Demon Blood Emperor

Chapter 132 Bodhi Bead!

Hearing De Lao talk about the past, Xie Zifeng was not very sorry, but he was also a little puzzled.

"You have cultivated the Dharma, but the image at this moment is really..." Xie Zifeng glanced at the old man opposite and said euphemistically.

In his eyes, the master of Buddhism is like the lotus flower on the mouth of De Lao when he dealt with the old ghost of Wu Min, like the wrathful eyes of King Kong trying to kill evil and the first demon to shock people's hearts, and like the Buddha's coming to the dust to convert the world, but De Lao's usual The appearance is really unflattering.

"All appearances are illusory. The Buddha once said that the physical body is just a stinky skin. Why should you and I be obsessed with appearances?" Delao said suddenly, "If you are attached to appearances and external things, how can you see Buddha? How to comprehend the wonderful Dharma of the Buddha? You can understand the wonderful Dharma of Buddhism in the world, but the appearance is different. You need to know that all appearances are illusory. If there is a Buddha in your heart, there will be a Buddha everywhere. If there is no Buddha in your heart, there will be no Buddha everywhere. , this is only in one thought, and the Dharma is also in one thought."

The old man is unpredictable, and he uttered a piece of truth that is difficult to understand.

Xie Zifeng realized it carefully, and felt that he had not yet reached this level, so he could not touch the Dharma at most because he could see his nature with a clear mind, so that his mind would not be invaded by foreign objects. There is still a long way to go before realizing the true meaning of Dharma. some way.

"Once enlightened, a novice can also become a Buddha." De Lao said, "There is a scripture at the end of the Bubai Mingwangquan I gave you, which is extracted from various Buddhist scriptures. You can study it carefully. Although Wen can't make you become a Buddha right away, it can also eliminate hostility and clarify your original heart!"

"The scriptures are extensive and profound, and Zifeng has already experienced it." Xie Zifeng said solemnly.

"Okay, very good." Elder De's eyes were bright, and he glanced at the young man in front of him. He understood it, and then he flipped his palm.A crystal-clear Buddha bead appeared in the palm of the hand with a blue light flashing, and the brilliance flowed on it, as if there were Sanskrit words flowing, which seemed obscure at first glance.

"This is it?" Xie Zifeng's eyes lit up, staring at the Buddhist beads in front of him, he felt a holy breath exuding inside, making people feel peaceful, like falling into the sea of ​​Buddha, he couldn't help but close his eyes and concentrate, accepting the Buddhist teachings to cleanse his feelings magic trick.

The breath of Buddha on these beads.It is more majestic and pure than what De Lao showed when he dealt with Wu Min.

"This is a bodhi bead, which is said to be a relic of the Buddha. Because of the baptism of Buddhist scriptures all the year round, he has possessed the Buddha nature." De Lao said, "This is for you, I hope it can help you get rid of your distress and suppress your demons. Fortunately, in the future The path of being able to see one's mind clearly and not be invaded by foreign objects."

"This thing is too expensive." Xie Zifeng quickly declined.This bodhi bead is definitely a Buddhist treasure.The value is immeasurable.

"I have been comprehending this thing for decades, but I haven't achieved any results. Now it should change hands." De Lao said so, insisting that Xie Zifeng accept it.

"Then Zifeng respectfully obeyed and accepted the Buddha beads." Xie Zifeng took the Bodhi beads and felt heavy.I feel warm in my heart.

In today's world, only the elders of the clan would not hesitate to hand over the treasure of this place to themselves!

"Go, the world outside is boundless, it's time for you to venture out." Elder De stood up and looked into the void.

Xie Zifeng said goodbye.Leaving the Sutra Pavilion.

The big dog has been tinkering with the domain platform in the house all day, but he has not recovered a cracked Dao pattern inscription.


Xie Zifeng came to watch. The big dog was lying on the ground, drooling from exhaustion, and then raised its head to the sky and howled like a ghost crying and a wolf howling.

"Little lunatic, go and kill dozens of cultivators in the Xuandan realm so that Master Dao can raise his essence. Damn it, this ghost domain platform is too difficult to repair." The big dog howled.

"Kill dozens of cultivators at the Profound Core Realm? Do you think they are Chinese cabbage?" Xie Zifeng was speechless for a while. The last time he killed several cultivators at the Profound Core Realm of the Wu clan, he relied on luck. It is impossible to make a sneak attack if you restrain him, how can you kill him?

"Hey, little lunatic, you can find a few more plants of ten thousand-year elixir for Daoist." The big dog said dejectedly.

"Ten-thousand-year panacea?" Xie Zifeng was completely speechless. Searching for such spiritual things is more difficult than killing a strong person in the Profound Core Realm.

"By the way, go to the imperial capital and look for that little Pi Niang. She has a strong royal background and must be a panacea." The big dog got up excitedly and said.

"Looking for her?" Xie Zifeng frowned slightly, the people of the royal family were superior, and he didn't want to interact with them unless they had enough strength.

"Boy, did you push down that little girl back then? If you pushed her down, what are you afraid of? Everyone is yours, so are you afraid that she won't obediently give you the elixir!" The big dog's eyes lit up, With a wicked smile on his face, the more he talked, the more excited he became.

"Push her down? I'll go, I'm not as dirty as you." Xie Zifeng rolled his eyes, despising the big dog.

"Didn't you push her down? It's a pity, this little girl has icy muscles and bones, looks like a fairy, such a peerless and charming person is rare in the world, and you didn't take the opportunity to push her down? It's a pity, even the Taoist has to wonder if you are A man, or is there something wrong with your function?" The big dog looked regretful, and immediately walked around Xie Zifeng in a serious manner.

"Fuck you, you're the one with functional problems." Xie Zifeng was furious, and punched the big dog.

"My uncle died a long time ago." The big dog avoided it, and said seriously, "Are you going to look for it? The hell on the left invites you."


Xie Zifeng almost vomited blood, this big dog has no limit, so he simply left the house to avoid being pissed off by this superb dog.

Back in the bedroom, Xie Zifeng took out the bodhi bead and looked at it carefully.

This is a verdant bodhi bead, crystal clear, surrounded by Buddha's light, swimming in the water like a tadpole when the scriptures flow, and the Buddha's breath permeates, making people calm and clear, and many unreasonable problems will be resolved .

Surrounded by the Buddha's light, Xie Zifeng couldn't help chanting the Ming King Sutra.

This is a classic abstracted from the major Buddhist scriptures, not only the scriptures of the King Ming Sutra, now Xie Zifeng is holding the bodhi beads in his hand, reciting the scriptures, the whole person has fallen into emptiness and no thoughts, as if melting into the heaven and the earth Into the world of Buddha.

This is a very wonderful feeling. Not only can you see your nature clearly, but it can also make people get rid of many troubles in their hearts so that their wisdom will be opened and their thoughts will be clear. He didn't change his face either.

Even if you can't fully comprehend Buddhist exercises, you can still stabilize your mind.In order to go further in cultivation.

The scriptures spit out from the mouth, like a Sanskrit chanting, the Buddha's light bloomed, forming a halo centered on Xie Zifeng, and slowly the Bodhi Pearl began to glow with Buddha's light, as if the scriptures were circulating, and began to rise into the sky and sink into Xie Zifeng's body in vivo.

One by one, the scriptures sank into Xie Zifeng's body like tadpoles. He didn't realize it, but felt that he was being washed by the Buddha's light.The suffocation in my heart completely dissipated, and I felt as if I was about to ride the wind and go away. The whole person was unrestrained and indescribably free and easy.

This kind of state of mind is ethereal and fairy-like, which makes people yearn for.Suddenly, the Bodhi Pearl trembled, turned into a beam of Buddha light and entered Xie Zifeng's dantian.It landed on the palm of the Buddha's fetus formed on the lotus platform he condensed.Before Xie Zifeng did not completely condense the Buddha's body into shape, it was illusory and unreal, but now there is a Buddha sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, which is condensed by the Buddha's light, not the soul.

After a long time, Xie Zifeng withdrew from that state of mind.The Buddha light around him also dissipated.

"The bodhi bead?" He took a closer look and found that there was no bodhi bead in his hand.

After Xie Zifeng looked inside with his spiritual sense, he found that in his dantian there was a Buddha sitting on a lotus platform with a solemn treasure, with one hand holding a Buddha ceremony and the other between his legs.The bodhi bead is falling on this palm, blooming dazzling Buddha light, nourishing his body and mind.

"Have you entered my dantian? It's really strange that the Buddha's body is also condensed now." Xie Zifeng murmured to himself. Although he could condense the appearance of a Buddha's body with the Buddha's light, it was illusory, but now the Buddha's body on the lotus platform is like a real body. , with a qualitative transformation.

"Alright, having the Bodhi Pearl can keep my mind clear at all times, which is of great benefit to my practice, and I won't be easily lost." Although Xie Zifeng has not yet comprehended the true Buddhist magic, he also knows the benefits of it. There was no resistance to this bodhi bead, and he also knew that to comprehend Buddhism not only required a very high level of understanding but also had to go through the washing of the world of mortals before he could be enlightened.

"It's time to go to the clan now." At this time, the sky was slightly bright, Xie Zifeng got up suddenly, looked at the distant sky, his eyes were full of sighs, he was about to travel thousands of miles, and he was very nostalgic for this familiar place, Listening to the old trees swaying and rattling in the wind outside the window, the bits and pieces of living here emerge in my heart, and I express my reluctance.

All of a sudden, the vicissitudes of life are changing, and the young man's mind is approaching maturity.

"In this world, the strong are respected. If you are in a corner, you can only enjoy a moment of peace. After all, it will not last long. Only by going out to break into a world and becoming a world-class figure can you keep your family safe and happy forever. This burden has to be borne by others, otherwise it will be difficult for the Xie clan to gain a foothold here for a long time, and as a grandson of the clan, I naturally have to shoulder this burden." Xie Zifeng muttered to himself and then pushed the door out, the whole transformation of temperament was gone. sentimental.

From this moment on, he has decided to shoulder the burden of protecting his people.

Now that my father is trapped in the ancient forbidden land, he is the only one who can bear this burden. Otherwise, in the future, if the major clans join hands to deal with Xie's lineage, similar incidents of Wu's old ghosts attacking will emerge endlessly until Xie's lineage is destroyed. In a world where the strong are respected, if you are not strong enough, you will be eliminated. If a person or even a clan loses their aggressiveness, it will inevitably lead to destruction.

Walking out of the courtyard, the people of the clan were all ready to go, and several elders were greeting each other.

"Zifeng, you are here."

"Zifeng will definitely be able to join those otherworldly sects!"

"Brother Zifeng, remember to come back when you become a strong man!" The Xie clan gathered together to see him off.

"I will come back." Xie Zifeng looked around at those clansmen who were full of concern and expectations for him, and said loudly, "I, Xie Zifeng, will not let you down. The most eye-catching clan!"

"Most definitely."

"Master Zifeng, we trust you."

Many clansmen were excited and spoke one after another, and some young children showed envy and shouted loudly.

"Remember what grandpa said, this will always be your home, you don't have to have too many burdens, as long as you are safe is more important than anything else." Xie Zhenhai said lovingly.

Xie Changtian patted the boy on the shoulder and said, "Although uncle has no skills, he can't tolerate my nephew being wronged."

"Well, I will." Xie Zifeng's eyes were slightly moist, trying not to let himself cry, he took a deep breath and waved, "Grandpa, uncle, goodbye!"

"Farewell." After bidding farewell to his clansmen, Hai Lao took the crowd and fled towards the distant sky.

"Finally left!" Xie Zhenhai and the others looked at the void in the distance, without much regret, and after a long time, the crowd gradually dispersed. (To be continued..)

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