Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 761 Why hasn't Hong Chengchou left yet?

"How to fight?" Aobai asked Tan Taidao, frowning.

Seeing that Qianqi was defeated, the generals of the Qing army didn't consider any other options at all, they just wanted to continue fighting.The only thing that needs to be discussed now is what kind of tactics to adopt.

Tan Tai tilted his neck, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then said slowly: "I won't fight now. I will fight when they leave."

Obai suddenly understood what Tan Tai meant.The current Runing Army has completely arranged the chariot formation, and there is no way for the cavalry to rush in.If it is necessary to fight hard, then the cavalry should dismount and become infantry, and directly attack the chariot formation.However, this will also evolve into a "siege battle", and the Qing army's chances of winning are not great.

And when the Runing Army marched again, the Qing army could instead attack the marching ranks of the Runing Army, so that the chances of victory would be much greater, and the casualties of the Qing army would be much smaller.

Although he knew what Tan Tai said was right, Oboi still objected: "Even if we go, there will be carts lined up on both sides of Minggou's team, and it's not easy to rush in."

Tan Tai still squinted his eyes, thought for a while, nodded to Ao Bai and said, "It's very difficult! I'll take people up later."

Now that Tan Tai has volunteered, Obai has also decided on a tactic.But at this moment, a few Qing troops came galloping, they galloped in front of Oboi, and shouted loudly: "Master Dutong! Tens of thousands of dogs came out from Songshan Mountain, and they also came towards this place."

"Ah!" There were exclamations from all around.

"How far is it from here?" Obai asked hastily.

"Just left Songshan, it's still a while before we arrive." The spy replied.

"Hey!" Obai gritted his teeth when he heard this, and rubbed his fists together, in trouble.

"Ignore the Ming army in the west. Let them go." Tan Tai said decisively.

"Why?" A Qing army general next to him asked in surprise.

"This Ming army looks like the one that Prince Rui encountered in Hejian. It's hard to attack. It can't be defeated in a short time. If we let the Ming army behind come close, we can't stop it no matter what. Maybe let them all rush out in the end. It’s better to let go of the front and let’s leave the tail. Anyway, there is still an ambush behind, and this Ming army can’t go fast. Wait until we finish clearing the tail, and then turn around and eat him .” Tan Tai analyzed calmly.

"Old Tan is right!" Obai immediately nodded in agreement, and said, "We don't have such a big appetite, so we just concentrate on eating a table of dishes! Pass down the order. 1000 people will be sent to guard this bright dog. If they go out , don’t worry about him, if they come back to respond, return to me quickly. Stop them at all costs. The other troops will follow me to block Minggou behind!”


After repelling the Qing army's first attack, the Runing army was surprised.The Qing army did not attack again.At this point, nothing else matters.Now that you have time, speed across the trench!

More and more troops passed through the trenches, and the formations were getting tighter and tighter. Until the whole army had passed the trenches, the Qing army still did not appear strangely.This made the generals of the Runing Army a little confused.

Yu Ji asked Wu Shigong, "My lord! The villain is a little puzzled. The Tartars are three-axed, and they have to attack twice. But why did they hit once like a breeze and a drizzle. They didn't have the guts to shrink back?" "

Of course Wu Shigong was also surprised, but his nerves have always been very narrow, if you don't understand it, then don't think about it!Anyway, it was exactly what the Runing army wanted. Who would expect to meet the Qing army under such circumstances?

So Wu Shigong joked with a smile: "The key is that your nickname is not good. Who told you to call you a hedgehog? The tartar must have been stung by you."

No other officers dared to call Yu Jina's nickname indiscriminately, and only Wu Shigong could make jokes casually.So when the officers heard this, they immediately laughed out loud.

The next journey of the Runing Army went smoothly. Although they were surprised at every step during the march, they did not encounter any battles at all. Only a few small groups of Qing cavalry hung far behind.

Of course those annoying flies can't threaten the Runing Army, but it will take a lot of effort to drive them away. The Runing Army doesn't have so much time to deal with them, so they can only keep out of sight.

After rushing all the way for more than ten miles, Wu Shigong finally ordered to set up camp.Like the Qing army, the Runing army also fought all day during the day, marched at night, and fought until midnight, looking for a place to rest.After all, there is a journey of more than 100 miles, and it is absolutely impossible to make it in one day. It is better to save your energy and prepare for tomorrow's march and possible battles.

The Runing Army first surrounded the perimeter with carts, and then began to dig trenches and build earth walls. The civil engineering was completed meticulously.The only regret is that it is impossible to go out and cut down trees, so the camp of the Runing Army is just a simplified version.

But in such a short journey, nearly a hundred seriously injured people died.Of course, it was impossible for the Runing army to bring back the corpses of these other Ming troops, so they could only bury them on the spot.

When inspecting the camp, Wu Shigong was attracted by the movement of burying the corpse.He took a closer look and saw a priest, a monk and a Taoist priest praying for the dead.The Runing Army does not advocate preaching in the army, but it does not prohibit soldiers from believing in those religions recognized as legal by the Runing Army.Therefore, every time the Runing Army goes out, it will bring some religious figures with the army to do something for the religious soldiers, such as dying prayers, to give them dying comfort.

As for why priests, monks, and Taoists are so complete, it can only be said that competition is everywhere, even religion is no exception.

When the prayer was over, Wu Shigong stepped forward, and he ordered: "The place where the burial should be marked, and if possible, the grave will be raised and sent back to the customs. Everyone will cut off a strand of hair, and those who leave their addresses and names will be buried." Those who were sent to their families without leaving their names were thrown into the Yellow River after returning! It can be regarded as the return of their souls to their hometown. Also, all the newly recruited people are registered in the register, and this matter must be done immediately.”


Then, Wu Shigong went back to the big camp to inspect, but when he just returned to his big tent to rest, several soldiers suddenly came in with a general with an arrow stuck in his right shoulder.

As soon as the general saw Wu Shigong, he struggled to kneel down, and shouted heart-piercingly: "Marshal Wu! Hurry back and save Master Superintendent! Hurry back!"

Wu Shigong jumped up from the chair when he was shocked by these words. He quickly stopped the chief from kneeling down, and asked eagerly, "What? Where is Lord Supervisor? How is it going with him?"

"Master Superintendent is in Songshan City, and now we have sent [-] troops to the commander-in-chief."

To be honest, until now, Wu Shigong still thought that his Runing Army was the last Ming army to break through.In the dark night, it was impossible for Wu Shigong to send a large number of reconnaissance cavalry around, so he thought that all the Ming army had collapsed, and they had all fled south, and Hong Chengchou was also among the fleeing Ming army.

Besides, it took a lot of time for the Runing Army to go out of the battalion; it took time to collect supplies and defeat the troops; it took a lot of time to cross the three trenches, and the marching speed of the Runing Army was not fast. Wu Shigong took it for granted that the other Ming troops ran ahead of him.

But Wu Shigong didn't expect that Hong Chengchou, governor of Jiliao, didn't leave at all, and he still had an army there. Therefore, Wu Shigong was eager to find out, and wanted to know all about Hong Chengchou's situation.

After some questioning, Wu Shigong found out: It turned out that when the entire Ming army was defeated, Hong Chengchou was unable to issue orders effectively because of his mental disorder.Moreover, he was not willing to flee with the army at all, because he did not dare to face the court's questioning.

Seeing this situation, Qiu Minyang, the governor of Liaodong, could only give the order on his behalf. He ordered the remaining Ming army to withdraw into Songshan City.At this time, only two honest children, Cao Bianjiao, the general soldier of Yutian, and Wang Tingchen, the former general soldier of the Tunwei, were left with Hong Chengchou.Coupled with the defenders in Songshan City, Hong Chengchou had more than 3 horses around him.

But after a period of insanity, Hong Chengchou also woke up.Songshan City is a small city, and the city defense is not strong, so there is no way to accommodate so many troops in the city.Moreover, the current Qing army is besieging and killing the Ming army who fled first, and has not yet concentrated its forces to besiege the city, so if you don't leave now, you will never be able to leave again.So Hong Chengchou ordered Cao Bianjiao and Wang Tingchen to lead 2 people to attack the enemy by night.He led more than 1 people to stick to Songshan City.

If Cao and Wang can successfully break through the enemy's formation, then Hong Chengchou will immediately lead his army to keep up, and strive to bring this Ming army back to Ningyuan and reserve an extra army for the Ming Dynasty.In order to enhance the success rate of the charge, Hong Chengchou sent a large number of messengers, trying to get the Ming army who had already rushed back to respond.Of course, Hong Chengchou also knew that the possibility of those Ming soldiers obeying orders was very small, but a dead horse was regarded as a living horse doctor, and Hong Chengchou had to give it a try no matter what.

And that general manager was one of the few who broke through the Qing army's blockade, he was lucky to come to Wu Shigong's place.And those who were willing to accept such an order to dare to die must be Hong Chengchou's diehard loyalists, so the general kowtowed in front of Wu Shigong and asked Wu Shigong to return immediately.

"That's it!" Wu Shigong couldn't sit still on the chair, he wandered back and forth in the big tent, weighing the pros and cons.After a while, Wu Shigong finally made up his mind, and he told Chi Ming: "The whole army rests for three hours, and then return immediately to meet the Master Supervisor."

Then Wu Shigong kindly said to the general manager: "Your man in the army is indeed too exhausted, and he will meet up with the supervisor after recharging his energy. You should also go down earlier, and rest assured that you will go back with me tomorrow!" "

"Thank you, Marshal Wu! Thank you, Marshal Wu!..." The boss knelt down again, kowtowing again and again, and after a few kowtows, his forehead was bleeding. (To be continued..)

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