And Deng Qifan really didn't know much about military affairs, so after hearing what Wu Shigong said, he had no objection.

"So respectful! How many people will we use to rescue Kaifeng this time?" Deng Qifan asked again.Although he also knew about the general number of people in the Runing Army, he still wanted to know more from Wu Shigong. After all, Deng Qifan was in charge of the army's logistics.

"This time the troops will be divided into three groups from the left, middle and right. There are a total of more than 11 soldiers, more than 600 horses, and more than 4000 other mules and horses. It really took out all the belongings of our Runing Army. Let's go." Wu Shigong said with a smile.

Indeed, the Runing Army is already going to use most of its troops in this dispatch, and there are only more than 1 troops left in Runing and Guide.Therefore, if the Ming army in Fengyang and the Zuo Liangyu tribe in Huguang sent troops to invade when the Runing army sent troops, then the remaining Runing army would not have enough troops to ensure that the flames of war would not reach their own territory. .Therefore, it is indeed a bit risky for the Runing Army to come out in full force this time.

However, with the remaining troops of the Runing Army, coupled with the support of reserve soldiers such as the troops of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Militia of the Workshop Division, and the Village Guard Team, there is still no problem in defending the key cities and key areas of the Runing Army. It also supports the return of the main force of the Runing Army.But in any case, the Runing Army's dispatch of troops this time can be regarded as ruined.

"One hundred thousand tigers!" Sitting on the chair, Deng Qifan imagined this number, and he had some longing in his mind, "That should wipe out all the thieves who besieged Kaifeng like a plow in the courtyard!"

"Hehe! It's not clean. I can't clean it this time either." Wu Shigong said happily.

"Oh? Could it be that the two thieves Li and Luo in Kaifeng have such strength? We can't fully deal with them with all our forces?" Because of the principle of confidentiality, Deng Qifan didn't know much about the specific military action plan this time.Moreover, he also had some hearsay about the strength of the Runing Army and other enemy forces, and he could not accurately estimate the comparison between the enemy and the enemy.

However, this is also based on the principle of the separation of the military and the government from the Runing Army, so he left Wu Shigong.No one in the Runing Army can stand alone.Of course, before dispatching troops, Wu Shigong will definitely explain the specific plan to Deng Qifan and other senior civil officials, after all, they also have to cooperate in some rear matters.

And in today's chat, Wu Shigong wanted to give Deng Qifan a few days in advance.Because this time the Runing Army is not only going to destroy the enemy, but also to conquer.And after conquering the new control area, a new regime must be established in the new control area.

Therefore, the Runing Army has transferred nearly a thousand civil servants in various villages and towns, and concentrated in Runing for several months of training.Train them how to govern, how to establish local armed forces, how to resume production, how to wipe out bandits, how to restore the education system, etc.

And these civil servants will be distributed to the newly occupied places along with the army of the Runing Army.Immediately establish a local government with townships as the grassroots to ensure that these areas are firmly in the hands of the Runing Army.

Just one sentence: The current Runing Army is ready for everything, and it only owes the east wind.

Therefore, Wu Shigong asked Deng Qifan to make arrangements earlier.

"As far away as possible! You and I both know that we will never let Kaifeng City fall into the hands of Shaanxi bandits. So what do you think: without Kaifeng City, what city will Shaanxi bandits occupy as their residence?"

"It should be a big city too!" Deng Qifan replied uncertainly.

"Exactly! The military commander predicted that there are three second choices for the Shaanxi thieves. One is Xiangyang or Wuchang in Huguang; the other is Xi'an; the last is Beijing. Of course. Taiyuan in Shanxi is also possible, but it may not be very likely."

"Let's talk about Xi'an first. The land in Guanzhong is indeed where the king's industry is. However, Shanshan and Shaanxi have suffered disasters for more than ten years. There are no people living in hundreds of miles, and the fields are barren. To rebuild it, the Shaanxi bandits will have to spend a lot of time. Moreover, there is the Qin army of Sun Dushi there. Therefore, it is not the best choice. And Taiyuan also has the same problem."

"As for the city of Beijing, our Runing Army actually hoped that the Shaanxi bandits would take this path. However, with the Shaanxi bandits chasing after them, they would definitely not dare to fight the 20 troops in the Beijing camp. There are other King Qin's army, how could they attack the city of Beijing, which is ten feet high?"

"Also, if the Shan bandits want to enter Beizhili, they must also cross the Yellow River. And under the pursuit of our Runing army, how many of them can cross the river? It must be an abnormal loss of soldiers and generals. Just a joke, even We, the Runing Army, don't want the Shaanxi bandits to do this either, otherwise, without their guidance, how can we occupy righteousness and seize new territories?"

"Hahaha!" Hearing this, Wu Shigong and Deng Qifan laughed at each other.

Wu Shigong continued: "In the end, the most likely choices for the Shaanxi bandits are Xiangyang and Wuchang in Huguang. For our Runing Army, the biggest advantage is that we can get rid of the left idiots entrenched there."

"So, the most ideal state for us is: to send troops to drive away the Shaanxi thieves who besieged Kaifeng, and then drive them to Huguang like sheep, and let the Shaanxi thieves finish Zuo fool's troops. Then our Runing army will continue With a blow of thunder, the Shaanxi rebels were driven back to Shaanxi, and they were asked to deal with Sun Dushi's Qin army. Without these two officers and troops coercing them, the world is so big, where can our Runing army go? So we say , the most important thing for our Runing Army to send troops this time is to be careful about proportion. It can't be too loose, but it can't push the Shaanxi bandits too hard either!"

Deng Qifan recalled Wu Shigong's words, and after a while, his academic research instinct emerged unconsciously: "What does the word 'ideal' that Chang Jing said mean?"

"This..., interpret him as a personal ambition!"

Deng Qifan recollected it for a while, and guessed that he was going to study this word when he got home today, which made Wu Shigong sweat profusely.But Deng Qifan quickly returned to the subject, he smiled and said: "It seems that driving sheep is more troublesome than killing sheep."



So the two looked at each other again and laughed.

"No wonder Chang Jing left Chen Guerzilla from Kaifeng for so long." Deng Qifan laughed.

"It's not to embarrass him, it's just that the time has not come." Wu Shigong also explained with a smile, "Kaifeng City is going to be rescued, but Chen De's father must be obedient. His nine thousand soldiers are really good. So Chen De What you said is not on the point. I promise that we don’t care about the number of deployments of our Runing Army. The key is to let a regiment of our Runing Army enter the city after the war, and let Chen Zongbing’s Henan Army be handed over to me. command."

"So that's it! Chang Jing has taken a fancy to Chen Zongbing's Henan Army." Deng Qifan suddenly realized.

"Of course. So I won't let Chen De go." Wu Shigong laughed.

In fact, among the remaining Ming troops in the Central Plains, Chen Yongfu's Nine Thousand Henan Army is a relatively strong force.They have been acting as a "fire brigade", running back and forth in northern Henan.In addition, Chen Yongfu has always been very strict in governing the army, and the king of Zhou and the Henan government can guarantee the food and wages of this army. Therefore, the combat effectiveness of this Henan army is relatively strong, and the discipline is also quite good.In particular, this unit is highly mobile. During the long-term battle with the peasant army, they captured a lot, so they owned more than [-] mules and horses.

Therefore, Wu Shigong has long coveted Chen Yongfu's Henan army.And the only shortcoming of this force is that the number is too small.Therefore, in the plan of the Runing Army, this is a ready-to-use force.It may not be as good as the Runing Army on the main battlefield, but it is definitely capable of being used on the secondary battlefield.

And now that Chen Yongfu has handed Chen De over to Wu Shigong, will Wu Shigong fail to seize the opportunity?He decisively took Chen De as a hostage, and wanted Chen Yongfu to be obedient in the future.It's just that there is no showdown with Chen De yet.

"What about the envoy sent by the intruder? Chang Jing, why don't you go and see?" Deng Qifan asked cheerfully.Regarding Li Zicheng's surrender, the Runing Army took it as a joke.

"Haha! I'm not going. I don't have the intention of acting in a hypocritical manner. Now the only trouble is to stay away from you. Meet with them, and then send back a gift. But tell them clearly: Kaifeng City is ours. Let them give up the territory of the Ning army earlier. Otherwise, our Ning army will send troops to attack."

"Why is this so? Could it be that Chang Jing wants to be a soldier and never tires of deceit?" Deng Qifan asked in bewilderment.

"At this point, it's hard to hide what kind of means everyone should use. It's better to speak plainly and do things clearly. Saying this is also to put some pressure on Li thief and Luo thief, so that they dare not let go to attack Kaifeng. Give our Runing Army some more time." Wu Shigong explained.

"En!" Deng Qifan nodded in agreement, and then he said casually, "People from Fujian Zheng Gueran came to Changjing again and wanted to visit you again. It seems that Changjing is a rare commodity to live in now."

"Oh?" Wu Shigong asked a little strangely, "It's been several years. Could it be that Zheng Zhilong's people are still lingering in Runing? Their patience is pretty good."

"Why are Zheng Guerrilla's people willing to leave this treasured land of geomantic omen?" Deng Qifan laughed, "Although they come to visit every now and then, they spend most of their time doing seafood business. I heard that they have been doing business in recent years. It’s not bad. In addition, their capital is also sufficient, and they have made a lot of money in the futures exchange and the stock exchange. Now if they are to be driven away, they probably won’t leave.”

"Hehe!" Wu Shigong was amused, then shook his head and said, "Then Zheng Zhilong created such a situation in the sea, I didn't expect to stay short-sighted for the sake of businessmen. It's a pity for him. Just a joke, in the future, if others The asking price is sufficient, maybe Zheng Zhilong is willing to sell his fleet."

"Oh? Could it be that Chang Jing has taken a fancy to Zheng Guerrilla's fleet?"

"I'm not in a hurry now. This is a matter of the future. But let Zheng Zhilong's people come! It's impossible to say that his fleet will be used to transport our troops in the future." (To be continued...)

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