"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Make way for the cannon!" Seeing that the scout cavalry of the Qing army hadn't approached, Zhao Gan asked his regiment leader to call in a cannon.

The artillery had already been loaded with ammunition, and when it was put in place, a shell flew out with a "boom".

But the artillery was placed hastily and was not corrected. Although the Qing army's scout cavalry were only two hundred paces away from the Runing army, the solid shell still passed through the gap between the Qing army's cavalry and missed the target.However, this shelling also startled the scout cavalry of the Qing army. The Qing cavalry who was wiped by the shells fell off his horse unexpectedly, and his horse was also jumping wildly in shock.

This is why the Runing Army did not choose artillery shooting at first.The reconnaissance cavalry of the Qing army were very scattered, and the effect of artillery shooting was not good. At most one or two cavalry were hit, so such shelling was a bit wasteful.

However, the Qing army who had been bombarded did not dare to stay under the artillery fire any longer. They pulled the Qing soldier who fell under the horse onto the horse, and ignored the frightened and jumping horse, turned the horse's head, and fled back. .

Wu Shigong was in the team to see the shelling.Seeing that the effect of shelling was not achieved, he smiled and shook his head.Then, Wu Shigong told Huang Ding who was behind him: "Remember, in the future, the army will also be equipped with some one-pound cannons. Put the one-pound cannons in the car and convert it into a cannon cart to deal with the situation in front of us." .”

Huang Ding quickly took out his notebook, took out a newly produced pencil, and carefully wrote down every word Wu Shigong said.

Because of the pursuit of range and power, in the current Runing Army, there are relatively few one-pound artillery equipment, and they are basically equipped with cavalry who pay more attention to mobility.But in the current situation, Wu Shigong found it inconvenient to mobilize the three-pound cannon, and the amount of ammunition used for each shelling was relatively large.It is far less flexible and suitable than the one-pound artillery, so Wu Shigong plans to properly equip a batch of one-pound artillery in the future.

"My lord! Do you want to disperse the cavalry and guard them around the team?" Yu Ji asked for instructions.

"No need!" Wu Shigong waved his hand with a smile, "It's enough to shoot a few shots, and it's enough to keep those Tartars from getting too close. It doesn't need to kill many of these loose cavalry."

"We'll just walk in groups like this. Anyway, those Tartars can't even tickle us, so there won't be any problems. Let those Tartars not be able to tell where we are. If cavalry is dispatched, the Tartars will What should I do if I get scared? Then it’s no fun. When it’s time for the real decisive battle, I’ll give Tartar another surprise.”

Wu Shigong's words.It caused Yu Ji and the others to burst into laughter.These officers of the Runing Army all imitated Wu Shigong's temper when fighting. They didn't pursue heroism very much, but liked to play dirty, and the more negative the person, the happier he was.

As the vanguard this time, the Runing Army even put away Wu Shigong's general and military flags.It is to make the Qing army confused where it is.Therefore, the Runing Army is now behaving like any other Ming Army.Hiding behind the formation of vehicles while marching.They didn't dare to let the cavalry fight back, so in order to hide, the Runing Army not only placed some sharp soldiers two or three miles ahead of the team, but even gave up the cavalry strangling battle, just to play tricks on the Qing army.

Besides, the end of the first leg of the Runing Army's journey is Huangtutai.He was about to reach there, and the main force of the Ming army behind him was only three or five miles away from the Runing army, so Wu Shigong didn't want to spend a lot of time beheading the heads of some Tartars to gain military merit.Anyway, more than 7000 heads of military merit have also been obtained, and Wu Shigong no longer pays attention to these small dishes and snacks.

"Huh? A banner is coming from ahead. Is there a Tartar blocking it?" Chi Ming suddenly called out.

All the officers immediately looked to the front of the team. Indeed, the front troops had stopped, and kept calling the Chinese army the banner of "discover the enemy".After a while, a messenger came galloping to Wu Shigong and the others.

Because there is a small mound in front of them blocking the line of sight, Wu Shigong's army cannot see the situation behind the mound, so the messengers in front are needed to report the situation of the Qing army.

"My lord!" The messenger saluted Wu Shigong, and reported, "We encountered the enemy three miles ahead, and by visual inspection there are two or three thousand Tartar cavalry in formation. Commander Ning has ordered the troops to deploy. How should we fight? Please show me, my lord."

"What? Just two or three thousand cavalry dare to stop us? Still want to fight in formation? Are those Tartars' heads burned?" After hearing the report, Yu Ji asked in disbelief.

Indeed, Wu Shigong’s vanguard has more than 7000 horsemen, and the troops of the Ming army are very close to each other, so they can quickly support them. Therefore, what the Qing army that is blocking is actually going to challenge the 9-strong Ming army .If the commander of the Qing army hadn't been confused, that behavior was simply too arrogant, so not only Yu Ji, but even the other officers of the Runing army found it unbelievable.

"Will there be an ambush?" an officer asked the messenger.

"You can see from the back at a glance. There is a large flat area. There is no place to ambush. These Tartars should be the only ones." The orderly replied.

"Then what are you thinking about?" Upon hearing this, Wu Shigong immediately ordered, "Let Commander Ning spread out the team. Old bear! You also push your artillery up, and use artillery to bombard the Tartars with a flat push. Back, see if they can block so many shells?"

Wu Shigong's order was very simple, that is, to use concentrated artillery fire to beat the Qing army back step by step.Just retreating one or two miles like this, the Qing army will definitely not be able to hold its ground, and will retreat without a fight.If the Qing army dared to charge, then under the cover of vehicles and artillery, the Runing Army phalanx equipped with a large number of firecrackers would definitely let the Qing army know what it means to not open their eyes.

"Do you want the cavalry to prepare for a counterattack?" Yu Ji asked again.

"No need!" Wu Shigong said decisively, "Four or five miles ahead, we will reach Huangtu Terrace. Our task of being the vanguard has been completed. Don't make troubles, just beat back this group of Tartars. The future is long, we still hide Hold something together." Wu Shigong still wanted to hide the strength of the Runing Army.

"Okay! My old bear is on the horse." After listening to Wu Shigong's order, Xiong Zhengen immediately drove the horse away with all his strength.His loud voice made the eardrums of the people around him buzz.

It was a leader of the Qing army who led the more than 2000 cavalry to intercept.But the leader didn't think he was arrogant at all, because in the previous battles, it was too common for thousands of Qing troops to defeat and chase and kill tens of thousands of Ming troops. (To be continued..)

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