Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 752 Walking over smoothly

In July of the 14th year of Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen ordered Hong Chengchou to rush to rescue Jinzhou and wait for an opportunity to severely injure the enemy.Chen Xinjia also reported in a letter to Hong Chengchou that the Qing army was planning to enter the Great Wall from the north of the capital again, threatening: "Your Excellency will close the gate for a year and pay hundreds of thousands. If the siege of Jinzhou is not lifted If you don’t enter the mountains and seas, the interior will be empty. If you withdraw your troops to the west of Liaoning, you will return without success. How can you be worthy of the emperor, and how can you explain it to the civil and military officials?”

Under the urging of such a prairie fire, Hong Chengchou could only mobilize the whole army, aiming for a decisive battle.On July 21, Ming armies from all walks of life set off to Ningyuan to concentrate.Wu Shigong also bid farewell to the crying Chang Liuqin, and led the whole army of more than [-] people to Ningyuan.

On July 26, Hong Chengchou swore an oath in Ningyuan.Lead the pacesetters of the battalion and Ma Ke and other troops to file eastward.However, he did not divide his troops into four groups according to Chen Xinjia's plan, but concentrated all his forces to maintain the overall advantage.The food and supplies of the whole army were gathered at Bijia Mountain between Xingshan and Tashan.

Bijia Mountain is right in the middle of Ningyuan and Jinzhou.Hong Chengchou's arrangement is obviously considered from the aspect of prudence. Although he put on an offensive posture, he still seeks his own stability first, and establishes an invincible trend with sufficient food and salary and a neat team.

And Wu Shigong is very confident about this expedition, although he is not very ambitious. With 15 people, the scene was overwhelming, and there is no need to say more about the embarrassment index.

What encouraged Wu Shigong even more was that the Ming army dispatched this time could indeed be called "elite soldiers and strong generals".Of course, this kind of "elite soldiers and strong generals" depends on who they are compared with, and it is definitely worse than the comparison between the Runing Army and the Qing Army.But if you only look at the weapons and equipment, it is definitely that the armor is bright, there are many horses and vehicles, and sharp weapons such as artillery and firecrackers are also armed to the teeth.It can be said to be the most elite and powerful army of the Ming Dynasty.

But Wu Shigong didn't know at all, in the original history, how tragic the ending of this songjin battle was.He embarked on a dangerous journey, an unknown journey.So now Wu Shigong's high-spirited and high-spirited is completely a ignorant and fearless.

And Wu Shigong was ignorant of history when he traveled.Can't say it's good or bad.After all, with the exception of some time-travelers who have memorized time-traveling events by heart, the vast majority of other time-travelers are just fans on history forums. It has already grown white hair.

For example: Many people know that Denglekon Youde rebelled, but few people know that they have rebelled for more than a year?If a certain traverser only knew that Kong Youde and the others had been put down by the rebellion, in order to gain credit, he had plunged in at the very beginning of Kong Youde's rebellion, and had met Kong Youde's elite troops with all weapons, he would have died long ago.

Another example: the traversers who knew about the Pine Brocade War, when they first arrived in Liaodong.You know that the end of the Ming army is the annihilation of the entire army, and in this battle it was Wu Sangui and the others who fled first.So these traversers slipped away thinking that the whole army was fleeing in real history during Tan Tai's night attack last time, didn't they make a fool of themselves?But this cannot be blamed on these traversers, because who knows that the Songjin war has repeated several times.For as long as a year?

But anyway, this ignorance will bring danger to Wu Shigong.

But we must also allow God to give the Ming army a flashback.The process of going to Jinzhou this time was quite smooth.Perhaps Hong Chengchou commanded properly.Maybe the Ming army was strong and strong.Therefore, there was no obstruction by the Qing army at all along the way.

On the 29th, Hong Chengchou and his entire army arrived at Songshan, which is only a dozen miles away from Jinzhou, and that night they seized the west side of Rufeng Mountain, which is five or six miles away from Jinzhou, and set up a camp there.The main force of the Qing army is on the east side of Rufeng Mountain.

In the first few days of August, the two armies of the Ming and Qing fought fierce battles with Rufeng Mountain as the focus.Because the Ming army had an advantage in military strength.Hong Chengchou commanded properly. Although both sides had their own losses, and Yang Guozhu, the chief soldier of Xuanfu of the Ming army, was killed in battle, the overall situation was relatively unfavorable for the Qing army.

And in these skirmishes.Wu Shigong's Runing Army did not perform much.The tactic adopted by the Ming army was to place a large number of vehicles in front of the army, and under the cover of the vehicles, fire from a long distance with firecrackers, bows and arrows, and advance slowly.It is completely a defensive battle in a field battle.

Although the Qing army built two outer earth walls outside Jinzhou City, they did not rely on the walls to defend. Instead, they concentrated their forces to attack, gave up defense, and chose field battles.This offensive and defensive dislocation made it easier for the Ming army to fight.In addition, the Qing army had to send a part of its troops to guard the Zu Dashou Department in Jinzhou City, which made the disparity in the number of troops between the two armies even greater, so the Ming army gained the upper hand.

When Yang Guozhu, the chief soldier of the Xuanfu, couldn't hold back his temper, he rushed out of the chariot formation to fight the Qing army and was unfortunately killed. The tactics of the Ming army became more conservative. The city advances slowly.

And the Runing army was safe and secure. It was impossible for the Qing army to approach the line of defense they were in charge of under strong firepower. Ning Jun was even more idle.

Moreover, in such a defensive battle, the Runing Army could not show a higher level than other Ming armies.After all, the Ming army was not good at field battles, but after they got used to defending the city and being beaten, they became experts in defensive warfare, so their defensive performance was no worse than that of the Runing army.

Such a blunt knife-cutting tactic is quite effective, it is to kill the strength and morale of the Qing army.So on the second day of August, the Ming army captured the positions of the Qing army's Zhenghong, Xianghong and Xianglan banners.And at this time, the Ming army in Jinzhou City can also be seen.

In order to cooperate with the rescue Ming army, Zu Dashou also divided his troops out of the city in three ways to break through. After breaking through two defense lines, he was blocked on the third defense line and had to retreat to Jinzhou.But at this time, breaking the siege of the Qing army was already within reach.

After being frustrated, the Qing army took a defensive stance, stuck to the camp and stopped fighting, and at the same time urgently reported to Huang Taiji in Shengjing for help.But Zhang Ruoqi immediately reported the good news of the great victory to the imperial court. Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed when he saw the report, and urged Hong Chengchou to take advantage of the victory and advance aggressively in order to annihilate him.

After Hong Chengchou gained something in the first battle, he became more cautious.Ma Shaoyu, who praised the painting in front of the army, suggested to organize an attack with all his strength before the arrival of enemy reinforcements. He did not adopt it, and still confronted the Qing army with a strong camp.He formed seven large camps between Rufeng Mountain and Songshan Mountain, dug trenches and set up fortifications, and ordered cavalry to be stationed on the east, north, and west sides of the camp to form a solid defense system. (To be continued..)

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