In order to avoid being surrounded by the Ming army, Zhang Xianzhong decided to go west to Fang County and join Luo Rucai and other troops first.On May 23, Zhang Xianzhong's peasant army arrived in Fangxian County. Luo Rucai, Bai Gui, and Hei Yunxiang responded immediately and jointly besieged Fangxian County from the 24th.The magistrate Hao Jingchun and others resisted stubbornly. By the 28th, the city had no power to parry. The Ming Yunyang Guard commanded Zhang Sanxi to open the north gate and surrender. The peasant army then occupied Fangxian, and the magistrate Hao Jingchun was executed.

At this time, Li Zicheng, the long-lost Chuang Wang, also regrouped from the hidden Shangluo Mountain, and entered Henan through the Yun and Jun areas of Hubei.Although his strength is still small at this time, he is finally alive.

On May 12, the [-]th year of Chongzhen, outside Xiangyang City.

"Kunshan! The governor's wealth will be handed over to you." By this time, Xiong Wencan had completely lowered his figure, and bowed to Zuo Liangyu.

"Master, don't panic! You are just a clown, and the general will be captured. But the supervisor must hurry up and bring the main force of the army to respond. The time has come, and the general will set off first." Zuo Liangyu immediately knelt down and returned the salute road.

"Please! Please!"

When the news of Zhang Xianzhong's rebellion in Gucheng reached the capital, the court was shocked.Emperor Chongzhen immediately reprimanded Xiong Wencan for suppressing policy and ordered him to take the crime and make meritorious service.And Xiong Wencan also seemed to have a premonition that a catastrophe was imminent, so he hurriedly sent the commander-in-chief Zuo Liangyu to lead the army to attack, hoping to win by luck and eliminate the guilt.

At this time, the Zuo Liangyu Department was the most effective unit under Xiong Wencan's command.Although Xiong Wencan's food supply was very stingy to other Ming troops, he always favored Zuo Liangyu's troops.Because Xiong Wencan also knew that it was better to have a capable army by his side.

So taking advantage of the period when the peasant army was recuperating, Zuo Liangyu was also expanding his army.At this time, the troops under his direct and indirect command had reached more than 6000 horses.The troops directly under Zuo Liangyu exceeded 5000 people. [

However, it was also because of the excessive expansion of the army that Zuo Liangyu spread out his troops and asked them to conscript them all on the spot.That is, looting people on the spot.Therefore, when the news of Zhang Xianzhong's rebellion spread to Xiangyang, Zuo Liangyu was able to gather 2000 troops in a hurry.

According to Zuo Liangyu's original thinking, of course he wanted to gather his troops together.Only to encircle and suppress the peasant army.But Xiong Wencan couldn't wait any longer, because he was afraid of delay.It will make the whole situation unmanageable.

The current situation is somewhat clear: Zhang Xianzhong has rebelled again. After they captured Gucheng, they turned to Luo Rucai and other troops in Fangxian County, and they wanted to join forces with Luo Rucai to attack Fangxian County.However, in addition to these two largest peasant armies, there are also five battalions of more than 2 peasant armies in the Junzhou area, including Wang Guangen, Wang Guoning, Hui Dengxiang, Chang Guoan, and Yang Youxian.

If the more than 2 peasant army in Junzhou responded again, there would be wars everywhere and it would be difficult to deal with it.Therefore, Xiong Wencan wanted Zuo Liangyu to destroy Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai's anti-peasant army as quickly as possible.Deter the peasant army living in Junzhou and prevent them from responding.The further expansion of the situation of the peasant army's rebellion was contained at the first time, and a good condition was created for the main force of the Ming army to encircle and suppress on all sides.

So Xiong Wencan began to make troubles, insisting on Zuo Liangyu's "soldier speed".Finally, after offering a series of generous conditions, Zuo Liangyu finally agreed to take the 2000 troops around him to the expedition first.

After being transferred to the mainland, Zuo Liangyu has been on the front line of fighting the peasant army.And so far, there have been more victories than losses, and they have repeatedly made military exploits.After Cao Wenzhao's death, he has faintly become the number one general in suppressing bandits in the eyes of the imperial court.

Here, of course, Wu Shigong is regarded.Because Wu Shigong had a bad relationship with the Emperor Chongzhen and local officials, he treated Wu Shigong's military achievements.The court's attitude of indifference led to no publicity and no rewards for the Runing Army.At the end of the Ming Dynasty, when the dissemination of information was very closed, of course people in the government and the opposition did not know much about the situation of the Runing Army.

So Zuo Liangyu's military talent should be affirmed.But he has other advantages as well.For example: Yuxia is very skillful, so that other Ming army generals are willing to obey Zuo Liangyu's command.Of course, his method of controlling his subordinates is basically to get rich and let his subordinates plunder the land.So Zuo Liangyu's subordinates are satisfied, but the local people will suffer.

In addition, Zuo Liangyu is also very loyal.For example: Back then Hou Xun was the first person to promote him from partial to general, so he always respected Hou Xun very much.Two years ago, Hou Xun was dismissed from office and arrested and imprisoned while serving as Minister of the Household Department. Although Zuo Liangyu and Wu Shigong did not intercede at that time, Zuo Liangyu still maintained a close relationship with the Hou family and marched to Hou Xun When he was in Guide Mansion, his hometown, he also made an exception not to rob and harass.

Therefore, when Xiong Wencan begged Zuo Liangyu to send troops, Zuo Liangyu did not hesitate to send troops immediately.Since the supply of Xiong Wencan's food and salary is inclined to Zuo Liangyu, then Zuo Liangyu will contribute to Xiong Wencan.On this point, Zuo Liangyu is still able to distinguish between grievances and grievances.

Of course, Zuo Liangyu is also confident with these 1 horsemen.Zuo Liangyu, who was only 32 years old at the time when he was promoted to the commander-in-chief of aid and suppression in the sixth year of Chongzhen, his tribe has also increased from the original 2000 to more than [-].

During the battles in the past few years, there were dozens of commander-in-chiefs from various towns who fought against the peasant army in the Central Plains and Northwest at that time, but most of them were mediocre. There is Zuo Liangyu who is thriving, always maintaining strength and decency.

Zuo Liangyu herself is also brave and healthy. Although illiterate, she is very scheming and able to unite the soldiers under her command.The court's military pay was always insufficient, so he plundered everywhere, which was also introduced above.Anyway, the people everywhere and even the gentry hated and feared the Zuo Jun.At that time, the folk slogan said, "Thieves pass like a comb, and soldiers pass like a grate." Wherever Zuo Liangyu's army passed, it was like combing the hair with a grate, and the place was robbed clean.In particular, he also knows how to preserve his strength. When encountering an enemy that is too tough, he will avoid it far away, and refuse to follow the orders of his superiors.

So after six or seven years of suppressing bandits, he has gathered a group of strong soldiers and generals, who often act on their own, and have actually begun to gradually become warlords.Unlike Wu Shigong, Wu Shigong's Runing Army was a warlord without the support of the court, while Zuo Liangyu was a warlord with the support of the court.

So in this situation, Zuo Liangyu is very proud. He doesn't know that Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai and other peasant troops have recovered and strengthened through rest and reorganization, so he thinks it is enough for him to bring more than 1 horsemen . [

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