Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 516 Another Famous Marshal Appears

It was late at night.The lights of the Ruzhou army camp were extinguished according to military regulations, only the fire piles at the main roads were spitting out flames, illuminating the dark night hazy.But in Yu Zilian's tent of the Chinese army, it was full of bright lights.

"Your Excellency is really talented! This is another poem, and the meaning of the poem is noble and pure, which shows the grandeur in your heart. It really makes Wansheng envious!"

After being praised by the celebrities present, Yu Zilian couldn't help laughing.However, he continued to humbly say: "Excellent praise! Excessive praise!"

After Yu Zilian wiped out the first group of rebels, his Ruzhou Army has expanded to more than 6000 people.In addition, Xuan Mo also presented a batch of weapons and armor, which really made Yu Zilian who had nothing to do half a year ago feel very high-spirited.

So after learning of the great changes in Shaanxi, Yu Zilian led the Runing Army back to Ruzhou full of enthusiasm.However, the city of Ruzhou is small, of course it is impossible to influx more than 6000 soldiers, so Yu Zilian set up a large camp outside the city and tried his best to reorganize and train the newly recruited [-] recruits.

But after a few days of practice, the sad news of Governor Xuan Mo came, and Yu Zilian was stunned.But after being surprised, Yu Zilian suddenly became more ambitious, and he wanted to make meritorious service, to be a famous official who turned the tide.

Afterwards, Yu Zilian disregarded the objections of Yan Jing and other officials, instead of withdrawing all the Ruzhou Army into Ruzhou City and waiting for it, he left only a thousand soldiers to hand over to Yan Jing to guard the city. Afterwards, he personally led the main force of the Ruzhou Army , heading towards the west of Ruzhou, and going to take the initiative to fight the peasant army that re-entered Henan.

And the master Zhizhou who lamented his bravery, some celebrities in Ruzhou City also went with the army, and Yu Zilian must have welcomed him.Maybe... Maybe Yu Zilian and those celebrities regarded war as a recreational activity like hunting.

But nothing can be absolute!If Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army is really powerful, then his action is beyond reproach, because it is still the same old saying - the best defense is offense!

But there is another idiom, that is, do what you can!And what about Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army?

July 26.The Ruzhou army encountered a bandit of nearly a thousand people, fought against it, and hanged more than 120 bandits.After the war, Yu Zilian promoted more than a dozen soldiers who fought bravely, and each rewarded ten gold (ten taels of silver).After that, more than 350 new leaders and soldiers in the army who were afraid of war and did not listen to orders were beheaded.

Because the expansion of the Ruzhou Army is too great to be digested in a short period of time, except for the more than 1000 soldiers that Yu Zilian first compiled and trained, the rest of the newly recruited soldiers are all indisciplined, and some leaders who rely on their own power even oppose them. Yu Zilian's orders are always obeyed and violated.therefore.This time Yu Zilian wanted to get rid of these weeds quickly.

So in this first battle, although the Ruzhou Army won a small victory, the post-war loss ratio is a bit ridiculous.

But in this way, the soldiers of the Ruzhou Army who felt that Yu Zilian was rewarded and punished were all awe-inspiring, and on the contrary, Yu Zilian's prestige was erected.

After a day off.After suppressing the turmoil in the army, the Ruzhou army moved at a high speed.On the 28th, a rural town besieged by an army of more than 3000 peasants was rescued.In this battle.The Ruzhou army fought bravely, hanged more than 800 people, and captured nearly a thousand prisoners. It was another great victory.

After getting the refuge of more than 100 family members of the gentry in this town, Yu Zilian selected those captives to join the Ruzhou Army, and the number of Ruzhou Army jumped to 6000 at this time.

In the next two days, the Ruzhou Army Company gained something.The small peasant army and bandits around did not dare to provoke this Ming army.Although there were not many heads hanged, some refugees scattered in the countryside began to join the Ruzhou Army.

In this chaotic world, in fact, ordinary refugees no longer have any stand or standard in their hearts, in their eyes.As long as they are given a way to survive, they don't care whether they join the official army or the peasant army.Now that there is such a Ming army openly recruiting, let's take refuge in the past first!

The actions of the Ruzhou Army also attracted the attention of the peasant army who entered Henan first.With such a Ming army hanging by your side, they can't let go of their hands and feet to plunder?Also affected by the killing of Cao Wenzhao and Ai Wannian, several peasant armies nearby united into an army of nearly [-], and came towards the Ruzhou army, trying to repel or force the Ruzhou army away.

At this time, the peasant army that entered Henan did not have any famous leaders, and the combat effectiveness of their troops was also quite poor.The reason is also very simple. Even if the refugees want to rebel, they have to rely on those famous leaders, so that they can live longer in this troubled world.

Therefore, although many people were assembled, the main idea of ​​the leaders of the Peasant Army was to force the Ruzhou Army away, and they did not want to fight the Ruzhou Army.But aware of the movement of the peasant army, Yu Zilian immediately ordered to take the initiative to meet the army of the peasant army.

In this way, the inconvenient peasant army could not evade. They could only bite the bullet and fight a decisive battle with the Ruzhou army. So on August [-], the first battle broke out between the two sides.

The peasant army with a superior number would definitely not be afraid of the enemy to defend, so after forming the formation, they rushed to the Ruzhou army aggressively, trying to defeat the Ming army in front of them with three axes.

And Yu Zilian is also completely different from other military officers in the Ming Dynasty who preserved their strength.He put his more than 1000 elite soldiers at the forefront, and he personally led the formation behind these more than 1000 troops, completely leading by example.

According to what Yu Zilian learned from the Runing Army, Yu Zilian divided the more than 1000 people into two square formations, with firecrackers and bows and arrows in the front row for long-range shooting, and a long-range spear formation in the back for cover.

Therefore, with this formation, as long as you stand still and wait for the enemy's attack, it will exert great power.Although Yu Zilian's elite had only learned the superficial aspects of the Runing Army, the peasant army on the opposite side was also a mob, so after a charge, the peasant army that suffered heavy losses was repelled.

Without hesitation, Yu Zilian immediately beat the drums and ordered the whole army to charge. The recruits of the Ruzhou Army, who had been dealt with quite honestly by the military law a few days ago, immediately attacked with the whole army.The peasant army collapsed immediately, and the morale-up Ruzhou army directly pursued it for nearly [-] miles before withdrawing.

The Ruzhou Army won another great victory in this campaign, with more than 6000 heads hanged. What's even more ridiculous is that the Ruzhou Army was charged with 8000 recruits, but when they came back, there were more than [-], because there was no time to change their uniforms. The captured peasant army was also indistinguishable in appearance.That night, another three or four peasant armies with a total of thousands of people surrendered to the Ruzhou army, and Yu Zilian simply incorporated them all into his own army.The Ruzhou Army expanded to more than [-] people.

So far, Yu Zilian's reputation as a famous commander has risen.But what makes people laugh is: if Li Lu and Zhao Ming are counted, there are already quite a few people who have been enlightened by Wu Shigong to become famous generals, how many will there be in the future? (To be continued..)

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