Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 504 Opening of the Stock Exchange

The deafening sound of firecrackers sounded outside the door. As soon as he heard the movement, Quan Dashan, the deputy commander of the bodyguard team, immediately approached Wu Shigong with several bodyguards to protect him.Quan Dashan was transferred to the bodyguard team this time to make up lessons. After training for a period of time, he will be at least the deputy commander when he is released, so no matter whether training or guarding, Quan Dashan is meticulous.

Tao Xin's mother, Tao Shi, has already sent someone to be a matchmaker, and it will be Na Cai's day in a few days.But Tao Xin was very impatient, because the man and woman would not be able to see each other again after Na Cai, so today he wanted to talk to Xiao Jie in the name of meeting Wu Shigong.

Wu Shigong didn't make the light bulb anymore, and he had to watch Tao Xin's nasty face when he stayed at home, so he simply came to attend the opening of the stock exchange.The deputy commander, Quan Dashan, led the team himself today.

Seeing Quan Dashan and the others approaching, Wu Shigong waved his hand and said, "This is all our own people, don't be so nervous."

After arriving at the Stock Exchange, Wu Shigong regretted it a bit. The guests who came over were all busy visiting him, which made Wu Shigong very annoyed, so Wu Shigong ordered the treasurer of the Stock Exchange to find him a secluded room to rest. Apart from the officials from the Runing Army who participated in the opening, the only ones who can get close to this house are the three bosses who went public today.

But just staying was boring, so Wu Shigong beckoned the three bosses to come over.Chang Meng, Bian Chengwang and Li's mother immediately came to pay a visit, but apart from Chang Meng's normal expression, Bian Chengwang and Li's mother looked bitter.

Originally, Bian Chengwang and Li's mother were cheering for the stock exchange, so they originally planned to issue a maximum of one thousand taels of shares.However, in order to get off to a good start, the treasurer of the stock exchange insisted on increasing the number of their issuance to 5000 taels.

Chang Meng's wasteland reclamation firm is fine, anyway, if you have more money, you can recruit more people, buy more farm tools and seeds, and use this to enclose more land.Set up more Tuntian Zhuangzi.But Bian Chengwang and Li's mother are different.

Bian Chengwang's iron workshop is only of this scale, and Li's mother's chain of brothels cannot be overwhelmed.What's more, because these two people were originally able to handle a small scene, they had little experience in the construction and management of large-scale factories and entertainment venues.In addition to the people at this time, all the bosses hope that their property is only owned by one company, and they are not very happy for outsiders to come to participate in the shares, so now they are a little reluctant in their hearts.

Let’s imagine this: if those modern CSRC staff knew what it would look like to issue shares at the end of the Ming Dynasty, would they be dumbfounded in surprise?

Wu Shigong didn't care about their psychological activities, he first asked Chang Meng: "Is there any problem with your land reclamation business now?"

Chang Meng hurriedly bowed and replied: "My lord! I have nothing else to do, but there are too many guards gathered in the firm. The little one is about to ask the lord for help. I hope the lord will send some people who can lead the troops. For the little one The guards train soldiers, and then manage those guards. The little ones don't understand these things!"

"Oh?" Wu Shigong said with a smile, "How many guards are there now?"

"Except for Li Zongbing and other servants of the country gentry, the villain has collected more than 8000 people himself. The money he got from the stock exchange this time is going to be used on them."

"Huh?" Wu Shigong suddenly became interested. "Just 5000 taels of silver, how long can you spend on these 8000 people?"

"The guards of the small commercial firms don't pay. They made a death contract: they worked for our commercial firm for three years. After that, the commercial firm gave each person 5000 mu of land. But the land also had to be turned over to our Runing Army's [-]% of the land. Taxes. Of course, these guards will also have some rewards after they seized the acres, and they will not be collected by the business houses. In the next ten years, they will be organized into an army. Their fields will be confiscated by the commercial company. The [-] taels of silver are nothing more than their compensation.”

"Then what about their food and grass?" Wu Shigong asked again.

Chang Meng immediately laughed: "Master! Have you forgotten that Mr. Li and those gentry supply the supply? Otherwise, why should we give them the shares of the land reclamation firm?"

"Hahaha—!" Wu Shigong was also happy.He was indeed negligent.But what made him even happier was the discovery of a new way of raising soldiers.

In fact, all the soldiers of the Runing Army are now professional soldiers. Although they are very powerful in combat, the pressure on military pay is very heavy, so it is difficult to expand the army on a large scale.The essence of Chang Meng's method is conscripts, which can easily mobilize a large number of soldiers.

And Wu Shigong felt that these two methods of recruiting could be combined. Professional soldiers trained sergeants and officers, and conscripts became grassroots soldiers. Then the Runing Army could rapidly expand its army.

But now there are people around, this idea also needs to be discussed and perfected, so Wu Shigong is not going to discuss this topic again for the time being.So Wu Shigong praised: "Chang Meng, you have done a good job. You are worthy of being a person who came out of the house. I will not tell you what to do, sir. I will do it according to your heart. Remember! Don't worry, I am behind you. As for Soldiers who train soldiers, I will give you an answer after my master returns!"

"Thank you, master!" Chang Meng, who was praised by Wu Shigong, smiled happily. He quickly knelt down and saluted to thank Wu Shigong for his compliment.Chang Meng is someone who understands Wu Shigong's mind, so now he has made up his mind to recruit more such guards.

Wu Shigong turned his attention to Bian Chengwang again.Bian Chengwang quickly said: "My lord! Now the villain's iron workshop is so big, and there are only so many craftsmen. This time, I brought so much money from the stock exchange. I'm afraid that I won't be able to use it at that time!"

Seeing Bian Chengwang's sad face, Wu Shigong couldn't help laughing: "It seems that Master Bian is used to living a hard life, and he feels uncomfortable when he has money. What do you do with the money? Build workshops, recruit craftsmen, and train apprentices." Ah! Why can't it be used?"

"But my lord! It must be very difficult to recruit craftsmen nowadays, but there are too many laborers and willing apprentices in the workshop, and they only need to pay very little wages, so building a new workshop requires some materials, villain I'm still afraid that I won't be able to spend all the money!" Bian Chengwang continued to lament.

"Then don't spend it!" Wu Shigong's answer stunned Bian Chengwang, "You won't deposit the excess silver in the bank? You can also earn some interest. I think your brain is rusted. You don't need to pay back the money that came, let alone pay interest, so what do you have to worry about?"

After listening to Wu Shigong's words, Bian Chengwang and Li's mother's eyes lit up immediately. They only discovered this wonderful thing at this time, so they immediately became full of smiles.

Seeing that the appearance of these two people was not right, Wu Shigong quickly poured cold water on them: "Don't use your brains, since you have sold some of the shares, other shareholders can also come to check the accounts. So we must spend the money on the workshop. Let me tell you the truth! Although the casualties of our Runing Army were not large this time, the casualties of those with armor were much smaller than those without armor, so the stock exchange will issue [-] taels of Runing Army bonds. "

"Most of these bonds will be used for the purchase of armor. The news has already been given to you. Don't you be unprepared and watch the business being snatched away by Nanyang Iron Workshop in vain?"

"Really! My lord!" Bian Chengwang was immediately overjoyed, "The villain will definitely live up to the trust, and start working immediately when he returns, building two workshops of the same size."

But before Bian Chengwang finished speaking, Li's mother couldn't help talking, she said softly: "My lord, don't be too partial! I also have an idea for the slave family! The little heart of the slave family will be frightened It's gone!"

While talking, Li's mother was holding her enlarged breasts, and she did a pretty good job in this pitiful and coquettish appearance.

Mother Li's development to this point is entirely dependent on the development of the Runing Army.The current mother of Li, whenever the Runing Army's tentacles reach out, she will immediately follow up, completely in the rhythm of planting colorful flags throughout the Runing Army's control area.

But Mama Li’s business is almost costless. Because of years of disasters and wars, there is no shortage of pretty girls, and some educated girls are also forced to fall into prostitution. Mama Li can do it for the price of cabbage Buy in bulk.As long as they are packaged, Mama Li can make them popular or simply sell them at high prices to rich families as maids and concubines.It's totally a profit.In particular, the high salary of the Runing Army has created a large number of middle-class people, making Mama Li's business can only be described as booming.

Therefore, Bian Chengwang's 5000 taels of silver is difficult to use up, and Li's mother's is even more difficult to use up.

At this time, Wu Shigong was also looking at Li's mother.Although Li's mother is now a procuress, she was originally a top card in Guide City, and she was also very pretty.And she is not very old, she is only in her early thirties, measured by modern age, she can only be described as a young woman.

So Wu Shigong teased and said: "Mother Li! You are an old man in this industry, why do you ask me, a layman?"

"My lord is making fun of my family again." Li's mother immediately cast a wink at Wu Shigong, "My family is not old, my lord, don't call me my mother! My family's name is Yue Nu."

Seeing that something was wrong, Chang Meng quickly pulled Bian Chengwang out, and told Quan Dashan and the others not to get too close to the house.

"Then Moon Slave! I have to pay for my ideas."

"Don't come! The adults are bullying the slaves! You play tricks to others, but you hesitate when you come to the slaves. The adults bully the slaves. The slaves don't come!"



The two gradually laughed.Although this occasion is wrong, Wu Shigong will not have anything to do with Li's mother, but Wu Shigong doesn't mind having some dewy marriage with Li's mother in the future, this can be regarded as a change of taste!

Ever since the turmoil in the inner house, Wu Shigong had lingering fears. This wife begged too much and gave birth to too many children. This is all trouble!Might as well just look for fresh ones outside! (To be continued..)

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