But that night, Wu Shigong recalled the conversation during the day.Suddenly, words such as "bonds", "land" and "futures" jumped into his mind, and Wu Shigong suddenly thought of a solution.He immediately jumped up from the bed, and repeatedly calculated the feasibility of this method. The more he thought about it, the more possible he felt, so he jumped up excitedly.At this time, Wu Shigong couldn't wait to return to Runing as soon as possible, he was already eager to try.

"Fourteenth brother, during the court discussion just now, what the second brother and the others said was a bit serious. But I know your credit, and damage to the battlefield is inevitable, so don't take it to heart." Huang Taiji comforted Dorgon said.

Dorgon immediately stood up from the chair, kowtowed and thanked: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

When Dorgon's army returned to Shengjing, the Manchu Eight Banners first cheered for such a generous capture, and then they were shocked by the casualties of the army entering the customs.And Shengjing's rumors have gradually become unfavorable to Dorgon, especially the banner owners of each banner, each Gushan, each Jiala, each Niulu, and Ezhen. This big loss of the Eight Banners has reduced their military resources. greatly reduced.And in the court meeting just now, the banner owners besieged Dorgon again, and wanted him to be responsible for the loss of the Qing army.In the end, it was Huang Taiji who stopped the accusation in this sense, hurriedly ended the court discussion, and left Dorgon alone for comfort.

Huang Taiji helped Dorgon back to his seat. "Others don't know, but I understand very well. If you don't fight, our Qing Dynasty will not bring back so many benefits. But fourteenth brother, are you really not exaggerating the strength of the Ming army?".Huang Taiji asked.

"Your brother will never lie in front of the emperor." Dorgon promised quickly.

This is the fourth time that Huang Taiji asked Dorgon the same question in recent days.After Dorgon left the customs, of course he claimed in his report to Huang Taiji: This battle was a big victory for the Qing army.The reason is also quite sufficient, the capture of the Qing army's entry into the customs has not lost a cent.Moreover, in order to boost morale, the Manchu Qing only announced the loss of their bannermen-more than 700 casualties, and doubled the casualties of the Runing Army to make a false report.

On the casualties of the Qing Army Banner Ding.Man Qing did not hide it.You must know that although the army of the Manchu Qing entered the customs this time exceeded 4000, among them, there were only [-] bannermen from the Eight Banners, and most of the casualties were his servants and coats.However, at the top of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, they certainly knew the actual loss figures of the Qing army.

But even with such a watery figure, the high-ranking Manchu Qing still found it incredible. They felt that it was impossible for the Ming Dynasty to have such an army, so Huang Taiji had always been very concerned about the Ming army that created miracles. [

"Do you know the commander of that Ming army? Where did that Ming army come from?" Huang Taiji asked again.

"I only know that he is from Henan, but the rest of the courtiers don't know." Dorgon replied.In fact, Dorgon had inquired about Wu Shigong and his Runing Army as soon as he came back, and knew some basic information about them.However, due to Wu Shigong and Runing Army's inconspicuousness in the Ming court.Therefore, it has not been the focus of the investigation by the Manchu spies, so there are only some basic information about Wu Shigong and the Runing Army.

"Do you know? The Ming general who is fighting against you is under [-] years old. He is the concubine son of a Marquis of the Ming Kingdom, and he even married into his family. He has always had a bad reputation. But I asked someone to check his past. The battle report, does my brother know what I have found?".Huang Taiji asked with a smile.Regarding the grasp of intelligence, Huang Taiji must know a lot more than Dorgon.

"My brother doesn't know!"

"That star general is not easy! He hasn't lost a single game since his debut. In the past ten years, he has almost won every battle. Even King Sanshun has suffered a big loss in his hands."

"Ah? But why haven't we heard of him before?" Dorgon was immediately surprised.

"At that time, I also felt quite strange. Why did the Ming general not be famous? Why didn't the stupid emperor of Ming Dynasty reuse that famous general? After careful searching, I discovered the reason. Do you know why?"Seeing Dorgon's face full of doubts, Huang Taiji immediately smiled and said the answer: "He is a fool!"

"Ah? No wonder!" Hearing what Huang Taiji said, Dorgon immediately felt much better.After all, it was lost in the hands of the Mongols than in the hands of the Han, which made Dorgon look a lot better.

And Dorgon at this time.His mind also turned rapidly: "Your Majesty, can the spies in the pass spread rumors and let the Ming Dynasty's faint king kill that famous general? Can we also contact that famous general, as long as he votes for our Qing Dynasty?" We can give him all the glory and wealth." In a short time, Dorgon thought of two ways to deal with Wu Shigong.

Huang Taiji smiled and waved his hands, and said: "Let's discuss this matter in the long term! But the iron armor and firecrackers you brought back this time are very good. The iron armor is fine. It is too troublesome and expensive to build, and only the Ming Dynasty is so rich. Only places where so many can be made. However, Tong Yangxing has already seen the fire blunderbuss. It is easy to make and powerful, and I have already asked him to imitate a large number of them. There are still many talents in Ming Dynasty! The only pity is you The easy-to-drive, fast-firing gun you're talking about. It would be nice to get one."

"Your brother is guilty!" Dorgon quickly confessed.

"It's none of your business." Huang Taiji quickly comforted, "You've done a good job. But the losses of the banners are indeed a bit bigger this time. I have already ordered the banners to carry more coats and flags, Also asked Jierhalang to go to the north to catch more savages (Nurchens) to strengthen the strength of our Eight Banners. With the newly made firecrackers and the athletes of our nation, next time we encounter that Ming army, we will never Suffer."

When Dorgon returned to Liaodong, the high-ranking officials of the Qing Dynasty also analyzed the gains and losses of this battle. In the end, they agreed that the only difference between the Qing army and the Runing army was the firearms.But this time there was a counterfeit Runing army gun, so they all believed that this would bring the strength of the Qing army to a higher level.

"White pig! Come here!" Niu Luerzhen waved to the white pig working in the field.

The white pig immediately dropped the hoe, trotted up to Niu Lu Ezhen, knelt down and saluted, and said, "My servant greets Master Ezhen."[

After the white pig finished saluting, Niu Lue really thought about it and said, "Originally, I wanted to raise the flag for you as a slave this time, but your grandma refused to agree. There is nothing I can do. But I will find a way to count you in." In the dowry of the fourth daughter-in-law, she will become a member of the grandfather's family at that time, so I will find a way for you, a slave!"


Until Niu Luer really went away, the white pig still stayed where he was in a daze. (to be continued...)

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