Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 648 The Surprising Yu Zilian

At this time, the imperial court was receiving reports of defeats from various places every day, and Yang Sichang also responded with tactics, while Emperor Chongzhen was in a state of desperation, so he had to send heavy troops to help again.Due to the stable situation in the northwest, Emperor Chongzhen first dispatched Shaanxi Governor Sun Chuanting to lead his troops to aid in November, and ordered Shaanxi Governor Hong Chengchou to also come to Gyeonggi to aid in the suppression in the second month.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen thought to himself: The situation should have changed now!

Unexpectedly, the newly transferred Ming army was even worse.When the various Ming armies from the inland were transferred to the front line, they would only watch from afar, or flee, not even daring to make contact with the Qing army.

For example: Sun Chuanting's Qin army won many victories when encircling and suppressing the peasant army. When they were transferred to the Gyeonggi area in December, they were frightened when they saw the smoke and dust of the Qing army's cavalry. Collapse.Make coach Sun Chuanting feel incomprehensible to this situation.

In fact, this is not a command problem, nor is it a problem of equipment, it is completely a psychological problem of soldiers. The words "Jurchen is invincible" have already been heard, and now there is an upgraded version: "The Qing army is invincible!" Whether it is a brave general, a capable soldier, or the Emperor Chongzhen who thinks he is planning a strategy Even myself, I couldn't dispel the fear in the hearts of the soldiers of the Ming army.That's when a psychiatrist is most needed.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.Emperor Chongzhen, who liked to vent his anger, couldn't help it.

Emperor Chongzhen was very disappointed with what Lu Xiangsheng had done on the front line. He wanted to replace him several times, but there was no suitable candidate.

And at the end of November.The chief academician Liu Yuliang offered to go out of the capital to supervise the division when he called for the right.Emperor Chongzhen was very happy about this, because serving as the commander-in-chief of the former enemy with the lofty status of the chief assistant, at least it could build up the prestige of the court and boost morale.

So Emperor Chongzhen asked Liu Yuliang to go back and write this request into a written memorial. For some reason, Liu Yuliang's memorial turned into going out of the city to inspect the troops.Liu Yuliang began to play word games, because the meanings of inspector and inspector are obviously completely different.One is to specifically command the battle, and the other is just to watch it, and there is no need to bear the responsibility for the defeat at all. [

Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?So Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being even more disgusted with the cunning of civil servants, but he had no choice but to order him out of the city to inspect when the military situation was urgent.

Just then.Sun Chuanting's troops had already arrived in the war zone, and Emperor Chongzhen really wanted to replace Lu Xiangsheng with him, but it was Yang Sichang's persuasion that "changing the commander in front of the battle may affect the use of troops", so he didn't implement it.But in order to express his extreme dissatisfaction.When Liu Yuliang went to inspect, Emperor Chongzhen announced that Lu Xiangsheng would be revoked from the title of Minister of the Ministry of War and changed to the title of Minister of the Ministry of War as Governor.Still the same as Gao Qi and hidden crimes.

In fact, objectively speaking, although Lu Xiangsheng and Gao Qiqian were defeated, they still dared to fight.Compared with those Ming troops who were watching from the sidelines, their performance is already... .sorry!Can't find an adjective.There is only one reason: the more you do, the more mistakes you make!

Under such circumstances, on November [-], Wu Shigong joined Li Lu's troops and officially joined the war in the Northern Expedition.

But no one expected that the first person to jump on this stage was someone who no one expected, that is Yu Zilian and his Ruzhou Army.

If you want to select the most embarrassing coach and army in the Ming army.It must be Yu Zilian and his Ruzhou Army.This can also be seen from Yu Zilian's official position, a nondescript censor, without a clear garrison area, and without a clear combat goal, seems to be a forgotten role no matter how you look at it.

Indeed, the imperial court did not pay much attention to Yu Zilian and his Ruzhou Army.The key point is that the Ruzhou Army has a bad background.The Ruzhou Army was neither a frontier army nor a soldier, nor even a guard. It was just a group of civilians temporarily recruited by Yu Zilian in Ruzhou at that time. Therefore, in the eyes of the court, the Ruzhou Army was a group of ordinary people who took up arms. Better than the mob.

What is strange is that the imperial court was willing to appease the rebel peasant army, which also started from a mob, with official positions and food and salaries, and the former peasant army leaders and their troops recruited were repeatedly used by the imperial court. This can only be lamented outside the wall The flowering wall is fragrant.

Another one, Yu Zilian himself has no reputation in the court.A Jinshi with a low ranking and a county magistrate who has been in the local area for several years and has not heard a voice, in addition to learning that he has a personal grudge with the notorious Wu Shigong, and that the personal grudge stems from robbing a woman, which makes Yu Zi Lian's bigwigs all thought that Yu Zilian and Wu Shigong were just raccoons of the same feather.So Yu Zilian's reputation in the court is not good.

Then there is the inherent human jealousy.Many courtiers thought to themselves: I don't know what kind of shit luck Yu Zilian had, to be directly promoted by the imperial court from the county magistrate to the prefecture because of his private grievances with Wu Shigong who didn't appear on the stage.And this is not over yet, and then he stepped on two shits in a row, and even pulled up an army in the position of magistrate, and won consecutive victories, so that he has now become a high-ranking official in the court. !

Many officials even yy: If I have this luck, what will happen.Anyway, he will definitely do better than Yu Zilian.Therefore, when many officials mention Yu Zilian, their hearts will always be sour.That's why the imperial envoy Xu Mengqi inexplicably wanted to arrest Wu Shigong and wanted to personally take charge of the Runing Army.

In addition, the Ruzhou Army was born at a bad time.Although the Ruzhou Army played an extremely crucial role in the battle involving the Ruzhou Army, every time the Ruzhou Army fought, it also had great victories from its allies, so his brilliance was also overshadowed by the brilliance of other Ming armies In addition, the Ruzhou Army did not encounter any serious opponents, so in the eyes of the imperial court, the Ruzhou Army is considered optional, at most it is holding one kind: "An extra official army is always ok." attitude.

In the end, it was Yu Zilian's behavior.Yu Zilian's experience as an official is destined to have little contact with important officials in the court. In addition, he was suppressed by Wu Shigong for five or six years in Ningling County. He has also become very calm and mature, following the principle of talking less and doing more.

To use modern terminology: Yu Zilian will not hype.In order to increase the exposure rate, those modern stars, regardless of good or bad things, first come to "so-and-so door" before talking about it, but Yu Zilian didn't do all of this at all. Even if the Ruzhou Army lacked food and pay, he didn't complain to the court and gritted his teeth Self-reliance, no complaints.

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