"I'd like to say one more thing. This trip is a near-death experience. We just want to give the red-haired ghost a little color. So if you don't want to go, we won't underestimate him..." Huang Degong said to the soldiers of the [-] Marine Corps .

"Instructor Huang! Are you old? Why are you so wordy?" Huang Ding, who was leading the soldiers, interrupted his words, which immediately caused the soldiers to chuckle.

Most of these soldiers were from the boy camp, exuding vigor and vigor, which is a good time when newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.They are also Huang Degong's students, and they are not big or small when joking with Huang Degong on weekdays.The leader of the team, Huang Ding, didn't even have a name when he entered the boy camp, so he took Huang Degong's surname. It should be said that Huang Degong treated him as his son.

"Then be careful. Wansheng!" Huang Degong said with a smile.

"Wan Sheng!" All the soldiers shouted and raised their clenched right fists.

Then Huang Degong watched these soldiers run to the beach, and put the small wooden boat on the beach into the sea.It was dusk, and the sun had been swallowed up by the sea level.The orange-red sunlight sprinkled on the sea surface, shining dots and dots, Huang Degong's nose was sharply sore, and the eye sockets were a little moist.Huang Degong suddenly felt a huge pain in his chest, these are good boys!

After the Navy and Marine Corps of the Runing Army arrived in Taiwan, Zheng Zhilong Yinuo assigned a piece of land to the Runing Army and moved nearly a thousand families of Fujian immigrants.Later, Wu Shigong also found a way to send hundreds of refugees from Henan.

Relying on these people, the Runing army repaired water conservancy, opened up wasteland, built stockades, and expelled the aborigines.Its hard work is hard to understand with outsiders.After more than two years of hard work, this place has finally begun to show its scale.

Seeing that the Runing Army's wasteland reclamation had achieved results, Zheng Zhilong also strengthened his cooperation and moved more than 1000 Fujian immigrant families to reclaim more wasteland.And this time.The two parties agreed that it would be divided fifty-fifty. [

The number of people is also great, and they already have experience in reclaiming wasteland, so the speed of reclaiming wasteland by the Runing Army has been greatly accelerated, and soon, they expanded to southern Taiwan.

In the past, there was a tacit understanding between Zheng Zhilong and the Dutch colonists. Zheng Zhilong acquiesced that Tainan was the sphere of influence of the Dutch colonists.The two sides also tacitly have a demarcation line on the island of Taiwan.

However, the Runing Army did not take this default demarcation line seriously. Originally, what the Dutch colonists needed was the ports along the coast of Taiwan, and they did not need the arable land in the interior of Taiwan. Everyone went their own way.Originally, well water does not violate river water.

And seeing the waste of land on the other side of the dividing line, those immigrants also feel distressed!One can imagine the feelings of Chinese farmers for the land.As a result, the immigrants spontaneously crossed the dividing line and went to the Dutch colonists to open up wasteland.

Of course, the people in charge of the Runing Army and Tuntian Zhuangzi gave great encouragement, and they didn't pick up the windfall of the master.That would be struck by lightning.Even Zheng Zhilong acquiesced after knowing about it, because they could still split half of it.

You can also imagine what happened afterwards.How would Western colonists treat these farmers?That does not need the author to introduce more.Anyway, a few lives were lost.

But the Dutch colonists had no idea.What they met was not the colonial natives of Africa and Southeast Asia, but the aggressive Runing Army. In addition, these immigrants who opened up wasteland were originally established in the style of the Runing Army's Tuntian Zhuangzi, so they immediately attracted Runing Army's revenge.

First, several single colonists "mysteriously" disappeared, and then even the colonists in the brigade were attacked, and finally.Even the locals who did business with the Dutch colonists and transported civilian supplies were attacked by the Runing Army.If it weren't for the Runing Army, they would always sell Zheng Zhilong some face, and Zheng Zhilong was transporting goods over at the request of the Dutch colonists.They also brought some civilian supplies, and those Western colonists were almost out of food.

So the governor of the Dutch colonists stationed in Taiwan gathered more than 700 soldiers from the fortress, local armed civilians and Western sailors, wearing plate armor and holding firearms, and came to sweep them up.They thought that the legend of hundreds of such soldiers defeating tens of thousands of natives with primitive weapons was about to be staged again.

But the Dutch colonists did not expect that the Marine Corps immediately assembled more than 2000 troops and village guards, still had firearms, and still used the Western phalanx to start a big battle with them.

Although the Dutch colonists almost had a firearm, most of them were not soldiers after all, so when the Runing Army and the Dutch colonists "queued up and shot", they had already collapsed.

After that, it was a one-sided chase.If they hadn't escaped under the cover of the fort's artillery, they might have been wiped out.But even so, only over 300 Dutch colonists finally fled back to the fortress.

But in this battle, the Runing Army also suffered more than 200 casualties, among which the Marine Corps standing at the forefront suffered hundreds of casualties.You know, there are only 1000 Runing troops stationed on the island of Taiwan. Excluding those who boarded the ship for "internship" and guards, there are only more than 500 people on the island at this time.

So Huang Degong, the supreme commander of the Runing Army, immediately became furious. He ordered the beheading of more than 200 Dutch colonial captives, including the Governor of the Netherlands.What kills prisoners but does not kill them? In Huang Degong's eyes, such weird-looking Dutch colonists are not human beings at all.

Fortunately, at this time, Zheng Zhilong's envoys arrived in time, and they proposed to Huang Degong that the captives should be redeemed with a ransom. [

Of course, the envoy was entrusted by the Dutch colonists, and he also wanted to safeguard Zheng Zhilong's interests.Zheng Zhilong's Taiwan policy is: Zheng's family dominates, while the Dutch colonists and the Runing Army want a balance between the two.And he doesn't want the two companies to fight to destroy the trade environment.

So the envoy put pressure on Huang Degong, and the logistics and sea passages of the Runing Army were in the hands of Zheng Zhilong, so in the end, Huang Degong had no choice but to back down.But even so, Huang Degong still took the opportunity to pay a huge ransom.

Of course, the Dutch colonists could not afford so much money, so they could only redeem more than [-] military officers including the governor of Taiwan, and the rest could only be considered later.Huang Degong was also very straightforward, and when those people left, he tore up the votes of the remaining prisoners.It's not that we don't give them a chance. We can't blame God for being poor.So, this beam ended like this.

After that, the two sides continued to have small frictions anyway, but under Zheng Zhilong's strong suppression, no large-scale battles took place, and the grievances between the two sides became deeper and deeper. The Dutch colonists did not dare to leave the fortress again, and the Runing Army I dare not approach the fort any more. (to be continued...)

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