Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 744 Deployment of the Runing Army

First of all, what Li and Luo's coalition forces did was to organize troops, and organized 20 strong troops into teams of [-] people.Then began to dispatch officers, straighten out the command system, and initially formed an army.

After that, Niu Jinxing and Li Yan joined forces. They wrote a large number of songs and slogans and sent people to sing them around.And the most famous one is the phrase "Chuang Wang will not pay food when he comes".As a result, refugees who defected to the camp flocked in, which made the peasant army expand again.

Later, an old friend of Niu Jinxing, Song Xiance, defected to Li Zicheng.Song Xiance was famous for his fortune-telling. He gave Li Zicheng a fortune-telling prophecy of "eighteen masters of the gods", that is, he calculated that Li Zicheng had the fate of becoming an emperor.In ancient times when superstition was very serious, this kind of prophecy cast a mysterious and noble color on Li Zicheng.So more people went to the camp.

More importantly, under the repeated persuasion of Niu Jinxing and Li Yan, Li Zicheng finally wanted to take advantage of his strong army to end his career as a bandit and start to establish a base.Therefore, reshaping military discipline, organizing farming and production, and establishing government offices at all levels, all of these marked Chuangying's desire to establish a new regime.

Special attention should be paid to this point, this is Li Zicheng's unique method of breaking into camp in the Li and Luo coalition forces, while Luo Rucai still has the "nature" of a rogue, and he lives day by day at all, and does not want to break away from this free and easy way across the world Days, and the difference between the two leaders laid the groundwork for the intensification of the conflict between them.

But it's still too early to say all of this. The first thing Li and Luo's coalition forces now is to find a suitable place to establish their own base.

And what are the other two peasant armies doing at this time?

Let me talk about Zhang Xianzhong after occupying Xiangyang.After Zhang Xianzhong summoned troops in Xiangyang, he immediately crossed the Yangtze River and captured Fancheng, and then swung his troops to the southwest.Gradually stay away from the Runing Army.And the first target they encountered was Ying Shan.However, this also temporarily relieved the Runing Army in Junzhou and Nanyang, because there was no need to consider this peasant army for the time being.

At this time, the deployment of the Runing Army is as follows: [

When Wu Shigong went to Liaodong, the Runing Army at that time had six towns and three independent associations with a total of 4000 troops (not full), and Wu Shigong brought 7000 of them to Liaodong.Only 7000 people stayed in the headquarters.

However, the Runing Army has a three-year military expansion plan. They plan to fully staff these troops within three years and expand their strength to 15.Therefore, as soon as Wu Shigong went to the army, the 2000 recruits recruited in the first year of expanding the army were immediately called to the army.So now there are [-] soldiers and horses in the headquarters.Of course, the newly recruited soldiers did not go through a full year of training.Therefore, the combat effectiveness is worse than that of veterans.

And now it is February and March in the 13th year of Chongzhen.The Runing Army has more than 7000 members of Jiang Cheng's Independent Association in Junzhou, and Wang Guangen's two thousand-member independent regiments reorganized from the Peasant Army.Of course, these two thousand-member independent regiments were not included in the total strength of the Runing Army, but were only used as auxiliary soldiers of the Runing Army.

In Guide and Kaifeng, there are more than 7000 independent associations with calligraphy and ink.Yao Liang has more than 2000 associates.Among Yao Liang's troops, two battalions have already gone to Liaodong again.So the total force here has more than 500 horses.But at this time, Xue Yongli and the others didn't know that the two had already recruited more than 6000 auxiliary soldiers without authorization.

In Nanyang, there is Zhang Biao's Tuanlian Town and the original Li Lu, and now it is the Nanyang Independent Association led by Zhao Degong.Zhang Biao's Tuanlian town has 2000 people, while the Nanyang Independent Association has 5000 people.Although these two troops are not full.However, among the various units of the Runing Army, the full manpower rate is relatively high.Because Nanyang's status is very important, it is to intercept the main road between Henan and Huguang.

Therefore, Zhang Biao's Tuanlian Town was stationed in Ye County and other counties close to the Runing Army, while the Nanyang Association was guarded in Nanyang Fucheng.As long as the Fucheng is kept, even if the Peasant Army can move back and forth freely within the territory of Nanyang Mansion, the Runing Army will also use Fucheng as a base to cut off the passage of Nanyang Mansion at the right time.Therefore, the strategic position of Nanyang Fucheng is very important.

also.Nanyang also has more than 4000 firm guards from the Jimin Reclamation Firm.Although some of the commercial guards were recruited into the Runing Army, and some followed Chang Meng to Huguang to open up a new Tuntian Zhuangzi, there were still some left in Nanyang, so these commercial guards were also a powerful supplement to the Runing Army's operations.

In Runing, there are the five most powerful towns and guards of the headquarters of the Runing Army.However, the five major towns and guard troops were transferred to Liaodong because part of the troops were transferred.So their total strength is a pitiful 3000-odd horses.Among them, the guard troops led by He Fei (with the Teaching Association and the Rotating Training Association), because the Teaching Association was drawn to the expedition, the current strength is only more than 7000.

Xue Yong's Jiaoji Town is over [-]; Qian Qi's Xiongchui Town is [-]; Yang Rusong's Huhou Town is [-]; Zug's Pegasus Town is [-];

It is worth noting that although Tao Xin's troops were large, most of them were reorganized from Liu Guoneng's peasant army at that time, so their equipment and combat effectiveness were poor, and they could only be used as the second-line troops of the Runing Army.Therefore, this unit does not even have an official number.

In addition, there are some fragmented troops.For example, a multi-regiment artillery left by the Artillery Association in the headquarters.The two battalions of the Navy and Marine War Association at the Xinyang base have more than 300 people, and the one regiment at the Huanggang base has more than 700 people.

In addition, it should be pointed out that in the three places of Runing, Guide and Nanyang, there are more than 4 Runing army guards, mine guards, and road guards, and there are more than 3000 paramilitary troops from the Xue Qiang Department of Internal Affairs. In the area, there are more than 4000 wasteland reclamation business guards, all of which are the force that the Runing Army can use.

Therefore, when Xue Yongli and Zhou Xun escorted the captives back to Nanyang, they first let the troops in Nanyang return to the construction, and then asked the local officials to resettle these captives, mainly adding them to Tuntian Zhuangzi and mines.After handing over the Nanyang troops to Zhang Biao's unified command, Xue Yongli and Zhou Xun returned to Runing with the rest of the troops.

So when Xue Yongli and Zhou Xun returned to Runing, it was already the end of March.Only then did they know that Shumo and Yao Liang recruited soldiers privately and incorporated them into their own troops without authorization.

At this time, Xue Yongli didn't care about punishing them.Now that the deal is done, Xue Yongli will simply upgrade the two troops into one Guide Town, with Shu Mo as the commander of the town and Yao Liang as the deputy commander.And he asked Yao Liang not to stay in Kaifeng City anymore, and rush back to Germany as soon as possible. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)[

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