Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 521 Exchange Conditions

There is no way to count the beheadings on the battlefield because of the darkness.However, more than 2 prisoners were captured, and the old, weak, women, children and supplies left by the miscellaneous peasant army in the rear camp basically fell into the hands of the Runing army.It can also be seen that Ma Shouying's concealment caused absolutely huge damage to those miscellaneous peasant troops.

However, Wu Shigong doesn't need to worry about those trivial matters. The first thing he has to do is to visit Yu Zilian. Of course, the best thing to see is Yu Zilian's pretty face, and Wu Shigong is showing off with a mentality of charity , it would be even better to humiliate Yu Zilian again.

But now that he heard that Yu Zilian was resting, he immediately became angry: I have worked so hard to save Yu Zilian, but I never thought that he would dare to sleep. Isn't this depriving myself of fun?

But at this time, he couldn't tell the truth from the nodding and bowing Wang Qianhu, so Wu Shigong looked around to find some tools to humiliate Yu Zilian.

And at this moment, the soldiers who accompanied Wu Shigong into the Ruzhou army camp were handing their water bags to those thirsty soldiers of the Ruzhou army.And the soldiers of the Ruzhou Army didn't bother to thank them anymore, they took turns drinking water in groups holding water bags.

Wu Shigong immediately ordered: "Water!"

Several soldiers around him immediately untied the water bag filled with water from their saddles, and handed it to Wu Shigong.Wu Shigong grabbed a water bag and strutted into Yu Zilian's Chinese army tent, and came to the place where Yu Zilian slept in the back tent.

In the back tent, several celebrities and doctors were accompanying the sleeping Yu Zilian.Yu Zilian was actually too tired, and there was nothing serious at all, so as long as he had a good rest, he would be fine.

But for Yu Zilian, the unlucky thing was that he met this wicked Wu Shigong.Wu Shigong pulled out the stopper of the water bag and poured clean water on Yu Zilian's face.

Yu Zilian suddenly woke up from the dream.At this time, he still couldn't tell whether he was in a dream, so after suffering from this nightmare.Yu Zilian sat up straight, his arms stretched out in the air, as if he was waving a sword, and he kept shouting, "Stop it! Go up!"

Then Yu Zilian found Wu Shigong's hateful smiling face beside the bed.He suddenly understood that it was the old rival in love who came to humiliate him!So he didn't care about wiping off the water droplets on his face, and rushed towards Wu Shigong while yelling.

"Go down!" Wu Shigong had been paying attention to Yu Zilian's actions for a long time, so he pressed Yu Zilian's head all at once, and pushed him down on the bed in a daze.

"A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!" Yu Zilian screamed and stood up again.

"Go down!"


The celebrities and doctors around were stunned, they watched Wu Shigong playing with Yu Zilian as if he was playing with a tumbler.The soldiers Wu Shigong brought into the tent watched the farce with a smile.

Those celebrities and doctors finally came to their senses, they rushed up and pulled Wu Shigong away.Several celebrities blocked Yu Zilian who finally got up, preventing the two from fighting in the big tent.

But Wu Shigong was still confident, he hummed, and looked at the crazy Yu Zilian who was jumping on the bed with disheveled hair and bare feet.He said unhurriedly: "Military affairs are busy! Yu Zhizhou can sleep soundly? So I woke up Yu Zhizhou, what's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong! Ancestor!" Those celebrities cursed inwardly.Anyway, let's pull the two of them apart first.So the celebrities first pushed Wu Shigong out of the back tent.Then he persuaded Yu Zilian earnestly: "If you can't bear it, you will make a big conspiracy! A martial artist is vulgar! Vulgar!"

Although he was comforted by celebrities for a long time, the well-dressed Yu Zilian was still full of anger.When he walked around to the front tent and saw Wu Shigong sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, like a normal person, he was about to explode immediately.

Fortunately, Yu Zilian still remembered being an official, so he took a few deep breaths.Trying to suppress his anger, he asked in a deep voice with a tiger's face, "Why did Vice General Wu seek this officer?"

A look of surprise appeared on Wu Shigong's face, and he asked strangely, "Didn't I come to save you?"

Enraged, Yu Zilian immediately wanted to pounce on him, and fought hand-to-hand with this posturing old love rival.The other people in the tent also tried their best to suppress their laughter.Before Yu Zilian noticed him, he quickly slipped out of the Zhongjun tent.

Only Yu Zilian and one of his staff members were left in the tent.The staff member tugged on Yu Zilian's cuffs, telling him to calm down, not to be teased by the warrior in front of him again, and couldn't help but hit the egg with a stone.

Seeing that Yu Zilian also calmed down a little, and was already sitting on the seat in a rage, the staff member took the initiative to speak to break the deadlock in front of him: "Vice General Wu! Thanks to your help this time, our Ruzhou Army is here Thanks a lot."

"You're welcome!" Wu Shigong greeted that staff member very politely, and then said with a stern face, "But this official came here in full force, it's really boring to see someone's cold face!"

Yu Zilian finally couldn't help but burst out: "Where do I need you, a martial artist, to help! I have already entangled the bandit army here, as long as you wait a little longer, you can smash the bandit army. It's really like a dog taking a mouse."

"Huh?" Wu Shigong's eyes widened immediately, unexpectedly, Yu Zilian also learned to bite back, "That's good! Now I will lead the soldiers away, anyway, I don't want to take credit for Yu Zhizhou."

Seeing that Wu Shigong was about to walk away, the staff member hurriedly greeted: "Vice General Wu, please stay!" Then he kept blinking at Yu Zilian to let him hold back his anger for a while, and bowed his head to Wu Shigong.

Yu Zilian couldn't help it either.He also knew that if the Runing Army left, it would be very dangerous for his Ruzhou Army to stay in the wilderness, so he could only shout: "Vice General Wu wait a moment! I have something to say."

Of course Wu Shigong didn't really want to leave, so he stopped immediately and sat back in his seat triumphantly.Then he asked Yu Zilian, "Why did Yu Zhizhou call me to stop?"

"What's the matter? I want to beat you up, can I?" Yu Zilian cursed inwardly.

But at this time, Yu Zilian really couldn't find a topic.Asking him to thank Wu Shigong with a smile on his face would definitely kill Yu Zilian.But after discussing the future battle, Yu Zilian, who only controls more than 3000 remnants, is also afraid of being ridiculed and humiliated by Wu Shigong again.

So after coughing a few times, Yu Zilian suddenly remembered what Wu Shigong said just now, so he asked: "The credit that Vice General Wu said just now is...?"

In fact, before meeting Yu Zilian, Wu Shigong was ready to "repay grievances with virtue", that is, to give Yu Zilian a credit, and then send him a ride.To be precise, it is to send Yu Zilian and his Ruzhou army out of Ruzhou.

Now that the imperial court has known about Yu Zilian's meritorious service before, and the imperial court will also know that Yu Zilian established a Ruzhou army, it is impossible for Wu Shigong to kill them in broad daylight.

Since it is impossible to obliterate it, let's do it!Just help Yu Zilian hide this defeat, and give Yu Zilian another big victory.In this way, will Yu Zilian still be able to stay in the position of Ruzhou Zhizhou?It's time to sit on the rocket anyway.As long as Yu Zilian and his Ruzhou army are transferred away from Ruzhou, and Yu Zilian is allowed to fight on the front line of suppressing bandits, then Wu Shigong can achieve the goal of monopolizing Ruzhou in a curve.

Therefore, Wu Shigong didn't go around the circle anymore: "Later, you will clean up the corpses on the battlefield. Eight of you will be the leader and two of you. I will take all the captured ones, and half of the captives' families. I will write the battle report as you like!"

"Huh?" Yu Zilian was so surprised that he forgot the anger just now.His first reaction was that Wu Shigong dug a big hole for himself to jump down.But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of Wu Shigong's sinister intentions.

So Yu Zilian glanced at his staff member, who immediately understood, and asked quickly: "Vice General Wu! Please ask me one more question for offending you! Why do you make such an excuse?"

As soon as Wu Shigong said that, he knew that he was too anxious.Originally, Wu Shigong was responsible for the military exploits, captives, and capture, but now there is no reason to give Yu Zilian a great service, so it's no wonder that Yu Zilian can't afford to be suspicious.Everyone knows that this Wu Shigong is not a red scarf.

So Wu Shigong said the conditions: "After this war, the border of Henan is no longer fortified. The Shan bandits must pass through Yuzhou, Yuzhou's Ruzhou when they enter the hinterland of Henan. Yu Zhizhou must do their best to stop the Shan bandits from entering the hinterland. Of course, This official's Runing Army will also try its best to support Yu Zhizhou when it is in danger."

Wu Shigong bluntly proposed to Yu Zilian: In the future, when fighting against the peasant army, the Runing Army will hide behind Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army, and will not rush to the front line, but to preserve its own strength.

When Yu Zilian heard this, he despised the stupid Wu Shigong.This simple-minded martial artist probably didn't expect that as long as Yu Zilian made contributions, would he still stay in the position of governor of Ruzhou?Even if he agreed to Wu Shigong now, Yu Zilian would not endorse the future governor of Ruzhou, because Yu Zilian would definitely take the Ruzhou army away when he was promoted.

So Yu Zilian nodded and agreed, "Yes!"

Wu Shigong went on to say: "This big victory, Yan Tongzhi, who stayed behind in Ruzhou, made a lot of contributions. We should name him in the battle report and strongly recommend him to succeed Ruzhou Zhizhou!"

Yu Zilian didn't immediately agree this time, he secretly hated Wu Shigong and Yan Jing for colluding.But after thinking about it, he realized that his promotion was already inevitable, so why bother to offend Yan Jing?Besides, it is not a waste of effort to say a few words to Yan Jing in the battle report, so what if you agree to Wu Shigong?

"Yes!" Yu Zilian nodded again.

"Then I'm fine!" Seeing that Yu Zilian had dispelled his suspicions, Wu Shigong accepted it. (To be continued..)

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