Crazy at the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 910 New Dynasty and New Deal

Finally, there is "Hui En Ling".

Part of the "Hui En Ling" is a common routine for the new emperor to ascend the throne.For example: Amnesty, Kaienke, etc.

The other part is more shocking.In the "Hui En Order", it is proposed to permanently cancel poll tax, cancel corvee, gradually cancel slavery, etc.And began to advocate limited population mobility.

It is worth noting that there is no content in the "Hui En Order" that "free the world's money and food for one year".However, due to the abolition of poll tax and corvee, the burden on the people has actually been greatly reduced.

Especially the corvee, which was a heavy burden for the ancient people.However, since the government also needs a lot of labor to carry out some "public affairs", if the labor is hired with silver grain, the financial pressure on the government will also become great, so this is also a major social contradiction in ancient times.

Although the Daping Dynasty abolished corvee service, it also stipulated that every male will serve in the military for three years in his life. In fact, this is a kind of corvee service in disguise.On the contrary, because all the people have to join the army, they can try their best to ensure that the status of soldiers will not decline.Moreover, the army of the Daping Dynasty will also adopt a combination of professional officers, sergeants and conscripts serving military service to ensure the combat effectiveness and mobilization ability of the army.

As for the abolition of slavery and limited population mobility, it is nothing more than a move to reduce class conflicts and encourage industry and commerce.However, these things cannot be accomplished overnight, so Wu Shigong prepared to set a time limit and then gradually implement the decree.

In "Hui En Ling", Wu Shigong first adopted the concept of "Chinese people".As long as it is everyone who follows the "Huaxia Zhengshuo", regardless of ethnicity, skin color, etc.They are all citizens of the Daping Dynasty and enjoy equal rights and obligations in the Daping Dynasty.In other words: all people who believe in Chinese values ​​and learn Chinese culture.They are all "Chinese".This is also a move by Wu Shigong to obscure his Mongolian origin.

Of course, "barbarians" who do not believe in Chinese values ​​will not be protected by the Daping Dynasty.If those "barbarians" were deprived of their property, or captured as slaves, then... Anyway, I can imagine.

After reading and explaining the new decree, Wu Shigong began to announce the new policy of the Daping Dynasty and the establishment of court institutions.

First of all, Wu Shigong clarified the positioning of the royal family.after.He then read out a long list of members of the royal family who were granted titles.For example, Queen Xue Yufei, Prince Xue Chenglin and so on.

What's more funny is that in addition to conferring his own biological mother, Wu Shigong also canonized two Supreme Emperors and two Empress Dowagers.They are his father Wu Weizhong and his wife, and his father-in-law Xue Lian and his wife.Among them, Mrs. Xinhou, who was succeeded by her father Wu Weizhong, was even younger than Wu Shigong, but this time she was still canonized as the Queen Mother.

However, there is still a problem that has not been resolved.That is the issue of Prince Xue Chenglin's surname.This time he still did not change his surname to "Wu".As for this issue, to put it a bit exaggerated, if it is not handled properly, it may shake the foundation of the country.But Wu Shigong still didn't mention it, and all the civil and military officials were so vague, it seemed that the solution could only be postponed.

But then some of Wu Shigong's decisions about the throne shocked everyone present.

[-]. The emperor's retirement system.Wu Shigong stipulated that the emperor will abdicate at the age of sixty and will no longer deal with state affairs;

[-]. The order and qualifications of successors.The heir to the throne will follow the rules of the eldest son.All royal family members and officials, including the emperor, cannot be changed.

The new emperor who ascended the throne must also abide by the following rules: be at least sixteen years old; pass the examination of civil and martial arts, etc.Once the requirements are not met.He will become a "virtuous monarch", and the cabinet will temporarily manage state affairs.The inner palace must never interfere in politics.If the heir to the throne has major defects in intelligence and character.Then we will make up for it.

Three, the emperor's abdication system.Once the emperor is negligent in state affairs or manages affairs indiscriminately, causing dissatisfaction among the people, the cabinet can propose impeachment, which can be passed by important ministers, and finally passed by a referendum, forcing the emperor to abdicate and hand it over to the successor.

This system is actually forcing the emperor to be diligent.And we must care about the interests of the ruling class and the sufferings of the people.There will no longer be the weirdness of the former Ming Dynasty who did not go to court for 30 years or the carpenter emperor.

[-]. Referendum system.Every five years, the whole people will hold a referendum on the emperor's ruling.If the number of votes in the referendum is too low, the emperor will be punished: warning.Of course, the highest punishment is to abdicate the emperor.But there is another point, if several consecutive emperors abdicate because of too few votes, a referendum to abolish the throne will be initiated.

Once this referendum is passed, the emperor system will be abolished, and the throne will no longer be established in the future, and the country will be transformed into a republic.Therefore, what Wu Shigong created is also the "final dynasty".

It can be seen that such a major change in imperial power will place high demands on the emperor, and it is also a major concession of the imperial power.But Wu Shigong thought far ahead, he was preparing for the continuation of the family in the future.

Wu Shigong believes that: with the prestige and ability of his founding king, the throne of Wu Shigong himself and the generations of his descendants should not be threatened.But Wu Shigong cannot guarantee that there will not be an unfilial son in the royal family in the future.It is better to prevent the erroneous development now than to fix it when the time comes.

Another point is that with such a system, at least one more choice is given to the people of the world.In case they can't survive, they can also remove the emperor from the throne through a referendum, at least they won't take the risk of rebellion.This is also conducive to the stability of the country.To put it to the extreme, even if Wu Shigong's descendants lose the throne, they can still keep their family wealth and live on, at least they don't have to worry about their lives.You must know that the end of the former kings of subjugation was very tragic.

Next, Wu Shigong explained the issues of honors and official responsibilities in the new dynasty.

In the Daping Dynasty, in addition to the three titles of Duke, Marquis, and Bo, there is another Lord.There are two ways to obtain titles: one is military exploits; the other is joining the cabinet as a prime minister.

The honors obtained for military exploits will be hereditary.The rank of honor for entering the cabinet as a prime minister, except for those who have made great contributions to the founding of the country and the establishment of the country, is generally only received by the person himself.But all honors are just status symbols.The imperial court will not issue salaries, but only honorary titles.Anyway, the details will be determined later.

Regarding officials, the first thing to determine is the important minister.Later, in the imperial court, the ministers of the cabinet, all officials above ministers, governors of various provinces, governors of feudal vassals, ten chief ministers (counsel officials), fifteen admirals of the Dudufu, as well as some honorable representatives and senior imperial officials of Yushitai. Shi, and Guolao (that is, the cabinet prime minister who has become an official) will be important ministers of the court.And these important ministers will govern the country together, and will not punish crimes based on politics.

As for the evaluation and promotion of people-friendly officials such as magistrates and county magistrates, the following criteria will be used:

Economic conditions and money and food taxes.For each region, fiscal and tax revenues will be compared and ranked each year.People-friendly officials with high rankings will be promoted first.This will also put an end to those close-to-people officials in the previous Ming Dynasty who did not collect taxes from officials and gentry to invite their names, which eventually led to the disastrous consequences of the financial collapse of the imperial court.

people's livelihood.Every region will set up schools and medical clinics within its capacity, so that the people under its jurisdiction can receive education and treat their illnesses.There are other aspects, such as increasing people's income, building roads and water conservancy, etc., which will also be included in people's livelihood.

Stablize.Every people-friendly official is responsible for the security within the jurisdiction.Try not to cause riots, especially to prevent rebellion and bandits from happening.If the situation is critical, the people close officials can ask the local garrison to help.Of course, in the event of a disaster year, the people-friendly officials can also ask the garrison to cooperate in disaster relief.

In fact, the Daping Dynasty's series of requirements and regulations on officials were nothing more than to increase the fiscal revenue of the court.In order to increase income, the production of fixed acres of land will not increase much, so these officials who are close to the people are required in disguise to support the development of industry and commerce.At the same time, the development of industry and commerce can also increase the family income of the people.The ultimate goal is to make the country rich and the people strong.

Finally, Wu Shigong announced the new major yamen and chief officials of the court.

Because there is a lot of content in this item, I will briefly introduce it here.Regarding the establishment of the six ministries and nine ministers in the former Ming Dynasty, the Daping Dynasty will be greatly expanded to strengthen the centralization of the imperial court and make the establishment of each yamen more reasonable.

Let me talk about the Ministry of Rites first: the Ministry of Rites will separate three secondary bureaus - the Bureau of Education and Politics, the Bureau of Education, and the Bureau of Medicine.The Education and Political Bureau is in charge of educational examinations.The Bureau of Education and Education was the former propaganda department of the Runing Army.As for the Medical Bureau, its function can be seen from its name.However, in the Medical Bureau, there will be a department for the protection of the elderly, weak, women and children.And the directors of these three bureaus all hold the title of minister of the Ministry of Rites.

It is worth mentioning that the director of the Medical Bureau, she is the only woman among the important ministers of the Daping Dynasty, and she is the wife of Yang Goudan - Yang Shi.

The main function of the Ministry of Rites will also be transformed into a modern Ministry of Foreign Affairs.In the Ministry of Rites, there is a new department named "Lifansi", whose main function is to guide Daping's expansion towards foreign colonization.

The Ministry of Accounts: The Ministry of Accounts will also separate into three secondary bureaus - the tax bureau, the reserve bureau and the securities bureau.The reason for this setting is that the finances of the Daping Dynasty will implement the policy of "two lines of revenue and expenditure".Therefore, it can be said that the rights of the original household department will be greatly weakened.

The Reserve Board would perform the duties of a modern central bank.With the reserved gold and silver and other precious metals as the principal, silver banknotes, silver dollars and various auxiliary coins are issued.Of course, the Reserve Board will also issue treasury bonds as appropriate.In addition, the Reserve Bureau will also manage the reserves of strategic materials such as grain, and be ready to supply strategic materials needed for war and disaster relief at any time.

As for taxation, the principle of universal taxation will be adopted.However, the Daping Dynasty will also set up several new taxes.For example, resource tax on mineral mining, wine tax, sea trade tax, stamp duty on commodities, etc.In a word, the taxation subject of the Daping Dynasty will gradually change from agricultural tax to industrial and commercial tax. (To be continued..)

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