"Get out of the way!" A Guan Ning iron cavalry rode on the horse and pulled down his spear violently, and the gun rod hit the head of a Ruzhou army soldier who was blocking the way. His face was covered in blood and he fell to the ground.

Since most of Zhang Xianzhong's luggage was left behind this time, the Ruzhou Army and the Liao Army captured a lot.But because it was the Ruzhou Army that first fought against Zhang Xianzhong's troops, most of those captured fell into the hands of the Ruzhou Army.

At first, the two armies were at peace with each other, because according to the rules, those seized were first come first served.But as time went by, the domineering nature of the Liao army was exposed.

The Liao army wanted to drive away the captured Ruzhou army soldiers, and the Ruzhou army soldiers would definitely not let the Liao army succeed.Therefore, in many places, the Ruzhou Army and the Liao Army had confrontations, but they did not fight because of the military law.

But everything has a fuse.The commander of the Guanning iron cavalry has always had a bad temper. He first started to drive away the Ruzhou army who was in the way, but he was still cautious in his actions. He just injured the Ruzhou army soldiers who were in the way, trying to scare them away. The Ruzhou army rookies in front of them.

Like the Peasant Army, the Liao Army disapproved of Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army.It took a few months to collect and train a group of refugees, so what kind of good soldiers can they train?Even the respect between friendly forces also depends on strength!

However, the general's action immediately froze the scene, and the rest of the Ruzhou Army soldiers all looked at the general, with great unkindness in their eyes.

"What? Want to rebel? I..." How to deal with Huo Bing?That boss is also very experienced, so he wanted to scare the rookies in front of him with words.

But the downed Ruzhou Army soldier on the ground had already stood up staggeringly. Before he could stand still, he drew his waist knife and rushed towards the general manager. [

The general manager was taken aback, he didn't expect to meet a staunch person.After all, the injured Ruzhou Army soldier was not flexible enough to move, so the commander easily drove his horse to avoid it.

The general riding on the horse was thinking: Shall I teach that rookie with a bad brain a lesson?Or should we simply kill the chicken and show it to the monkeys?

Suddenly, he heard strange screams in front of him, and all the rookie soldiers drew their weapons.Red eyes swooped over.Lying test!That commander is always a big surprise!Don't those rookies dare to do it first?Isn't it that the right to initiate Huo Bin has always been in the hands of our Guan Ning Iron Cavalry?Is the world turned upside down?

The seven or eight Guanning iron cavalry around the general manager immediately raised their weapons, trying to drive away those Ruzhou army soldiers, but the Ruzhou army soldiers did not hold back at all, and rushed towards the Guanning iron cavalry in groups of two or three. .The cavalry whose horses have not increased in speed is not as good as the infantry. In addition, the Guanning iron cavalry just wanted to intimidate, and the Ruzhou army really did it, so it didn't take a while.Including the general, all these Guanning iron cavalry were chopped off by the Ruzhou army.

The conflict here immediately spread, and a riot broke out in the nearby area. In some places, the Liao army had the upper hand, and in some places, the Ruzhou army took advantage. skills and experience.He suffered a lot in front of the stalking Ruzhou Army.

"Fuck! They dare to attack! Children! Go up with me!" Zu Kuan, who was behind, saw the fire, and he immediately burst into anger, drew his waist knife and called his soldiers to come forward to support.

"Wait!" Zu Dale immediately stopped Zu Kuan, "Let me take someone up!"

Zu Dale knew about Zu Kuan's crazy temper, and it was easy to hide this kind of small fire now, if Zu Kuan went on a mass killing spree, it would create a big trouble for the Liao army.After all, Yu Zilian is a civil servant.So Zu Dale wanted to bring his own soldiers to separate the two sides of the war.

But at this moment, suddenly there was a sound of war drums behind the formation of the Ruzhou Army. Generals such as Zu Kuan and Zu Dale were veterans of the military. As soon as they heard it, they knew that it was the Ruzhou Army mobilizing the whole army. A general attack is about to be launched.Sure enough, when the soldiers of the Ruzhou Army heard the sound of the war drums, they rushed towards the Liao Army screaming "嗤嗤" as if they had received a chicken blood shot.

The expressions of Zu Kuan and Zu Da Le suddenly changed. "Grass!" They cursed in unison.I didn't expect to meet a lunatic censor leading an army of lunatics today, their actions must be a little too reckless!

"My lord! Is this possible?" Zuo Yin asked.After the Ruzhou Army was besieged last time, most of those famous people in Ruzhou escaped from the Ruzhou Army, and only Zuo Yin stayed and became Yu Zilian's important staff.Seeing Yu Zilian ordering the Ruzhou Army to launch an all-out war against the Liao Army, Zuo Yin immediately persuaded him.

"Why should you care?" Yu Zilian replied lightly.

"My lord! It's better to stop in time and impeach the Liao army to be domineering!" Zuo Yin was still afraid that things would get out of hand, so he advised Yu Zilian again.

"In such a chaotic world, is impeachment useful?" Zuo Yin's words suddenly opened up the scar in Yu Zilian's heart, "I have realized that the words in the pen book will not hurt the martial artist at all, and it is thick to see the impeachment memorial of Wu Biaofu of Ru Ning." And three feet. The crimes are too numerous to list, and now is it still for a high-ranking official to do it? This official now only accepts one reason: whoever draws his sword against my Ruzhou army will be our enemy, and we will fight together."

From these words, it can be seen how great Yu Zilian's resentment towards Wu Shigong is.Seeing that Yu Zilian's intention had been decided, Zuo Yin stopped persuading him. [

Zu Kuan and Zu Da Le also immediately mobilized the Liao army and withdrew the soldiers who had been entangled in the riot.But seeing that he had completely gained the upper hand, Yu Zilian also asked Jin not to pursue him anymore.But in such a short firefight, the Liao army killed more than 400 people, and even most of the captured land fell into the hands of the Ruzhou army.

After restraining the Liao army and withdrawing from the formation, Zu Kuan asked: "Shall we rush over to show that Yu Yushi some color?"

Zu Dale shook his head, and said to Zu Kuan: "Look at the madness over there, are you sure to win? Even if we win, how many troops can we keep?"

"Then let's just forget about it?" Don't say that the loss from the battle with the Ruzhou Army has exceeded the loss from the battle with Zhang Xianzhong. The generals are quite breathless.

"Should we send someone to talk to Yu Yushi?" Zu Dale suggested.He hoped that it would be best if Yu Zilian didn't dare to make a big fuss, and returned some of the captured Liao army.

But when Zu Kuan and Zu Da Le looked at their own soldiers, they found that they all avoided their eyes.No one is willing to be the messenger of the negotiation.From the point of view of the generals of the Liao army, the Ruzhou army is completely composed of a group of lunatics, and no one can figure out their thoughts.If I went to be a messenger and went to the camp of the Ruzhou Army, but was hacked by the lunatics of the Ruzhou Army, it would be too wronged.

Zu Kuan and Zu Da Le were also very helpless, it was impossible for them to force their own people to take risks.Zu Kuan couldn't help cursing: "The feng shui in Henan is too evil. First there is a Wu lunatic, and then there is a Yu lunatic. It's a bunch of fucking lunatics!"

Zu Dale on the side was also a little funny: I didn't expect there to be someone crazier than Madman Zu!

After confronting each other for a long time, the Liao army could only leave in resentment. This time, they did nothing but steal a piece of chicken. Not only did they fail to capture the Ruzhou army's capture, but even their own capture was snatched by the Ruzhou army.In the end, he didn't even have the courage to retaliate against the Ruzhou Army.So after leaving, the Liao army immediately looted some nearby Zhuangzi, but there were not many people in the wild in Henan, so the Liao army got very little, just venting their anger and chatting.

However, the conflict between the Ruzhou Army and the Liao Army also gave Zhang Xianzhong time to escape, so he immediately headed south, towards Nanyang, wanting to go to Huguang, where the Ming Army's defenses were weak.

When the Liao army left, Yu Zilian first gathered the whole army and rewarded the meritorious soldiers.But before that, Yu Zilian first ordered the arrest of the three generals.

Among the three generals, one was a son of a gentry in Ruzhou, and the other was Yu Zilian's servant. They were all leaders of the cavalry, each leading a part of the cavalry of the Ruzhou army.

"Cut them all off! Show the whole camp!" Regardless of the crying and begging of the three generals, Yu Zilian suddenly laid down his hands.Then Yu Zilian ordered the arrest of more than 100 soldiers of the Ruzhou Army who had flinched in the battle, and all of them beheaded for public display.

After that, it's rewarding.Yu Zilian promoted all the brave soldiers, especially Liu Guqian, who was promoted by Yu Zilian to be the commander of the cavalry battalion of the Ruzhou Army, and took the rank of garrison. He became Yu Zilian's confidant.

After doing all this, Yu Zilian announced to the whole army: "The Ruzhou army should be united and not abandon the robe. If anyone violates it, this official will punish him; if this official violates it, everyone will punish this official. This is Ru The death law of the state army!"

After that, it was Yu Zilian who counted and seized it.Equip the Ruzhou army with horses, armor and weapons, and then disclose the captured gold, silver and supplies to the whole army.

Among them: the amount of pensions for the casualties; the rewards for the soldiers after the war;Completely achieved the public and private.

After such a series of actions, the more than 7000 remaining soldiers of the Ruzhou Army are even more imposing.

In the end, it's about dealing with the captives.Because nothing was captured, the Liao army left all the burden of captives to the Ruzhou army.So the Ruzhou Army recruited soldiers from the captives again.

The captives of the Peasant Army, who were watching the actions of the Ruzhou Army just now, immediately signed up enthusiastically. The Ruzhou Army expanded its strength to more than 2000, and the cavalry battalion also had more than 300 cavalry.

So under Yu Zilian's iron fist, the Ruzhou Army really became stronger as they fought! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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