Demon Blood Emperor

Chapter 142 Divine Elephant Art!

Xie Zifeng chatted with Hai Lao and the others for a while, then got up to leave.

"Brother Zifeng, would you like me to help you say something nice in front of Sister Xuan'er?" Xie Lin'er giggled before leaving, but there was a bit of cunning in her clever eyes, and said, "But you have to listen to me when the time comes , from now on, if you become an unrivaled powerhouse, you will be my bodyguard, um, with an unrivaled powerhouse as your bodyguard, it must be very cool to go out." She smiled like a flower, her eyes were pure.

"Being your bodyguard? Forget it, you'd better say a few nice words for your brother." Seeing Xie Liner's sly look, Xie Zifeng rolled his eyes, and left in a hurry. It's just a woman. wife?

His current goal is to improve his strength, and everything else follows fate.

Back in the courtyard where I live, the big dog is exhaling and concentrating. After a few days of concentrating, its energy is obviously much better. The golden tail is full of luster, and it looks mighty and extraordinary. If you look at it from a distance, it looks like It's a lion.

"Oh, it's too slow." Seeing Xie Zifeng came back, the big dog stopped his cultivation and complained, "Little lunatic, let's go to the imperial capital and find that little Pi Niang. She must have many treasures. If you don't want to sacrifice your appearance, it will be considered looting." The palace is fine too!"

"Looting the palace?" Xie Zifeng rolled his eyes at the big dog and said, "Then get ready to run away first."

"Run?" The big dog's eyes lit up, and then he nodded seriously, "You are right, you really have to prepare well." After saying that, it walked away quickly, entered a room next to it, and started to tinker with that. Some broken domains.

"Is this dog serious?" Xie Zifeng was completely speechless, shaking his head, he entered his room.

Looking inside, the bodhi pearl still fell on the palm of the Buddha's womb, with the Buddha's light flowing, which is very mysterious.But Xie Zifeng couldn't touch it at all.

"Maybe it takes a kind of artistic conception to touch the breath of Buddha." Xie Zifeng pondered, recalling the scene of the previous battle with Xie Kai.

"Invincibility, fearlessness, or emptiness?" Xie Zifeng pondered, sometimes a kind of artistic conception has entered unconsciously but is difficult to catch. Hard to find.

The battle with Xie Kai this time made him understand how powerful his bloodline is.

Now Xie Zifeng, relying on the power of blood and supernatural powers of blood, is enough to fight against the cultivators of the sixth level of Tiangang.However, if you don't touch the Bodhi Pearl, it will be difficult to convince your opponent like this time, as if you have been enlightened by the Buddha, and your mind is clear.

Of course, this is just Xie Zifeng's blood power and blood supernatural power. If he uses other methods, why should he be afraid of him in the Tiangang realm?

"Lin Shixuan?" The appearance of that girl suddenly appeared in Xie Zifeng's mind.He couldn't help but grinned and muttered to himself. "Am I really that frustrated?" Although he only had a slight affection for the girl and had no other feelings.But being so underestimated, he still felt somewhat resentful.

"Isn't it just the awakening of the divine power of the blood?" Xie Zifeng said with confidence in his eyes, "One day you will know that I, Xie Zifeng, will not be worse than you. At that time, it's not that I am unworthy, but that you are short-sighted and hard to climb .”

Xie Zifeng clenched his fists, and calmed down after a while, no one was so contemptuous.Especially when the other party is a peerless and glamorous and arrogant girl, it is inevitable that there is such a breath in his heart that cannot be swallowed, but his ambition is so high that it will not spoil his mood.

The next day, Xie Zifeng went to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Relying on the waist card that Hai Lao gave him, he entered the attic without any hindrance, which contained advanced martial arts such as the Divine Elephant Jue.

The person guarding and guarding the attic was an elder over [-] years old. He enthusiastically told Xie Zifeng where the classics were.

Divine Elephant Art!

This is an ancient book, made of animal skins, immortal for ten thousand years. The writing on it is vigorous and powerful, and it records a profound formula. Each word explains in detail the cultivation method of the Divine Elephant Jue. A book of Unrivaled Martial Arts, only the direct descendants of the Xie family can read it, or the kind of disciples who have awakened the power of the bloodline, and no one else can observe it at all.

Turn into a god, stepping on the sky and destroying the earth!

Xie Zifeng watched the Divine Elephant Jue silently, keeping those formulas and practice patterns firmly in his heart, and imprinted them in his mind.

Meditate on the image of the gods, evolve the pictogram, and finally transform into the image of the gods. These are the several processes of the gods and images. It seems simple but not talented. Only those who have awakened the blood and divine power can practice to great success. Xie Zifeng will keep it in his heart , have some insights.

Many spiritual-level martial arts meditate on the form of gods to evolve visions, but this god-like art is more advanced, because this is a god-like, god-like existence that can suppress everything, and it is difficult to truly evolve a god. Like reaching the sky, people with bloodline supernatural power are different. They are inherently talented, and they complement each other with this method, and can fully display its power. The same is true. The Sixiang Jue is far higher.

After closing the books, Xie Zifeng moved his consciousness and swept towards other books.

This time he did not choose more and deeper martial arts, martial arts have the same effect, one method can master all methods.

Soon Xie Zifeng's eyes moved, and his eyes fell on some ancient books.

This is an ancient book about inscription runes, Xie Zifeng picked it up and read it carefully.

Runes are not as profound as dao patterns, but they are not comprehensible for ordinary people. If you want to inscribe them, you have to step into the Xuanying state. Xie Zifeng is only in the innate state now, and he is also very unfamiliar with runes and cannot practice them. But if you look carefully, he But still if he realized something.

Carving seal runes requires not only one's own comprehension of the Tao, but also a strong spiritual power. The cultivators of the Xuandan realm have already begun to comprehend the Tao, but their spiritual consciousness is too weak. Although they can carve seal runes, they are limited and cannot Comparable to Xuanying Realm.

As for the dao pattern, it is even more ethereal, and even a cultivator in the Xuanying realm cannot control it.

This needs to be inscribed by an unrivaled powerhouse, and it is the same. Some Taoist artifacts are so precious. As for those royal artifacts, it is even rarer to see. Only the sects outside the world and ancient clans with a long history and rich heritage have them. Xie's The clan has extraordinary origins, and it also has magical artifacts of kingship.

Although these classics are not of much use to the current Xie Zifeng, they have also benefited him a lot, and he has a deeper understanding of cultivation.In the end, his eyes moved, and his eyes fell on a book like a notebook, showing curiosity.


"What kind of classic is this?" Xie Zifeng picked up the classic and watched it silently.

After a long time, Xie Zifeng took a deep breath, narrowing his eyes slightly as if digesting the contents of the classics.

This is a handbook that records Xuanying and the soul. It is the experience left by the ancestors of the Xie family. Although it is not a practice method, it is better than a practice method. Many formulas in it made Xie Zifeng feel enlightened after reading it. Be inspired a lot.

The power of the soul is like vitality.Refining to the extreme can not only evolve weapons, but also evolve visions to fight against the enemy.

This is the experience left by the senior and what De Lao said has the same effect, but it is more thorough and clear. There are even formulas in it that can be practiced systematically, which saves a lot of trouble for future generations. .

"Since this senior can think of these wonderful methods, there must be some practitioners from other world sects who will understand them." Xie Zifeng muttered to himself, "But this Xuanying's forced separation is heresy. It violates the principle of step-by-step cultivation. .”

In this handbook, it also records the method that Xuanying can leave the body without reaching the border.

It's a pity that Xuanying left the body hastily.It will damage the foundation, which is a tasteless secret technique.

Cultivate a way of mystery and mystery. After condensing Xuanying and stepping into the palace, it is said that Xuanying can leave the body, but it is still very weak and cannot travel far. All-powerful supernatural powers.

If you haven't reached the realm but force Xuanying to leave the body rashly, you will hurt yourself.Ordinary low-level cultivators will never expose Xuanying easily. The soul is the foundation of a person. Once injured, it will be difficult to recover, and even if the injury is life, there is no remedy.

At the beginning, the old Xuanying Qing was separated from the body.Completely helpless.

Xie Zifeng spent a whole day reading many classics in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and only left reluctantly until evening.

The rich heritage of the clan made him sigh, and many things that he didn't understand before suddenly became clear after reading those classics.

Back in the courtyard where he lived, Xie Zifeng began to slowly digest the gains of the day.

The next morning, Xie Zifeng got up early and began to practice the Divine Elephant Art.

The strength of the innate realm is too low, but it is not impossible to cultivate, it is just that it is impossible to comprehend its shape and exert its power.

Xie Zifeng didn't imagine that he could practice the Divine Elephant Jue immediately, he just wanted to find a feeling to confirm what he thought in his heart.

He meditated on the gods according to the mental formula of the gods and images, and slowly placed himself in a state of emptiness, imagining that there was a gods around him that was attracted by his own formulas, slowly condensed, and wanted to put those The vitality turned into a god.

Many spiritual-level martial arts use this as a way to meditate on gods and objects and turn them into visions.

Of course, this is only the first step. It only has its shape, but not its meaning. It has no power. It needs to be continuously realized and perfected with the improvement of cultivation base to display the profound meaning. It cannot be practiced overnight. become.


The majestic vitality swept out, under Xie Zifeng's control, lingering around his body, it seemed to be turning into something tangible, and finally, after an hour, a decent idol took shape and appeared in his body behind.

The god image was formed in meditation, but it obviously had no attack power, and it quickly collapsed.

The vitality of the Xiantian realm is simply not enough to support him to practice such a powerful technique.

However, being able to evolve a god image is already a very good start, and Xie Zifeng has figured out the way after several practice sessions.

"Wouldn't it be better to gather the power of the gods if I arouse the power of my blood?" Xie Zifeng stopped practicing, his eyes dewed, thinking about how to perfect the gods so that he could use it Unleash the full power of it.

He has always felt that the power of his blood is extraordinary, stronger than the attack evolved from pure vitality.

And Xie Zifeng also found that the power of this bloodline seemed to continue to grow as he condensed the bloodlines of those strange beasts.

"Someone is here." Suddenly, the corner of Xie Zifeng's eyes twitched, and he looked out of the courtyard, "Xie Tianming, who is the person next to him?"

Xie Zifeng's spiritual consciousness diffused, and he caught all the characters outside.

Outside, Xie Tianming was walking towards this with a young man in a fancy dress, and Xie Rui and others followed closely behind them. (To be continued..)

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