Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 87 Building a Business Stack

After Wu Shigong went to the county this time, he brought back another person.That is the merchant Yuan Xingshan who came to Guide together with Wu Shigong.

At that time, Wu Shigong frightened Hou Xun's Zhuangzi with the tiger squatting cannon in order to ask for his lost horse.Afterwards, Wu Shigong patted his ass and ran away.However, the Hou family found out that among Wu Shigong and his party, there was also Yuan Xingshan, a local merchant from Guide.Since Wu Shigong can't be dealt with, shouldn't Yuan Xingshan be dealt with?

Therefore, a post from the Hou family was sent to the venerable of the Guide Mansion, and the venerable of the Guide Mansion must have known that Hou Xun would be reused, and now there is such a good opportunity to take pictures of Hou Xun Flattery, then how could you not catch it?

After Yuan Xingshan returned to Guide Mansion, before his butt was hot, he received a report from someone.

Yuan Xingshan is also an old businessman in Guide Mansion, and he has some connections.Therefore, Yuan Xingshan got a tip-off before the official of Guide Mansion made his move.

After getting the news, Yuan Xingshan felt like a big thunderbolt came from the clear sky.What a disaster!There is no need to say more.Yuan Xingshan knew: If he was caught in the government, no matter how ruthless he spent money to manage it, the result would be that if he didn't die, he would have to peel off his skin.

In desperation, Yuan Xingshan didn't care about his storehouse and goods at all, he just packed up some things and fled Guide City with his family.

Fortunately, on the way to Guide, Yuan Xingshan already knew the location of the Qianhu Office where Wu Shigong was going to take office during the conversation with Wu Shigong.Therefore, Yuan Xingshan brought his family to the county seat of Qi County Magistrate, and wanted to find out the way to the Qianhu Office before going to the Qianhu Office to find Wu Shigong.

Unexpectedly, in the county seat, Yuan Xingshan happened to meet Wu Shigong who had just finished negotiating the agreement from the county government.Therefore, Yuan Xingshan immediately came to see him.

According to Yuan Xingshan's intention, he'd better ask Wu Shigong to come forward and explain this matter clearly to the Master of Guide Mansion.In this case, Yuan Xingshan can be relieved of his responsibility.In case Wu Shigong refused, he also hoped that Wu Shigong would protect the safety of Yuan Xingshan's family based on the fate of walking together.

After meeting Yuan Xingshan in the county town, and after roughly knowing what happened, Wu Shigong brought Yuan Xingshan's family back to the town.After Yuan Xingshan's family was settled down, Wu Shigong called Yuan Xingshan and explained to Yuan Xingshan very frankly: "It is absolutely impossible for me to come forward for you."

Then, Wu Shigong explained his difficulties to Yuan Xingshan: Wu Shigong also just arrived in Guide Mansion, and he is completely an outsider.They don't even know a few people at the bottom of the Guide Mansion, let alone the official people in the Guide Mansion.

Besides, the county where Wu Shigong is located is a day's journey away from Guide Prefecture.Even if Wu Shigong wanted to come forward, it would be beyond his reach.

However, Wu Shigong also assured Yuan Xingshan: since Yuan Xingshan came to him for asylum, as long as Yuan Xingshan lived in the small town, Wu Shigong would definitely protect the safety of Yuan Xingshan's family.

Moreover, Wu Shigong also gave Yuan Xingshan a choice: Wu Shigong asked Yuan Xingshan to discount his business store, and Wu Shigong himself took out some money, and the two of them jointly opened a business store.Yuan Xingshan is the shopkeeper of this shop.

Yuan Xingshan was overjoyed by this proposal.The commercial warehouses and goods that Yuan Xingshan threw in Guide Mansion City, Yuan Xingshan already had no hope of keeping them.He didn't expect that he could still give it to Wu Shigong at a discount, and he would also become the big treasurer of the business store that he and Wu Shigong jointly owned, and he could get a dry share.Therefore, Yuan Xingshan couldn't wait to agree.

In the end, Wu Shigong and Yuan Xingshan negotiated and agreed that Wu Shigong would take out 2000 taels of silver for [-]% of the shares, and Yuan Xingshan's inn and goods in Guidefu City would be [-]% of the shares to jointly form a business store.Yuan Xingshan is the shopkeeper of this shop.

On the surface, Wu Shigong seems to have suffered a bit.Moreover, Wu Shigong also understood that Yuan Xingshan's storehouses and goods in Guide Mansion City would never be brought back by him within a short period of time.However, Wu Shigong also had his own considerations.

On the one hand, Wu Shigong didn't want to sit and eat in Guide, a place of thousands of households.The Qianhusuo where Wu Shigong lives is not like the capital city where there are many businesses, and they can squeeze out some oil and water.These days, Wu Shigong has already gone to war to make these merchants spit out 750 taels of silver per year.

If Wu Shigong continued to press him, he would be in direct confrontation with the entire local gentry group.This approach is not in the interests of Wu Shigong.

And the farmland of Wu Shigong, the thousand-household station, can barely maintain the food and clothing of the people in the thousand-household station.Even next year, the money and food that will be handed over to Li Bingbeidao here may not be able to pay.There is no surplus food at all.

Therefore, setting up a store and doing business to earn some money is more or less a subsidy for one's own military expenses.

But this is not the main reason why Wu Shigong founded the store.The more important reason is: Wu Shigong wanted to purchase a large amount of reserve materials for the Qianhusuo Fortress through this store.In particular, a large amount of food needs to be purchased.

Wu Shigong didn't remember much about the Chongzhen period, but he knew that the main reason for Li Zicheng's rebellion was that there were many famines in the world, and the farmers would starve to death, so he rebelled.Therefore, Wu Shigong wanted to buy a large amount of grain and store it in the fortress of Qianhusuo, so that at least his own people could survive the famine in this fortress of Qianhusuo.

In Wu Shigong's mind, he should at least store [-] shi of grain in the fortress of Qianhusuo.In this case, in case of war, Wu Shigong only needs to shrink all the military households of the Qianhusuo and the soldiers he recruited and their family members into the Qianhusuo Fortress, even if there are [-] people living in the Qianhusuo Fortress at that time. Here, as long as the food distribution is strictly carried out, it is absolutely possible to survive in this fortress of thousands of households for three years.

And after Wu Shigong roughly built the Qianhusuo Fortress before the Chinese New Year, next year, he will also make a lot of construction work to completely build the Qianhusuo Fortress into a fortress.In addition to the firecrackers that Wu Shigong asked Yang Goudan to make, Wu Shigong also had to buy and store a batch of gunpowder.

According to Wu Shigong's estimation, if there were no 3 troops to attack, and if 5000 people were not killed, then the fortress of the Thousand Households would definitely not be captured.In the final analysis, all of Wu Shigong's current strategic thinking is - the tortoise style.And it's a complete shrinking turtle.

And if Wu Shigong wanted to achieve such a goal, he needed a store to purchase the materials he needed.You need a businessman who is familiar with the local conditions to assist you in purchasing.

Before this, Wu Shigong had actually discovered this problem.The building materials purchased by Zheng Zhen are a bit expensive.Although there is also the reason why Wu Shigong purchased too much, the main reason is that the locals bully the foreigners and bully them because they don't understand the local market.

At this time, this Yuan Xingshan was delivered to Wu Shigong, so of course Wu Shigong would not let him go.Therefore, Wu Shigong seemed to have suffered a bit on the surface, almost giving Yuan Xingshan some shares in the business store to win over him.Otherwise, Wu Shigong is not a good man, at most he can just protect the safety of Yuan Xingshan's family.

Obtaining Yuan Xingshan is really different.He made a huge difference right away.

When Wu Shigong told Yuan Xingshan about his idea of ​​purchasing grain, Yuan Xingshan took action immediately, and the price of the grain he purchased was far lower than Wu Shigong's heart price.

When Wu Shigong was in the capital, he knew that the price of a stone of grain was about five renminbi.However, Yuan Xingshan corrected Wu Shigong's wrong view.

Yuan Xingshan told Wu Shigong: Because the capital is located in the north, and the freight of water transportation is added, the price of grain is relatively expensive.In Henan, it is just after the autumn harvest and before the Chinese New Year.Therefore, the price of food happens to be the lowest time of the year.

Now, if you buy grain from farmers, the price is about [-] cents per shi, and if you buy from grain merchants, the price is at most [-] renminbi per shi.However, there is a problem here. Grain merchants are not willing to sell a large amount of grain at this time.

Yuan Xingshan's words aroused Wu Shigong's curiosity, and he asked why?

Yuan Xingshan went on to say: Those grain merchants will store grain until around April next year. At that time, it happens to be the time when the crops are not harvested. Many families, including some farmers, will be short of grain. At this time, the price of grain may really rise to the level Five coins.

Moreover, these grain merchants will also lend grain to those farmers who are short of food. Of course, they are not doing good deeds, because the grain they borrowed is usury, and after the autumn harvest, those farmers have to return it with interest.If you don't go back, you have to sell the land, or sell your sons and daughters to pay off the debts.These are also two methods for these grain merchants to make huge profits.

Wu Shigong understood it, and thought in his heart: "So this is how the story of the white-haired girl came about!"

Therefore, Wu Shigong immediately decided to buy grain immediately when the price of grain is low.He offered the purchase price of three silver coins per stone.Of course, in order to take care of the military households in the Qianhusuo, Wu Shigong paid those military households three cents per stone.Soon, Wu Shigong successively purchased more than 1000 shi of grain from nearby farmers and military households.

After getting the news that Wu Shigong was purchasing grain, that Yuanwai Yao also came to his door.That Yao Yuanwai is not only a big businessman, but also a big local landlord, so there must be a lot of food in his family.Therefore, he also hopes to sell his grain at Wu Shigong's place at a good price.Of course, Wu Shigong would not refuse such a good deed.

In the end, Wu Shigong and Yao Yuanwai agreed: Wu Shigong purchased [-] shi of grain from Yao Yuanwai, and the price was three renminbi per shi.And all these grains will be delivered to Wu Shigong before February next year.

Yao Yuanwai is quite satisfied with this deal.Of course he couldn't afford so much grain, but as long as he went to the nearby gentry and landlords to gather together, there would be no problem at all in getting the grain out.And Yao Yuanwai can also earn some price difference from it.

Besides earning money, member Yao was more satisfied with exchanging his family's food for cash.Yao Yuanwai's family had so much food that they couldn't finish it by themselves.It can only be moldy and worn out in the granary at home.And to transport the grain outside to sell, you have to post the shipping cost yourself.

Now, who doesn't like the good thing of being able to find a buyer locally to buy grain?

And Wu Shigong is also very satisfied with this deal.Although the price of the grain he bought was a bit higher, it saved Wu Shigong the trouble of buying grain in pieces and transporting the grain after buying.Being able to complete this transaction as soon as possible, Wu Shigong can be regarded as letting go of a big burden in his heart.

In addition, the cash in Wu Shigong's hands is running out.And that Yao Yuanwai is also in business.Therefore, he was willing to accept the banknotes in Wu Shigong's hands that could only be withdrawn in Jining.This also made Wu Shigong feel a lot less troublesome.

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