Demon Blood Emperor

Chapter 240 Imperial Bloodstone?

Not to mention that Xie Zifeng's demonic aura is thin, and his aura doesn't look like he has stepped into the Xuandan realm.

Regarding the aura of this realm, unless the real power can be well hidden, the general monsters in the Xuandan realm can sense some fluctuations in the opponent's breath. The current Xie Zifeng is obviously young, and it should be that he has not stepped into the Xuandan realm. .

This age is not too young, since he has 'transformed' but has not stepped into the Xuandan realm, it is enough to show that his aptitude is very mediocre!

So when the young talents of the Silver Wing Sirius and Canglang clan heard that Xie Zifeng and Yin Zhao were betting against each other, they all looked gloating and began to sneer. They all wanted to take this opportunity to hit Lei Fang and express their feelings It's good to be angry.

"This kid has to take it easy!" Lei Fang couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes when he saw this, a little worried.

After all, Xie Zifeng is not a monster!

Xie Zifeng turned a blind eye to this, walked towards the stone pile, and began to look at it.

"Want to bet with me, don't you know that the lineage of the royal family has the strongest sensitivity to these exotic treasures?" Yin Zhao sneered and walked towards a pile of stones, starting to sense, to pick out a stone and cut out some valuable treasures Medicine, take a good shot at that mine.

"Who wants to gamble with stones?"

"Those stones are indeed valuable, but it is very likely that there is a demon spirit stone inside, or it may be just an ordinary stone, but it is only contaminated with the aura of power, which lingers for a long time, forming a strange stone, which is mistaken for It's just a gem."

"Yeah, otherwise, why would the owner of these stones sell them?" For a while, many people came together and talked about it.

It is easier to lose money betting on stones than buying those exotic flowers and plants, because those flowers and plants are real things, but these stones have been bred for thousands of years, and they are contaminated with the breath of a big monster. Ordinary people can't see the real situation inside the stones with their naked eyes.

certainly.There are also people who can open the 'eyes of the sky' to see the things inside, but it consumes a lot of money for the cultivator, and it is not worth the loss. If you want to invite those powerful people to see the stones, unless they are rare in the ruins of immortals .

Otherwise, if you open the sky eye once, the energy consumed will not be compensated by ordinary precious medicines.

Naturally, no one does this kind of loss-making business.

Xie Zifeng looked at the stones in a dignified manner, and touched them with his hands from time to time, beating them with a serious look.

"Does this kid really think that he has the blood of the royal family and can sense the precious medicine inside?"

"So what if he can sense it? Could it be possible to accurately judge which medicine is more precious?" People from the Silver Winged Sirius clan sneered, the more they looked at Xie Zifeng's serious appearance, the more annoyed he felt, wishing that the young man could be in public Make a fool of yourself.

"What's going on?" The people in the distance saw that everyone was discussing lively.Also came together.

"Na Yinzhao and Lei Fang fought for an ancient animal bone, and now they are going to gamble on stones to determine the ownership of the animal bone." Someone said.

"Oh, Lei Fang, is that a pit god?" Hearing this, the eyes of the people in the distance asked. "I don't know if Yinzhao will be tricked!"

"No, Yinzhao is not an ordinary person either. He and Lei Fang have long been rivals. As I said, the stone bet this time is a guy next to Lei Fang who has not stepped into the Xuandan realm and Yinzhao. How can the demon clan compete with the royal children like Yinzhao?"

"So Lei Fang is doomed?"

"That's for sure!"

"Hehe, let's also go to see the excitement, how cool it is to be cheated once!" Many people walked over with their eyes shining.

Some monster teenagers who were cheated by Lei Fang were also aggrieved and wanted to go to the theater.

Xie Zifeng was concentrating on selecting stone materials.The stones here are very strange, some are shining brightly, some are standing like cranes, tigers are entrenched, and some are bright red.It seemed to be stained with the blood of the great demon, and there was an unrivaled prestige pervading the world.

These stones are all selected from the ancient battlefield, where there used to be powerful monsters fighting there, so many giant stones were contaminated with demon energy and blood. After tens of thousands of years of gestation, these stones have undergone changes, which look like gem.

But there are very few treasures bred in these stones. Although Xie Zifeng is not a monster, he can clearly detect the weakness and vainness of the breath of those stones by relying on the induction of the demon seal in his body, so as to judge whether there are treasures in them.

Going around in a circle, Xie Zifeng had already made up his mind and locked on the three boulders.

Among the three boulders, one is full of demonic energy, and it has the appearance of a fierce bird on it, which is full of fierce power, which is very extraordinary.

There is also a boulder, which can be as high as Zhang Xu, a piece of crimson, with a demonic aura soaring to the sky, like a red rainbow shooting straight into the sky. Standing for a long time, otherwise it will affect the mind and have the urge to kneel down.

This boulder should be stained with the blood of the ancient monster, otherwise it would not have such aura.

There is also a huge rock with strange shapes, like a fairy luan, emitting colorful light and surrounding the four directions, giving people a sense of peace and tranquility, standing like a fairy stone, and it is also a very extraordinary huge rock, but the price on it is jaw-dropping.

These three giant stones are marked with [-] demon spirit stones, [-] demon spirit stones and [-] demon spirit stones, and the other stones are also in tens of thousands.

"This is going to be robbed!" Seeing these prices, the corners of Xie Zifeng's eyes twitched.

There are a lot of stones here, piled up like a mountain, but these three pieces are the real ones.

There are still some stones among them that are just pregnant with some demon primordial stones, whoever buys them is doomed to lose everything.

You know, although there is only one word difference between the Yaoyuan Stone and the Yaoling Stone, the difference is thousands of miles.

And even if you cut out the demon spirit stones, the worst price tag is [-] demon spirit stones, and the gains and losses in it are self-evident.

The same is true, those sellers will bring these stones for sale.

Of course, there will also be some gems in it, so that people can gamble on stones with luck.

These stones are so expensive, no wonder few people ask about them.

Fortunately, this time it is a stone bet, as long as the opponent wins, he has to pay.

"In that case, I'll let you fall once this time!" Xie Zifeng withdrew his eyes and glanced at Yin Zhao lightly.

"Brother, have you chosen yet?" Lei Fang walked over, feeling a little guilty.

Now there are more and more people gathered around, they are all ready to see his jokes, if they lose, it would be really embarrassing!

"Don't worry, I'm sure." Xie Zifeng said.

"That's good." Lei Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is it? Have you made your choice?" Yin Zhao walked over, raised his eyebrows, and said, "I'm ready to make a move, but I have a lot of adults, so I'll give you a chance to choose first."

"In that case, I'll pick it first." Xie Zifeng walked like a pile of stones, staying beside the three strange stones for a while.

"This kid really sees some tricks?" Seeing Xie Zifeng stop under the strange stone, the corners of Yin Zhao's eyes twitched inadvertently, and he also discovered that those strange stones are extraordinary.That's why he was confident, but he didn't expect this young man to see the clues.

"Hmph, these strange stones are predictable, but there are also high and low points. Let's see how he judges the high and low." Yin Zhao snorted coldly and didn't say much.

The surrounding monsters were also full of curiosity, and some sharp-eyed people discovered that Xie Zifeng was extraordinary.

"It seems that this time there is something to watch."

The owner of this area also nodded slightly. "This kid really has some eyesight, he is not a mortal."

"This bloodstone is very extraordinary. But it is very likely that it was contaminated with the blood of the great demon. It is difficult to breed treasures."

Xie Zifeng scanned the three giants and began to make a decision.

"The stone looks like a fairy luan, but it is obviously contaminated with breath."

"The only thing left is the strange stone." After some consideration, Xie Zifeng locked his gaze on the boulder with a monster-like aura condensed above the stone, and he suddenly felt a strong monster in this stone. Spiritual Qi.

After thinking about it, Xie Zifeng was about to walk towards the stone.

"He found out too." Yin Zhao frowned.

This was originally the stone he wanted to choose.But the words have been released to let the other party choose first, and he can't go back on his word, and he regrets it in his heart.

"Don't choose that stone, choose the one next to it!" Just as Xie Zifeng was about to go there.A voice suddenly spread into the sea of ​​hearts.

"Cloud Piercing Beast!" Xie Zifeng was stunned for a moment, the voice was very familiar to him, it was the existence inside the Cloud Shuttle.

"Choose that bloodstone!" The voice from Shuttle Cloud entered Xie Zifeng's mind, and no one else could hear it at all.

"That piece?" Xie Zifeng frowned, "Are you sure?"

"The stone is indeed stained with the blood essence of the great demon. It is unparalleled in the world, but it is useless without the precious medicine. I will lose." They compared the value of the things cut out of it.

"Who said that there is no precious medicine in it?" The voice of the cloud piercing beast hurriedly said, "A treasure is bred in it, which is of infinite value. There is nothing wrong with you choosing it. Quickly, choose that stone, which contains the essence of imperial blood The imperial blood stone bred can help the uncle reshape the primordial spirit, restore part of his strength, and then break through the seal and escape from this magic weapon."

"Imperial blood stone?" Xie Zifeng's eyes lit up, and he communicated with his mind, "So powerful? Can you reshape the soul?"


Chuanyun Beast said, "My primordial spirit is not destroyed, it's just damaged. My supernatural powers are no longer there. Once rebuilt, I will be able to get out of trouble. At that time, I will be the king, and I will rule the world. You can also get great benefits. Pick that bloodstone!"

"In the future, I will help you avenge your vengeance. If you follow the uncle, you can not only become a king, but also obtain the certificate of longevity..." The Cloud Piercer seemed very anxious and kept urging Xie Zifeng to lure him.

"Can it help you reshape your primordial spirit?" Xie Zifeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he had already made a decision, and finally asked, "Are you sure there is an emperor's blood stone in it, and the medicine's effect can exceed the next few pieces?" The treasure inside the stone?"

"That's natural. This emperor's blood stone is conceived by the blood essence sprinkled by the great monster who can be called the emperor. Is it something easy?" Cloud Piercer said.

"That's good." Xie Zifeng looked satisfied, turned around and walked to the side of the blood stone, and said, "I will choose this stone."

"Why did you choose this stone?" Lei Fang frowned, "Didn't you choose that stone just now?"

The people next to him were also stunned, wondering why the young man changed his mind, could it be that there is treasure in the blood stone?

"I think this stone is just stained with the blood of the big demon and left a residual power. It is used to confuse everyone, and there is no precious medicine."

"There are too many stones that are contaminated with the breath of a big demon, and there are no precious medicines." Many people shook their heads, seeing too many such stones.

"I thought this kid had a lot of knowledge, but he's also a two hundred and five!" The crowd shook their heads in contempt, and regarded Xie Zifeng as a fool. When others gave you the chance to choose first, but you have to choose a false material, isn't this just looking for abuse? ? (To be continued..)

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