Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 712 Resting in Tongzhou

In June of the 13th year of Chongzhen, Tongzhou.

Seeing the soldiers returning from training today, Wu Shigong told the officers like Yu Ji: "You have worked hard on this journey. Rest here for two days, recuperate well, and then go to Shanhaiguan!"


This time the Runing Army went to Liaodong, Wu Shigong took a cavalry corps of 500 cavalry, an infantry corps of 500 cavalry, a bodyguard team of 6000 cavalry (the first battalion stayed in Runing), and an engineering regiment of [-] cavalry. And a reinforced regiment of [-] artillerymen.Among them, the artillery regiment has strengthened six nine-pound guns and two twelve-pound guns.The total force is [-] troops.

However, the equipment of the Runing Army this time was exaggerated.Including the horses of the personal soldiers, there are more than 5000 horses in total, and more than 87 other mules and horses.There are more than [-] vehicles, including more than [-] combat vehicles.There are [-] large and small artillery pieces, one firecracker for the cavalry, and more than four thousand firecrackers for the infantry, engineers and artillery.

There are more than [-] well-protected plate armors, and [-] more are also being produced in Ru Ning urgently, and they must be transported urgently before the Runing army leaves the customs.The second-class iron armor also exceeds a thousand pieces.And every soldier has at least silk inner armor and improved beggar armor modified with cotton armor.And there are more than a thousand sets of felt vests.In addition, there are more than a thousand leather armors equipped with scouts.

The most important reason why he decided to go to war was that Wu Shigong didn't want to turn against the court at this time, and wanted to give the court the illusion that he was still obeying orders.Of course, Wu Shigong also believed that the advantages of this expedition outweighed the disadvantages.

In addition to the safety of his family in the capital and attracting the peasant army to approach and expand the scope of activities of the peasant army, Wu Shigong also believed that the danger of the Runing army coming to Liaodong this time was not great.At this time, the imperial court's military strength in Liaodong had exceeded 23. The troops capable of maneuvering field battles included 13 soldiers and horses from the eight major generals, plus [-] from the Runing Army, which could effectively give Qing The army is extremely lethal, and it is mixed in such a huge army.The loss of the Runing Army will not be too great.

The only thing to worry about is that the imperial court has long placed the Runing army in Liaodong, preventing Wu Shigong from returning to Runing.But Wu Shigong is not afraid of this. The structure of the Runing Army in Runing is very complete. Without Wu Shigong, no general can be independent.Besides, when the world changes.Wu Shigong brought his army back to Runing forcefully, which Ming army could stop him?And at that time, even if Wu Shigong showed his unruly intentions, it was important, but because he was close to the capital, he could quickly rescue his family members in the capital. [

Of course, Wu Shigong and the high-level civil and military personnel of the Runing Army had no idea that this battle was the famous Songjin Battle.Otherwise, absolutely no one would agree to the expedition.

Therefore, according to the characteristics of this expedition, the Runing Army deployed troops in this way.There are more cavalry, more firearms, and more vehicles.This is also the lesson learned from the last battle with the Qing army.

And the goal of the Ming army's combat is also very fixed, which is to rescue the besieged Jinzhou.Therefore, the Ming army's cavalry exploration is not very effective.There is no need to find out the location of the Qing army. Anyway, the Qing army must have appeared on the road from Shanhaiguan to Jinzhou.Moreover, the Guanning iron cavalry in Liaodong is familiar with the environment, and the cavalry sent should be mainly based on them, so the cavalry of the Runing Army will not fall into a large-scale strangulation battle.

Therefore, the operational thinking of the Runing Army this time is to fight in a group, with the infantry phalanx as the core, the surrounding cavalry and chariots to cooperate, coupled with the fire support of artillery, and to kill a large number of long-range firearms.Prevent the Qing army's large group of cavalry from rushing.In a word: it is to use the defensive warfare in motion to attract the Qing army to charge and inflict a lot of damage on the Qing army.

Of course, if the Qing army did not dare to charge, the Runing army would also move smoothly to the city of Jinzhou.Although it was not possible to kill a large number of Qing troops, the purpose of the campaign was always achieved.Anyway, the Runing army never thought of completely annihilating the Qing army through this addition.This kind of movement can also prevent being locked by the artillery of the Qing army, and prevent the situation of being "ploughed" by the guns of the generals of the Qing army in the Battle of Xueling.

And such a tactic can also be advanced or retreated.In case the Ming army is defeated, the Runing army can also rely on chariot formations to defend.retreat smoothly.Moreover, the vehicle can also carry a large amount of food, grass, and luggage, and hold all the supplies of the Runing Army in his own hands.Therefore, in the expedition sequence of the Runing Army this time, the engineer regiment was deliberately brought along, just to open the way for the retreat.

Therefore, the core tactic of the Runing Army this time is defense. To give full play to the "turtle style" created by Wu Shigong, it is necessary to preserve itself to the greatest extent and eliminate all Qing troops who dare to attack it.

Because the focus of the Runing Army is still in Henan and Huguang at this time, those generals have their own strategic goals and cannot move lightly.Therefore, Wu Shigong chose Yu Ji, who was second in defense level, as his deputy.To be honest, that Shumo didn't look like a commander, Wu Shigong was really worried that he would become his deputy.And Yu Ji's level of defensive warfare is not much higher than other generals. The reason why he was selected, besides his relatively high status, who gave him the nickname "Hedgehog"?

After receiving the imperial decree in April and preparing for the expedition, the Runing Army gathered and trained the troops transferred for the expedition for a month, and then continued to train defensive tactics along the way.So when they arrived in Tongzhou, the whole army had already mastered such defensive tactics, and Wu Shigong was quite satisfied with this situation.

The only disadvantage is that the Runing Army is carrying too many mules and horses this time, so the pressure on the supply of food and grass is extremely high.Fortunately, Wu Shigong still has friendship with Shandong Governor Yan Jizu and Shandong General Liu Zeqing. With their supply all the way, the Runing Army was able to reach Tongzhou smoothly.

But Wu Shigong saw that the training of the soldiers along the way was very hard, so he planned to rest in Tongzhou for two days to recharge his energy for the big battle after leaving the customs.Moreover, Wu Shigong also had a personal reason. The personal representatives of Emperor Chongzhen—Eunuch Qin and Wu Shigong’s wife—Xue Yufei were already waiting in Tongzhou.

Seeing Wu Shigong, Xue Yufei hugged Wu Shigong and cried for a long time, finally calmed down, she explained with red eyes: "This time, Husband won't see Lin'er again."

"I know! I understand!" Wu Shigong comforted quickly.Emperor Chongzhen was willing to let Xue Yufei meet Wu Shigong, but he would never let Wu Shigong's eldest son, Xue Chenglin, leave the capital. Wu Shigong was also mentally prepared for this.

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