But no matter what, the Runing Army finally achieved the purpose of sending troops this time, so Wu Shigong kept smiling in the inner house today.Originally, Wu Shigong had always had a good temper with his wife and children, but now that Wu Shigong was so happy, there was constant laughter in the inner house,

So during dinner, the ladies' repertoire was played in the inner house.In a word: to sarcasm Wu Shigong is to base his joy on Wu Shigong's embarrassing appearance.Of course Wu Shigong didn't take this kind of joke seriously, he was already thick-skinned.However, he will not expose his faults and bicker with a dozen or so chattering wives.

It was only after the dinner was over that Wu Shigong grabbed the most sarcastic embroidered bamboo and dragged it into her room.Afterwards, after Xiuzhu's hypocritical resistance, Wu Shigong's sexual desire finally succeeded.

Anyway, they are also old couples, and they know each other quite well.But after doing it for a while, Xiuzhu said for a while: how naughty are the twin sons;He was simply a chatterbox, constantly interrupting Wu Shigong's interest.

Wu Shigong is angry!Why is this woman still so half-hearted at this time?Isn't this contempt for one's own fighting power?So after a fierce battle, the embroidered bamboo was finally subdued.

But after lying down to rest, Xiu Zhu started nagging again: "Young master! You don't want to be served by servants now, and let that Xiu'er surround you every day. What's so good about her? She didn't take over the house to be your concubine, But you have even raised the child. I still don't feel at ease to be a madam, and I walk around you all day long. At first glance, I look like a vicious girl, just like her master."

Wu Shigong pretended to be asleep with his eyes closed, and he thought to himself: "Isn't it good for you to let Xiuzhu rest more? Why are you arguing to be a maid? Besides, you have been worrying about children around Xiuzhu on weekdays. It's really rare Appearing in front of me, where can I find you as an aunt!" But Wu Shigong will not join the intrigue in the inner house, so at this time he can only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"Why don't you talk?" Xiuzhu pushed Wu Shigong angrily, "Young master, you are biased. The other sisters have several children, and the slave only has one time. You don't love the slave anymore."

Wu Shigong was already annoyed by Xiuzhu's magic sound, he couldn't pretend to sleep anymore, turned around and hugged Xiuzhu, sighed and said: "But you are very capable! You can have two at once. Young master, I will work harder tonight, Let you have triplets."


It's really troublesome to have so many women!

On the sixth day of September in the 12th year of Chongzhen, Yang Sichang left Beijing.Officials in Beijing, big and small, went out of the city to see them off solemnly.Yang Sichang did not dare to neglect at all, and rushed all the way to Xiangyang, the base camp of the encirclement and suppression, in just over 20 days.As soon as he got off the bus, he immediately convened a military meeting with the civil and military officials of his department, and started to rectify military discipline.On the one hand, strengthen the city defense of Xiangyang.

According to the instructions of Emperor Chongzhen, Yang Sichang focused on dealing with Zhang Xianzhong.But I think that in the past, the troops were divided into separate advances.It is difficult to inflict serious damage on the enemy, so it was decided to set up generals in the army and concentrate military power.So when he first arrived in Xiangyang, he proposed to appoint Zuo Liangyu as the "general of suppressing bandits" when he first arrived in Xiangyang.He even compared Zuo Liangyu to Li Yan, a famous general in Pingding Fanzhen in the Tang Dynasty, saying that although he did not dare to call himself Pei Du, the good minister at that time, Zuo Liangyu was not far from Li Yan.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen wanted to strengthen his command.It has been prepared to transfer Yu Zilian to be the deputy supervisor of the Ming army in Henan and Huguang provinces, and Liu Yuanbin to be the supervisor of the army. These two officials and eunuchs with military talents will be transferred there.

But after receiving Yang Sichang's memorial, he immediately changed his mind and agreed to all Yang Sichang's requests.It fully reflects the support and trust for Yang Sichang

In fact, Yang Sichang's promotion of a military general to be the commander-in-chief of the president's ministries was also an arrangement made in response to the shortcomings of the military system at that time.Not to mention whether Zuo Liangyu is a suitable candidate, but this behavior can actually be called the right medicine.

Since the mid-Ming Dynasty, the civil servants have always been superior and the martial arts inferior, and all the commanders who command operations have appointed civil servants.A governor without the rank of minister is usually the censor of the capital, only the fourth rank, but the general officers under his command are often the first rank of military ranks, and they are called around like servants.

The civil servants and commanders respect power, but they don't have their own troops.The generals who lead the troops are subject to the governor. Although it is determined by the system, not all of them are convinced.Therefore, the governors and generals often fail to command when fighting in front of the battle.

And the imperial court didn't really pay attention to these bare-bones commanders who had no real strength.The separation of generals and the incompatibility of power and reality were really an important reason for the failure of dispatching and ineffective command on various battlefields in the late Ming Dynasty.Yang Sichang just wants to lead the army with generals, just wants to break this situation.

On the other hand, the military establishment of the Ming Dynasty was based on a strategy of passive and decentralized defense. The national army was dispersed in hundreds of headquarters, collectively referred to as "biao".Every general, from the governor (including the prime minister, the supervisor), the governor, down to the chief soldier, the deputy general who leads the team independently, and even the general, has his own standard, ranging from 2 to [-] people, and as few as a thousand. People, what the generals can really command is to mark this team.

This kind of decentralized construction makes it difficult for those generals who claim to command an army of 10,000+ to organize large-scale battles due to the lack of a strict hierarchical command system, making scheduling difficult, let alone mobilizing troops flexibly on the battlefield .

And Yang Sichang seems to want to make some improvements to this disadvantage of construction, but because it involves the entire military system, he can only temporarily increase the cohesion of the entire army by adding a general above each standard.

Yang Sichang's setting up a commanding general in the army already included some kind of attempt to reform the outdated military system in the late Ming Dynasty.But he knew what happened, he didn't know why, and when he was seriously ill, he prescribed strong medicine. He didn't know about the centuries-old malpractice, so how easy it is to change it?On the contrary, it caused the military's morale to become more unstable.

In fact, if you want to choose at this time, you must choose Wu Shigong who has the highest prestige.No matter what, the commanders of all the officers and armies are still the most convinced by Wu Shigong, who is the best at fighting.Moreover, Wu Shigong has many soldiers and many allies, at least he can control the whole situation in Henan and Huguang.As for whether Wu Shigong has a different heart, Yang Sichang, as the prime minister, can actually monitor and control him nearby, which is better than letting him go.

But Yang Sichang didn't hear about Wu Shigong, and Wu Shigong didn't participate in the Xiangyang military meeting, and he didn't give Yang Sichang any face. In this way, Yang Sichang and Zuo Liangyu, who had a grudge against Wu Shigong, couldn't mobilize the Runing Army at all, so in the following During the battle, there was no help from the Runing Army at all.

However, Emperor Chongzhen almost obeyed Yang Sichang's various requests, and immediately approved the appointment of Zuo Liangyu as the general to suppress the bandits, and sent the commissioner of the Great Seal of the Inner Palace to the front line.Zuo Liangyu was indeed quite moved, and prepared to fight Zhang Xianzhong to avenge him.Yang Sichang was not in a hurry to send troops, but actively reorganized the troops, deployed forces, hoarded food and paid, consolidated the rear, and prepared to gather strength and send out to win in one fell swoop.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen's support for Yang Sichang did not decrease at all.Even after the governor Yang Sichang went to the front line, the courtiers stopped all kinds of attacks on him out of respect for the minister who was on the battlefield.Only because the Ministry of War has to deal with this Shufu who is abroad, it is inevitable that there will be some quarrels.

However, Yang Sichang kept asking for military pay, and it was difficult for the Ministry of War to satisfy all of them. Moreover, some things had established rules, and the Ministry of War was unwilling to change them arbitrarily, which broke the rules.At the end of the 12th year of Chongzhen, Yang Sichang impeached the Ministry of War for not being in charge, which hindered the plan of encirclement and suppression.Although Fu Zonglong, Minister of the Ministry of War, was recommended by Yang Sichang, he was very dissatisfied with his use of power to overwhelm others, so he returned a copy, saying that Yang Sichang "wasted the country's military resources, failed to make contributions, and bullied court ministers with power."

However, Emperor Chongzhen was very annoyed at Fu Zonglong's inability to work together with the supervisor at the critical moment. It just so happened that the Ministry of War made a mistake in the employment of Liaodong, so he was arrested and imprisoned for dereliction of duty and making fun of border closures.The Ministry of Punishment proposed a crime and dispatched the garrison, but Emperor Chongzhen refused, and there was a tendency to put him to death.Another important minister went to prison for offending Yang Sichang.

After dismissing Fu Zonglong, Emperor Chongzhen appointed Chen Xinjia, who had been strongly recommended by Yang Sichang, as Minister of War.Chen Xinjia was born as a Juren, and in the history of the Ming Dynasty, there were only a few people who served as ministers with Juren, so the genuine Jinshi were very unconvinced.But Chen Xinjia is indeed a capable person, and his thinking is similar to that of Yang Sichang, so he gave Yang Sichang a lot of support in his post as a soldier.

With the emperor's wholehearted trust, the dedicated cooperation of the Ministry of War, and the great authority of the cabinet supervisor, Yang Sichang was ready to fight hard.So at the end of the year, he put up lists in various provinces of Chu, Henan, Sichuan, and Shaanxi, with Zhang Xianzhong's head engraved on them, and wrote a reward: "Whoever can capture Zhang Xianzhong will be rewarded with ten thousand gold, the Marquis of Judgment."

However, shortly after the announcement was published, someone posted a flyer on the gate of Yang Sichang's residence, "Those who come from the Zhange tribe will be rewarded with three coins of silver", which made Yang Sichang suspicious, thinking that he was surrounded by spies from the peasant army.

But in any case, Yang Sichang had already made full preparations. In the first lunar month of the 13th year of Chongzhen, the Ming armies mobilized from all walks of life officially launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against Zhang Xianzhong's troops.

At this time, Luo Rucai broke up with Zhang Xianzhong because he couldn't bear Zhang Xianzhong's domineering.Luo Rucai is a very loyal person, even though he was bullied and betrayed by Zhang Xianzhong many times, at most he broke up with him, and he never fell out, and never uttered a bad word.One of the principles he has always adopted is: "Friends get together and leave well", and "Leave the feeling of meeting".That's why Luo Rucai left in Zhushan territory after discussing with Zhang Xianzhong and losing a lot of smiles.

Under such circumstances, Yang Sichang's battle to encircle and suppress the peasant army officially started. (To be continued..)

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