Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 598 Persuasion Has Worked

"My lord! No matter what. You must not have anything to do with King Chong!" Ye Zhong begged, persuaded, feared, and his heart-to-heart expressions were mixed together, making his face changeable.

The meaning of these words is very rich, but in the end there are two things: King Chong is a hot potato, Wu Shigong had better not touch it; Ye Zhong is on the same front as Wu Shigong.

In fact, after Wu Shigong betrayed King Chong, he was already prepared to respect King Chong at a distance.If you rebel yourself, what are you doing with a puppet on your head?Could it be that if he fails, he can escape the end of death and family annihilation?Wu Shigong would never do such meaningless things.The reason why I told Ye Zhong was not to put pressure on him, but to take the initiative in the subsequent conversation.

"Then why is Eunuch Ye here today?" Wu Shigong asked with an expression on his face.

"The miscellaneous family has lived in Ru Ning for a long time, knowing that the lord is dedicated to the country, and the court also regards the lord as a pillar. Suddenly hearing that the lord was attacked, there must be a misunderstanding in the mind, and it is unknown if it is the act of a thief. I hope the lord will be careful and not be a relative. Pain and enemies will be quick." Ye Zhong persuaded earnestly.

"I still can't figure out what happened that day!" Wu Shigong also had a frown on his face, "Brother Neyan, today's words are not related to officialdom, but only as words of friends. My little brother is still puzzled. I also admit that I have made some small mistakes. Who can do it? But ask yourself, my younger brother is also loyal to the Holy Majesty and the court, and he has won many battles. He has worked hard without credit, so why did the Holy Majesty treat me like this?"

Although Ye Zhong was not arrested, Wu Shigong also wanted to find some clues from Ye Zhong. After all, Ye Zhong was the father-in-law of the inner court, and he must be more informed than Wu Shigong.

"Brother is also puzzled by this matter!" Ye Zhongshun also had a close relationship with Wu Shigong, "Both Zajia and Brother Changjing are in Runing. They know about the same about the news of the imperial court. But Brother Changjing, you didn't realize this time Is it strange to be attacked?"

"Oh? Say it!" [

"Anyway, the miscellaneous family are also people from the inner court, and they always know something about the emperor's temper, but this time, it doesn't seem to be the emperor's work!" Ye Zhong said again.


Ye Zhong came up with a new idea.To this day, everyone in the Runing Army believes that the imperial envoys are carrying out the secret orders of Emperor Chongzhen.Even intercessors like Mrs. Hou said at most that "Emperor Chongzhen was deceived", but no one mentioned "Emperor Chongzhen didn't know about this at all!", so Wu Shigong's interest suddenly arose.

So Wu Shigong immediately leaned over and asked, "You mean the Holy One doesn't know what the imperial envoy did? That's impossible! Could it be that the imperial envoy dared to act so boldly? Isn't he afraid of bullying the emperor?"

"So what about bullying the emperor? It's not the first time a party member has done this." He mentioned the Donglin Party.As a member of the standard eunuch party, Ye Zhong must also be quite disgusted, "For their so-called justice, they don't care about the emperor's thoughts at all, and they don't care about the overall situation of the court. They just want to fight for the royal staff and reputation. Disregarding the overall situation, it is not surprising that the imperial decree is preached falsely!"

Wu Shigong was somewhat skeptical after hearing Ye Zhong's words.He has already interrogated the details of the imperial envoy Xu Mengqi. He should be the chief assistant Wen Tiren and the enemy of the Donglin Party, so this matter must have something to do with the Donglin Party.However, the imperial envoy Xu Mengqi, as a civil servant, may be like Ye Zhong said, beheaded first and played later.Let's deal with the military attache first.

And as Ye Zhong said, Emperor Chongzhen didn't know what the imperial envoy Xu Mengqi did, so at least Emperor Chongzhen also felt bad for himself!Otherwise, after Xu Mengqi locked himself back to the capital, he would not be able to fulfill what he did.Otherwise, how could he command those Jin Yiwei?But it would be boring to talk about everything, Wu Shigong just wanted to hear which play Ye Zhong was going to sing?

So Wu Shigong nodded to Ye Zhong, with an expression of all ears.

Ye Zhong actually knew that his reasons were very far-fetched.But his visit today is not to find out the ins and outs of the incident.It was to solve the problem, so Ye Zhong asked: "Dare to ask Brother Chang Jing, did you find out that the imperial envoy had a secret decree afterwards?"

"And!" Wu Shigong shook his head.

"Does that guy have a ticket on him?"

"Also!" Wu Shigong understood what Ye Zhong meant, and his eyes gradually lit up.

"Since they are all, it means that it is a matter of great importance. It is not the emperor's intention. What Fanzi did was to assassinate the generals of the court. Maybe they are thieves who infiltrated the court!" Ye Zhong stopped.

What Ye Zhong said was a procedural issue, just like arresting someone in modern times requires an arrest warrant. Without this paper, it proves that the arrest is illegal.

Of course, the imperial envoy to arrest the general soldier was also quite sensitive, so Ye Zhong pointed out a solution for Wu Shigong, and put this matter on the personal behavior of Jin Yiwei, and those Jin Yiwei were hostile elements who had infiltrated the court.This also gave the imperial court a step down, so as not to cause the situation to deteriorate due to mutual accusations. [

But Wu Shigong still had doubts: "Your Majesty really doesn't know about this? Could it be that His Majesty passed on the secret decree?"

"Absolutely not!" Ye Zhong answered with certainty, "The emperor is extremely wise, resolute and decisive, and would never disdain what such a villain would do." Ye Zhong was quite sure about this.If Emperor Chongzhen really gave the order, he had always been decisive in killing and attacking, and would never save an imperial decree.

"But will the imperial court believe this explanation?" Wu Shigong asked again.

"So what if you don't believe it?" Ye Zhongxin thought: Of course the imperial court would not believe it, "But does the Holy One want to force Brother Chang Jing to rebel? Does Brother Chang Jing want to rebel against himself? We have to give in, everyone find a way Just down."

Needless to say, Wu Shigong was indeed moved by Ye Zhong's words.If it can be resolved in this way, although the relationship between myself and the court will definitely become wary of each other, it is better than rebelling immediately.

So, Wu Shigong asked without shame: "Brother Nayan, can you give me an idea?"

Seeing that his persuasion had an effect, Ye Zhong breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Chang Jing must have found out the facts these days, so let those officials be released! Runing will be restored to normal, and no one else Let me tell the truth; Brother Chang Jing also needs to send a trusted person to the governor and the court to explain to the emperor and the court, but don't hurt the lives of the imperial envoys, wait for the emperor's order!"

"Brother Nayan, can you work hard again?" Wu Shigong asked again.

"The miscellaneous family is not suitable!" Ye Zhong smiled, "But according to the judgment of the miscellaneous family, it is time for someone from the court to come!" , is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m to read.)

ps: Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!

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