After explaining all this, Wu Shigong let out a long breath and sighed: "The storm is coming!"

As one of the few historical events in Wu Shigong's memory, Li Zicheng's capture of Beijing City is undoubtedly the first major event, and after crossing, everything Wu Shigong did was aimed at this major event. All kinds of preparations have been made to prevent this day from coming.

But to Wu Shigong's surprise, this day came so soon.Wu Shigong originally thought that driving the camp to the north of the Yellow River would already hurt his bones.Unexpectedly, in just three or four months, Chuangying would sweep across the entire northwestern provinces, expand its army to one million, and have the strength and ambition to change the dynasty.

Wu Shigong originally thought that the injured Dashun Army would have to recuperate for more than half a year before recovering its strength, and that the Qing Army would gradually withdraw from the interior after the beginning of spring.Until then, the Runing Army will be able to face all emergencies with ease.But he didn't expect that none of these two conditions were fulfilled.

So after sighing for a while, Wu Shigong looked at Xue Zhinong again, and asked, "How is the arrangement of Shanchuan Division in the capital? Can you guarantee the safety of my family?"

"Shanchuan Division has been preparing for nearly ten years. Before the war, Deputy Director Li also rushed to Beijing and prepared several plans. The worst... the worst is to bring the prince out." Xue Zhinong replied .

"What's the matter!" Wu Shigong immediately became angry, "What I want is the whole family! The whole family!"

In the capital, there are many people in the two Marquis Mansions, not to mention the relatives.Although the relationship between those people and Wu Shigong was not very good back then, but blood is thicker than water, Wu Shigong didn't want them to be in danger no matter what.In addition, when they left Beijing that year, most of the family members of those guards were also in the capital.So Wu Shigong didn't want these people to be hurt.

Relatively speaking, it doesn't matter if it is the city of Beijing and the imperial court.If Beijing City is really captured by Li Zicheng and the Ming Dynasty is really overthrown, this will not have much impact on the Runing Army itself.Wu Shigong was nothing more than waiting for the victory in the melee in the Central Plains before finding a way to regain Beijing.It does not affect the general strategy of the Runing Army.

"Then...then my lord! I'm going to the capital to preside over it now!?" Seeing Wu Shigong getting angry, Xue Zhinong said anxiously.

"Forget it!" Wu Shigong waved his hand, took a long breath, and suppressed his anger, "Resign yourself to fate! We must not mess up here. Hey——!"

The spies of the Runing Army only found out the news after Li Zicheng's Shun Army crossed the Yellow River and entered Shanxi.After that, it was sent all the way to Wuchang, and then rushed to Beijing from Wuchang City.With such a long time, the Shun Army may have captured the capital long ago, and the day lily would have become cold.So now Wu Shigong can only hope that the spies arranged in the capital can move smoothly and save more of his family members.

And after Zhang Biao's Xiong Chuizhen left, Wu Shigong was surrounded by only He Fei's direct troops, the Marine Corps, and Jiang Cheng and Zhao Degong's two independent associations.The rest of the more than 4 soldiers were all soldiers from the guards of the firm, the village guards, and the captives.Combat strength is uneven.He also had to face hundreds of thousands of rebel soldiers and civilians in Wuchang City. Why didn't this bother Wu Shigong?

On the same day, Xue Yongli was in camp in Heze.

After reading the secret report copied from Runing, Xue Yongli frowned tightly and said nothing.After thinking for a long time, he ordered: "Rusong! There are only one thousand cavalry left here. I will give you the rest of the cavalry, and I will give you a team of troops. All of them will be equipped with mules and horses, and we will cross the river to Puyang first. Afterwards, you have to be careful all the way. Don't fight with the bandits and Tartars, look for a gap and rush to the capital, and get the Marquis, Madam, Miss and the prince out no matter what."

"My lord! What should we do here?" Liang Hui asked beside him.

"What should I do?" Xue Yongli also became angry all of a sudden, "Should we let the Tartars go to Kaifeng? Hold on first! Wait for my uncle's order. Also, send spies to Henan Prefecture and Ruzhou, as long as the thieves enter Henan , we will ignore Henan North and Henan Central, and the whole army will immediately return to Runing."


At this time, Xue Yongli's face was full of worries, and he couldn't help cursing: "Damn it!..."

On May [-], in Luoyang City.

"Dong Weng! So far, more than [-] soldiers have been recruited, and the craftsmen in the city are building them day and night, so that they are worthy of a single soldier. But armor and horses are missing." Zuo Yin reported to Yu Zilian.

"Fenggu! Do you want to travel north to King Qin?" Yang Tinglin asked with a smile.

Yu Zilian smiled back and asked, "Brother Boxiang! According to what you see, he is like the king of military service in Heiyun. What's the prospect?"

"Hahaha!" Yang Tinglin laughed out loud immediately, and then replied flatly, "A hundred deaths are nothing. I don't know what Fenggu means?"

"Heroes see the same thing! Play to the court, let the emperor and the court move south to Nanjing! I, Wu Bifu and Shandong Liu Zongbing try our best to keep the south of the Yellow River, and first give up the north to the bandits! There will be changes in the future, the court No matter how hard you work, you can find an opportunity to regain the lost ground." Yu Zilian also replied bluntly.

For civil servants like Yu Zilian and Yang Tinglin, the emperor is actually just a symbol, and it doesn't really matter who takes it. As long as it is still the Ming Dynasty with the surname Zhu, they will regard it as orthodox.

So although the capital was in trouble and Emperor Chongzhen was in a hurry, Yu Zilian and Yang Tinglin were not worried.Their first priority is to preserve the Black Cloud Army, otherwise, without this army, they will immediately lose their power and status.

On May [-]th, Xuzhou.

"Your Majesty! Shall we let those pigs and dogs charge forward for a while, the slaves would love to watch such a good show! Hahaha!" Oboi said with a big laugh.

Huang Taiji endured the discomfort on his body, and said with a smile, "It is an expedient measure! It cannot be done unless it is a special case. Remember!" Then he waved his hand again, and ordered, "Drive the Han people away again!"

After the last defeat in Xuzhou, the Qing army changed its strategy. It first mobilized more than a dozen teams of cavalry with more than [-] soldiers, went around behind the Runing army, and began to invade Guide and cut off the food roads of the Runing army.

At the beginning, this tactic really made the Runing army a little flustered.But when Xue Yong's Jiaoji Town arrived, he immediately dispatched troops to guard the food convoy, stabilizing the Runing Army's defense line in Xuzhou immediately.After all, the light cavalry of the Qing army could not attack the city of Guidefu, which was in full swing.

And the years of marching training by the commanders of Runing Army have also received miraculous effects. Whether they are marching or camping, day or night, they can always make appropriate responses to the surprise attacks of the Qing army, and even give the Qing army a great deal of surprise. killing.

In addition, the city of Xuzhou is also closely united with the Runing Army outside the city.Many times, Xuzhou City organized troops to deliver food and grass to the Runing Army, which greatly reduced the supply pressure on the Runing Army.

When the Qing army saw that one plan failed, they started another plan.Next, as the Qing army captured a large number of young people, they began to use the tactics of driving people first.

The Qing army let tens of thousands of Han people rush to the forefront, and only equipped them with the simplest weapons and farm tools.Afterwards, they were driven to charge towards the position of the Runing Army. If they broke through, they would just take advantage of the situation and enter.If the Han people escaped or turned back, they would face merciless massacres.

Therefore, when faced with such brutal tactics for the first time, the soldiers of the Runing Army were completely passive.It is one thing to face the enemy, but another to face the people.Many soldiers couldn't bear to kill the people at all, so they didn't know what to do when facing the Han people who charged.

Some soldiers just shouted warnings; some soldiers even wanted to let the people pass by, and then blocked the Qing army behind them.And it was difficult for the commanding officers to order their soldiers to massacre those compatriots.

But those people who were expelled showed no mercy. Facing the Runing Army, they were slashing and trying to rush over. Caught off guard, the first line of defense of the Runing Army was instantly overwhelmed.This made the officers and men of the Runing Army blow their lungs. They even saw that the common people were hacked and killed with tears, and they regarded themselves as life and death enemies.

Those people's fear of the Qing army has already made them lose their minds. They only want to obey the orders of the Qing army and fight to open a way in order to survive.But everything else was left behind by them.

Fortunately, the Runing army on the second line of defense opened fire in time, coupled with obstacles such as wooden fences, horse repelling and earthen walls, the speed of the people slowed down.After a burst of fierce firepower, the crazy people finally retreated.Although these retreating civilians were also massacred by the Qing army, it always gave the Runing army a chance to breathe.

After that, Shumo and Zuge slapped the officers in front of them.It is to make these people sober, as long as anyone who dares to charge against the Runing Army is the enemy of the Runing Army.

Therefore, when the Han people charged for the second time, the Runing Army exerted powerful firepower.Fortunately, the last big victory also captured a lot of artillery from the Qing army, so after some shooting, the front of the Runing army was almost bloody.The corpses on the ground were even piled up in layers.

However, this kind of battle really tested the nerves of the soldiers of the Runing Army.In addition, this kind of massacre wasted a lot of ammunition of the Runing Army, so the Runing Army has withstood the biggest test since the start of the war.

As the battle progressed, the Qing army gradually understood the rules of the Runing army.So they kept driving the Han people to charge continuously, until the cannons and firecrackers of the Runing Army were too red to shoot, and then they rushed in with the Han people under the cover of the Han people in front. (To be continued..)

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