Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 741 The Inverted Battle

"Tell the brothers, as long as you block the official dog for three days, all of them will enter the old camp, and the whole family will have enough to eat. Those who retreat will be killed!" He Yaoqi shouted.

Seeing the messengers leaving one after another, He Yaoqi shook his head, and whispered to his confidants: "These Henan soldiers are too bad, they don't look like a team. It's difficult!"

Although He Yaoqi led the well-selected strong men from the camp, these people were originally mostly bandits who robbed the aisle, and they were laymen when the two armies confronted each other on the battlefield.And because time was too tight, He Yaoqi couldn't give them enough training, so facing the Runing Army, He Yaoqi didn't have much confidence, so he could only offer "heavy rewards" to stimulate them.

"General! Butcher Wu's soldiers on the opposite side don't look as good as ours? Maybe we also have a chance." A soldier of He Yaoqi comforted.Indeed, from the point of view of clothing, the soldiers and horses who robbed many cities were still neatly dressed, but a large number of soldiers in the Runing Army were dressed in rags, and their weapons were not uniform. mob.

"Don't underestimate it!" He Yaoqi said immediately, "We're not trying to defeat Butcher Wu, we just need to hold back their footsteps. So we must not attack. Stay on guard!" At this time, He Yaoqi was still very careful.

"But didn't Mr. Niu say that this road is a bluff? Why do you look at their posture and they are about to attack?" Another soldier asked.

"It's enough to fight well, why bother so much?" He Yaoqi was also very irritable in his heart, "Send a message to King Chuang again, saying that Butcher Wu's army is going to be serious."

When He Yaoqi arranged the soldiers and horses to break into the camp here, he also hastily placed some wooden fences in front of the formation for protection, and had already prepared the whole army for defense and interception.

But I thought that after the Runing army came here, they would at least set up camp on the spot, because it was already approaching dusk, and it was not a good time to start a war.Unexpectedly, the Runing Army immediately deployed its troops.A look of immediate combat.

This caught He Yaoqi a little by surprise.He didn't have time to change the formation of the troops and turn them from defense to offense, so he could only watch the Runing Army deploy their troops.He Yaoqi also couldn't understand why the Runing Army was so anxious to fight.Chuangying has been withdrawn from Kaifeng city?Then the Runing Army will not be so anxious to make a rescue.Could it be that they really want to fight against Chuangying?Was Junshi Niu's judgment wrong?

But looking at the disorganized appearance of the Runing Army's soldiers, they were obviously made up of ordinary people, which made He Yaoqi baffled again.If this is the case, regardless of the comparison of troops, equipment, and combat effectiveness, the camp will surpass the opposite Runing army.Is there a fraud in it?Therefore, He Yaoqi still decided to remain unchanged in response to all changes.

"Tell the people who rushed in front. As long as they rush into the formation of the rebels and persist until our Runing Army dispatches troops, then I will make the decision. All will be treated according to the Runing Army's treatment, and the whole family will also be arranged as military members. If you retreat and run away, kill them before the battle!" Yao Liang ordered loudly.

Yao Liang knew very well that his patchwork army hadn't had any adjustments at all, so he looked at it from the perspective of the Runing Army.The fighting power is absolutely appalling.

So Yao Liang knew that he had an opportunity to charge.If you can smash the camp on the opposite side in one go, it will be all good.If it doesn't break.Then your troops will lose confidence.I don't have the courage to continue fighting at all.Therefore, regardless of the tight time, Yao Liang immediately deployed his troops and began to arrange the order of the charge.

At this time, the more than 2000 horses of the Runing Army are definitely the most important combat force, so Yao Liang must use them cautiously.They will not be plunged into a chaotic battle with large casualties.

Therefore, Yao Liang arranged his more than 1 auxiliary soldiers at the forefront of the charge, and asked them to remove obstacles before entering the camp, and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the soldiers who entered the camp.Then Yao Liang asked Fu Sheng to take the chariot as the guide, and lead the Runing Army and the incorporated Chen Zhongzhi's troops to charge later.Try to smash the troops who broke into the camp with one blow.So at this time, those auxiliary soldiers became cannon fodder for the Runing Army.For this reason, Yao Liang did not hesitate to offer a "big reward".

"Forward!" The officers sent by the Runing Army to command the auxiliary troops shouted loudly.And under their leadership, those auxiliary soldiers walked forward steadily.

After walking a few steps, the queue of auxiliary soldiers was already in a mess.Although the officers of the Runing Army who were watching the battle behind were all shaking their heads, but the troops had already set off, and they could only resign themselves to their fate.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to the battalion formation, some auxiliary soldiers couldn't hold back anymore. Some of them stopped, and some accelerated their pace, wanting to rush forward earlier.

"Stop! Stop!"

"Come on!"

Seeing that the ranks became even more chaotic, the officer of the Runing Army commanding the auxiliary soldiers rushed into the formation of the auxiliary soldiers, beating and yelling at those who caused the chaos with their scabbards.Some officers were finally pissed off by those disobedient ones. They pulled out their knives and executed a few of them on the spot.After seeing the blood, the auxiliary soldiers' team also regained some order.

But before he knew it, the formation of auxiliary soldiers had entered a hundred steps away from the camp.Under the loud orders of the officers who broke into the camp, batches of arrows, rows of firecrackers and birdcups, and even several artillery pieces fired at the auxiliary formation.After a burst of shooting, the front auxiliary soldiers immediately fell down in a large row.

And this shooting immediately made the auxiliary soldiers unable to hold their ground.Some auxiliary soldiers turned around and fled, and were immediately beheaded by the Runing Army who supervised the battle behind the formation.Seeing that there was no way to go, those auxiliary soldiers started running desperately, thinking of rushing into the formation of the barracks earlier.In the past, the long-range shooting of the Runing Army's firearms caused the Peasant Army to charge early, but it was reversed at this time.

This is the case in troubled times. To survive, sometimes you have to be cannon fodder. It is good to live in peace and stability. What you are afraid of is being cannon fodder over and over again.

And the auxiliary soldiers who started running had no way out.As long as the person who rushed to the front stopped, he would be pushed down by the person behind him, and then he would die under the trample.They could only continue forward under the fire of bows and arrows and firearms.

The bows and arrows, firecrackers and artillery that broke into the camp were constantly firing, and the auxiliary soldiers also fell to the ground one by one.And those who are alive are running with all their might, wanting to run across this death zone earlier.

Finally, some auxiliary soldiers lined up in front of the wooden fence in front of the barracks. They hacked with knives and axes and pushed and pulled with their hands, trying to open the opening so that they could rush in smoothly.

However, long spears continued to protrude from the gaps in the wooden fence, and the auxiliary soldiers were stabbed down one after another, and the momentum of the auxiliary soldiers' charge was also vented.This scene often appeared in the battle between the Runing Army and the Peasant Army.

Yao Liang, who was watching the battle, shook their heads one after another.They knew that the best way was to transfer the gunners of the Runing Army to the front of the formation of the auxiliary soldiers, and use firepower to disperse the intruders behind the wooden fence.But in this case it is impossible to transfer those precious gunners.If the auxiliary soldiers retreated or rushed too hard, the gunners would definitely suffer heavy casualties.In the final analysis, there was no cooperation between the gunner and the auxiliary soldiers!

"Commander Wu said how much time is left to arrive?" Yao Liang asked loudly when he saw that the charge was not going well.

Before the start of the battle, Yao Liang had already sent a fast horse to notify Shumo behind him, telling him to rush to the front line to join the battle.If Yao Liang's charge fails, the second plan will be adopted. Yao Liang's Runing Army will carry out the second charge together with Shumo.But this time, the soldiers and horses of the Runing Army will be used to make sharp knives.

"The report said that there are still twenty miles. Commander Wu has ordered an urgent march, and they will definitely arrive before dark." A soldier immediately reported back.

"Before dark!" Yao Liang licked his chapped lips, "Then it will be a night battle."

Then Yao Liang immediately made up his mind, and he shouted: "Look ahead, never let the charge back. Find a way to let them charge in. The first person who opens the hole will be rewarded with 500 taels of silver." At this time, Yao Liang also That's a big reward.

"Inappropriate!" Ye Min advised.Because the Runing Army has always been rewarded with medals and ranks after their military exploits, and there is no precedent for rewards with silver.Of course, increasing the rank in the Runing Army also means increasing the salary and treatment.

"Who cares about this at this time? I can't explain it clearly in a short time. It's better to use real money. If it really doesn't work, then I will pay for it myself." Yao Liang made up his mind.

Under Yao Liang's order, the Runing army behind began to press forward. They compressed the space for the auxiliary soldiers to retreat, forcing them to only charge forward.So the auxiliary soldiers rushed towards the wooden fence in waves, and the corpses in front of the wooden fence piled up higher and higher.

Finally, a few auxiliary soldiers climbed over the wooden fence stepping on the corpses. "Rush in!" Amidst the shouts, the morale of the Runing army was greatly boosted, and a group of auxiliary soldiers jumped over this opening one after another, and finally found a clearing here.

A few auxiliary soldiers who were free began to deal with the wooden fences. With a sound of "Boom!", a section of the wooden fence finally fell down.Subsequent auxiliary soldiers also continued to enter through this opening, and began a life-and-death struggle with the soldiers who broke into the camp.

One, two, three..., more and more gaps were opened, and the auxiliary soldiers rushed in, and the hand-to-hand combat ahead suddenly reached a fever pitch.

"They're all crazy! They're all crazy!" He Yaoqi looked at the Runing Army rushing in desperately with an expression of disbelief.This posture is also what He Yaoqi often sees. It is often a frantic charge of desperate peasant troops facing the official army.

Today's battle seems to have turned everything upside down.The peasant army looks like an official army, but the official army looks like a peasant army, so the commanders on both sides of the war are a little uncomfortable.

But Fu Sheng, who had been prepared for a long time, was in no mood to care about it.As soon as he saw the opportunity, he immediately shouted: "It's time for us to go." Under the cover of the chariot, the soldiers of the Runing Army marched in a neat queue. (To be continued..)

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