"Blind man! You bastard who kills your brothers! Do you have the life to sit on the dragon chair? You can be abducted by a wild man even if you are a mother-in-law. You can eat your dreams! ......, I will go underground to see how you get there die!……"

Luo Rucai fled to the middle of Li Zicheng's big tent dragging his injured leg.Seeing that his surroundings were being pointed at by knives and guns, Luo Rucai leaned on the ground with a knife, pointed at Li Zicheng and yelled at him.

Li Zicheng looked at Luo Rucai calmly, and said, "Brother Luo! Have a good journey!" Then he turned around and walked out of the big tent.

Luo Rucai looked around desperately, only to see a few people came forward with knives first.What chilled Luo Rucai was that these people were the top eunuchs under him, and they wanted to use their own heads as certificates of surrender to Li Zicheng.

Before dying, Luo Rucai wanted to know: Why did they betray him?So he asked, "Why?"

"Godfather! Prince Chuang is going to rule the world, and we can all be officials. We don't want to be bandits with you anymore." The Eight Taibao, who was still relatively honest, answered Luo Rucai's question.

Hearing this, Luo Rucai seemed to have drained all the strength from his body, and he didn't even have the heart to raise a knife to resist.

"What nonsense! Get rid of him." Li Shuangxi, who was supervising the battle behind, shouted loudly.

The knives of those eunuchs stabbed at him immediately...

After the Li and Luo coalition forces crossed the Yellow River in Shanzhou, they launched a new round of offensive frenzy in Shanxi.In just half a month, nearly ten counties, including Keyuncheng, Wenxi, Jiangxian, Quwo, and Hongdong, finally formed a vast base with Linfen as the center.

In this round of attack, the coalition forces of Li and Luo basically did not receive any resistance. All the prefectures and counties either fled or surrendered, and the strength of the coalition forces of Li and Luo was further strengthened.

But when the peasant army battalions were celebrating their victory.On the first day of November, Li Zicheng invited Luo Rucai to the old camp in Linfen to have a banquet in the name of hosting a banquet.Because the troops of Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai were stationed outside Linfen City, the strength of the two armies was similar, and the city was controlled by the two armies, so Luo Rucai went to the banquet happily regardless of the persuasion of his military advisor Xuan Gui.However, during the banquet, Luo Rucai was brought by Li Zicheng's soldiers who were ambushing outside the tent and himself. In fact, the eunuchs who had already taken refuge in Li Zicheng were executed together.

Then, Li Zicheng immediately sent troops to surround the leaderless Cao camp.He also declared Luo Rucai's crime of "collaborating with the enemy" to the soldiers of Cao Ying, indicating that the execution was a last resort.During this period, Li Zicheng tried his best to appease the other soldiers of Cao Ying except for killing Xuan Gui, the military commander of Cao Ying who had been advising Luo Rucai to be vigilant against Li Zicheng.He even took all of Luo Rucai's sons as his adoptive sons to show that the fire was only aimed at Luo Rucai and Xuan Gui.

then.In addition to Luo Rucai's number one general Yang Chengzu and Wang Long, Cao Ying and others.In addition to leading more than 1 of their own subordinates to openly break with Li Zicheng, most of the other 5 soldiers and horses defected to Chuangying.And Li Zicheng was also busy calming down the chaos in Cao Ying, and did not hunt down Yang Chengzu and others for the time being.

However, after more than ten days of reorganization, the independence of the battalions in the Chuangying camp has been greatly weakened, and with the addition of nearly [-] veterans from the three sides in the Cao camp, the strength of the Chuangying camp has taken a leap forward.therefore.Chuangying not only was not affected by the fire, but also truly unified in organization.

The killing of Luo Rucai was only due to his different ideas of rebellion from Li Zicheng's, not any fault of his own.Moreover, Luo Rucai himself is very moral about the world.When Zhang Xianzhong wanted to kill Li Zicheng, it was Luo Ru who begged to let him go.Later Li Zicheng wanted to kill Zhang Xianzhong, and it was Luo Ru who sent [-] horses to release Zhang Xianzhong.Moreover, no matter who he joins forces with, Luo Rucai is always subservient and has no great ambitions. He is content to become a deputy to assist Li Zicheng or Zhang Xianzhong. Therefore, logically speaking, Li Zicheng has indeed done something dark.

However, the situation of the peasant army had developed to the point where it needed to be unified, and those who broke into the camp also had their own interests. Therefore, Luo Rucai had to become a victim and a stepping stone, which made Li Zicheng's unique position in the peasant army.

As a hero, Luo Rucai did display an amazing military genius, and he did die quite tragically.But he is a figure who has no ambitions and does not follow the trend of development.After all, he was killed by his own vision.

After integrating the soldiers and horses of the various battalions, Chuangying encircled and suppressed the fleeing Yang Chengzu's tribe on the one hand, and drove to Taiyuan on the other hand, intending to conquer the entire territory of Shanxi first.

Seeing the soldiers and horses rushing further and further away from the battalion, the Runing Army left a town of Yang Rusong at the junction of Kaifeng Prefecture and Henan Prefecture, and a town of Liang Hui and Chen Yongfu in the Dabie Mountain area. In the south, he participated in the battle to encircle and suppress Zhang Xianzhong's peasant army.

At the same time, in mid-November, Zhou Xun and Zhang Biao of the Runing Army dispatched two partial divisions to occupy the entire territory of Ruzhou and Nanyangfu respectively.And the one who led the Runing Army into Nanyang Fucheng was He Jin from the [-]th Battalion of Gezuo, who entered Nanyang Fucheng as the leader of the Association and the rank of general.Seeing the cheering and welcoming people of Nanyang, He Jin couldn't help but secretly wiped away his tears, his mood was agitated.This man's life is only for this!

And after hearing about the internal strife inside the Li and Luo coalition forces, Emperor Chongzhen was also very excited.Under the strict order of Emperor Chongzhen, the court also showed rare high efficiency.In addition to ordering Sun Chuanting, the governor of the three sides, and the Shanxi Jin army to attack the camp from north to south, they also asked Yu Zilian's Heiyun army and Wu Shigong's Runing army to cross the Yellow River to participate in the encirclement and suppression.Even the imperial court "spend a lot of money" and mobilized [-] troops from the Beijing camp in the capital to immediately go west to participate in the encirclement and suppression.

It is obvious how wishful thinking the decisions of Emperor Chongzhen and the court were.And the commanders from all walks of life also frowned, thinking of what reason to shirk this unrealistic order.But before these superintendents could think of a reason to shirk, another event that shocked the world happened.

In November of the 15th year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji led a personal conquest, leading more than 11 Qing troops, and divided the left and right wings into the Great Wall from Jielingkou in the north of Funing and Huangyakou in the north of Jizhou. Went to Qian'an, Sanhe, Jizhou and other important towns.

The number of Qing troops staying in Shengjing was less than [-].This is the fifth time that the Qing army has entered the pass, and the fourth time it has attacked near the city of Beijing. Facing the rise of the Runing Army, Huang Taiji put all the power of the whole country into one desperate attempt.

The third battle of the entrance thus broke out! (To be continued..)

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