Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 495 Snowflakes of Impeachment

In the north of the city of Runing Prefecture, there is the most famous Miaoyun Temple in the area, and the owner of the temple is Qingchenzi Qing Daoist.Like the famous Taoist priests of the Ming Dynasty, Qingchenzi also took the upper-level route, and he had a very good friendship with King Chong.

To be honest, it's not that Qingchenzi doesn't want to make friends with Wu Shigong, for people like them, the more high-level people they make friends with, the better.But his main energy was devoted to Chong Wang, so he was somewhat indifferent to Wu Shigong who had never been in Fucheng.

After all, if Qingchenzi wants to act like a master outsider, and ask him to take the initiative to stick Wu Shigong's hot ass, then the mystery that Qingchenzi cultivated with great difficulty will almost disappear.

But Wu Shigong will definitely not try to understand Qing Chenzi.In his opinion, those who do not take the initiative to get closer to themselves must be those who look down on themselves.That being the case, let Qing Chenzi stay aside!Don't tell me that serving the leader is indeed a hard job, Qing Chenzi offended Wu Shigong so inexplicably, he is really unlucky.

Originally, these two people had no intersection, but this time Wu Shigong implemented a new religious policy on a whim, which suddenly drove Miao Yunguan to a dead end.

It should be said that although Wu Shigong's religious policy has deprived the temple of considerable benefits, it can at least allow the temple to survive, allow the temple to preach freely, and even preserve the money the temple previously obtained.

Moreover, Wu Shigong didn't use the deprived benefits on the Runing Army himself. He just forced the temple to do charity, which is to restore the original function of the temple's incense money.

Therefore, the temples that were notified by the Runing Army did not have much reason to object, they just wanted to exert pressure through the government; they wanted to lobby through relationships, hoping that Wu Shigong would withdraw this policy, and at least give the temples more benefits.

But Miaoyunguan is different.The officials who specifically implemented the policy clearly announced to Qing Chenzi the order to close Miaoyun temple, but allow the Taoist priests in the temple to take away their own floating wealth.

Now Qingchenzi panicked.He felt that Miaoyun Temple had nothing to offend Wu Shigong and Runing Jun?But when Qingchenzi was about to unite with the abbots of the major temples to jointly protest against Wu Shigong.To his surprise, he found himself isolated.

But how could Qingchenzi not be isolated?Through observation, the other hosts found that Runing Army dealt with Miaoyun Temple the most severely. Didn't Miaoyun Temple cause trouble or who caused it?Those hosts are holding back their stomachs, and the other temples are actually pond fish.How could they still cooperate with Qingchenzi?

There is no other way but to ask King Chong who has a good relationship with him.As long as we are familiar with history, we will actually know the reason why King Chong made friends with Taoist priests, to cultivate immortals and live forever!The method of cultivating immortals adopted by King Chong is a two-pronged approach: one is to take the elixir; the other is to use the furnace.Here, I would like to explain to those book friends who are not familiar with Xianxia novels that the stove here does not refer to the guy for cooking.It refers to a young woman, preferably a virgin.

But now that he heard that the Runing Army was going to seal Miaoyun Temple, King Chong immediately became furious.Without Miaoyun Guan, who can I find for refining the elixir?Besides, Qingchenzi's elixir is very effective.As for King Chong, once he eats the elixir, he needs to neutralize it in a furnace. This kind of longevity cultivation method should not be too comfortable!

But now there is no elixir.How can the furnace be used?King Chong has never eaten elixir and cannot use the furnace.But the composition of Qingchenzi's elixir can be imagined.But King Chong didn't care about other issues. Didn't the seizure of Runing Army affect King Chong's grand plan of cultivating immortals?That's King Chong's reverse scale!

New and old hatred, King Chong suddenly remembered Zhu Qilan's matter.I didn't say much, and wrote the impeachment memorial to the court.As long as Wu Shigong can be driven away, won't Miaoyun Temple be preserved?

What Chongwang is proud of is that his impeachment of Wu Shigong was not the first.But his impeachment had the final word.Although this effect is a bit ironic to Wu Shigong.

Wu Shigong didn't know at all that he was already well-known in the official circles of the capital, because the impeachment against him was in terms of density, intensity, and distribution of firepower.have reached a rare height.And so many officials impeached Bai Ding like this, which is unique in the history of this time and space.

All impeachment memorials are divided into several categories:

One is to impeach Wu Shigong for beating officials.First, Ruzhou Zhizhou impeached Wu Shigong and beat Yan Tongzhi of Ruzhou.Anyway, the governor of Ruzhou had already impeached Wu Shigong before, and the two sides had already made a feud. In addition, the governor of Ruzhou was about to be transferred, so there was no need to swallow his anger against the Runing army for the safety of Ruzhou.Therefore, one impeachment is an offense, and a hundred impeachments are also an offense, so offend Wu Shigong to the end!

Later, of course, it was Zhu Dadian and Zuo Liangyu who impeached Wu Shigong.Anyway, the evidence for these two impeachments is conclusive, and Wu Shigong cannot escape the charge of beating officials.

The other is to impeach Wu Shigong for neglecting his duties, allowing the peasant rebel army to pass through Runing Mansion, leading to the fall of Fengyang.Zuo Liangyu's vicious words were not without effect, and there were other officials who had similar views to Zuo Liangyu.

After all, if you don’t explore the reasons for the Runing Army, the content of these impeachment memorials is not a lie, so it’s either to shirk your responsibility; Aim at the soft persimmon - Wu Shigong.

In fact, these two types of impeachment memorials have already made Emperor Chongzhen very angry.Emperor Chongzhen, who was still immersed in the grief and indignation of the fall of Fengyang, wanted to send Jinyiwei Tiqi in a fit of anger.

Fortunately, at this time, there was Mahong in the green bushes, and there was still a memorial to plead for Wu Shigong's credit.That is Ye Zhong, the supervisor of the Runing Army.Ye Zhong's current life is actually quite happy, he doesn't need to do dangerous work like fighting, and the Runing Army has always had military exploits, so he can share the benefits.There is also the tribute from the Runing Army to Ye Zhong and the dividends from the Jimin Land Reclamation Firm.So the current Ye Zhong is definitely in one mind with the Runing Army.

This time the Runing Army went out, not to mention the corpses on the Huaihe River, the heads of the Runing Army in Ruzhou and Guide alone exceeded [-] heads, not counting the prisoners captured by the Runing Army .Although the Runing army looked down upon such a feat, Ye Zhong felt like a treasure.

Ye Zhong made careful statistics and wrote a colorful memorial, including the round-trip battles and brilliant results of the Runing Army in the three prefectures of Runing, Guide, and Nanyang; one state in Ruzhou and one capital in Fengyang. He also asked the court for credit for Wu Shigong and the Runing Army. (To be continued..)

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