Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 763 Finding the way back

Although most of the defeated soldiers of the Ming army fled southward, a small number of defeated soldiers found that the road ahead was heavily ambushed and did not dare to move forward, so they turned to the north in order to find a safer road. , these rout soldiers happened to meet the camp of the Runing Army.And most of the troops of the Qing army also chased southward, so there were not many Qing troops chasing northward, which also enabled the Runing army to drive them away smoothly.

"Marshal Wu! Marshal! You must never return to Songshan!" Yan Sanling, Wang Sheng and other newly recruited military officers kowtowed in Wu Shigong's big tent.

The Runing Army outside the camp was responding to the rout, while Yan Sanling and Wang Sheng inside the camp were trying their best to persuade Wu Shigong not to rescue Hong Chengchou, but to flee south as quickly as possible.

"Commander! The entire army has been defeated this time, and only your tiger is left behind. The commander will also become the pillar of the imperial court, and there is absolutely no room for loss. Songshan is originally a strong city, and the governor is temporarily staying here The city is not in danger either, so we can save it calmly in the future, and don’t fight for this moment. As long as the general returns to Ningyuan, the court will know that you are loyal, and the supervisor will also understand your difficulties. You must not rush in again. "

Yan Sanling was Hong Chengchou's standard military attache, so he only kowtowed and didn't speak, while Wang Sheng spoke a little recklessly.Of course, the words in his words are also very tactful, and his eloquence sounds good, but it cannot conceal his meaning of abandoning Hong Chengchou and running away alone.

"I've made up my mind! How can you do the thing of abandoning your robe?" Wu Shigong said solemnly, "If you don't want to go with me, I will send you off respectfully, and I will never force you. But I have decided to go north again, and I want to welcome the governor Master Master came out of this dangerous place."

As Wu Shigong said, he watched Zhou Junwu sitting beside him out of the corner of his eyes.I saw Zhou Junwu writing vigorously, wanting to record all of Wu Shigong's impassioned words.Wu Shigong nodded secretly satisfied in his heart, these words are good materials for future publicity!

Hearing Oh Se Kung is so determined.Yan Sanling and Wang Sheng were speechless.With these defeated troops, there is no way to pass through the layers of interception by the Qing army, and they can only act with the Runing army.Therefore, Yan Sanling, Wang Sheng and the others could only accept Wu Shigong's decision.

But at this moment, the soldiers rushed into the big tent with a dozen rout soldiers.And these rout soldiers are a bit special, they fled from Hong Chengchou's troops in the north.These defeated soldiers brought another shocking news to Wu Shigong and the others-the [-] troops sent by Hong Chengchou had been wiped out.

Upon hearing the news, Wu Shigong didn't even have the strength to curse.The Ming army of [-] people, not [-] sheep, could not survive even half the night, so what else could Wu Shigong say?

In fact, Wu Shigong had some misunderstandings.After some inquiries.Only then did Wu Shigong learn the reason for the defeat of this Ming army.

When Cao Bianjiao, the general soldier of Yutian, and Wang Tingchen, the former chief soldier of the Tunwei, led [-] soldiers to the Jianshi Mountain area, they encountered nearly [-] Qing troops led by Aobai and Tan Tai to stop them.

The two armies immediately fought fiercely in the Jianshishan area.Because the Qing army was already exhausted, and the Ming army was still struggling, after a fierce battle.The Ming army as a mourner actually won the victory and repelled the Qing army of Obai and Tan Tai.

But when the Qing army retreated.The Ming army camped and rested in place.Unexpectedly, the weather was unfavorable.After the retreat of the Qing army, the tide rose, drowning all the Ming troops camped by the sea, but Oboi and Tan Tai took advantage of the opportunity and attacked again, so the officers and soldiers who escaped were intercepted and killed by the Qing army. In the end, only a few Hundreds of people fled back to Songshan City.More than a dozen people were lucky enough to break through the blocking of the Qing army.He fled to the Runing Army.

But Hong Chengchou suddenly changed from an advantage in military strength to an absolute disadvantage, so he had to stick to Songshan and wait for the arrival of the next batch of reinforcements.

So when Wu Shigong understood the reason clearly, he couldn't say anything at all.This situation is really like God is about to perish the Ming Dynasty.Any kind of weird failure can happen.

However, it was also unlucky for the Ming army to meet two irresponsible commanders.Forget about Cao Bianjiao. Although he was born in Liaodong, he has been fighting in the interior for a long time, so it is understandable that he does not know the hydrology.But what about Wang Tingchen?The Qiantunwei where he is located is today's Jinxi Huludao area. How could he not know about the tide changes?It can only be said that their heads were kicked by donkeys!

But Wu Shigong didn't know one thing. During the expedition, the two overbearing representatives of the Ministry of War, Zhang Ruoqi and Ma Shaoyu, fled to the mouth of the Xiaoling River and hid on a boat by the sea when the whole army was retreating. After being chased by the Qing army, the two fled back to Ningyuan by sea boat.The whole escape process really showed that they were "courageous and resourceful".

In the history of later generations, Zhang Ruoqi and Ma Shaoyu were basically blamed for the defeat of the Songjin War, saying that it was because they forced Hong Chengchou to send troops, which caused the Ming army to act recklessly and led to a great defeat.In fact, this statement is not fair to these two people.

Indeed, through Wu Shigong's contact, Zhang Ruoqi and Ma Shaoyu have always had a domineering attitude, and they also pointed fingers at Hong Chengchou and other Ming army generals, and their attitude was quite annoying.But don't forget, the two of them represent Emperor Chongzhen and the imperial court.

Let's think about it from the perspective of Emperor Chongzhen and the court.Jinzhou City was besieged in March of the 13th year of Chongzhen, and Hong Chengchou initially mobilized the army in July.But now it is August of the 14th year of Chongzhen. During this year, Hong Chengchou did not do anything at all. Except for being attacked by Tan Taiye once, he did not have any large-scale battles with the Qing army. This made Emperor Chongzhen How can the court bear it?

It takes more than 100 miles from Ningyuan to Jinzhou. There are more than 300 days in a year. If you walk a mile in three days, you will have to climb to Jinzhou.If Hong Chengchou worked hard but suffered a big defeat, then he can't blame him, but his army was basically unscathed, which is intolerable.After all, the imperial court transferred the most elite Ming army and a large amount of food and salaries to Liaodong. It can be said that all the conditions of Hong Chengchou were met.Not to mention that the food storage in Jinzhou City is not endless.

In addition, Hong Chengchou actually ignored the important passage of Changling when he was arranging his troops, which was a major mistake in command.Although Zhang Ruoqi and Ma Shaoyu have been pointing fingers, they did not interfere with Hong Chengchou's command.Of course, Zhang Ruoqi and Ma Shaoyu didn't know how to command, so they couldn't interfere if they wanted to.

In addition, after the fall of Bijia Mountain, Hong Chengchou did not have enough prestige to control the entire army, which caused the commanders of the towns to flee alone, causing the entire army to collapse.Therefore, it can be said that Hong Chengchou must bear at least [-]% of the responsibility for the failure of the Songjin War.

No matter what, now let Wu Shigong solve a problem here, and their opinions here are also unified.There is no need to save Hong Chengchou now, first bring your own Runing Army to the sky!

But now, Wu Shigong will face a new problem, which path should he choose to return to Ningyuan?Wu Shigong had already learned from the defeated soldiers that there were layers of ambushes by the Qing army on the road along the seaside, and if he passed through there, he would definitely face a lot of battles.

Moreover, the fleeing army of the Ming army and Hong Chengchou's army are almost completely wiped out. The Qing army only needs to send a small group of troops to guard the two cities of Jinzhou and Songshan, and the other troops can all be concentrated to deal with the Runing army. A previously used path is not a good choice.

But Wu Shigong and the others were not familiar with other roads, so Wu Shigong called Hadan Bateer into the big account, and called all the officers of the Runing Army to discuss how to return to Ningyuan.

"Master! There is still a road that doesn't go through the sea. From #¥%, then to %¥#, then go to #¥%..." Hardanbaatar's words continued to contain some Mongolian words, Wu Shigong and others It's cloudy.

"Wait! Wait!" Wu Shigong hurriedly stopped, "Come here, get the map first, and point it out on the map!"

A personal soldier hurriedly brought over a simple map for surveying after arriving in Liaodong, so Hadanbaatar lay down on the map and began to point and draw the route he said.But the map of the survey was inaccurate in the first place, and Hadanbaatar didn't know how to read maps, so after talking for a long time, Wu Shigong and the others sketched a route on the map.

But it was such a hastily drawn route that made the Runing army follow the route drawn on the map, which made Wu Shigong not at ease no matter what.So he asked again: "Have you walked this road? Can you pass through the army? Can you lead the way?"

Hadanbaatar nodded quickly and assured: "The slave has passed, this road can pass through the army. The slave can lead the way with the people who have passed through the tribe, and will never lead the way astray."

But Wu Shigong was still a little worried, because Hardan Battelle's reputation for telling the truth was really not high.So he told Chi Ming, "Ask the newly recruited soldiers outside. If anyone knows the way, bring them here and let them lead the way with Mr. Ha."

When the personal soldiers arranged by Chi Ming left the tent, Wu Shigong then asked Hadanbaatar: "Tell me again: what are the places where it is easy to set up an ambush along the way?"

"First here!" Hadan Battelle pointed to the map and explained to Wu Shigong and the others, "There is a #%¥ mountain pass, and then behind it is the ¥%# River. After passing through a #¥% grassland, you will arrive at Ningyuan."

Wu Shigong was completely defeated by Hardan Bateer's Martian text.He shook his head and smiled and asked the officer in the tent, "Can you understand Master Ha's words?"

Chi Ming on the side immediately concluded: "It's very simple! Cross a mountain pass, cross a river, and pass through a grassland, and you will arrive at Ningyuan!" Chi Ming's summary immediately caused laughter in the tent. (To be continued..)

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