A standard fire reconnaissance found out all the firepower points of the Peasant Army.The Peasant Army is also very unfamiliar with this method of combat. During the indiscriminate bombing, the artillery of the Peasant Army was basically wiped out, and the earth wall was blasted into four gaps, large and small.

Under the cover of the hand-pushed scull cart, the Runing Army began to move forward.This time, they marched to a distance of about fifty steps, but did not encounter any shooting from the peasant army.The big drum of the Runing Army's main formation and the drummer's waist drum sounded at the same time, and a command "Come on!", a large number of Runing Army soldiers rushed out from behind the scull cart.

Those soldiers were all ax and gunmen in plate armor. A group of a dozen of them carried long ladders and rushed to the ditch in front of the peasant army.As soon as it reached the edge of the ditch, the long ladder was propped up, and then immediately lowered down heavily, covering the opposite side of the ditch, forming wooden bridges over the ditch.

There are sharp long hooks at both ends of those trenches, relying on the weight of the long ladders, those long hooks are nailed into the ground, fixing the long ladders.And the wood used for those long ladders is also thickened, which can bear the weight of people walking on the long ladders.And the back of those long ladders, that is, the top of the flat long ladders, are nailed with pieces of wood, just for people to stand on.However, if the long ladder is turned around, the rungs can be exposed to form a ladder, so it is a very cleverly designed siege tool.

At this time, the chariots behind the scull chariot also drove forward, and they all gradually drove to the edge of the trench to provide cover for the charging soldiers.At this time, the peasant army's counterattack finally started.

The firecrackers, bows and arrows were shot densely, but they basically did no harm to the plate armor of the soldiers of the Runing Army.Only a dozen soldiers of the Runing Army, who were shot in the face and legs, were wounded and fell to the bottom of the trench.

But then, the two remaining cannons fired, and the shells swept across the two bridge decks.Immediately beat dozens of Runing Army soldiers to pieces.Seeing this situation, the covering gun carriage also took aim and fired, and within a few shots, the two Peasant Army artillery also misfired one after another.

However, the shooting of the Peasant Army did not stop the Runing Army from charging at all. A group of ax and gunmen shouted and rushed into the gap, while another group of Runing Army's ax and gunmen rushed out from behind the scull cart. He crossed the small wooden bridge, built a long ladder on the earth wall, and climbed up towards the earth wall.

Next to the axeman is the musketeer.They also crossed the ditch and looked up with their firecrackers. As long as they saw peasant soldiers who dared to show their heads on the earth wall, they would shoot in a salvo, covering the climbing ax and gunmen and climbing up the wall.

The whole battle has gone on till now.The tactical movements of the Runing Army are completed in a smooth and smooth manner.Yang Rusong in the back was watching with a binoculars, he couldn't help but smiled and praised: "Master Shu! Attack and defend the strong city. You are indeed the number one in the Runing Army. Your soldiers are trained very well!"

"Where! Where! Hahaha—!" Although Shumo tried his best to put on a serious expression and say a few more polite words, his grinning mouth couldn't be closed no matter what.

The ax and gunmen who rushed into the gap immediately crashed into the group of soldiers arranged by the peasant army behind the earth wall.Most of the soldiers of the peasant army are veterans who are good at fighting alone.

The advantage of the sword and shield hand is that it is very flexible, but when it meets the ax and gunmen of the Runing Army.Their weaknesses were also immediately apparent.Because the weight of the sword and shield is too light compared to the ax and spear, as long as the blades meet, it is difficult to control one's movements and reveal one's empty door.

The ax and gunmen all wore well-crafted plate armor.That is to say, to wear the shield on himself in a different direction, so the soldiers of the Runing Army can basically ignore their own defense and swing their axes and spears to chop and stab.

Therefore, although the number of ax gunmen who crashed into the peasant army array was small, they still smashed the peasant army array into concave shapes.

And the ax and gunmen who climbed up the wall quickly killed the peasant army on the wall. They cleared sections of the city wall and covered the follow-up gunmen who climbed up the wall.When the gunfire soldiers were almost coming up, these axemen also rushed down the wall and threw themselves into the fight with the peasant army.

Although there are more and more Runing Army soldiers rushing down from the wall and rushing in from the gap, after all, the reinforcements of the Peasant Army are relatively close, so the gap in numbers is getting bigger and bigger.At this moment, the gunfire soldiers who climbed the city wall also began to line up, and then they aimed at the peasant army troops who came up for reinforcements and began to fire.

This two-way attack, up and down, immediately made the peasant army overwhelmed.They were killed by the Runing army and retreated step by step, and gradually distanced themselves from the frontline axemen.After the distance was established, the axemen gradually began to form.From individual fighting alone to the cooperation of three people, and then to fighting in a team of ten people, it finally evolved into a "wheel tactic" of three teams.

The rolling "wheels" bit the formation of the Peasant Army, and caused severe casualties to the Peasant Army. Those Peasant Army soldiers who avoided the "wheel" and rolled, only retreated at first, but when they saw the "Runing Army" The "wheel" was unstoppable, and the forward speed was quite fast. Finally, they couldn't hold their ground and began to turn around and flee backwards.

The gunners on the wall also rushed down the wall. Amid the orders of the frontline officers and the beating of drummers, the Runing Army finally formed a phalanx.There was no suspense in the subsequent battles. The Runing Army formed a phalanx with long-range and short-range attacks, which made it difficult for the Peasant Army to resist, and the fortifications carefully built by the Peasant Army fell into the hands of the Runing Army.

At this time, the auxiliary soldiers outside the trench also began to divide into two parts. One group of people was filling the trench, and the other group was expanding the gap in the earth wall and leveling the road in the gap. Artillery and chariots can be put into the battlefield smoothly.

"Let the cavalry charge quickly, and rush them out while the official dogs are not on their feet. Ergou! You lead the soldiers to supervise the battle, and those who retreat will be beheaded immediately. Let the retreating troops also quickly form a team, immediately Follow the cavalry. Damn! Without the ditches and walls, we can't stop Butcher Wu here." He Yaoqi, who was watching the battle from behind, was also in a hurry, he didn't bother to ask for Tian Jianxiu's opinion, and immediately issued an order.

As soon as the Runing Army's phalanx was formed, they saw the peasant army fleeing backwards giving way to both sides, and from the space left behind, the cavalry of the peasant army rushing forward appeared.The cavalry of the Peasant Army were already walking briskly and preparing to sprint.

"Resist the horse! Get ready!" The officer commanding the phalanx immediately issued an order, and those who had been staying behind, several Runing Army soldiers with swarms on their backs immediately ran to the front of the phalanx, put down swarms of boxes, and waited for the peasants The charge of cavalry.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the cavalry of the Peasant Army rushed a hundred paces, and the soldiers beside the boxes immediately swarmed, and then ran desperately behind the phalanx.The ax gunners in the front rows of the square also stepped on the tails of the ax guns, and placed the ax guns at various angles, forming a spear formation, waiting for the cavalry of the peasant army to charge into the formation.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh!" Rows of rockets flew out, immediately shooting gaps in the formation of peasant army cavalry.However, although the density of the rockets is very high, the launch angle is too small after all. The Peasant Army cavalry who were not hit by the rockets still maintained their array and rushed towards the square formation.

"Bang bang bang!" Then came the firing of the firecracker.But the firing of the firecrackers lasted only four rounds, and it was too late to rotate, and the cavalry of the Peasant Army rushed fifty paces.Seeing that the situation was not good, the musketeers also ran towards both sides of the phalanx under the order of the officer, trying to avoid the front of the enemy cavalry.However, several gunners who ran behind were brought down by the cavalry of the Peasant Army.

"Puff puff puff—!" A group of war horses and knights on horseback were riddled with holes by the spear formation.However, after all, the ax gun is not as long as the spear, so some ax gunmen were also pierced by the spear.Other ax and gunmen were so shocked that they vomited blood and limp on the bodies of their comrades behind them.

Then the cavalry of the second platoon of the Peasant Army rushed again.The number of cavalry rushing this time was much larger because they had not been shot by the firecrackers.But they still did not break through the phalanx. A small number of cavalry on both sides moved aside with their excellent riding skills, but most of the cavalry in the middle suffered the same fate as the first row.

Then there's the third row....

After the third row charged into the formation, the front row ax gunners of the Runing Army had already suffered a large number of casualties, but these ax gunners were all composed of combat backbones, and their fighting will was quite tenacious, so in the end, the phalanx once again reluctantly It blocked the charge of the Peasant Army cavalry.But at this time, the phalanx of the Runing Army was at the end of its strength.

But at this time, the cavalry of the Peasant Army did not dare to carry out such a life-threatening charge.The cavalry of the Peasant Army has always been talked about by the leaders of the battalions, and they have always been pampered, so their will to fight tough battles has been weakened many times.And up to now, the cavalry of the Peasant Army is better than most of the cavalry of the Ming Army, but compared with the cavalry of the Runing Army and the Qing Army, it is simply a world of difference.

For cavalry, the will to fight, especially the essence of chivalry in the East and the West, is an indomitable fighting style.When faced with a hail of bullets, the cavalry should also charge forward fearlessly, which is a fighting style of either you die or I live.Therefore, it can be said that the fearlessness of the cavalry of the Peasant Army does not show much today.

But in this way, the last few rows of peasant army cavalry also flinched.They all reined in their horses and no longer dared to run into the gun flower array of the Runing Army.Taking advantage of this golden opportunity, the phalanx of the Runing Army immediately changed positions, shifting the new force from the back row to the front row, and immediately formed a complete phalanx.The musketeers also ran to the front and started shooting freely at the Peasant Army cavalry who had stopped running.

And when they heard the sound of firecrackers shooting, the cavalrymen of the Peasant Army immediately trembled in fear, flogged their horses desperately, and ran towards the rear. (To be continued..)

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