Although Sun Chuanting himself lacked confidence, he still wanted to encourage the soldiers of the Qin army.Before going out for the expedition, Sun Chuanting swore an oath as a teacher at the Guandi Temple in Xi'an.Choosing this place is naturally to take shelter of the spirit of "Martial Sage".

When the ceremony was over, Sun Chuanting ordered the commander-in-chief Ma Yu and Qin Yiming to lead 8 partial divisions with Feng Shikong, the governor of Shaanxi;At the same time, Sun Chuanting also ordered Yu Zilian's Heiyun Army, Wu Shigong's Runing Army and Zuo Liangyu's troops to go north to attack the Shun Army.Of course, even Sun Chuanting himself has no hope of whether the following calls will be effective.

But having said that, Sun Chuanting's departure from customs was of course compelled by the imperial court's strict decree, and he himself did have a lot of luck.He believed that the last defeat in Henan proved that the Qin army was still able to fight, but the failure was only caused by accidental reasons.

Another factor is that Sun Chuanting just received a secret report from Qiu Zhitao, who had falsely surrendered to the Shun Army, and stole the important post of Minister of the Shun Army Military Government. The information forced Li Zicheng to withdraw from the army, and then took advantage of the provocation, attacking both inside and outside, and defeated the Shun army in one fell swoop.

In addition, some Ming officials who were still resisting in Shanxi also sent people to Sun Chuanting to inquire about the date of departure, expressing their willingness to cooperate in the battle.It was in this situation that Sun Chuanting felt that he could try his luck.

But Sun Chuanting didn't know at all that he had no luck at all in this expedition.When Sun Chuanting received Qiu Zhitao's secret letter expressing his willingness to act as an internal response, he was overjoyed. In addition to forwarding it to the court, he also personally wrote a reply letter to Qiu Zhitao, expressing his intention to contact him.But this reply was intercepted by patrolling Shunjun soldiers.When the letter was presented to Li Zicheng, Li Zicheng remained calm.It was just to be on guard secretly, and Qiu Zhitao's plan immediately turned into a flower in the water, and it had no effect at all.

"Uncle Yongli! The east and north will be handed over to you." Wu Shigong solemnly saluted and asked.

"I will live up to my aunt's entrustment! The worst is to keep Ru Ning and Guide's peace." Xue Yongli also solemnly replied.

On the 15th day of the twelfth lunar month in the [-]th year of Chongzhen, when the returning army of Runing Army arrived in Ruzhou, it was shocking to hear that the Qing army entered the pass again.Then the Runing Army learned about Li Zichenghuo and Luo Rucai.

Unlike the imperial court, the Runing army immediately judged that the fire between Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai would not greatly enhance the strength of the camp.But this also stems from Wu Shigong's impression of Li Zicheng in the last time and space.Because Wu Shigong vaguely remembered that entering the camp would sweep half of China until Beijing was captured.In other words, this fire between Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai will definitely not cause any internal friction, and it will subside soon.

But this way.Henan's northern and eastern defenses immediately came under extreme pressure.In order to ensure that Henan is no longer invaded, the Runing Army can only divide its troops. Xue Yongli will lead the three towns including Feima Town to the northeast of Henan, and then join Yang Rusong's Huhou Town and Liang Hui and Chen Yongfu's new towns, a total of [-]. The remaining people are always on guard against possible attacks from the Qing army from North Zhili or Shandong.

And Wu Shigong will lead the more than 4000 troops directly under the Runing Army led by He Fei.Then join the 5000 newly mobilized recruits from Runing, and unite with Zhang Biao's Xiong Chuizhen in Nanyang and Zhao Degong's Nanyang Independent Association with 7000.There are more than 4000 guards in the firm.A total of [-] people; Xue Yongjiao, who marched into Lu'an, [-] guards from Chang Meng's Lu'an garrison and commercial companies, and more than [-] Gezuo Fifth Battalion Guard Team incorporated into Hexian County, a total of [-] people; The Independent Association led by Jiang Cheng in Junzhou had [-] troops; the two regiments of the Gonzales Marine Corps in Huanggang were nearly [-], and there were naval gunboats, etc., a total of more than [-] horses, encircled and suppressed Zhang Xianzhong with Xiangyang as the center The Peasant Army.

also.Runing and Guide mobilized nearly [-] new recruits in addition to the original garrison troops left behind.And this mobilization squeezed out the last foundation of the Runing Army, and even Zhao Ming mobilized the more than [-] military households he had returned to Germany.

The reason why after the division of the Runing Army this time, they still aimed their main force at Zhang Xianzhong.That's because Zhang Xianzhong's threat is immediate, while the threat of the Qing Army and Shun Army is only in the future, so the Runing Army can only solve the most urgent problem first.

It can be seen from this that it is indeed difficult for Henan, the place of the Four Wars, to become the location of the king's industry.Although the traffic here is well-connected, it is also easily besieged by the enemy on all sides.Although the Runing Army has expanded to more than 15 people, it was originally thought to be more than enough, but now when this situation arises, its strength has become a dilemma of being stretched.

Especially troubling is the north.

Since the Shun Army had to defeat the Heiyun Army in Henan Province before re-entering Henan, the Runing Army could respond in a timely manner with the "wall" ahead.But the Qing army that entered the customs was different.

More than 7 troops in Xue Yongli's hands looked like a lot, but to defend the Yellow River in Henan and the Grand Canal in Shandong, the troops could not be deployed at all.Moreover, in the face of hundreds of thousands of Qing troops, the Runing Army could only concentrate its forces, and it was impossible to divide its troops to garrison every city.

What is even more unfavorable is that because the Runing Army is mainly infantry, its mobility is far worse than that of the Qing Army.If the Qing army bypassed the decisive battle site prepared by the Runing Army Group, broke into the hinterland of Henan, and even marched into Runing and Guide, then the Runing Army would be completely exhausted, and even be surrounded by the Qing army while exhausted. suffered unbearable damage.

That's why Wu Shigong told Xue Yongli: Just make sure to keep Runing and Guide.It is really because of the shortage of troops.However, it is impossible for the Runing Army to waste time and strength waiting for the arrival of the Qing army. Therefore, Wu Shigong must solve Zhang Xianzhong's troops entrenched in Xiangyang as quickly as possible, and then lead the main force to go northward to join Xue Yongli's troops. Resist the invasion of Henan by the Qing army.

In this military plan, Wu Shigong and the others never considered crossing the Yellow River north, participating in the encirclement and suppression of the Shun army, or going to the capital to serve the king, because with the change of the situation, the military strategy of the Runing army has suddenly changed to defending from the north and attacking from the south. up.

At this time, the momentum of Zhang Xianzhong's department became even more massive.When Wu Shigong was waiting in Nanyang Mansion on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, preparing to join the troops from Nanyang and Runing, he heard the news that Li Zicheng was about to found the country, and he also heard that Zhang Xianzhong was going to build the country in Xiangyang.

From the rebellion of various peasant armies in the early years of Chongzhen to the present, they either died in battle, were captured, surrendered, or merged. Today, there are only two rebellious peasant armies in the world, Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. (To be continued..)

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