Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 608 Attack on Huguang

Neither Wu Shigong nor Wang Jueqing expected that their very ordinary business dialogue would lead to a huge political system change.

First of all, of course, a huge step has been taken on the journey from the rule of man to the rule of law.In the future, many actions of the Runing Army will no longer be determined by the decision makers.Instead, a special agency formulates laws and regulations, and then implements them in accordance with the laws.

The various benefits of the legal system are advocated by many legal scholars anyway, so I won’t repeat them here.The advantage of the legal system is not that it makes decision-making more efficient, because no matter how efficient a political group is, it is still inferior to a dictatorship.

And choosing the rule of law just makes the decision-making no longer stupid.Because for a political group, no matter how many unsatisfactory decisions are made, it will not hurt the muscles and bones, but as long as there is one stupid decision, it will often make the political group irreparable.I will not give specific examples, just look at the history books, what the founding monarchs and subjugated monarchs of all dynasties did!

The chamber of commerce that Wang Jueqing participated in will gradually change in nature in the future, and it will gradually evolve into a specialized legislative body.Maybe we've figured out what that is?right!It is parliament.

The arbitration office mentioned by Wu Shigong will also gradually evolve into an independent judicial institution, that is, the court.This change evolved to the end, forming a de facto separation of powers.And the judicial power of officials, which has continued to this day, will be completely stripped away in the end.

In any case, such a political system makes the country more stable.And there is an unexpected benefit, that is, it has cultivated an atmosphere of popular democracy.

In many forums today, democracy seems to have become a pejorative term. Of course, any social system has shortcomings, but it is undeniable.Democracy is still a relatively fair approach.

Democracy, however, is not inherent. This social atmosphere needs to be cultivated, that is to say, the entire society must form a social environment in which the minority obeys the majority.

For example, countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, where democracy has developed relatively well, have been cultivated from the era of the "Magna Carta" to modern times. It will take hundreds of years and more than a dozen generations to become more mature.

What about being immature?Think about that island.A few years ago, the parliament there was still fighting.Think about that tourist attraction again, where the election losers even organized an opposition party, causing red shirts and yellow shirts to block the airport.So, no matter how good the system is.It still takes people to abide by it before it can be effective. Everything is difficult at the beginning!

certainly.There is still a long way to go for the Runing Army to form such a separation of powers.Moreover, they also combined the situation of the Ming Dynasty at that time to form their own unique separation of powers, but no matter what, the Long March has always taken the first step.

And such a major change in the political system came from Wu Shigong's fear of trouble.If he now knows how the future will change, he really doesn't know whether to laugh three times or cry a lot.

But why is Wu Shigong crying?It will be described in detail later in the article.

Chongzhen ten years July 21st.Xinyang.

"Have all the militia members arrived?" Xue Yong asked.

"Two regiments have already come, and two more will come from the camp in five days. There are no large groups of bandits nearby, and the Xinyang camp should be fine." Qian Qi replied.

"That's good! Let's go!"

The three legions and one marine regiment that had already been lined up gradually changed into a marching line.They keep spreading.Until it turned into black spots on the horizon.On both sides of the queue, orderly soldiers shuttled back and forth, and around the troops, there were also teams of scouts acting on their own.

"Commander Gang, are the craftsmen ready?" Xue Yong asked again.

"Report to Commander Xue! They are all assembled! Our marine regiment has also escorted them. Please rest assured!" Even riding on the horse, Gonzalez straightened his waist and gave a standard military salute.As a foreign military officer, Gonzalez and the others have always followed the military rules of the Runing Army, and they just want to fully integrate into this group.

"Then let's go too!" Seeing that his troops had almost left, Xue Yong finally set off on horseback.

The first destination of Jiaoji Town this time is Huanggang County, where the ships of the Runing Army Navy are already waiting on the water.And the artisans who brought them will build docks and refit ships there.They're going to put the guns on the ships of the Navy.

Because they will enter the Huguang and Jiangnan areas to fight, Jiaoji Town will mainly rely on shipping, so their equipment is relatively light, and there are not many horses and heavy artillery. In order to strengthen their strength, Wu Shigong specially allocated ten three-pound artillery strengthened the town.This is also the origin of the name Jiaoji Town.

The long march was very boring, so the officers chatted.

"We didn't catch up with the eldest lady's marriage this time!" Xue Yong said with a smile.

"Xiao Xinzi is lucky! At that time, he was still running after us with a runny nose!" Qian Qi also enviously said "tsk tsk".

"Don't be unconvinced. At that time, when I saw him walking around the eldest lady, I knew that kid was born to be a lover!" Xue Yong's words immediately made the officers burst into laughter.

"It's also the old commander who taught well. At that time, such a brat practiced kung fu on the snow with a single eye. In our Runing army, there were not many people with such solid kung fu." Qian Qi also said with a smile.

"That's true. The main thing is Xiao Xinzi's success. But Xiaoqian, you are also good, and your son is also a tiger-headed tiger, and he does his homework very tightly! Find a way to entrust the Yang family to make a baby kiss, anyway, my uncle has a lot of daughters. I think that Mrs. Ka's daughter is not bad, she looks similar to the commander of the Gang army." Xue Yong's words caused another burst of laughter.

Gonzalez heard Xue Yong take him out, and said with a smile: "The Baroness Carelli is the most beautiful rose in our place, even the French girl can't compare to it. Captain Qian should hurry up." ah!"

But Qian Qi was thoughtful, and her heart moved.However, he soon came to his senses. When he saw those officers pointing the finger at him, he replied, "Commander Xue's son is not bad either! Don't you think about it?"

"They can't do it anymore. They are too old, it's too late to learn to be a soldier." Because Xue Yong is older, his two sons are almost adults, so he feels a little regretful when he thinks about this.

"I heard that they are studying in the bank. When they come out, they can become local officials instead of shopkeepers. Not bad." Qian Qi comforted.

"No matter how you say it, their Lao Tzu must win the battle first! Show the bandits a look at our Flood Dragon Strike!" (To be continued...)

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