Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 569 The overall situation has been decided

In the era of cold weapons, pikemen are the cheapest and have the worst combat effectiveness.If you think that you can be invincible as long as you let the pikemen practice modern assassination, then you have no common sense.

The most important role of pikemen in ancient warfare is to gather together in formation to resist the charge of enemy cavalry groups and infantry groups.Therefore, if a single spearman does not have Lin Chong's kung fu, he will definitely be slaughtered.

Therefore, for the formation of pikemen, as long as they do not approach them, and attack with long-range weapons such as firecrackers, bows and arrows, javelins or hand axes from a distance, that is a unilateral massacre.Because the pikemen are armed with two guns, there is no way to hold a shield to block the enemy's attack.

Moreover, it is very inconvenient for the pikemen to chase them. If you don't believe me, you can try it by running with a long stick and a watermelon knife.Therefore, in ancient wars, the spearman was a passive and beaten role.If not, who is willing to spend more iron materials to make [-] kinds of weapons?

So when the soldiers of the peasant army fled, they were quite at ease.They thought that the Runing army used long weapons, and it would be inconvenient to pursue them, and they might escape with their lives.

But those who escaped didn't know that the advantage of the axemen over the pikemen was that they could launch a single-handed pursuit.There are also corresponding tactics.

Watching the opponent collapse, the soldiers of the Runing Army quickly divided into groups of three, and began to pursue without hesitation. In war, large-scale casualties often occurred during the pursuit, and the deserters in front sold their backs to themselves. The ax and gun in his hand are accurate one at a time.

After running dozens of steps.The soldiers of the Peasant Army found that they couldn't run away at all, they could only turn around and fight.But the rout soldiers didn't take care of each other, but the opponent was a three-person battle group, and they couldn't even fight the so-called trapped beasts in a battle. Either there were a few blood holes on their bodies, or they were split open a few times. piece.

But those old battalion soldiers of the Peasant Army are indeed fierce.Many peasant soldiers who felt that they could not run turned around and fought desperately. For a while, the offensive of the axemen was somewhat suppressed.But when the cavalry of the Runing Army appeared on both sides, the courage and will to fight of the soldiers of the Peasant Army disappeared in smoke. [

Such a one-sided battle puts a lot of psychological pressure on people.Therefore, the loss of physical fitness of the soldiers of the Peasant Army is also very fast.It's not that no one thought of surrendering, but those peasant soldiers who had just knelt on the ground begging for mercy were cut down immediately.At this time, there is no man to guard the captives, so it's better to let it go.

Seeing that the Runing Army wanted to kill them all, although the soldiers of the Peasant Army were cursing in their stomachs, they had no choice but to run away!But within a few steps, the cavalry behind had already caught up.Cut it down with a knife.After a while, there was no longer any blocking troops in front of the Runing Army.

Amidst the whistle, the Runing Army quickly gathered its troops.Although the battle lasted for a short time, the long-distance raid tonight was exhausting.And the next step is to really defeat the peasant army in this battalion.

Li Sanhe held his copper whistle in his mouth and saw that the troops had gathered, he immediately summoned up all his strength to blow.With the whistle, several places in the cavalry formation blew at the same time.The cavalry began to accelerate slowly.And the cavalry in the back row began to spread out towards the two wings, rushing into Liu Guoneng's camp as frontally as possible.

The cavalry of the Runing Army lined up in front and back. The cavalry in the back row pulled out a torch wrapped in oilcloth from the saddle hanging on the side of the saddle.The torches were covered with grease.Even the wind generated by the horses running at high speed cannot be blown out.

And Liu Guoneng's troops are still making their final efforts.Some leaders yelled for the soldiers in the tent to come out to fight, but within a short time. The two opposite orders of "one in and one out" made the peasant soldiers even more flustered.

Moreover, those who came out of the tent saw that there seemed to be several cavalrymen lighting torches as soon as they came out, and formed a formation in the darkness.They didn't dare to face the battle anymore, the whole camp exploded immediately, everyone ran in panic, but in a hurry, they didn't know where to run?And the unhurried firing of the artillery on the hillside made the camp even more chaotic.

It wasn't until this time that Liu Guoneng, who had put on his armor, got out of his big tent.This shows how fast the Runing Army is fighting.Under Liu Guoneng's command, the most elite soldiers and leaders around him commanded the troops to counterattack the Runing Army.

But after a few steps, the cavalry in the front row of the Runing Army began to charge.These cavalry are soldiers with the most precise armor and weapons, and they don't hold torches in their hands, they are completely condensed according to the charge formation.The cavalrymen all leveled their spears and rushed over at high speed like a row of guns.

Liu Guoneng's personal soldiers who had just plucked up the courage to stop him immediately collapsed.They galloped to the sides, trying not to get in front of the cavalry of the Runing Army.So when they rushed into the tent area in the central area of ​​Liu Guoneng's camp, there were no one to stop the cavalry.

The cavalry who followed were divided into small groups, scattered everywhere and set fire to kill people, creating chaos.As the fire spread, the camp suddenly became much brighter, and the gunners of the infantry regiment behind also took the opportunity to shoot.The loud noise made the camp even more chaotic.

Compared with the cavalry in the front row, the scattered cavalry in the back row caused more damage. These cavalrymen held torches, set fire to the tent first, and then chopped down those who ran out.They worked in teams of ten, in groups of five, and set fire to everything they saw.Cut down all those running in front of the horse.

In order to prevent rain, the main material of tent manufacturing at that time was felt.The felt is very oily.After igniting, the fire was quite violent.In the beginning, the Runing Army was needed to ignite, and later they ignited each other, although there was a large enough gap between the tents.However, the falling tent and the splashing sparks still caused a hell.

It was not that there was no resistance, and some soldiers of the Peasant Army shot arrows at the cavalry.But the eyes were dazzled by the flickering fire.That's not really accurate.

And those cavalrymen still wore helmets.Wear heavy armor.Shooting bows and arrows here has no effect at all, and only a few people are lucky.Just hit the door. [

However, there are not many people in the Peasant Army who have the courage to resist. In addition, as long as they shoot arrows, they will attract death. Shot, so that in a short while, that feeble resistance was shattered.

After all, the road leading to Liu Guoneng's big tent is much wider, and the cavalry in the front row of the Runing Army rushed over along this road.There is no weak person who can choose to be Liu Guoneng's personal soldier.Their reaction was quick. When the cavalry in the front row rushed, the soldiers all jumped on their horses, completed the whole team as quickly as possible, and rushed out to resist.

At this time, the horses of Liu Guoneng's personal soldiers did not increase their speed, and it was impossible to carry out any countercharge, so there was only one choice.There was no order, everyone was setting up their bows and arrows immediately, and hundreds of arrows flew out screaming, as if falling like raindrops.

Those Liu Guoneng's personal soldiers judged that if the first wave of shooting had an effect, these sneak attackers would at least fall down and become a mess.And the people behind will also be hindered by the fallen human corpses and horse corpses in front.

But these Runing Army cavalry were all wearing iron helmets and heavy armor, and the front rows even wore face armor, and even the horses were wrapped in leather felt vests on the horse's head and chest.Therefore, facing the arrows, the front row cavalry of the Runing Army who lowered their spears just lowered their heads, while the cavalry behind raised their small round shields, and that was enough.

With the sound of "ding ding dong dong", no cavalry of the Runing army fell from their horses at all.It is a tragedy for a stationary cavalry to face a cavalry who is sprinting.

There was no resistance at all, and the heavy armored cavalry with their spears in their flat hands began to accelerate. The weight of people, horses, and armor were superimposed together, and the speed gradually accelerated. This speed and strength were accumulated on the spears, and rushed forward Liu Guoneng's own soldiers.

Anyone who was stabbed by the spear was pierced straight through, because of the length of the spear, even the people in the second row were pierced through. Liu Guoneng's personal soldiers and their horses were severely beaten at this moment.

When stabbing into the enemy's formation, the cavalry of the Runing Army in the front row immediately dropped their spears, took out a sword or hatchet from the side of the saddle, and began to chop.

Liu Guoneng's soldiers didn't have the ability to stop the cavalry's charge at all, and they couldn't gather together to stop them. Their resistance was to shoot arrows. When they fought at close range, they could only hopelessly be slaughtered.

By the time the loose cavalry of the Runing Army in the back row rushed over, Liu Guoneng's personal soldiers had been completely defeated.At this time, the east side of Liu Guoneng's big tent was already covered in flames, while the loose cavalry of the Runing Army began to kill towards the west.Followed by the infantry regiment.

At the first moment, Liu Guoneng realized that the situation was not good, ran out of the big tent, got on his horse and fled.But Li Sanhe and the others have no regrets, because of this kind of fire and killing, victory can already be guaranteed.

"Burn this tent!" Li Sanhe pointed to Liu Guoneng's big tent and ordered loudly.

"My lord! There must be some good things in this tent!" an officer reminded.

"Burn!" Li Sanhe's eyes widened immediately.

Burning this big tent is a signal that the overall situation has been settled, and let all the peasant soldiers who can still resist know that it is impossible to turn the tables.In comparison, what are some external things?

Sure enough, seeing the raging flames rising from Liu Guoneng's big tent, everyone in the camp knew that the situation was over, and Li Sanhe then issued an order to surrender.The peasant army was completely wiped out, and there were not many people who escaped. Most of them put down their weapons and surrendered to the Runing army.

At this moment, the first rays of sunlight shone from the sky, and it was dawn.Li Sanhe is full of pride, tonight's battle proved that even in hand-to-hand combat, the Runing Army is also the strongest! (to be continued...)

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