Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 600 Chain Reaction

Emperor Chongzhen finally did not feel unsympathetic to this veteran minister who had worked by his side for many years. Although he let Wen Tiren retire and go home, he still gave him the dignity he deserved, and gave him gold, silver, silk and satin before leaving, and ordered him to go home. Officials from the Pedestrian Department escorted him all the way to his hometown in Zhejiang.

But Wen Tiren, who had no power, also exhausted his vitality.When he returned to his hometown, the former prime minister, who had been vigorously suppressing his political opponents a year ago, fell ill and died in the second year.

Wen Tiren is a standard politician who has made no achievements in governing the country. During his tenure as prime minister, the situation inside and outside the Ming Dynasty was also deteriorating step by step.Although there were objective factors of natural disasters and corruption during this period, and there were also reasons why the Donglin party members obstructed the government in every possible way for the benefit of the party, but as the chief assistant, Wen Tiren was indeed extremely unqualified.He was also one of the chief culprits in the downfall of the Ming Dynasty.

In this political transformation, the officialdom of Nanzhili, the stronghold of the Donglin Party, did not join.It's not for other reasons, because they are now being battered by Liu Guoneng's peasant army.

At the beginning of the tenth year of Chongzhen, after Liu Guoneng led his more than 6 troops to the Dabie Mountains, he did not rush to attack everywhere and seized supplies to supply so many troops.First of all, he tore off the mask of "Jianghu righteousness", and began to integrate the remnants of the peasant army in the Dabie Mountains, with the appearance of those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish.

Liu Guoneng also has a small nine-nine. His future status in the Runing Army depends on how many people he surrenders; and whether Butcher Wu will kill donkeys depends on how many troops he has, so he is still Han Xin. ——The more the better!Therefore, with the efforts of Liu Guoneng.His men suddenly swelled to more than 8.

After entering March, although the Runing Army secretly supplied supplies, Liu Guoneng's Ministry could no longer just sit back and eat.For this reason, he must launch military operations outward.

However, this military operation has only one direction, not going east to Chuzhou and Nanjing.Because Xiangxi is the territory of the Runing Army.To the south is the Yangtze River, and to the north is the [-] soldiers of Fengyang Governor Zhu Dadian.

At the end of February, Liu Guoneng led [-] elite soldiers to Tongcheng.Not surprisingly, Tongcheng conquered with one attack.Then Liu Guoneng divided his troops into Huaining again, and the magistrate of Huaining abandoned the city and fled, so Liu Guoneng's troops captured two cities in a row without bloodshed. [

Then Liu Guoneng's Ministry began to drive towards Lujiang County. He wanted to pass through Luzhou from the south of Chaohu Lake and enter the territory of Chuzhou, Anhui.But at this time, an accident happened.

According to Wu Shigong's original plan, the direction of Liu Guoneng's movement is very flexible, and he can make his own decisions in many cases.In case of a strong enemy.Liu Guoneng could evade, give way, divert, and even return to the Dabie Mountains to recuperate.The key is to preserve the strength of the Ministry of Liu Guoneng.

Wu Shigong wanted the Ministry of Liu Guoneng to disrupt the Anhui region, and used his threat to attract the attention of the Northern Zhili army, waiting for the Nanjing Ministry of War to summon the Runing Army to jointly suppress the bandits.

In this way, the Runing Army's dispatch of troops is well-known.And can get great benefits in Anhui.In addition, Liu Guoneng's ministry was publicly recruited as a matter of course.Moreover, if the surrendered peasant army is resettled on the spot, the area will be controlled by the Runing army in a disguised form.

The influence of that projection can even reach Anqing, making the navy of the Runing Army add another base on the Yangtze River.Therefore, the key is for Liu Guoneng to have strength, not for him to fight recklessly with the officers and soldiers.So on this point, the requirements of the Runing Army and the interests of Liu Guoneng are the same.

However, with the failure of the imperial envoy Xu Mengqi to arrest Wu Shigong, the plan of the Runing Army has undergone major changes.First of all, the strength of the Runing Army has shrunk, and they will no longer pretentiously pursue Liu Guoneng's Ministry.Then the supply of covert support also decreased, and the Runing Army had to save every grain of "medicine" and food, preparing to face the encirclement and suppression of heavy troops from the imperial court.

After that, it was the death order for Liu Guoneng's subordinates.Wu Shigong asked Liu Guoneng to pass through Chaohu.Instead of going to Chuzhou, I changed direction and went straight to Nanjing.

In fact, this completely regarded Liu Guoneng as an abandoned son.Wu Shigong needed the Ministry of Liu Guoneng to entangle Nanzhili, especially the Beijing camp in Nanjing.It's best to hit a lose-lose situation, so that they all try to attack the Runing Army again.

Although he was a little uncomfortable when he received the order, Liu Guoneng didn't think much about it.He can't help but think too much, his family is still in the hands of the Runing Army.But on March 22, when Liu Guoneng's department came to Wei County, Wu Shigong was assassinated by imperial envoys but failed, and news came that the Runing Army was preparing to rebel.This made Liu Guoneng stop immediately.

This hesitation allowed more than 300 officers and soldiers who came in an emergency to enter Wei County under the leadership of a guard.Coupled with the young men recruited for the county, the defense here was suddenly strengthened.

But by the time Liu Guoneng figured out that no matter how he acted, he would have to guarantee the county's retreat, it was already too late.After that, it can only attack the county seat by force.

A bloody siege battle lasted for three full days and caused more than 5000 casualties before Liu Guoneng drove the official army out of the county seat.And it was just to drive away, Wei Zhixian and the guard fled to Hanshan County with more than 1000 soldiers and young men.

This puts Liu Guoneng in a dilemma now.No matter whether you are going to Chuzhou or Nanjing, you can't go around Hanshan County.But Liu Guoneng couldn't retreat, and his dead point was caught by the Runing Army.

So Liu Guoneng began to stand still. He told Lin Yufei, who was sent by the Runing Army to supervise and contact him, for various reasons, but he refused to advance to Nanjing.In Liu Guoneng's mind, he also needs to see the further actions of the Runing Army, and then decide his own actions.

Therefore, the arrest incident has actually caused a chain reaction, especially causing great harm to the Runing Army.In addition to the huge rift with the imperial court, the Runing Army's Nanzhili strategy was also greatly affected. [

Although Liu Guoneng's current reaction is reasonable, it did not cause the worst result such as surrendering to the Nanjing army, but his performance also started to be alienated from the Runing army.

But for Liu Guoneng, he didn't wait for good fruit to eat, because his stay also made Nanjing's official army come up in time for reinforcements.So when Liu Guoneng found out about this situation, he had to fight the Beijing camp in Weixian County.

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