Demon Blood Emperor

Chapter 200 The Power of the Divine Weapon

When the four elephants collapsed, the green bell had already suppressed it, and it was only ten feet away from Xie Zifeng's demon baby, making it impossible for people to avoid it. At this time, the demon baby, which was only about a foot tall, suddenly moved like lightning. The bell, the war halberd in the hand dances when the bell cuts off.

The demon baby is only one foot high. From a distance, it looks like a small fur ball. It looks ridiculous when it is darting towards a huge mountain. When Xie Zifeng's demon baby is reached, the opponent will be devastated and will hardly have the power to fight again, but he is different. The combat power he has now can last for a long time, enough to consume Xie Zifeng to death.

Xie Zifeng's demon baby is as imposing as a rainbow, and with the emperor's text bullying on his head, he approaches the green bell. The complicated lines on the bell's body are clearly visible, and the obscure fluctuations also make people palpitate. the point.

This is the power of the dao pattern, which contains the profound meaning of heaven and earth.

But Xie Zifeng's demon baby's little hand moved, and the broken halberd sliced ​​across the void, and slashed directly at the green bell.

The battle halberd has been broken, its divine power is restrained, it looks ordinary, like a piece of scrap iron, but it is a divine weapon after all, and I don’t know how many powerful enemies it killed in the battle with Geshu. intrinsic.

"Looking for death, how dare you use the demon baby to forcibly shake the magic weapon!" Elder Min snorted coldly, with a look of resentment on his face, as if he had seen the scene of the young man's soul flying away.

However, before Mr. Min spit out that sarcasm, his face suddenly changed, and he looked horrified, "Is this how it is?"


The war halberd streaked across the void and slashed towards the green bell. The dao pattern blooming on it was like a chicken tile dog, which collapsed at the touch of a touch, without a trace of resistance, and then the war halberd took advantage of the situation and slashed down.When it landed on the blue bell, the giant bell trembled, sending out a long bell, shaking the four directions.

The sound wave oscillated, the green bell pattern cracked, the brilliance dimmed, and a gap was cut out, the crack spread like a spider web, and Xie Zifeng shattered an extremely magic weapon in one fell swoop, which made people stunned.It's hard to believe what's in front of you.

"Have all the magic tools of the extreme way been broken?" The elders of all ethnic groups were dumbfounded, and their eyeballs almost didn't fall out of shock.

"What kind of magic weapon is that monster baby holding?" The strong man in the Xuanying state who was fighting not far away also changed his color. He thought it was a remnant soldier, but now he showed amazing power and split the ultimate magic weapon.This level of terrifying power is probably already comparable to the kingly magic weapon.

"This Xie Zifeng's background is really profound!" The elders of Baizong on the high platform could not help but frown, with serious expressions on their faces.

At the same time, everyone looked at the demon baby.There is a bit of greed in the eyes.

A disabled soldier is so powerful.It can be compared with the magic weapon of the royal way. When it is intact, is it a magic weapon of the royal way?

Thinking of this, everyone felt their hearts were about to jump out.

The Imperial Artifact!

That is an existence against the sky, and it is also a treasure in the Shenhuang Continent, so rare to see!

"The old ghost takes his life!" Xie Zifeng's momentum was like a rainbow, and his broken halberd was extraordinary.He had expected it a long time ago, but he didn't expect that this magical weapon could break the magic weapon of extreme Taoism. At that moment, he looked cold and stern, and stepped into the sea of ​​blood.Approaching to the front, the demon baby streaked across the sky like a scarlet rainbow, killing Old Min.

The green bell has been cracked, but it has not been completely destroyed. Old Min is also frightened, his whole body changes color, and he is caught by the remnant halberd in Yaoying's hand. In horror, he backs up, and with a flick of his palm, he moves the blue bell towards The demon baby looted to buy himself time to escape.

The light patterns of the green bell flickered, and the whole body of the bell turned into a blue dragon, with runes flashing faintly on the body of the dragon, with ferocious eyes, and a huge mouth that opened its mouth, as if to swallow the sky and the earth. The spirit is compatible with the Dao pattern, showing a lore blow.

Such an attack makes one's heart palpitate, this can be regarded as the strongest lore in the Xuanying Realm!

However, Xie Zifeng's monster baby was not afraid, and he still held the halberd in his hand and killed it. He had the emperor levitation above his head, and he was wearing a battle armor. took a slice.


However, the monster baby who was about a foot tall directly faced the 'Qing Jiao', cut off the war halberd in his hand, and the blue veins cracked. The light dissipates into the void.

This extremely magic weapon was completely shattered, and the power of the magic weapon was shocking.

One must know that extremely magical artifacts are also very rare in big clans, not every Xuanying practitioner can hold one!

"What kind of weapon is this?" Old Min was terrified, staring at the front with an expression of disbelief.

This remnant halberd is too ordinary, without brilliance, and there is still a gap in the blade, so it doesn't look like a magic weapon.

But it was this remnant halberd that shattered all his magic weapons. It was almost unstoppable. It could break ten thousand spells, and ordinary cultivators could not compete with it!

After defeating the Jidao magic weapon, Xie Zifeng's eyes turned scarlet, with murderous intent, and he pressed towards Lao Min step by step.

"Monster, cultivated so wildly!" Suddenly a cold snort came out, the void trembled, as if it was about to collapse, a terrifying aura overturned, rolling the sea of ​​blood in front of Xie Zifeng, and Styx collapsed The momentum plummeted.

"Old ghost!" Xie Zifeng raised his head, and suddenly saw the void in the distance. Wu Chang took out his free palm and patted it. The momentum was shocking, turning his area into a vacuum, the ground trembled, and there were cracks spreading. The huge palm pattern The flickering seems to block the world and suppress all things.

This Wu Chang is a strong man in the palace, with overwhelming momentum, this time he made a huge hand to cover the sky, which is many times stronger than Old Min.

Xie Zifeng's eyes were serious, and the demon baby moved, and held the broken halberd towards the giant palm.


The remnant halberd strikes on that giant palm, it really seems to be able to break through all spells, break through that pattern, and collide with that palm.

"What kind of weapon is this?" Elder Chang was astonished, withdrew his hands, and retreated.

"It's such a powerful weapon!" This magical weapon made Elder Chang suffer a secret loss, and made the cultivators far away even more enthusiastic.

It's a pity that this is Xie Zifeng's weapon. If you want to win it, you must kill him.

But besides the Wu clan, who would dare to kill Gai Dairenjie's son?

The crisis was resolved, but Xie Zifeng felt uncomfortable, but the opponent's aura was too strong, oppressing his demon baby to tremble and almost collapsed, if it wasn't for the emperor's text to resist most of the aura, his demon baby would definitely be in this situation. Hit crash.

Xie Zifeng's demon baby is no more than a Xuanying.It is not yet possible to compete with the strong in the palace realm.

Furthermore, Xie Zifeng paid a heavy price for the separation of the demon baby, and the demon baby could not continue to maintain its combat power.

After the blow, the sea of ​​blood rolled and it was difficult to calm down. Xie Zifeng's demon baby retreated and hovered above his head. His eyes were scarlet and began to be occupied by a bloody aura.To invade the mind, the eyes of his demon baby became hollow.

The loss just now made the blood power of the blood beast gradually occupy the mind!

Xie Zifeng only felt that his consciousness was gradually blurring, not only the Yaoying, but also his own eyes felt a little blurred.

This is a sign of madness, and it will be corroded by the blood of the blood beast!

Ordinary people's Xuanying escaped from the body.The main body has no sense of consciousness, but Xie Zifeng is different.His demon baby was not condensed by ordinary formulas.It was the heresy created by the Demon Emperor's Art, which made his body almost have the same perception as the Demon Baby at this moment.

"No, I can't lose consciousness!" Xie Zifeng tried hard to hold his mind tightly, not wanting to be eroded by the evil spirit of blood.

Once he gets mad, he will completely lose consciousness and be possessed by the bloodthirsty beast.Violence and other negative emotions occupy his mind. From then on, he will be a walking dead, and will become a beast that only knows how to kill and bloodthirsty, almost no different from a blood beast.

Xie Zifeng practiced the Demon Emperor Art, not sticking to the world.But he couldn't tolerate himself becoming a walking dead.

Who wants to lose consciousness and become a walking dead?

It's a pity that Xie Zifeng silently recited the Ming King's Sutra with his heart and mind, but it still had no effect, and his consciousness was gradually occupied by blood evil spirit.

Just like that, after repelling Old Chang in one fell swoop, Xie Zifeng was stunned in the sea of ​​blood, motionless, his eyes were scarlet, and a demonic aura continued to condense on him, his pupils were completely blood red, looking from afar , like the pupils of a ferocious beast, chilling people's hearts.

"This remnant halberd and that war halberd are probably unrivaled weapons!" Elder Chang suffered a dark loss, but he stared forward with greed in his heart.

If you have this kind of weapon in hand, not to mention being invincible to practitioners of the same level, even if you leapfrog a level to fight, it will not be a problem at all!

"There seems to be something wrong with this kid. Could it be that he has lost his temper?" Thinking of this, Elder Chang was ready to strike again with a strong killing intent.

"Wu Chang, you despicable guy actually attacked a junior!" Furious, Elder Bo threw Chang's round bowl into the air with a long sword in his hand, and then killed him. Just now, Elder Chang tried his best to trap him , almost killed Xie Zifeng, which made him regret and angry.

"Xie Zifeng practiced the demon law, and now he has gone mad. The old man killed him to eliminate evil for the human race, so why bother?" Elder Chang snorted coldly, "Brother Zhao, come and stop this old man, and let me kill Xie Zifeng This evildoer is to correct the morality of the human race!"

The elder of Daotianmen had seriously injured Elder Hai a long time ago, but he didn't kill him. He still had some scruples about the Xie clan, fearing that he would be remembered by others and die in the hands of Xie's children in the future. Elder Chang also knew the scruples of these people, so he had to personally shot.

"Okay!" The steward surnamed Zhao agreed, held a magic weapon, and killed him, "Old Bo, don't be stubborn, your Xie family has such an evildoer, it is the misfortune of the clan, why bother to protect it? Do you not hesitate to offend the entire human race?"

While speaking, he killed Bo Lao to make time for Chang Lao.

"What kind of human race and monster race, no matter what, he is my Xie family's disciple, old ghost, if Zifeng dies, none of you will be able to escape, and when Changqing returns, you will be slaughtered!" Old Bo was furious, sword Light like a rainbow cut through the void, trying to kill a bloody path.

It's a pity that the other party is a little higher than him, and now he has no way to get away immediately when he makes a full attack.

"Hehe, wait until Xie Changqing comes out!" Elder Chang raised his head to the sky with a smile, urged the round bowl, and fled forward.

This is also an extremely magical weapon, and now it is about two hundred feet in size, and it is bent backwards towards Xie Zifeng to suppress it.

The palace realm made a move, the void shattered, and the sea of ​​blood in front of Xie Zifeng rolled, torn apart, and almost collapsed.

Xie Zifeng was still fighting against the evil spirit of blood, and he couldn't distract himself at all, otherwise he would fall into a place of eternal doom.

Those watching from a distance also noticed that Xie Zifeng was not in the right state, and was really going crazy.

"What should I do?" Xie Changyuan and the others stomped their feet anxiously, now that Mr. Bo is resisted, who can help Xie Zifeng? (To be continued..)

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