"They discussed: First of all, we want the Fifth Gezuo Battalion to surrender together." He Jin said.

Liu Xiyao nodded and said, "We should advance and retreat together."

"Give each of us a title of leader of the Association, and the five battalions will be organized into five associations, and Butcher Wu will send people to reorganize them. But they also made it clear that the troops will definitely be disrupted, and the officers will also be organized by Butcher Wu. out, so it is almost impossible for us to regroup." He Jin continued.

Although this condition seems a bit harsh, it is also the meaning of the question, so although Liu Xiyao and Lin Chenggong's faces were ugly, they still acquiesced.However, Liu Xiyao asked again: "Brother He! What exactly is an association leader?"

"It's the official position of Butcher Wu. The person who went there asked Chuang Tatian, who is equivalent to a general in the government." He Jin replied.

"Crap! Butcher Wu dares to do something different." Lin Chengcheng cursed and vented his dissatisfaction, but at this time he couldn't express any objection.So Lin Chengcheng continued, "Brother He! You continue."

"If you don't want to join the army, keep your family property and place it in Runing. The brothers under him also have their own arrangements, and they all follow the old rules of Chuang Tatian." He Jin said again.

"The conditions are good. But will Butcher Wu not keep his promise?" Lin Chengcheng still had some doubts in his heart.

"The general Xue we were talking to was very tough. He didn't allow us to bargain and only gave us three days. But according to my old He, this shows their sincerity. We have all lied to it, and if we slowly deal with us, aren't we just meat on the chopping board - let others slaughter us?" He Jin said.

"That's true!" Liu Xiyao nodded.

"But they also put forward a condition." At the end, He Jin said the key point, "Butcher Wu asked us not to surrender publicly for the time being, and sent our family members to them as hostages. Then follow their instructions, Fight the official dog of Nanking."

"Ah?" When this condition was mentioned, both Liu Xiyao and Lin Chengcheng were taken aback.

"Did you hear that right?" Lin Chengcheng asked uncertainly.

"That's what Butcher Wu said." He Jin shook his head helplessly, "They want to borrow a knife to kill people. Then Butcher Wu is also going to rebel. He has no good intentions."

After being silent for a while, Liu Xiyao asked cautiously: "This condition is a bit too much, isn't it just letting us be cannon fodder? Do you want to contact Nanjing as well?"

He Jin smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Butcher Wu said: Once the three days are up, the war will start immediately. Even if we surrender to Nanjing, they will still kill us. Nanjing will not fight with Wu for us. The butcher went to war."

The big tent became quiet again.After a long while, Lin Yangchang sighed: "Hey! We are destined to do so. I hope Butcher Wu will not break his promise. Forget it, I will listen to Brother He."

Seeing Liu Xiyao also nodded, and He Jin immediately arranged: "That's good! Let's add up first...!"


On April [-]th, He Jin invited Ge Liyan He Yilong to a banquet alone, but failed to persuade him.He Yilong was killed in the big tent.But Lin Chengcheng invited Lao Hui to Ma Shouying, and he successfully persuaded Lao Hui to surrender.After that, the four immediately integrated the fifth battalion of Ge Zuo.And secretly sent their respective representatives.Surrender secretly to the Runing Army.

This time the Runing Army dispatched troops, somewhat unexpectedly smooth.The seemingly aggressive 10,000+ Gezuo [-]th Battalion surrendered within less than ten days of fighting with the Runing Army.The reason for this is that the Runing Army has been accumulating strength, reputation, and influence, and at this time, it is logical to accumulate a lot of money.

But such a victory still exceeded Xue Yongli's expectations.Before going out.Xue Yongli and the others wanted to cooperate with Lu Jiude's Nanjing Jingying to completely destroy the fifth Gezuo battalion. It would be best to wipe out these five leaders.But now, it can be said that they single-handedly wiped out the Fifth Gezuo Battalion with ease.This made Xue Yongli and the others dissatisfied with the goals set before the expedition.

So the Runing Army will control the Gezuo Fifth Battalion and fight with the Nanjing Jingying, just to put a lot of pressure on Lu Jiude and seek better conditions for the Runing Army.

First of all, of course, is placement.The 30th Battalion of Ge Zuo had nearly [-] people. To bring them back to Runing and Guide, resettle them, and digest them would cost too much money and food and cause too much trouble, so it was difficult to carry out.The best way to do it is to resettle on the spot.And what the Runing Army had to do was to control the leaders of the Fifth Gezuo Battalion and select the best among them.

Second is the garrison.In order to prevent the Fifth Gezuo Battalion from rebelling after being resettled on the spot, troops must be stationed here to take care of them.However, if the imperial court sends another garrison, the Runing Army will become a wedding dress for others, which is completely unacceptable to the Runing Army.

Another point is that if the Hexian area is controlled, the Runing Army will have Junzhou in the west, the Dabie Mountains in the middle, and Hexian County in the east. The strategic space will be greatly increased, and it will also capture a very favorable strategic position for the Runing Army. .

Of course, taking advantage of this opportunity to consume some of the strength of the Nanjing army is also in the interests of the Runing army.And in the process of applying pressure, you can ask for more benefits.Nanjing, Yangzhou and other places have promised to give the Runing Army 15 taels of starting fee. If they can ask for 20 taels or even more in the future, the Runing Army will definitely welcome it with their hands raised.

So after receiving the family members of nearly a hundred leaders of the [-]th Gezuo Battalion, including He Jin, Liu Xiyao, Lin Chengcheng, and Ma Shouying, the Runing Army officially ceased fighting with the [-]th Gezuo Battalion, and arranged some troops to replace the [-]th Gezuo Battalion. Battalion clothes, and began to assist them in reorganizing the army and fighting.

And Lu Jiude led the Nanjing Jingying camp to watch the good show, but he didn't expect that a fierce battle would fall on them in a blink of an eye.

On April [-]th, the Fifth Battalion of Gezuo set up a battle to fight Lu Jiude.The Nanjing Jingying, who was in doubt, could not hold on, and did not dare to fight rashly, so the two sides stalemate for a whole day.

The next day, the Fifth Gezuo Battalion went out again, and the Nanjing Jingying Battalion, which had been challenged repeatedly, could no longer avoid the battle. Otherwise, the morale of the army would be greatly affected.

At the beginning of the battle, the Nanjing Jingying Battalion still had the upper hand, because the troops of Huang Degong and Liu Liangzuo were still relatively strong in combat effectiveness. The troops of the battalion broke up, and the Nanjing Jingying battalion was immediately in a floating formation.It was only because Huang Degong, Liu Liangzuo and other generals took the lead in fighting that the whole army was not defeated. (To be continued..)

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