Dorgon didn't care about the reaction of those generals, he turned his head, and said to Zhang Liang who was smiling flatteringly at him: "Later, you go to the military quarters to pick up the carts, and then I will give you five hundred North Korean gunmen. Don't let me down!"

"Thank you, my lord! This slave must..."

Hearing that Zhang Liang wanted to show his loyalty again, Dorgon waved his whip lightly.Seeing that Dorgon was a little impatient, Zhang Liang and Liu Shuncai quickly saluted, and then retreated in a sensible way. They trotted on their horses again, and immediately returned to their troops to prepare to attack.

When Zhang Liang and Liu Shun left, Dorgon also put away his smile.For this kind of betrayer, Dorgon is also full of contempt.It's just that he hides it better, making it difficult for others to find out.

And those generals of the Qing army did not care about such a generous amount of rewards, everyone knew that this was a narrow escape.Otherwise, if Zhang Liang and the others easily win, they can get more than 5000 people's futures, then the number of people who won the futures of these two Khans will exceed the total number of people who have won the futures of the Eight Banners themselves. Any fool knows that there will be no such thing good thing.

Then Dorgon started ordering generals again: "Tan En, Ma Zhali, Quan Gui, the three of you took all the Mongolian Eight Banners and Xinying into three teams, spread out far away, and bandaged the Ming army on the opposite side. You don't need to get too close to avoid their artillery and firecrackers, but you must keep making noises. If you want to put them in a dilemma, you must keep them where they are. Especially prevent them from approaching the hills, and you must not let them Support the Ming army on the mountain."


"The rest of the people are preparing behind with their own flags and bull records, waiting for the king's orders at any time."


"The Ming army on the opposite side is really stupid. Do you think that the troops will be lined up and defend the city with firearms in a field battle? But they don't understand their own weaknesses. The movement of their infantry phalanx is no match for our Qing cavalry. "

"If we really use cavalry to charge the battle, it is just a trick of the Ming people. Since they want to defend the city, then we will fight in the same way as a siege. First use general artillery to disperse them, and then use iron cavalry They are the last blow. So you must understand that you must not let the Ming army on the opposite side move. As long as they don't move and let them stay within the range of our general's guns, we will win more than half of the battle."

The generals of the Qing army immediately became active.Because Dorgon's plan is indeed feasible.Dorgon is indeed an excellent commander. He can analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Runing Army's battle formation through a short trial, and immediately come up with corresponding countermeasures. He is indeed a man of fame.

As for the two Han armies attacking the small hill occupied by Xia Shumo, it was to clear the way for the cavalry movement on the east side of the Qing army.For the Qing army, which is dominated by cavalry, the wider the area that can move, the better.

Dorgon was willing to sacrifice the two Han armies.It is also necessary to increase the confidence of the Qing army in winning. After all, excellent commanders are people who are very cautious in using troops.

But at this moment, there was only a rush of drumming in the Runing Army, and with the sound of the drums, the entire Runing Army immediately prepared.Then the sound of drumming slowed down, and rhythmic drum beats were played, and the Runing Army immediately marched forward with the drum beats.

This sudden change caused the brains of all the generals of the Qing army to shut down immediately.Why did the Ming army on the opposite side move?Did they see through their own arrangements?Moreover, the movement of each phalanx of the Runing Army is uniform, just like a modern large-scale group gymnastics.It gives people a great visual shock, so it is in one hour and three quarters.The generals of the Qing army just stood still in place.

It wasn't until the Runing Army walked nearly a hundred steps forward, and amidst a burst of rapid drumming, all the soldiers of the Runing Army stopped at the same time, which woke up the generals of the Qing Army from their sleep.However, seeing the Runing Army just now, who moved like a forest and stopped like a mountain, those generals of the Qing Army suddenly felt a creepy feeling.

"Why are you still standing there stupidly? Hurry up and get ready!" Dorgon suddenly shouted angrily.The generals of the Qing army immediately came to their senses. They whipped their horses and rushed towards their troops.

"My lord! Those Ming dogs are demonstrating against us." Seeing Dorgon's face full of anger, Tuberi comforted him.

Dorgon nodded, agreeing with Tuberi's point of view, but he thought in his heart: "It turns out that this Ming army will not mess up when it moves! Isn't this a city that can be moved? This battle will be difficult." Fight." Dorgon, who had just made a plan and gained some confidence in winning, felt that some things were out of his control at this time.

Dorgon didn't know that this action of the Runing Army was actually a pre-war adjustment.Although the troops had already deployed, the Runing Army did not adjust the interval between the soldiers, because just after the deployment, the Runing Army encountered Mongolian Qingqi's charge.So taking advantage of the time before the Qing army launched a general offensive, they walked nearly a hundred steps forward, adjusted the distance, and prepared for the upcoming decisive battle.But this action, on the contrary, almost scared the generals of the Qing army to pee.

It wasn't until Dorgon observed for a while and found that the Runing Army hadn't made any more moves, that he was relieved and affirmed that this was a random move by the Runing Army, and he didn't see through his combat intentions.So Dorgon ordered loudly: "Pass the order! If you are ready, act according to the plan immediately, don't delay any longer!"

The cavalry of the Qing army began to line up in a very scattered formation, spreading out and marching forward.Moreover, the more they walked, the more they spread out, gradually forming a semi-encirclement shape for the entire Runing Army formation.However, the distance from the cavalry skirmish line of the Qing army is very far, basically six to seven hundred steps away from the Runing army, so that the artillery of the Runing army can barely reach it, but after firing, they cannot hit the Qing army. So firing artillery is also very wasteful, anyway, it is a sad distance.

Moreover, the cavalry of the Qing army would cruise out of their skirmish line from time to time. Those cavalry screamed and shouted, waved their weapons, and tried their best to provoke, but they just didn't charge within the range of the guns of the Runing army. [

Moreover, the line of cavalry skirmishers also formed a wall, blocking the sight of the Runing army.In this way, the Runing army could not figure out the direction of the Qing army's charge. Such an unspoken threat was more intimidating to people. Although there was still no battle, the tense atmosphere on the battlefield was already extremely intense.

Suddenly there was a burst of shouts from the Qing army on the west side of the battlefield, and the attention of all the soldiers of the Runing Army was immediately attracted to the west side.The gunner readied the cannon; the musketeer mounted his musket on the carriage; and the rest of the soldiers clutched their weapons.But after waiting for a while, the shouts on the west side gradually died down.

Before the Runing army could understand the situation in this direction, suddenly, the same shout came from the junction of the middle road and the east side.So the attention of the soldiers of the Runing Army turned to this direction again. They thought that the shouts of the Qing army just now were a slap in the face.

Sure enough, a group of Qing cavalry rushed out of the skirmish line in this direction. The Runing Army prepared again to repel the Qing cavalry here, but those cavalry did not run a few steps, but they all took the reins and turned around. , and retreated behind the skirmisher line.

"Then what are the Tartars doing?" An officer beside He Fei was a little puzzled.

"Whatever he is doing! Send the order: keep your eyes open, and the Tartars will be responsible wherever they rush over. No matter how fancy the Tartars are, it's useless. It's just a cover-up." He Fei replied.

He Fei and the others didn't know that this action of the Qing army was not only to delay time, but also to show a sense of presence at the junction of the middle road and the west side.They just want to tell the Runing Army: If the Runing Army sends reinforcements when the Han Army Banner and King Sanshun attack the hill, then the support army must always guard against the cavalry of the Qing Army.

But as soon as He Fei's words fell, there was another shout from the east side of the Qing army, and the skirmish line there immediately gave up a big gap, and the scull carts were pulled out. They were sorting out in front of the formation, twenty Several scull carts slowly lined up in a row, and then the scull carts behind them also came out, also aligned in a row.It wasn't until the fifth or sixth platoon was formed that the Qing army began to move slowly towards the small hill occupied by Shumo.

"The Tartars are going to Commander Wu. My lord, shall we go to support?" an officer asked He Fei.

He Fei observed for a while, shook his head with a smile, and said: "The number of Tartars at Shugui's place is at most five or six thousand, and there is no danger there. Shugui made us suffer a lot during the exercises, and now we can't do it." It's time for the Tartars to taste this taste." He Fei's words immediately caused a burst of laughter.

For the Qing army, the small hill occupied by Shumo was not a small threat. As long as artillery was placed on this hill, the area around the hill could be covered, making it difficult for the Qing army to pass through here.

But in terms of defense, the location of this small hill is actually not good. It is closer to the Qing army, penetrates into the Qing army's line, and faces the Qing army on a gentle slope.

What's more unfavorable is that the Runing Army also has many difficulties in rescue.Not to mention the long distance, but to say that if a rescue force is sent, it is very likely that there will be a scuffle with the Qing army on the top of the mountain. The small Runing Army must be at a disadvantage, so unless Shumo is in a desperate situation, He Fei will never send reinforcements.

He Fei has absolute confidence in Shumo's tortoise shell, but at this moment Shumo is sweating.The soil finally collected from the shallow soil layer on the mountain was only enough to cover the artillery, and there was no way to build an earth wall in front of his troops. Shumo could only fight directly with the Qing army attacking the mountain. (to be continued...)

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