Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 864 There is no other way, only "City Closure Order"

Xue Lian didn't have any other thoughts in what he did at the beginning. After all, China is a society of human feelings, and he always has the heart to abandon relatives and friends, and wants to point out a way out for them.

But Xue Lian talked about human feelings, and others also talked about human feelings, although everyone only secretly sent messages to three or five relatives and friends, and repeatedly confessed that they must not leak the secrets.But this kind of exponential spread couldn't be controlled at all, so in a short period of time, the news spread throughout Xungui's circle and relatives of Xungui.

When Xue Lian and Li Zhu saw that there was a danger of losing control, they simply did the opposite, and mobilized a large number of people to spread the news secretly in the capital, turning the news into an open secret in the capital.

The reason why Xue Lian and Li Zhu did this is to hide their own behind-the-scenes planning.But this also took advantage of the people's hearts in the capital, forming a situation where the law does not blame the public, which made Emperor Chongzhen dare not use drastic means to deal with this kind of change in people's minds.After all, the fleeing crowd had already formed a group, formed a force in the capital, and had armed forces. If they were suppressed, it might cause a scuffle in the capital, making Emperor Chongzhen feel a little bit wary.

In fact, they are more optimistic than Xue Lian and Li Zhu estimated.No one dared to tell Emperor Chongzhen the truth. After all, the factory security agents who inquired about the news did not live in a vacuum. They also wanted to leave a way out for themselves and their families. After hearing the news, I will also look for connections to join this fugitive group.Even after Emperor Chongzhen heard some gossip, they had to cover it up in every possible way, just to keep Emperor Chongzhen from knowing the truth.

Not to mention civil servants and eunuchs.At this time, people are not for themselves, and heaven and earth are destroyed, so why bother to care about the one sitting on the dragon chair?Besides, this fugitive group only gathered in Nancheng after all.He didn't abandon the city and flee, who stipulated that people in the capital should not move freely?As for the guards led by Li Lu, that would be a better explanation. How could it be unreasonable for the strong and brave in the capital to organize and guard the capital spontaneously?So knowing the actions of the nobles, most of them opened their eyes and closed their eyes, and even searched for connections to send their family members to Nancheng.

However, Emperor Chongzhen's eyes were not blind, and there were always some loyal ministers and eunuchs who would say a few words.In addition, the family members of the concubines in the palace would also pass the news indirectly through the concubines, so Emperor Chongzhen also heard about the changes in the capital.But at this time, he did not dare to stir up public anger.They could only strictly close the gates of Beijing and not let anyone leave Beijing.

At this time, the cabinet headed by Vice Minister Chen Yan in the capital was completely helpless.They were originally the most useless of the previous cabinet teams of the Chongzhen Dynasty, and they were caught up in this most dangerous and urgent situation, and they could not come up with any feasible solution.And dare not take responsibility.

Seeing that the capital was about to be destroyed, Chen Yan, the second assistant, feared that he would bear the responsibility in the future.Offer to retire and recuperate.And Emperor Chongzhen once trusted Chen Yan very much.But since the beginning of the new year, Chen Yan has shrunk when encountering problems, and he can't measure the Sacred Heart everywhere, which makes him very disappointed, so he immediately approved Chen Yan's resignation.

When bidding farewell to the emperor, Chen Yan himself admitted that he did not assist the emperor to do a good job, which led to the national crisis.Emperor Chongzhen was also very angry.Said: "Even if you die, you can't pay for the crime of wronging the country!" So Chen Yan retreated.

But Chen Yan wanted to run away, but he couldn't.He was also blocked in the city of Beijing by Emperor Chongzhen's "City Closing Order", and all kinds of calculations turned into stealing chickens and losing money.

And the big and small officials in the capital also became frightened birds, but when the catastrophe came, they dared not throw themselves into the forest.Because the emperor expressly forbade serving officials and their families to flee the capital.So the quick-witted one tried to find a way to fight for a business trip so that he could escape because of "business".

But it is not easy to flee on business.Wei Zaode, a scholar of the University, invited himself out of Beijing to supervise the food and payment, but the Emperor Chongzhen issued an order saying: "The alarm is urgent, and there is an order to leave the Qing to assist the maintenance, and there is no need to urge the soldiers." He still did not let him go.

Unable to run and unable to think of a way to return to heaven, everyone was suffering in terror.There are still ominous signs in the capital, and the courtiers will be terrified when they talk about it.

At this time, the imperial court Academy offered sacrifices to Confucius, and Wei Zaode, a university scholar, presided over the sacrifice.The weather was fine before the ceremony, but when it was about to salute, a strong wind suddenly blew up. The pines and cypresses in the academy roared angrily, all the lamps and candles in the hall were blown out, and even the guard of honor saluting was blown away by the strong wind.After waiting for a long time, the wind continued, and the ceremony had to be suspended.

So the officials said: This is the spirit of Confucius in heaven who is unwilling to accept the sacrifices of the Ming Dynasty!The favor of the saint has been transferred, what hope is there for the fate of the empire?Some people are already secretly planning how to obey the destiny and become the founding father of the new dynasty.

In fact, at this time, the Ming Dynasty's military strength in Shanxi and Jingnan was not too small, and even the military strength near the capital was close to 20.However, because they have been adopting the strategy of scatter and defend the isolated city, they are easy to be defeated one by one. Coupled with the low morale, the generals feel that the general situation is over. Touching makes birds and beasts scatter.

Regarding this situation, the courtiers could not think of any good solution at all. Emperor Chongzhen was quite incompetent in military affairs, and he never thought of making any improvements in strategy.The only meaningful suggestion came from Yu Yinggui, the ex-governor of Shaanxi who was deposed.Please transfer Yu Zilian, Zuo Liangyu, Wu Shigong, Wu Sangui, Gao Jie, Tang Tong, Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong and other generals to join the army in Zhending and Baoding for a decisive battle.But this suggestion was ignored.

Since we can't think of any strategic arrangements, the only way is to strengthen the monitoring of the various ministries.So Emperor Chongzhen once again appointed a group of eunuchs to supervise the army everywhere. ) Jin, Director Fang Zhenghua Zhending and Baoding, Director Du Xun Xuanfu, Yang Maolin supervised Datong... Before he was ordered, he told Chun Chun, the chief eunuchs, as if he would entrust his wealth and life to him.

The eunuchs entrusted by Emperor Chongzhen were also quite passionate and generous, as if they had made up their minds to sacrifice their lives to serve the country.However, civil servants and military officials were extremely dissatisfied with the use of eunuchs to disperse power in a critical situation.

The Ministry of War protested, saying that such a policy going out of many branches will surely make the chiefs and generals at a loss what to do, and ask for their orders to be withdrawn.Emperor Chongzhen insisted on his decision as usual.However, relying on a few eunuchs to supervise the army is of course impossible to really increase the combat effectiveness of the troops. Later, most of these eunuchs took the lead in surrendering to the Dashun Army. (To be continued..)

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