the bandit army can even touch our hair If we don't, just turn around like this, and the bandit army will be defeated by us!"

"What good thing are you thinking about?" Cheng Niu scolded with a smile, "At the end of this war, we still need to kill the bandit army one by one. Otherwise, the bandit army will stay where they are like fools and be punished by us." Cannons, firecrackers?"

"However, today's bandit army is too weak, and I don't think there will be any tough battles to fight. After a while, you boys listen carefully, and follow me smartly, and grab more captured and captured prisoners for us. The company commander is also happy, and if you give me a good score, you can enter the teaching regiment. Hmph! When I get out of the teaching regiment, I will ask to go to the cavalry, how much fun they are slashing and killing in front! This is fighting!"

The Runing Army gradually advanced to a place more than three miles away from the pontoon bridge.They stopped here, formed a defensive formation, and guarded the artillery regiment and started shooting.

The range of the two six-pound guns can already reach the pontoon bridge, and the rest of the guns can also bombard the dense crowd crossing the river.After the preparations were completed, the artillery roared like thunder! (To be continued..)

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