Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 723 Finally Found You

In the past, the goal of the Runing Army's battle against the Manchus was to completely eliminate the threat from the Manchus and Mongolia north of the Great Wall and beyond the Great Wall, and prevent them from invading the Central Plains again.

And this goal is in line with all dynasties and generations in history.Keep the inside of the Great Wall, abandon the outside of the pass and Mobei, use division and trade embargo to limit the growth of Manchu and Mongolia, and eliminate their threats.To be honest, if the Manchu Qing can be weakened to the point where it is difficult to threaten, the Runing Army may not kill them all.Because of spending a lot of military expenditure and troops, hiding and hiding with those nomads in the vast northern icy region, it will also drag down the Runing Army.

But now it's different.Since so much land can be enclosed outside the pass, it means that such a war is profitable.It is completely possible to follow the model of the wasteland reclamation firm, raise funds and personnel through fundraising, the guards of the firm will carry out the development in the front, and the Runing Army will provide the necessary protection, so that the power of the people can be used to completely eliminate the Qing Dynasty.Because the power of money is infinite.

By analogy, why can't we occupy the Hetao area of ​​Mongolia?Why can't we occupy North Korea again?Why can't we go to occupy the Japanese archipelago again?Why can't we occupy Southeast Asia again?Why can't they occupy Xinjiang and Central Asia?Wu Shigong completely discovered a new path of expansion.

But all this is just a dream now, even if Wu Shigong is given a piece of land in Liaodong, he will not put the main force in Liaodong.Because the root of the Runing Army is in Henan, the most urgent need at present is to strive to become the overlord of the Central Plains, so Wu Shigong will never disperse his forces.Of course, Wu Shigong would not push the door away if the pie fell into the sky.

Before he knew it, Wu Shigong returned to his house.See Wu Shigong back.Datong's sister who was sleeping last night, supported by the maid, came to the door of the inner house and greeted her with a blessing.

Wu Shigong waved his hand to let the servant girl back down, and then changed clothes under the service of the girl from Datong.

The girl from Datong was serving Wu Shigong carefully.From last night to today, Wu Shigong has maintained a very serious expression, which made the Datong girl very uneasy.

"Master! Would you like me to sing you a song?" Finally unable to bear the dull atmosphere, the Datong girl wanted to please Wu Shigong in the way of the procuress.But as soon as he said this, the sister of Datong was so nervous that sweat broke out on the tip of her nose, for fear that her words would offend Wu Shigong.

Wu Shigong immediately looked at the cautious Datong girl.Seeing her pitiful appearance, her face softened a little.Only then did Wu Shigong remember that until now, he hadn't asked the girl from Datong for her name.

"What's your name?"

"My family's name is Chang Liuqin."

"Oh! My surname is Wu. Be careful not to accompany me, I don't know how to eat people. There is no need to sing. If you have that skill, why not talk to me."

Looking at Wu Shigong's face again, Chang Liuqin boldly asked: "I heard that the master is from Henan. How's the climate there?"

"Actually, I'm from the capital." There was a pause.Wu Shigong affirmed, "I will go back sooner or later."


Before going to sleep, Wu Shigong thought to himself: "Before I knew it, I had already treated those women as dolls, and I had ignored them to the point of just showing off without asking their names. I'm really ashamed!"

Then what Liu Zhaoji said was really good.After his introduction, the butlers of the Zu family and the Wu family came to negotiate with Wu Shigong one after another, and soon sold enough food and grass to the Runing army.And Wu Shigong simply bought a lot, in addition to ensuring the supply of the army.He also increased the grain and grass stored in the army to one and a half months, which made Wu Shigong not worry about the grain and grass in the army for the time being.

"Chi Ming! Is the Mr. Ha who was captured a few days ago still there? Bring him here." After busying for a while, Wu Shigong finally remembered that there was still Hadan Bateer who hadn't dealt with it.So taking advantage of his free time today, Wu Shigong wanted to teach this hateful liar a lesson.

"My lord! My lord! The little one was deceived by the lard, so please forgive the little one this time! My lord! Even if I am a cow or a horse, I will remember your kindness." When seeing Wu Shigong, Hadan Battelle said Kneeling on the ground and kowtowing again and again, these days, Wu Shigong's ignorance of him really frightened him.

Hardan Battelle originally used his identity to cheat, but he didn't suffer much.Because he had never messed with powerful local generals before, and with his official status, it would be difficult for those guest generals to win the lawsuit in front of Shangfeng after being cheated.

After all, Hadanbaatar's identity is a bit special. In today's words, he is a united front target. The imperial court wants to set up such a model to encourage the Mongolian tribes to take refuge.So as long as he doesn't do too much, he won't be punished.Therefore, the officials in charge of Liaodong always opened their eyes and closed their eyes to his deception.

Unexpectedly, this time Hadan Battelle met Wu Shigong, who has always been lawless. After he found out that he was cheated, he ignored Hadan Battelle's official status at all, and after he was arrested, he was beaten violently.Afterwards, he was imprisoned and ignored. Looking at this situation, he would either lynch in the future, or simply evaporate Hadan Battelle from the world. How could this not make Hadan Battelle terrified?

"Excuse me? Didn't you find out my nickname? They all call me Butcher Wu?" After speaking, Wu Shigong showed a harmless smile to Hadan Battelle.Although Hadan Battelle couldn't be beaten to death or disabled, Wu Shigong didn't mind scaring him again.

Sure enough, after hearing this, Hadanbaatar collapsed to the ground in fright.If it hadn't been for Chiming and they hadn't brought him food for the past few days, maybe he would have been so frightened that he would pee and shit.

"My lord, please spare my life! My lord, please spare my life!" Hardan Battelle struggled on the ground and crawled towards Wu Shigong, "Oh——! My lord! There is nothing you can do about the little one! There are dozens of women and children in the family who need to be raised, and the little one That’s why! Please, my lord, give the little one a way to survive!”

"Oh? There are so many people in your family?" Wu Shigong asked his guards to hold Hadan Battelle who was crawling over, and asked a little strangely.

"No, my lord! They are all the people of the small tribes. They really can't bear it anymore. If the small ones don't send food back, they will starve to death." Hadanbaatar pleaded bitterly.

"Really? Why do I hear this so familiarly? It seems that every liar will say the same thing when he is caught? Could it be that you were taught by a master?" Anyway, Wu Shigong just teased Hadan Battelle. .

"It's true! It's true! If you don't believe me, you can go to the Temple of the Virgin and ask the younger people. If you deceive the adults again, you deserve to be beaten to death by you."

"That's it!" Of course Wu Shigong would not believe Hadan Battelle's words again, he nodded to Huang Ding, and ordered: "Go and see if Mr. Ha is looking for death." After finishing speaking, he gave another order , "Bring some dry food when you go, if those people are really as Mr. Ha said, give them some!"

Now that this matter happened, Wu Shigong decided to do a good deed.Besides, the Runing Army will never let others starve, even if there are some people who committed the crime of beheading, the Runing Army will make him a hungry ghost.This is also the place where the Runing Army is most supported by refugees in Runing and Guide.

"Thank you for your kindness, my lord! The younger generations have thanked your lord." Hadanbaatar, who finally regained some energy, got up again and kowtowed to Wu Shigong again and again.

"Don't think you're going to let you go now. Speak well! What you said to me that day was false."


After asking for a while, Huang Ding came back from the door.As soon as he saw Wu Shigong, he told him, "My lord! What Lai Piha said is true. I have already distributed the dry food to those Tartars. That is... the leader of them is named Zach."

"Zack?" Wu Shigong suddenly remembered that Hadan Battelle had mentioned this name.He immediately widened his eyes and yelled at Hardan Battelle: "Didn't you say that Zac was mixed into the Tartar army besieging Jinzhou? Why is he still in Guancheng? Still trying to lie to me?"

"But the little one has already told the adults that this is a lie?" Hadan Battelle quickly distinguished.Just now, he had confessed to Wu Shigong that everything he said at that time was hearsay, and there was not a single truth at all.

"Haha——! Do you think it's enough to confess? Do you think you can cheat in order to save the people? Come on! In order to commend the brilliance of Mr. Ha's humanity, beat him up again." For Hadan Battelle Of course, Wu Shigong did whatever he wanted, he would not distinguish any reason from Hardan Battelle at all.

"My lord—!" Amidst Hardan Bateer's screams, a group of guards punched and kicked him, while Wu Shigong sat in his seat and watched with relish.

"I tell you to lie again! I tell you to lie again!" A guard cursed while beating, "My lord is the young master of Gongshunhou's mansion, if you dare to lie blindly, you deserve it if you are beaten to death. "

"Gongshunhou's Mansion?" Hadan Bateer, who was rolling on the ground with his head in his arms, suddenly heard this sentence, his mind flashed immediately, and he rushed towards Wu Shigong regardless of the fists and feet of his personal guards, and shouted heart-piercingly: " Master! The servant finally found you!"

"Find me?" Wu Shigong was also a little puzzled, he raised his hand to signal the guards to pause, and asked Hadan Battelle on the ground, "You knew me before?"

"No, my lord! But the small tribe used to serve the old Gong Shunhou as their master, and they always wanted to go to him, but the journey was far away, so they never made it! Today I can see the master, I am really happy in my heart, and I want to Hurry up and bring the slaves to serve the master!" (To be continued...)

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