Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 665 Easy First Victory

Seeing the group of Mongolian light cavalry rushing towards the left-wing phalanx in front of him like a mob, He Fei, who commanded the battle, let out a contemptuous "Huh!" He didn't even bother to issue any orders, because the head of the phalanx himself This group of Mongolian Qingqi can be solved.

The three infantry regiments arranged in the front row of the Runing Army are all members of the Teaching Association, and the smallest soldiers among them all have the rank of squad deputy, so they can be called the Officer Association.

Moreover, the training of the Teaching Association is also over-enhanced, and the intensity and difficulty of the training are much higher than that of the general troops of the Runing Army.For example, in the confrontation training between infantry and cavalry, the general troops of the Runing Army have canceled live ammunition confrontation because they want to reduce unnecessary training casualties, but the Teaching Association still maintains this dangerous training, so those soldiers are not afraid of cavalry at all. Not to mention facing the Mongolian Qingqi who looked like a plate of loose sand.

"The artillery is ready, shoot freely within the range!" The head of the infantry regiment really calmly issued an order.

For the three infantry regiments on the front line, in addition to the three three-pound artillery belonging to their own regiment, Wu Shigong also strengthened each of them with two three-pound cannons.And these five artillery pieces have already been loaded with ammunition.

The commander in command of the five cannons pointed his thumbs at the Mongolian light cavalry, estimated the distance between them with the local method, until he felt that it was about the same, he immediately ordered: "Fire!"

Following his order, the gunners of the guns immediately put the torches on the matchlocks of the guns.

"Boom boom boom!" Five metal balls whizzed out of the gun barrel, drawing five beautiful arcs in the air, and all of them hit the Mongolian light cavalry without landing. It turned out that none of them had received formal cavalry training, and they unconsciously got together very closely.I thought it would make me more at ease in my heart.

But in this way, the effect of the shelling is quite perfect.The five shells directly blazed five paths of blood. Each shell knocked down almost a dozen cavalrymen. The men and horses who were hit fell to the ground with blood and flesh. It's a mess.

But this chaos stopped the Mongolian Qingqi's charge.Isn't this a living target delivered to your door?Under the orders of the gunners, the gunners of the Runing Army loaded ammunition quickly, very quickly.Another round of five shells flew out of the barrel.Once again, the men and horses howled miserably, and the blood and flesh splattered, and the Mongolian Qingqi became even more chaotic.Even the eyelids of Dorgon and the generals of the Qing army who were watching the battle were jumping. They didn't expect that the artillery of the Ming army in front of them could fire so fast.

So the Mongolian Qingqi who survived didn't care about the death or injury of their companions.They thrashed the horses forward desperately, ie without collapsing.There was no escape either.

"Huh?" The commanding regiment leader couldn't help but uttered in surprise.To know.Now the casualty ratio of Mongolian Qingqi has exceeded [-]%.In previous battles, the enemy army had already collapsed or fled under such casualties, not to mention enduring the bombardment of artillery fire. Unexpectedly, these Mongolian light cavalry were still charging.

The head of the regiment couldn't help but admired in his heart: "No wonder the Tartars are boasting so much. It seems that they still have two brushes. But they still seem to be human. They will still be smashed by shells. Let's do it." Well, leave them all here!"

Then the head of the regiment then ordered loudly: "The gunners are ready! Formation of five rounds!" The gunners standing in front of the phalanx immediately lined up in five rows under the command of the commander of firearms.

In fact, those Mongolian light cavalry came from Eastern Mongolia, which is known for its cowardice on the grassland.And there are some herdsmen who gathered hastily.The reason why there is such a will is nothing more than the fact that since entering the customs, all the Mongolian herdsmen who fled and disobeyed the military orders were beheaded by the Qing army's supervising team, and under such harsh military laws, the lone army went deep into the Ming country. That's why they had to resolutely carry out their orders to the generals of the Qing Dynasty.

"Boom boom boom!" The third round of artillery was fired.But the effect of this shooting was not very good, only the tails of these Mongolian light cavalry were swept.And those Mongolian light cavalry didn't even care about the companions who fell to the ground at the end of the team. They whipped their horses frantically and rushed towards the left-wing phalanx of the Runing Army.

"This cannon fires too fast. Why haven't we encountered it before? I haven't heard that there is such a cannon at King Sanshun. If we can get a few of them, then the artillery can not only attack the city, but also be able to attack the city." Show off in the field."

"You can't say that, these herdsmen are too bad. If you encounter our cavalry, first spread out and then press down, and then close together after getting close to the artillery, and you won't be able to hit a few of us."

"That's not necessarily the case. It may not be able to suppress those servants. Seeing this iron bullet flying towards him, who wouldn't be frightened? This death is not clear enough!"

"Then what is military law for?"


The generals of the Qing army were chattering about the shelling of the Runing army, each expressing their own opinions.

But Dorgon's face was gloomy. Hearing the noise around him, he yelled: "Stop making noise!" Then he stared intently at the charges of the Mongolian light cavalry.

Seeing that the Mongolian light cavalry had run into a blind spot, the artillerymen of the Runing Army stopped firing.The gunners in the first row of the Runing Army had already set up the brackets. They placed the guns on the brackets, aimed steadily, and kept blowing the matchlocks, waiting for the order to shoot.

"Hold on! Hold on! Those in the back row look forward and don't mess around. Listen to orders! Get ready——! Fire!" Seeing those Mongolian light cavalry rushing into the hundred paces, the firearms commander immediately swung down his command saber.

There was a loud noise, and white smoke rose in unison in front of the formation, and the dozen or so Mongolian Qingqi who rushed to the front immediately fell to the ground.After finishing shooting, the Gunner of the Runing Army immediately picked up the gunner on the bracket, and made way to the right rear.And the gunners who lined up behind him immediately put the guns on the bracket, and under the command of the commander of firearms, they fired a volley.Then there is the third row, the fourth row...

As if there was an invisible wall in front of them, as soon as those Mongolian light cavalry entered the firing range of the firecrackers, they kept falling as if hitting a wall.And every row of gunners in the Runing Army mechanically cleaned the chamber with a cleaning rod, charged the gunpowder, reloaded it, tamped it, and then pulled the trigger.Because it was five rows of bursts, the interval between shooting was quite short, so those Mongolian light cavalry had no time to take advantage of the gap to charge. Instead, they were beaten back by the Runing army.

Such a scene is too depressing.When there were only more than 200 horses left, the remaining Mongolian light cavalry could no longer bear such casualties, collapsed and fled back towards the main formation.

Dorgon hammered his thigh hard.It's not because of the failure of these Mongolian Qingqi's charge.Originally, these people were cannon fodder, and if they were lost, they would be lost, and Dorgon would not feel particularly distressed.But he passed the temptation of those Mongolian Qingqi, but found that the firearms of the Ming army on the opposite side were quite fierce.

"They're all the same firecracker!" Dorgon exclaimed.

Through the comparison of the shooting range, Dorgon confirmed that the Ming army on the opposite side used this kind of firecracker with a range of a hundred steps and great power, which was much more powerful than the firecracker he had captured.

Tuberi obviously understood what Dorgon said, and he said: "It's like our riding bow and longbow!" But then Tuberi immediately ordered to the soldiers: "Take those cowards who escaped back They were all chopped up."

Those Mongolian Qingqi who fled back scattered knew that if they ran back to the main formation, they would die, so they simply ran to the other side, thinking of delaying some time, hoping that Dorgon would be merciful outside the law and escape with their lives.

However, nearly a hundred of Dorgon's personal guards had already galloped out of the battle. Relying on their horsepower, they caught up with the rout soldiers, and then killed those Mongolian light cavalry one by one with long knives and spears behind them. Just don't miss any of them.

Now that Dorgon has offered such a high reward, even in the face of a hail of bullets, these Mongolian light cavalry can't escape, otherwise, how could such a good thing happen?If you want to win such military exploits, you must have the consciousness to face death.

For a small victory in the first battle, the soldiers of the Runing Army cheered, but the regimental commander, artillery commander, and firearms commander who commanded the battle looked indifferent.

From their point of view, these Tartars have a little more courage to charge, but the rest can only be called idiots. It is a matter of course to defeat such an incompetent opponent, so what is there to be happy about? Woolen cloth?

He Fei and Chu Ge, who commanded the front line, also had serious faces.He Fei said: "It's a temptation!"

Chu Ge nodded, and then asked He Fei for instructions: "Master He! The Tartars may be about to get serious later. Then I'd better go to the chariot to prepare first."

"Okay! You decide on your own when the chariot team is dispatched! Pay attention to the timing, and be careful yourself." He Fei said.

Zug nodded to Hefei, and then led his own soldiers towards the chariot on the right wing.

Wu Shigong's central army was also quiet, but Zhou Junwu saw so many Tartars killed, so he was cheering all by himself.He cheered: "Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng! Congratulations, Lord! Great victory!"

It wasn't until Zhou Junwu realized that the people around him were staring at him strangely that he stopped cheering.This made Zhou Junwu a little strange, he asked Wu Shigong in surprise, "My lord! Are you unhappy?"

Wu Shigong smiled slightly at Zhou Junwu, and said lightly: "Watch the battle!" Then he ignored Zhou Junwu who was stunned, and still turned his attention to the battlefield. (To be continued..)

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