It was also a coincidence, so Liu Guoneng asked Wu Shigong blurted out: "Why is General Wu like this!" After asking, Liu Guoneng wanted to slap himself a few times.Didn't this question let Butcher Wu see that he already understood Butcher Wu's intention?In case he becomes angry from embarrassment and silences him now...So Liu Guoneng looked at Wu Shigong with pleading eyes in despair, which was extremely complicated.

Wu Shigong stared at Liu Guoneng, with a smile on his face, that expression made Liu Guoneng's heart shudder.After a long while, Wu Shigong laughed a few times without a smile on his face, and said, "Jiangnan Fu!"

Wu Shigong's answer made Liu Guoneng go limp all over, and almost collapsed to the ground.At least the butcher Wu in front of him didn't shout: "Drag it out and chop it up!" This level is over.

So Liu Guoneng kept hypnotizing himself: "Butcher Wu just loves money! Doesn't he have that rebellious heart! He definitely wants money! He wants money!" At the end of the hypnosis, Liu Guoneng also subconsciously believed the reason Wu Shigong said.

In fact, Wu Shigong was also very helpless at this time.Wu Shigong wanted to confuse the captives of the Peasant Army, mixed with his spies and rushed to the Dabie Mountains, joined the remnants of the Peasant Army there, and then made a big disturbance in Nanzhili.In this case, there will be multiple peasant armies, which will be easy to control and will not become bigger.

But now that Liu Guoneng surrendered, he had no choice but to promote Liu Guoneng to the position of leader.Moreover, Liu Guoneng's reputation and ability are far superior to those of other small peasant army leaders.In this way, all the peasant troops in Nanzhili will definitely gather under Liu Guoneng's account.Therefore, it will be difficult to control in the future, and Liu Guoneng may rebel when he grows bigger.

Although he controlled Liu Guoneng's mother and family, Wu Shigong didn't believe that it would play a big role at all. It's not unusual for a hero like Liu Guoneng to abandon his family for his own sake.For example, Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty.certainly.Wu Shigong also didn't know that Liu Guoneng was a filial son, and he would never let his mother be caught in a murderous situation.

What annoyed Wu Shigong even more was that Xue Yongli's behavior in taking the hostages was too ruthless.He took as hostages the family members of almost all the big and small leaders in Liu Guoneng's camp.Of course, Xue Yongli did it to be on the safe side, but now he caused Wu Shigong a lot of trouble.

You know, if Liu Guoneng agreed to make the "knife" for Wu Shigong, then he would definitely not be able to hide his big and small leaders. Everyone knows that his family is with the Runing Army. Who would not be able to guess the meaning?

But in this way, there will be too many people talking.It is guaranteed that someone will betray Liu Guoneng.And after the court knew all this.It will also bring Wu Shigong a lot of trouble.After all, Wu Shigong also has hostages in Beijing.

Another point is that if Wu Shigong was only greedy for the property of Nanzhili, it would be fine, at most, he would kill people as Liu Guoneng guessed.But Wu Shigong wanted to win the world, so Liu Guoneng, the first famous peasant army commander who surrendered to Wu Shigong, became a golden horse.Not only could Wu Shigong not be able to kill him.And give him a bright future.Only in this way can we set up a benchmark and get twice the result with half the effort in the future battles.

So now Wu Shigong is also in a dilemma.That is to say, Liu Guoneng cannot be recruited immediately.I want to control him again, so I can only take one step at a time.Still a word: Accidents are everywhere!

Seeing that Liu Guoneng was in a daze, Wu Shigong pressed on and said, "Actually, you still have a third way. I am not a person who likes to catch people's weaknesses. That's it! I will return all the guests in our camp to you. Let you have no worries first, and then each will live in peace. What do you think?"

Liu Guoneng was shocked all over.Even Butcher Wu in front of him would not break his promise and return those hostages to himself.But the main force of Butcher Wu's Runing Army is also behind him.Moreover, Liu Guoneng saw that Butcher Wu still had a large army here in Xinyang.The two sides are double-teamed, and being able to escape alone is considered a great fortune.

Besides, maybe Butcher Wu was testing himself.If he agrees, Butcher Wu may kill him immediately.So Liu Guoneng immediately made a decision: "General Wu! The criminals would like to choose the second way! They would like to choose the second way!"

Hearing that Liu Guoneng agreed.Wu Shigong immediately smiled.He said helplessly: "Get up! You don't need to call yourself a 'criminal'. From now on, you will be my guard, and when you return, at least none of them will be able to run away. Don't worry, your family will be taken care of by this officer. of."

"Thank you, General Wu!" Liu Guoneng immediately kowtowed again, trying to please Wu Shigong as much as possible.After that, he discussed with Wu Shigong for a while, how to carry out the operation in Beizhili.

On November [-]th of the ninth year of Chongzhen, Liu Guoneng left all the old and weak in Xinyang, leaving only four thousand old and strong.

After that, Xue Yongli's Runing Army left all the prisoners where they were after selecting some useful talents among the captives.He turned around and returned to Runing.And because the prisoners had nowhere to eat, after staying for a day, under the instigation of some people, they all turned to Liu Guoneng.

Those who incited were hundreds of spies sent by the Runing Army, the Shanchuan Division and the Military Intelligence Bureau. They also successfully mixed into the captives, and many of them became small bosses.No matter what, Wu Shigong would not believe Liu Guoneng's unilateral guarantee!He still needs to have a backup.

Later, after the Runing Army replenished a batch of weapons and food, Liu Guoneng's entire battalion of more than 4 people drove to the Dabie Mountains.And this sudden large peasant army immediately caused chaos in the Wuchang area, and the Ming court was in an uproar!

Because the Runing Army's Huguang operation last time recruited a large number of civilians in this area, and gave them a certain amount of remuneration afterwards, so under the pressure of the bandits, the local people fled south one after another, wanting to enter Runing escaped this military disaster.

When these [-] to [-] refugees arrived, the Runing Army was in a hurry.In the end, under Wu Shigong's order, the passage could only be opened, allowing those refugees to live temporarily at the southern border of Runing Prefecture.

But after that, the Runing Army found a reason not to chase after Liu Guoneng's Ministry, because no one could tell the difference between the refugees and the peasant army. The Runing Army always had to protect the safety of the Runing Mansion first!

Of course, the Runing Army still left a cavalry regiment behind Liu Guoneng's department to control the direction of Liu Guoneng's movement and prevent it from doing anything wrong.

In this Xiangyang battle, the Runing Army achieved the pre-war goal of weakening the strength of the Peasant Army, and successfully drove the Liu Guoneng Department to Nanzhili.

However, due to the arming of Liu Guoneng and the resettlement of Wuchang refugees, and the recruitment of more than 4000 peasant army veterans by Xue Yongli, the Runing Army also spent a lot of food and materials for relief.This also reduced the capture of the Runing Army a lot.Generally speaking, I am basically satisfied, but in some places, people are not as good as heaven!

When Liu Guoneng's Department approached Huanggang County, it sent a partial division to Huanggang County to show off its power. The cavalry corps of the Runing Army immediately flew to Huanggang County to support.But no one in the county knew that Tang Liu and his party were still in the support army.They want to carry out the retaliatory action ordered by Wu Shigong.

"Masters of the army! You must have made a mistake, the little one didn't join the bandit army!" In Huanggang County, a man in his fifties who was dressed as an outsider knelt and begged the Runing army.

"We have already caught the person you contacted with the bandit army. If you are still stubborn, arrest the whole family!" Mr. Qian, who was in charge of the arrest, ordered.The soldiers of the Runing Army who surrounded the man's house rushed into the house immediately.

"This general! What evidence do you have?" Not knowing whether it was out of anger or fear, the magistrate of Huanggang County tremblingly asked the Chief Qian.

"Didn't you tell the county magistrate? A spy sent by his family to the bandit army was caught, and he said that when the bandit army arrived, his family would open the city gate for the internal response." The boss Qian replied impatiently.

Mr. Qian's words immediately caused a commotion among the onlookers. At this time, the people in the city would rather believe in something than nothing.But the magistrate of Huanggang County is not so easy to deceive. That member is a well-known family in the city, and the peasant army is going to kill officials and gentry, so it is absolutely impossible for this member to betray him.

Besides, after regaining his senses, the magistrate of Huanggang also knew that it was the army of Vice General Runing who came, and it was the team that colluded with others and swallowed the money of Vice General Runing.I thought that the sky was high and the road was far away, and then Vice General Runing would not be able to come and take revenge, but I didn't expect that there would be a retribution now.

But now, the magistrate of Huanggang is also a grasshopper on the same line as that member, so even though he is afraid, the magistrate still has to fight with reason: "Dare to ask the general, where is the gangster now?"

"This kind of guy who eats inside and out, has been killed a long time ago!" The boss Qian replied confidently.Immediately, the magistrate of Huanggang was so angry that he ascended to heaven.Isn't this empty talk?

So the magistrate of Huanggang County immediately said: "As the general said, the canon of punishment is also required to determine the charges. It is still necessary for the emperor to intervene. After the general arrests Li Yuanwai, he should be sentenced by the local government." The magistrate of Huanggang County also hopes to go through judicial procedures. , trying to delay the time to save the life of that member.

But that Qianzong didn't pay any attention to the magistrate of Huanggang. Seeing that his soldiers had already captured the whole family of the member, he immediately ordered: "Execute the whole family and confiscate the family property!" The soldiers of the Runing Army immediately raised their hands. weapons.

Looking at the screams of Yuanwai's family from a distance, he heard the magistrate of Huanggang yelling to stop him: "Do you know whose family Li Yuanwai is from? He is the nephew of Qi Shilang from the Ministry of Officials. You are so brave. , this county wants to impeach you! Qiu Ba don't do anything! Oops!"

Li Sanhe and Tang Liu were laughing and chatting while watching the excitement.

Li Sanhe asked: "Why is Sixth Brother not interested in showing up in the past? I'm sure the magistrate will be shocked!"

Tang Liu didn't answer Li Sanhe's question, he asked instead: "Then why didn't the third brother host it? That's so majestic!"

Li Sanhe smiled and said: "This kind of small scene is boring, let the children play!"

The two immediately burst out laughing. (To be continued..)

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