Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 511 Turn Enmity into Friend

On June 500, Wu Shigong led the main force of 8000 people, plus more than [-] business guards, left Yexian County and rushed to Ruzhou.After entering Ruzhou, Que was surprised to find that Ruzhou was quite "clean".There are no pedestrians on the road, and there are no farmers working on both sides of the road.But before Wu Shigong could express his doubts, an "old friend" in Ruzhou came to welcome Wu Shigong.That person was Tongzhi Yan Jingyan who had been greeted by Wu Shigong.

This time, Wu Shigong held an official document issued by the Henan governor's yamen to ask the government along the way to supply food and grass, and the first and most important supply point of the Runing Army was Ruzhou City.

Because the Runing army will move at high speed afterwards, and the county town along the way has been besieged by rogue bandits for many years, and there is not much food in the county town, so the Runing army will replenish most of the food and grass in this peace in Ruzhou city. .

But Yan Jing's attitude was quite good. Before the Runing Army arrived at Ruzhou City, he rushed to the border of Ruzhou to deliver food to the door.But the food and grass sent was only [-]% to [-]% of the original supply, why didn't this make Wu Shigong furious?

As soon as Wu Shigong finished counting the amount of food and grass at the gate of the camp, he immediately reprimanded Yan Jing in public: "What's the matter? How do you Zhizhou do things? Can he afford to delay the military plane?"

Yan Jing knew that Wu Shigong had always been domineering, and also knew that Wu Shigong had a personal grievance with Yu Zilian, the magistrate, but when he heard Wu Shigong scolded himself like a gray grandson, he still couldn't stand it.So Yan Jing retorted: "We know that Master Zhou is very busy and doesn't have time to take care of the food and grass. Ruzhou City can only scrape together the food and grass. I hope Vice General Wu will take care of it!"

Yan Jing also had resentment in her heart.Originally, when the old Ruzhou prefect resigned, Yan Jing should have been promoted to the prefect position logically. Unexpectedly, Yu Zilian appeared in the sky and snatched this position halfway.Even Yan Jing, who had a higher official title than Yu Zilian, was under him.

Moreover, the last time he was beaten by Wu Shigong, the court not only did not punish him, but instead promoted him to be a lieutenant general. This is clearly sacrificing himself.And this time Yu Zilian sent himself to deliver the insufficient food and grass, which was clearly a scolding job, how could Yan Jing be happy with this?So facing Wu Shigong's reprimand, Yan Jing couldn't help but contradict him.

But after the confrontation, Yan Jing was a little nervous again, he still remembered the physical pain he suffered last time, he was afraid that Wu Shigong would go crazy again.If you beat yourself up again, you won't be able to find a place to reason.

Unexpectedly, Wu Shigong heard Yan Jing's rebuttal. After looking at Yan Jing in surprise, he smiled and said: "My old friend is visiting, I am indeed a bit negligent. I am being polite here. Please also invite Mr. Tongzhi to come in." Let’s talk about it after a short rest.”

This sudden change in attitude.Yan Jing was a little confused.Could it be that this warrior is going to trick himself into a big tent and beat him up?Yan Jing suddenly shuddered.He hesitated but dared not move his footsteps.I am afraid that I will enter the tiger's den again.

"What's the matter?" Wu Shigong walked a few steps, seeing that Yan Jing didn't keep up, he couldn't help feeling a little impatient, "Could it be that the official's camp is a dragon mountain and a tiger's den? Yan Tongzhi has nothing to be afraid of?"

Yan Jing thought to himself: "Your big camp is really a den of dragons and tigers." But he couldn't show his timidity in the public, so he was heartbroken and followed Wu Shigong into the big camp with his chest upright.That momentum really has a taste of "the wind is rustling and the water is cold"!

You can enter the big account once.Before Wu Shigong invited him to be seated, Yan Jing immediately bowed and made a big salute, and then begged: "General Wu! It's not a subordinate who neglected the army, it's really the master of Zhizhou. Withholding the army's food and grass. I hope General Wu will learn from you." !"

Anyway, in private, no matter what you do, you are not afraid of losing face, so Yan Jing can bend and stretch, and even calls Wu Shigong "General" without leaving her mouth.

Wu Shigong was stunned for a moment by Yan Jing's respectful and condescending appearance, and then he immediately recalled why, so he immediately comforted him with a smile: "Yan Tongzhi! Is there a misunderstanding? I just want to talk to you Just a few words, there must be other intentions!"

Yan Jing also felt that she had lost her composure, so she concealed a smile and said, "No! No! I don't often go to the barracks, so it's inevitable that I feel nervous and lose my composure."

The reason why Wu Shigong invited Yan Jing into the big tent was not to show his magnanimity, and he didn't have the time to do this superficial effort, but because he had just heard that Yan Jing's tone was at odds with Yu Zilian, so I just want to know about Yu Zilian and Ruzhou's situation through Yan Jing.

In fact, Wu Shigong is just doing some routine research.Unexpectedly, this understanding surprised him.

Yu Zilian has only been in Ruzhou for more than three months, but when he got off the bus, he immediately started the work of comprehensively studying the Runing Army without stopping.

In fact, although Yu Zilian was watched closely by Wu Shigong in Ningling County, he has been carefully observing Wu Shigong's every move.At the beginning, of course, he wanted to find out Wu Shigong's flaws and take revenge, but as he observed deeply, he gradually saw something.

After Yu Zilian carefully pondered over every bit of what Wu Shigong did, he found that what he did was very methodical, and some of them inspired Yu Zilian a lot.Of course, the Runing Army in Ningling County did not avoid Yu Zilian, the county magistrate, so Yu Zilian learned many aspects of the Runing Army, whether it was administration or military training.

It should be said that Yu Zilian is actually a very smart person, plus he has learned from Wu Shigong, an enemy, so he is the one who has learned everything about Wu Shigong.Of course, what Yu Zilian learned before was useless, and Yu Zilian himself would not admit that he learned all this from his enemy, Wu Shigong.

And as soon as he arrived in Ruzhou, Yu Zilian, who was let go of his hands and feet, was about to show his ambitions.First of all, he wanted to stabilize Ruzhou and ensure that Ruzhou would no longer be invaded by the peasant army, bandits, and Wu Shigong's land reclamation business.

First of all, the three decrees of Runing Mansion were implemented in fact; then, it was to mobilize official warehouses and raise money and food from local gentry;

In fact, this trilogy is not surprising at all. The reason why the former officials were not very willing to adopt it was because there were too many obstructions in all aspects. These officials were afraid of infringing on the interests of those local officials and gentry and losing their future.

But Yu Zilian didn't care anymore, he used his iron fist to forcefully carry out the trilogy.

And Yu Zilian also happens to have some advantages:

Because the peasant army has crossed the border several times, and the land reclamation firm of the Runing Army has also wantonly invaded the "unowned land" in the south of Ruzhou, so the local officials and gentry in Ruzhou have no sense of security, and urgently hope that there will be an iron-handed and strong parent official ;

And the successful precedent of Runing Mansion has also spread to Ruzhou, making those objections much smaller;

In addition, Yu Zilian has been oppressed by Wu Shigong for five or six years, so this time he is also broken.In case of failure, it is nothing but to return to the hometown for the elderly, which is no different from swallowing one's breath in the post of magistrate of Ningling County under the oppression of the Runing Army.But if it succeeds, then Yu Zilian will have an armed force in his hands, and he will have a foothold in this troubled world no matter what, and he will even be promoted in the officialdom.

In a word, Wu Shigong, the enemy, stimulated all of Yu Zilian's energy.

After all, Yu Zilian is the highest official in Ruzhou, so when he works with all his strength, he appears to be extraordinarily vigorous and resolute, which is not the same as when Wu Shigong was cautiously groping forward in Guide and Ru Ning.

So Yu Zilian quickly gathered and raised a batch of money and food, and then recruited, requisitioned and transferred military households from the thousand households in Ruzhou, and soon organized an army of more than 300 people.

After that, I learned how the Runing Army trained troops to train troops.Although Yu Zilian only learned superficially back then, it is undeniable that the way the Runing Army trained troops was the most advanced in the Ming Dynasty at that time. It was this superficiality that made the thousand 300 people look good.In addition, it is convenient for civil servants to do things, and some mules, horses and weapons have been obtained from the governor's office and other places, so this army has taken shape.In contrast, Yu Zilian named this army the Ruzhou Army.

Then Yu Zilian practiced with a battle belt as if he didn't wait for me.Apart from anything else, he personally led this army to the north and west of Ruzhou to exterminate the bandits and bandits.So this time Yu Zilian was not in Ruzhou City.

However, because a lot of money and food were used to support the Ruzhou Army, there was not much food and grass in Ruzhou City, so there was a big shortage of food and grass for the Runing Army this time.There is no way, Zhizhou orders, so Yan Jing can only bite the bullet and send it over.

After hearing these words, Wu Shigong couldn't help feeling a little amused by Yu Zilian's ridiculous act of anger.Although Wu Shigong also believed that: the Shanchuan Division and the Military Intelligence Bureau did not report that there was such an extra army around the Runing Army, it must be a bit dereliction of duty.

But Wu Shigong was not worried.Obviously, the army that Yu Zilian created is a motley crew!The combat power is at most stronger than the bandits, and there are not many people, so Wu Shigong doesn't care at all.

On the contrary, Wu Shigong felt that Yan Jing's words showed his resentment towards Yu Zilian intentionally or unintentionally.In fact, it is not surprising that Yu Zilian has an iron fist, so he will definitely deprive Yan Jing of his power.In addition, some officials and gentry always lost their interests under Yu Zilian's iron fist, so this group of Ruzhou local forces gathered around Yan Jing.

The combination of new and old grudges made Yan Jing and Yu Zilian have deep conflicts.So when Wu Shigong found out about this situation, he immediately acted like a fly that only found a cracked egg.

Wu Shigong never mentioned the matter of beating Yan Jing in the past, instead, he continued to show affection like an old friend. After a few times, Yan Jing also suddenly understood, so the two immediately forgot the previous unhappiness, and sat together for a common enemy.So, this political thing is really amazing! (To be continued..)

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