Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 671 Not a Good Omen

In fact, the tactic of rushing forward and approaching the artillery of the Runing Army is a bit risky.If Tan Tu's [-] cavalry could charge resolutely, even though the artillery would be blocked by hail and covered by the firecrackers of the two phalanxes behind, the outcome of this battle would still be [-]-[-].And even if it wins, the artillery losses of the Runing Army will be relatively large.

But Tan Tu was scared.I can't blame Tan Tu's timidity completely. The shock after seeing the concentrated artillery fire for the first time, coupled with the smoke from the dense artillery fire completely blocked the artillery formation of the Runing Army, made people wonder about the devouring smoke. A sense of fear arose, so Tan Tu flinched.Although he led more than 3000 cavalry out of the skirmish line, he did not issue the order to charge for a long time, and even Dorgon's order to "take the cannon" was rejected by him.

But Tan Tu's resistance angered Dorgon, and he immediately ordered: "Ji Lang, you take people there, arrest Tan Tu, and stay there to command."

Before Jilang'a could take the order, Tuberi quickly gestured him to wait, and then said to Dorgon, "My lord! Think twice!"

Tuberi's words made Dorgon calm down a lot. Although Tan Tu is just a leader, he is a member of the Yellow Banner, and his elder brother Tan Tai is a close confidant of Huang Taiji, so Dorgon can't be cruel. Beating a dog also depends on the owner.

So Dorgon took a long breath to suppress the anger in his chest, and changed his order: "Don't go, give Tan Tu a word, and if you don't respect the order, I will kill him personally. Let him hurry up When attacking, we must block the Ming army on the left. Don’t let them get close to the hill. No matter how we think of a way, we must take a few cannons from the Ming army on the opposite side.”

The messenger ran to the east side where Tan Tu was.But he just ran halfway.The Runing army over there started to move again.Amidst the sound of the horn, the artillery of the Runing Army gradually fell silent, but the war horses came out of the smoke in front of the formation like menacing gods.

During the artillery battle, the two thousand cavalry arranged on the right wing of the Runing Army had already moved forward quietly under He Fei's order. Now they have been divided into two teams on the left and right, got out of the smoke formed by the shooting, and charged towards the remnants of Liu Shun's army come.

before the smoke.These cavalrymen had already adjusted the pace of their horses, so as soon as the smoke came out, they immediately lined up into five groups, and immediately increased their speed, charging towards Liu Shun's troops. [

In this charge, the cavalry of the Runing Army did not use spears at all, and all the cavalry used sabers.For cavalry.The happiest combat is to cover up and kill, and the happiest way to cover up and kill is when the enemy army with a sparse crowd is now chasing and killing.Because of this kind of pursuit, there will be no such thing as slowing down the speed of the horse due to the crowding of the enemy. The cavalry can maintain a high speed all the time, just like a gust of wind.Completely wipe out all the defeated enemy troops on the battlefield.

All the horses stepped in neat steps, trampling on the ground with a heart-pounding sound, and the cavalry were up and down on the horses at the same time, and they bowed their waists and fell on the horses.Holding the saber flat, the tip of the knife is forward.It rushed towards Liu Shun's department like a tsunami.

The soldiers of Liu Shun's department had been beaten sparsely by the artillery fire. Seeing the cavalry of the Runing Army rushing over, they ran desperately, but how could they run with two legs faster than four?Soon, the cavalry of the Runing Army rushed into these routs,

At this time, the cavalry formation of the Runing Army had dispersed, and there was a distance of a horse's body between the horses.If the cavalry encounters an obstacle, it should bypass or jump over it; if it does not encounter a rout, it will still maintain a high speed; Still holding the saber horizontally, the tip of the knife is forward.It doesn't matter if it doesn't get there, there are cavalry in the back row.

All the cavalry were galloping like the wind, and they all felt like the sons of the wind.Everyone is full of enthusiasm and has a heroic feeling of controlling the battlefield.

When the cavalry of the Runing Army rushed out of the smoke, Tan Tu felt that something was wrong.But at this time, instead of gathering the Qing cavalry to hedge, he turned his horse's head back and fled.While fleeing, he yelled: "Go! Stay away from Minggou's artillery!"

This is the case on the battlefield. With the first cowardice, the second cowardice will soon come.And the cavalry led by Tan Tu are all from the Mongolian Eight Banners and the Mongolian New Camp, and the fighting will of those cavalry is far inferior to that of the Jurchen Eight Banners, so when the commander escaped, they immediately dispersed and fled to the rear in a chaotic manner. .

This retreat took more than two miles, but this retreat also saved Tan Tu's cavalry.After all, the high-speed sprint of a horse cannot last long.Seeing that all the routs of Liu Shun's troops had been wiped out, Tan Tu's cavalry retreated too far. The officer commanding the cavalry of the Runing Army blew a copper whistle, gathered all the cavalry, and returned to the main formation.

As soon as he saw Tan Tu's retreat, Dorgon became anxious.At this time, he didn't care about punishing Tan Tu, and hastily issued a series of orders to draw soldiers from the Qing army in the middle and the Eight Banners of the formation to reinforce the east side, and must push the Runing army back to its original position.

Dorgon hated Tan Tu so much: he wanted him to attack, but he retreated without authorization.The key point of the Qing army's plan is to let the Runing army stay in place and accept the "baptism" of the general's cannon. If the Runing army really breaks through from the east, then the entire plan will be in vain, so Dorgon must hurry up. Time to close the hole on the upper east side.

At this time, Dorgon had already left behind the hill occupied by Shumo.Anyway, this small hill is not the point anymore. At most, the attack of the Qing army on the east side is missing. Let Zhang Liang take care of things there!

Wu Shigong, who was watching the battle from behind, was smiling.Now that the battle has been fought, the Runing army has fully utilized the power of its firearms, while the Qing army has suffered repeated setbacks and has lost nearly [-] soldiers.What made Wu Shigong even more satisfied was that until now, the casualties of the Runing Army were also negligible.The battle seems to have entered the rhythm of the Runing Army.

The advantage is so great that even a layman can see it at a glance. Zhang Zhiheng on the side smiled and said: "My lord! General He played well today!"

"Don't tell him to his face. I'm afraid he will cock his tail!" Wu Shigong, who was in a good mood, also joked.

Immediately there was a burst of laughter all around. After laughing for a while, Zhizhi asked with some doubts: "Is this a tartar? Why doesn't the monk think it doesn't look like it? It's too easy to cut melons and vegetables!" [

"Little monk! You don't think you can try it yourself!" Wu Shigong then joked, "But it looks like you look good today, dressed like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle."

Today's Zhizhi has a bare head, a monk's robe with armor, and a saber around his waist. For the convenience of using the saber, he even tied up his wide cuffs with a rope. At a glance, he really looks like a ninja tortoise.

Although the people around didn't know what "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" was, it didn't prevent them from bursting into laughter again.

At this moment, suddenly a messenger galloped over. He came to Wu Shigong, gave the military salute and said: "My lord! Commander Xiong of the Artillery is injured and has come down for treatment."

"Oh?" Wu Shigong immediately stopped laughing, and asked, "Is the injury serious? Is life in danger? Who is commanding the artillery now?"

"The skin wounds on the outside are not serious, and the doctor has already bandaged them. Commander Xiong is unsteady and deaf, so he probably has some internal injuries. The current artillery is commanded by Commander Guan." The orderly replied.

"It's fine if nothing happens. Let him recover from his injuries," Wu Shigong said.

At this time, Wu Shigong tried his best to make his expression calm, but after all, the news affected everyone's mood, and everyone fell silent.

Since the start of the war, the Runing Army has suffered few casualties, but one of them turned out to be his general.People on the battlefield are more or less superstitious, so these people always feel faintly that this is not a good omen.

"Huh?" Seeing that the Qing army was constantly mobilizing to the east, He Fei immediately frowned.

In fact, the tactic He Fei is going to use today is to fight steadily.It was the first battle with the Qing army, and the infantry fought against the cavalry. To bring out the power of the Runing Army's firearms, it was to attract the Qing army's cavalry to attack the Runing Army's infantry formation.

He Fei is not afraid of procrastination, at most the two armies will be in a stalemate on today's battlefield.Anyway, after a few days of stalemate, his own reinforcements will come in a steady stream.On the contrary, it was the Qing army. They fought in the territory of Ming Dynasty, so they never dared to stay in one place and confront the Runing army for a long time.

But now this situation made He Fei puzzled.In the entire battlefield, the hills occupied by Shumo were indeed not the focus, but why did the Qing army pay so much attention to it?They have all mobilized their main force, looking like they are going to fight here?

Of course, He Fei would not think that the coach of the Qing army made a foolish move.The commander of the Qing army who can make a mess in the Ming Dynasty is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp.

So after thinking about it for a long time, He Fei found that there was only one possible explanation, and that was that the Qing army was not used to fighting the running Runing army.What they pay attention to is not the hill occupied by Shumo, but they feel sorry for the artillery and two infantry phalanxes of the Runing Army rushing forward on the east side!

But these were all speculations after all, so He Fei wanted to mobilize the entire Runing Army to test the reaction of the Qing Army and confirm his own judgment.If there is a chance to win or lose in a single battle, He Fei will of course not stay on the defensive rigidly.

"Order! The artillery retreated, the cavalry on the right returned to their positions, and the two infantry regiments on the right stayed where they were. The entire army on the left and in the center moved forward." As soon as he made a judgment, He Fei immediately ordered.

After all, those officers of the Runing Army are militants who advocate offense.As long as there is an opportunity, they will not simply defend, but will actively look for opportunities to attack.There has always been a saying among the officers of the Runing Army: Defense brings victory, and offense brings complete annihilation.

So at this time, the infantry turned to the cavalry, and the side with fewer people attacked the side with more people. (to be continued...)

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