When Hou Xun is released from prison, he must ask for help everywhere.And those "comrades" of the Donglin Party seemed hopeless, so Hou Xun set his sights on Wu Shigong and Zuo Liangyu.

This idea is actually correct, Hou Xun is just corruption, not rebellion, so under the court rules of the Ming Dynasty that "do not punish a doctor", at most Hou Xun will be dismissed from office and will not be sent to prison.

But now Hou Xun was severely punished by the first assistant Wen Tiren, so he thought of the two generals he discovered and promoted.As long as the imperial court felt that these two people were about to have a bad mood, they would definitely cast a taboo and punish Hou Xun lightly.So Mrs. Hou from Guide personally wrote a letter to Wu Shigong and Zuo Liangyu, asking them to come forward to protect Hou Xun.

But the letter to Zuo Liangyu fell into the sea.Zuo Liangyu just vaguely agreed: When he fully understands the situation, he will submit a memorial to the court to protect Hou Xun.

In fact, this is procrastination, and it is not like modern times that have telephones and the Internet. When Zuo Liangyu came and went to figure out Hou Xun's matter, Hou Xun's judgment would have come down long ago, and the day lily would have been all over the place. It's getting cold.

Zuo Liangyu thought it through very thoroughly, as long as the imperial court needs such generals as himself, they can find backers no matter what.As long as Zuo Liangyu doesn't quarrel with the Hou family, when the matter is over and Hou Xun is reinstated, then he has no choice but to admit it, and he still wants to win over himself.

In fact, Zuo Liangyu's actions are very normal, it's wise to protect yourself!And when Mrs. Hou's letter was sent to Wu Shigong, Deng Qifan, Zhang Zhiheng and other staff members also held the same point of view.But Wu Shigong did not agree to do so.

You must know that the Runing Army controlled the Guide Mansion through the officials and gentry of Guide, so no matter what, they could not offend the leader of the officials and gentry of the Guide Mansion—Hou Mansion.Besides, Wu Shigong also bases his army on Chinese virtues, so no matter what mistakes Hou Xun makes, Wu Shigong will lend a helping hand.

Of course, as to whether Hou Xun can be rescued in the end?Wu Shigong himself didn't care.Because the current Runing Army doesn't need Hou Xun's help much anymore.In other words, Wu Shigong's rescue.It is not necessary to rescue Hou Xun, just make a gesture. [

After Wu Shigong told this truth, Deng Qifan and Zhang Zhiheng were a little worried, they were worried that Wu Shigong's actions would offend the chief assistant Wen Tiren.

But Wu Shigong didn't take it seriously, so what if he offended the first assistant?dismissed?Wu Shigong had already tasted the sweetness of being a light official.Send Jin Yiwei to arrest?Wu Shigong with the Runing Army.That is, all Jinyiwei's troops were dispatched.I still don't know if it's close to Wu Shigong's body.

Of course, it would be unwise to offend Wen Tiren too hard, so Wu Shigong will make a big fuss in the memorial.Literati such as Deng Qifan and Zhang Zhiheng were unable to do this kind of thing.Only Wu Shigong personally wrote the pen and submitted the memorial to gossip.

Therefore, the memorial written by Wu Shigong fully reflects the image of a brainy and vulgar military officer.In the memorial he wrote:

First of all, Wu Shigong listed his meritorious deeds, and then began to brag about himself.Anyway, he portrayed himself as an image of Wei Guangzheng, a model military officer who is loyal, filial, benevolent, righteous, polite, honest, not greedy for money and lustful, and not afraid of death. That image is really shocking and weeping!

Then Wu Shigong said that after he came to Guide, he learned a lot from Hou Xun, and Hou Xun can also be called Wu Shigong's teacher.therefore.Since the students are so good, the teachers are not far behind.Therefore, Wu Shigong believed that Hou Xun's crime was wronged.

After that, it was to complain about Hou Xun.Wu Shigong thought that even if Hou Xun was a little corrupt, it was no big deal.Anyway, civil servants in the Ming Dynasty were all greedy!Don't you see?Our great Wu Shigong has never received a full amount of military pay from the imperial court.Where did the military pay go?Wu Shigong took it for granted that they were all corrupted by civil officials.

Since everyone is greedy, what Hou Xun did is not a crime.So the imperial court either let Hou Xun go, or arrested all the civil servants.That's only fair!

at last.Wu Shigong suggested to the imperial court: It is troublesome now, with barbarians on the outside and thieves on the inside, so it is better for the civil and military officials of the imperial court to work together as one.Corruption is not a big deal, there is no need to kill each other!

In fact, Wu Shigong's memorial is just to show off his cuteness.And it's a bad idea.It is to make the court feel that he is talking nonsense and ignore his memorials.In this way, he could give Hou Fu an explanation, and Wen Tiren could not let go of his body to deal with him.Shoufu is also a person of status, so he will definitely not care about a fool.

But Wu Shigong never expected that after his memorial was presented in the capital, it immediately caused a great commotion in the government and the public.Not for any reason, but because since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, it was the first time that such a mess of memorials appeared in the court hall.

You know, if Wu Shigong wrote a letter to Hou Xun to plead for peace and stability, it would probably not be presented to Emperor Chongzhen and the cabinet scholars at all. At most, it would be forwarded to the Ministry of War, and then the Ministry of War would reply with an official document reprimanding Wu Shigong for not meddling in his own business. That's it.

But Wu Shigong's memorial is so weird, it became popular in the whole capital in an instant, it's a wonderful essay for everyone to appreciate.Even Emperor Chongzhen took this memorial and savored it carefully, and told the concubines in the harem like a joke about this interesting text.Which is to say, completely turned into an entertainment.

But Wu Shigong's memorial really disgusted Wen Tiren, and what made Wen Tiren even more sad was that he still couldn't do anything to Wu Shigong.

Hou Xun was convicted, and Wu Shigong, a student, came to intercede, but he could not retaliate against him no matter what.Otherwise, Wen Tiren's glorious image in front of Emperor Chongzhen would be ruined.The reason for this is as mentioned above. In the Ming Dynasty, Confucianism was greater than court regulations. [

But what is the reason Wu Shigong said?In the minds of Emperor Chongzhen and the important officials in the court, there are only four words - notorious, which has nothing to do with Wei Guangzheng.Not to mention being greedy for money and lust, and always wanting to escape back to the capital to enjoy the blessings, where is he not afraid of death?The only thing that can be admitted is that Wu Shigong really knows how to fight.

If Hou Xun cultivated this kind of students, what kind of character does he have as a teacher?Need to say more?

What's even more exasperating is that Wu Shigong completely confused the concept of corruption and completely exposed the official rules of the Ming Dynasty.You must know that there was a very strict concept of corruption in the official circles of the Ming Dynasty, and what Hou Xun committed was precisely blatant corruption.

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