Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 529 Song County Battle

In fact, Wu Shigong didn't treat Shanchuan Division favorably, and Xue Zhinong also had his own goals.

In the last operation to calm Henan, Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng cooperated with the Runing Army.Of course, after the end, the two troops also got a share of their own interests from the Runing Army.

But with the accidental death of the former governor Xuan Mo, the two Ming armies immediately became rootless.Although Chen Zhongzhi is now a lieutenant general and Jiang Cheng is also a guard, but because the two of them have no upper-level relationship, Chen Zhongzhi's troops are only three thousand, and Jiang Cheng's troops are only a thousand or so.Therefore, these two Ming armies were quite marginalized among the Henan Ming armies.

But Wu Shigong knew that these two Ming armies had strong combat effectiveness.Denglai and his party, Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng also learned a lot from the Runing Army, and now the soldiers and horses of these two departments are almost all the old troops of these two famous generals, having participated in previous wars.

Only because of marginalization and lack of adequate military pay and equipment, these two Ming armies have not been able to expand.

But this time when Henan's new governor, Li Xianfeng, took office, Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng had only a few paths before them:

One is to go back honestly and continue their marginalization.But Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng also heard that Li Xianfeng was reorganizing the Ming army in Henan, so they were extremely scared.It's good to be reorganized into cannon fodder. If all their troops are reorganized and left, the military officer without soldiers will be destined to go home.

One is to take refuge in the Runing Army.But when they were in Denglai, they were equal to Wu Shigong.In particular, although Chen Zhongzhi is not very popular, he really wants to be the leader, and now they are asked to bow their heads to Wu Shigong, which is something Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng can't accept no matter what.

Then there is only the last way - dragging.Anyway, they stay away from Li Xianfeng, anyway, Wu Shigong is more friendly to them.So they temporarily lived in the south of Kaifeng Prefecture near the Runing Army.

And Wu Shigong was really good to them, all the supplies were half buy half free.Of course, the personnel sent out by the Shanchuan Division to make contact are also essential.

Because the internal mobility of the two Ming armies is very small, and the members are comrades-in-arms who have fought together for many years, it is more difficult to break into the two Ming armies. .

It's not that these two Ming armies immediately take refuge in the Runing army, as long as they lean to this side and think of the Runing army when they are in danger, Wu Shigong's goal will be achieved.

However, the feedback from Shanchuan Division: Due to Chen Zhongzhi's strong independence, he is more resistant to joining the Runing Army.However, Chen Zhongzhi's subordinates had a better attitude towards the Runing Army's way.No one is a fool, and everyone knows Chen Zhongzhi's temperament, and there is no good future for him, so his subordinates are always thinking of finding another way out.

But Jiang Cheng is different, he is more friendly to the Runing Army.Jiang Cheng originally had few soldiers.You have to rely on one side, so it's better to rely on Wu Shigong who has a better relationship with him.At least it won't be sold by others.

But it's too early to tell.After all, Wu Shigong's ambition has not yet been revealed.

But the current situation is that a big war is about to start, and Li Xianfeng can't wait to throw beans into soldiers, so of course, he will not let these two Ming armies sit idle.Therefore, Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng successively received orders from Li Xianfeng to take their troops to the border of Henan to fight.

Upon receiving this order, both Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng were scared to pee.Let their 4000 people deal with hundreds of thousands of peasant troops.Without the cooperation and support of friendly troops, no matter how you look at it, it is a matter of meat buns beating dogs.

But Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng didn't dare to disobey the order.The current Ming court has nothing to do with powerful military officers like Wu Shigong, but it is still decisive when dealing with military officers with few soldiers like Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng.So it's still the trouble of the soldiers!

Since they have nowhere to rely on, of course they want to attach themselves to the Runing Army.Of course I don't want to take refuge now.I just want the Runing Army to protect the safety of their troops behind them.Wu Shigong didn't object to this, anyway, now that the army of these two people can't be swallowed up, then simply don't do ugly things, and form a good relationship with them.However, Wu Shigong still wants Xue Zhinong to step up his efforts to win him over, and must make Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng stand on the same side as him.

On October [-]th in the eighth year of Chongzhen, Jiugao Mountain, Song County.

Commander Zu Kuan, Zu Dale, Li Chongzhen and other generals led [-] Liao soldiers and waited for Zhang Xianzhong's troops to appear.

"Madman! How did you think of fighting Zhang thief here?" Zu Dale asked strangely.However, only people from the Zu family dared to call Zu Kuan a "lunatic" to his face.

Zu Kuan laughed aloud, and said, "Who is not fighting? Sooner or later, it is better to fight now!"

"You must be playing some kind of little boy!" Zu Dale mercilessly exposed Zu Kuan's lie, "Governor Lu's soldiers are not far away from us, and there are at most two days before they can meet up. You are fine." , Bring all our brothers here without bringing any outsiders. What do you want to do? Serve the country faithfully? Don’t tell me, you are possessed by Grandpa Yue?"

Zu Kuan burst into laughter immediately: "Hahaha! I know I can't hide it from you! But think about it, who are we dealing with?"

"Zhang thief! And his [-] army!" Zu Dale was a little confused, "Crazy, do you like fighting with so many thieves so much? Are you really crazy?"

"You're crazy!" Zu Kuan scolded back, "Why are you so stupid, Seventh General? Think about it, why is Bandit Zhang so famous?"

"Why?" Zu Dale also stared at him, "Of course he took down Fengyang and dug up..." At this point, the eyes of Zu Dale and other generals suddenly lit up, and only then did they understand Zu Kuan intention.

After conquering Fengyang, Zhang Xianzhong must have obtained a lot of gold and silver treasures, and Zu Kuan was thinking about these gold and silver.

"What a good brother!" Zu Dale also laughed, and then immediately drew out his waist knife, and shouted: "Boys, get ready." The two thousand Guan Ning cavalry who followed behind him also immediately took up their weapons.

"Don't worry!" Zu Kuan immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "The shadow of this thief hasn't appeared yet, what are you doing in such a hurry to draw your sword?" Zu Kuan's words immediately made the generals burst into laughter.

These Liao soldiers were hiding behind a hillside, relying on scouts to inquire about Zhang Xianzhong's troops.When Zhang Xianzhong's vanguard was still about three miles away from them, these Liao soldiers immediately appeared from behind the hillside.

These Liao soldiers were of high quality. Although they appeared from behind the hillside in a very scattered manner, their pace was not fast.Therefore, it is very convenient to adjust the queue and expand into a battle formation.

There were two thousand Guanning iron cavalry in the front row, and four thousand infantry in the back row, pressing towards the vanguard of Zhang Xianzhong's menacing force.

Seeing the appearance of the Ming army, the vanguard of Zhang Xianzhong's troops was also flustered for a while, but it was also the elite of Zhang Xianzhong's department who cleared the way. They also immediately wanted to line up to block the advance of the Ming army in front of them, so that their main force had time to deploy.

However, although the Liao army walked unhurriedly, the three miles were not far away, so they quickly approached the vanguard of Zhang Xianzhong's troops.

Seeing that there were only more than 3000 peasants blocking the way, Zu Kuan smiled and asked Zu Da Le, "Are you coming or am I?"

Zu Dale also replied with a relaxed face: "Come here! Otherwise you, a lunatic, won't be able to sleep at night."

Amidst the roar of laughter, Zu Broadband led his thousand Guanning cavalry into formation and charged.The three-eyed firecracker fired in three bursts, and then drove the horse into the chaotic formation of the peasant army, smashing the three thousand vanguards of Zhang Xianzhong's troops to pieces.

Zu Kuan's Guan Ning Iron Cavalry did not take advantage of the situation to kill them at all, it just tore a big hole in Zhang Xianzhong's vanguard, opening up a path for Zu Dale's Guan Ning Iron Cavalry behind.

Along this road, Zu Dale's Guan Ning cavalry charged towards Zhang Xianzhong's brigade.Although there are a lot of people in this brigade, there are a lot of old and weak women and children mixed in, which are completely mobs.

Seeing Guan Ning's cavalry rushing over, they didn't resist at all, and immediately turned around and fled, allowing Zu Dale's Guan Ning cavalry to save all the ammunition of the three-eyed firecracker.

Then Guan Ning's iron cavalry was divided into small groups to attack the peasant army that formed a regiment.The infantry of the Liao Army who followed behind killed the defeated peasant army.After a while, the corpses of the peasant army were scattered all over the field, and the scene was horrible.

However, Zhang Xianzhong had his own intentions in arranging the marching order in this way.He just wanted to stop the Ming army's surprise attack with more than ten thousand old and weak women and children from the former army.So when the Liao army killed Zhang Xianzhong's former army, Zhang Xianzhong's main force was ready to fight.

Seeing that Zhang Xianzhong's troops had already formed formation, and under the restraint of Zu Kuan, Zu Dale and other generals, the Liao army calmly formed formation again, preparing for the next charge.Of course Zhang Xianzhong would not let the Liao army go his way, so he immediately ordered the whole army to press in.

But what greeted Zhang Xianzhong's troops were the artillery, firecrackers and rockets of the Liao army.As soon as he encountered such firepower, Zhang Xianzhong knew that something was wrong, and it must be the frontier army.

So Zhang Xianzhong made a decisive decision and immediately ordered ten thousand newly-wrapped refugees to charge, but he himself quietly pulled the main force behind.Seeing that the Liao army was entangled with these ten thousand refugees, Zhang Xianzhong immediately fled with his main force.

By the time the Liao army had exhausted their efforts to kill and disperse the ten thousand refugees again, Zhang Xianzhong had already left the battlefield with his main force.And under the shortage of people and horses, it was impossible for the Liao army to pursue them.

Although nearly [-] peasant troops were beheaded and captured, the Liao army did not get any gold, silver, or treasure.In a fit of anger, Zu Kuan ordered the killing of the captive peasant army, preparing to pursue Zhang Xianzhong's troops again.

But Zu Dale held back the impulsive Zu Kuan, and said: "The direction that thief Zhang is fleeing is the direction Governor Lu came from, so it is impossible for us to fight for food, we should set up an ambush and wait for thief Zhang to flee again."

This battle started with the Song County War. (To be continued..)

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