Along with the noise, the battalions of the Ming army were also in commotion, and the noise became more and more widespread and louder.And the camp of the Runing Army couldn't keep quiet anymore, and the noise gradually became louder. Some soldiers even rushed out of the tent to see what happened.

"Everyone be quiet!" Wu Shigong yelled, "Assemble urgently! More torches!"

The soldiers who reacted also rushed to send orders to various parts of the camp.Wu Shigong looked at the ugly faces of the people around him, and knew that his own face was not good either.This kind of commotion in the whole army must have caused a major accident, but it is impossible for this ignorant person to understand the situation outside, so now Wu Shigong must make a decision as soon as possible.

Wu Shigong resented in his heart: I really lost my head when I came to Liaodong this time.There is no need to blame Governor Hong Chengchou and the friendly army, just think about your own judgment!He believed too much in Hong Chengchou's command ability, and he also believed too much in the combat effectiveness of other Ming armies.Hong Chengchou didn't send troops to Changling, so couldn't he arrange scouts to go to Changling?At least they won't be cut off by the Qing army and caught off guard.

Wu Shigong shook his head vigorously, throwing all these useful and useless thoughts to the back of his mind.Now it is time to face the reality and make a correct decision in time.

"Come here! Go out and have a look, what happened?" Up to now, Wu Shigong still thinks that the most likely thing is that the Qing army robbed the camp, so he wanted to know the situation of the Ming army in other camps first.

Some personal soldiers immediately led the horses and prepared to leave the camp, but the secret sentry arranged by the Runing Army in the distance outside the camp, no longer cared about hiding their shadows, they galloped over and shouted at Wu Shigong: "My lord! They all ran away! They all ran away!"

"Who escaped?" Chi Ming immediately stepped forward and asked anxiously.

"Official troops from other battalions."

"Have any Tartars appeared?" Chi Ming asked again.

"I didn't see it! It's just that the officers and soldiers are on the run."

"Then where is the governor?" Wu Shigong couldn't help but interjected.

"Can't see clearly! My lord! The little one doesn't know!"

The battalions of the Ming army were lined up, while the camp of the Runing army was relatively close to the side.Therefore, the Chinese army camp of Hong Chengchou, who lives in the center, cannot be observed.

At this time, Wu Shigong no longer hesitated.The worst situation now is that the other Ming troops did not obey Hong Chengchou's command, fled without permission at night, and no longer obeyed the plan formulated in the military discussion-tomorrow's decisive battle for the whole army to break through.

Therefore, the current Runing Army will definitely not stay where it is, and must immediately prepare the whole army to break through.As for the governor Hong Chengchou, then the father and mother marry each other, and the individual cares about the individual!There was no way for the Runing army to find Governor Hong Chengchou in this chaotic Ming army, and then pass on his orders.If so much time is wasted, the danger of Runing Army may be even greater.

Besides, the current Wu Shigong no longer believes in Hong Chengchou's command.So now, without spending any other effort, he prepared to flee with his entire army.

Just when Wu Shigong made up his mind and was about to issue an order, he caught sight of Yan Sanling who was still at the gate of Daying.That Yan Sanling's face was pale, and his lips were trembling.He looked at a loss.

It was also impossible for Wu Shigong to harden his heart and drive him away immediately, so he asked Yan Sanling, "Master Yan! Are you going back to Lord Superintendent? Or are you going with me?"

Yan Sanling was shocked when he heard this.He is a man in the governor's battalion.It stands to reason that he should look for Hong Chengchou and follow his orders.But in this situation, how dare Yan Sanling dare to go back?

So Yan Sanling gritted his teeth and said, "I'll trouble Zongbing Wu. The last general... the last general will send someone back to check the situation!"

Wu Shigong said to Yan Sanling: "Then gather your people first, stay at the edge of the camp, and follow us later." After speaking, Wu Shigong waved to Yan Sanling.He turned around and walked towards his big tent.He didn't care whether Yan Sanling would send someone to look for Hong Chengchou.Now that Yan Sanling is staying, let's go with him!

The nighttime emergency assembly that the Runing Army has been training for many years is indeed effective. It didn't take much effort, and the entire army has been assembled.Because we have to prepare for tomorrow's retreat.Therefore, the baggage of the Runing Army has already been placed on the cart, and there is no need to bother now.The only thing that can't be packed are the tents.Fortunately, it is midsummer now, and the soldiers will not be frozen even if they stay in the wild overnight.

But no matter what, it took time for the whole army to assemble, it took time to be fully armed, and it took time to line up and roll call. After the officers of each unit reported to Wu Shigong, the Ming troops in other battalions also ran away sparsely.Wu Shigong didn't talk nonsense, he loudly ordered: "The whole army goes out of the camp!" Then he rode on the black feet led by his personal soldiers, inspected the troops of the Runing Army, and went out of the camp one by one according to the predetermined order.

Only the person who ran to Wu Shigong's side was still shaking his head, looking excited.Wu Shigong looked at the man's madness, and thought to himself: "Now it may be the only one that is carefree!"

Immediately after the military discussion ended, Datong General Soldier Wang Pu didn't say hello at all. As soon as he returned to his camp, he assembled his troops and then fled with his team.And Wu Sangui, the commander of Ningyuan who formed a tacit understanding with Wang Pu after the military discussion, had already assembled his troops, and when he saw Wang Pu fleeing, he followed closely.

Afterwards, Ma Ke, the general soldier of Shanhai, Tang Tong, the general soldier of Miyun, Bai Guangen, the general soldier of Jizhou, and Li Fuming, who succeeded Yang Guozhu in charge of the town's military affairs, fled one after another.

In the panic caused by the Ming army, Hong Chengchou's military orders no longer worked, and he could only watch the deserters stamp their feet and beat their chests.Fortunately, Cao Bianjiao, the general soldier of Yutian, Wang Tingchen, the former chief soldier of the Tunwei, and Qiu Minyang, the governor of Liaodong, have not yet escaped.But at this time, whether to leave or stay, Hong Chengchou is already in a mess.His mind was in chaos, and he temporarily lost the ability to command the Ming army.

Under such circumstances, Wu Shigong's Runing Army was also in chaos, and finally embarked on the road of escape.

Wang Pu and other Ming troops from all walks of life escaped at the beginning, but they were able to maintain the integrity of their own team.They all knew that the Ming army could still hold on to its airs. If the whole army retreated, they would face a massacre by the Qing army, and no one would be able to escape.

And the escape went smoothly at the beginning. Although the Qing army dug three trenches on the way back, after all, the daytime battle filled part of the first trench. In addition, the Qing army had to rest at night. Unexpectedly, the Ming army It would be defeated immediately, so the whole army was not dispatched, so Wang Pu and the others passed the first trench smoothly.

But when it came to the second trench, the Ming army who filled the trench met the prepared Qing army.When the Qing army dug the trench, they piled the excavated earth and rocks behind the trench and built an earth wall, so the current Ming army has become a siege in disguise.

Across the ditches and earthen walls, the armies on both sides fired muskets, bows and arrows at each other.However, with the cover of the earth wall, the casualties of the Qing army were not large, and the trenches were already crowded with densely packed Ming troops. Every time the Qing army fired, almost none of them missed the target.But in order to win a way out, the Ming army on the edge of the trench had no patience to dodge.

Some soldiers of the Ming army who carried soil and rocks wrapped in sacks, cloth, and even their own clothes threw the soil and rocks into the trench one after another, and then even the soldiers of the Ming army who were shot to death and wounded by the Qing army were also thrown into the trench as a landfill. things.

The Ming soldiers in the back row squeezed the front row, and some Ming soldiers in the front row who were not standing still were pushed down by the people behind them.But no one paid attention to the soldiers who fell into the trenches, let alone stretched out their hands to help them, only earth, rocks and corpses were thrown down continuously, and some soldiers under the trenches were just buried alive.However, with such efforts, the trenches were gradually filled up after the Ming army suffered a large number of casualties.

No one in the Ming army on the edge of the ditch could keep quiet. The personal soldiers and directly subordinate troops of the general soldiers in each town were shouting and cursing loudly, telling the soldiers in front to move forward, and the soldiers in front were also shouting loudly. Layers move forward like waves.Finally, the first and second places..., a group of Ming troops finally crossed the trench on the filled road.

The two sides immediately fought fiercely around the earthen wall. The nearly [-] horsemen of the Ming army had no tricks, no partiality, and they were so arrogant. .

On the other side of the earth wall guarded by the Qing army, many soldiers didn't care about the cover of the earth wall. They just leaned out and stabbed desperately with their spears.The current earth wall has actually become an obstacle for both sides. If you don't show your head to fight, the Ming army will be turned over if you hesitate a little bit, putting yourself in a disadvantageous position.

"Archery! Archery! Get closer!" The generals on both sides shouted.And those Ming army soldiers who fought on the front line have actually been abandoned by their own generals.

But the soldiers of the Ming army in the front row were still red-eyed. They rushed forward desperately, and if they died, they would die. Once it was over, what if they ran out of a way out?Anyway, it's impossible to turn back now, and we just have to try our best to survive.

In this case, the gunners and archers of the Ming army have been unable to line up behind the soldiers in front of them, so the shooting is also scattered.The archers of the Qing army lined up as much as possible and shot their bows and arrows to the opposite side.

Arrows rained down almost every time.There will always be Ming soldiers screaming and falling down.But such a loss would not be noticed at all, and such casualties could not arouse the fear of other soldiers of the Ming army.A fallen corpse, or even just a fallen living person, will be trampled down quickly by those behind.With such non-stop impact, the earth wall facing the Ming army was gradually raised by the corpses.However, the Ming army, which was at a disadvantage and passive at the beginning, had a bit of an advantage in terms of geographical advantage. (To be continued..)

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