Demon Blood Emperor

Chapter 286 Graveyard Entrance

To obtain the inheritance of the Demon Emperor, one must be a descendant of the Demon Emperor, and the bloodline must be similar to that of the Demon Emperor.

In fact, the lineage of the Demon Emperor sent people to try to come here when the Ten Thousand Demon Ancestor Land was opened last time.

It's just that these people didn't get the inheritance, and finally returned home.

Because these people's blood is impure, they cannot meet the requirements of the Demon Emperor.

For this reason, this time, the Demon Emperor's lineage specially selected the descendants with the purest blood in the clan to come here, just to obtain this inheritance.

Just now, Ji Zhun took action to stop the other demon clan just to maintain the dignity of the demon emperor's lineage.

The majestic Demon Emperor's Ten Thousand Years Land was entered and exited by outsiders but did not make a statement. How will their Demon Emperor's line deter all directions in the future?

In just a moment, the descendants of all ethnic groups entered the formation.

"These guys are so hateful. On the surface, they respect our clan as the emperor, but behind their backs they play tricks. This time, they want to destroy our clan's inheritance." A middle-aged man next to the demon emperor stared at the man not far away Piece of Void said coldly.

People from the lineage of the Demon Emperor were very angry, but those elders sitting on the flying chariot didn't intend to speak.

These people naturally knew the intentions of all ethnic groups, but there was nothing they could do about it.

There is no demon emperor who can suppress all demons, and their lineage of the demon emperor is just a name, not enough to command the demons.

After all, those royal families are all at the level of emperors who have reached the heavens. Once they go to war and cause several royal families to join forces, it will be quite a headache even if they have all the details of the demon emperor, so now they can only bear it for a while.

Now wait for a real emperor to emerge from the clan, and then rule the world to order the monsters, who will dare to refuse to obey in the future?

This is a world where the strong are respected. These elders naturally know this, so they also know how to forbear.

"Qingwu, you guys go too." The Demon Emperor's eyes looked all around.With the potential to control the world, he frowned slightly and said.

"Yes!" Ji Qingwu agreed, her eyes flickered, and she stepped out.

Ji Qingwu walked gracefully in lotus steps, her colorful clothes fluttered, and she stepped off the flying chariot. Her whole body was bursting with blood and glow, like a goddess in the dust, and she walked towards the void in front of her step by step.Next to her, several young girls from the lineage of the Demon Emperor followed closely.

These people are all outstanding members of the Demon Emperor's lineage, and their bloodline is very close to that of their ancestors, so they have the opportunity to inherit.

Ji Qingwu had icy muscles and jade bones, and the divine light flowed on her skin, and her delicate face was surrounded by the rays of the sun.Elegant and dusty.

She came from the sky, and there seemed to be an ancient holy beast emerging from behind.The monstrous air of blood permeated and oppressed the void, trembling.The cultivators of various ethnic groups in the distance could feel the power of the tyrannical bloodline and couldn't help but tighten their hearts.

"This is the demon princess, Ji Qingwu!"

"The bloodline is so strong, is it going to be close to the bloodline of the ancient demon emperor?"

"It is said that her bloodline is stronger than her father's, and she will become the emperor in the future!" As soon as Ji Qingwu came out, all the clans were moved, and there were many discussions.

"If she gets the inheritance of the Demon Emperor, I'm afraid I will really bow my head and become a minister in the future." The elders of the major royal families also looked dignified. Even though their realm is high, the oppression from the blood still makes everyone feel at ease. sad.

That's why they want to stop it.

The young girls who followed behind Ji Qingwu were also extraordinary, all of them were full of vigor.The rays of light blooming behind her seem to be evolving into visions. They are all amazing and talented people who will definitely become kings when they grow up in the future.

Two of them also had holy beasts emerging from their backs, hidden in the ray of light, looming, and they were about to compete with Ji Qingwu.

These are a young man and a young girl with extraordinary strength, who seem to have stepped into the palace. They are the grandsons of the other two royal families. They are strong candidates for this competition for the inheritance of the Demon Emperor. Qing Wu is two years older.

"The background of the Demon Emperor's lineage is really strong!" The elders of all clans sighed.

If any one of these young girls is released, they will definitely be able to compete with geniuses of all races.

It was really shocking that eight of the Demon Emperor's lineage appeared in one go.

In the general royal family, it is a great blessing to have one of these characters in a generation of descendants!

For example, Ji Qingwu's blood is thick enough to be comparable to top-notch people like Hou Zheng, which is even rarer.

The elders of the Purple Wing Thunder Sculpture Clan were also not very sorry.

Even if there is only one such person in their clan in a hundred years, that is Lei Tian, ​​but compared with the lineage of the Demon Emperor, it is too shabby to compete with him, so it can be inferred that the Demon Emperor has a background How thick and terrifying it is.

The same is true, even though the current demon emperor cannot surpass the emperors of all races, he is still respected as the emperor.

Because it is difficult for the huge monster clan to find a royal clan to replace this big clan.

And they need a nominal emperor in case of emergency, so that when the monster clan is in danger, they can stand up and lead the monsters to defend against the enemy.

With a movement of Ji Qingwu and others, they also escaped into the formation along the gap.

So far, the descendants of all ethnic groups have entered it.

Nine mountains stand tall within the formation, surrounding all directions, forming a large feng shui formation. The inside is misty and fierce, and a vast aura seems to come from ancient times, which is shocking. Between the nine mountains.

When Ji Qingwu and the others entered inside, their figures suddenly flickered, as if they had communicated with the heavens and the earth, and even disappeared into the void, as if they had merged into the formation.

The children of all ethnic groups who entered this place before did not notice the arrival of Ji Qingwu and others.

After Xie Zifeng and Lei Fang Zhao Tian entered the formation, they did not act rashly, but scanned all directions.

Looking ahead, there is a low mountain surrounded by nine mountains, like the back of Xuanwu, and the back of the turtle extends down to the abyss.

"What a strange terrain." Lei Fang looked at the scene in front of him with a look of surprise.

The Nine Mountains condensed the luck of heaven and earth and belonged to the short mountain. It was like the core cemetery of the Great Formation Hub should be within the mountainside.

But this mountain is surrounded by abyss in all directions, like a moat, it is impossible to cross, and I don't know how to open this cemetery.

It should be that the ancients deliberately formed a large formation barrier, where the aura of Dao pattern spreads.

It is not difficult to imagine that anyone who rushed there rashly would surely lead to catastrophe.

"Is that a dead dog?" Zhao Tian kept scanning his eyes, trying to find the dog.

Xie Zifeng was also sensing the fluctuations in the big dog, but the dog seemed to be hidden and it was hard to find.


Suddenly, light patterns flickered in the short mountain.A vast and simple atmosphere permeates, as if an emperor is in the dust.

This pattern of light seemed to communicate with the cemetery, causing the aura of the emperor inside to rage out.

"Is the cemetery of the Demon Emperor really about to be opened?" The cultivator's eyes revealed surprise when he saw the light pattern suddenly appearing in the distance in front of the mountain.

Xie Zifeng couldn't help but look there too.

But there was a ripple between the rocks in front of him, and a deep hole appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, there was a beam of light across the abyss, extending to the mountain where the teenagers of all ethnic groups were.

The deep entrance of this cave seems to lead to the mountainside, and there are gusts of gloomy wind inside, and a wave of chilly breath pervades, making people feel dizzy.

"There won't be any ghosts inside?" Someone from the Yinfeng Xi couldn't help shivering.

"This is the ten thousand year land of the Demon Emperor, how can there be evil spirits?"

"Emperor's prestige suppresses all living beings and evil spirits, and you have to surrender." Many people shook their heads, disapproving but also rushed away.

More than a thousand people gathered here.The young ones can be fifteen or sixteen years old, and the older ones are full of heroism. They are all in the Xuandan and Xuanying realms. They are considered young geniuses, but they also have scruples about the hole that appeared in vain in the middle of the mountain.Don't dare to go deep.

After all, this is the cemetery of the Demon Emperor, if there is a restriction in the passage.Absolutely lethal.

"Is this the real passage?" Lei Fang asked Zhao Tian with bright eyes.

"No." Zhao Tian whispered.

"I know a passage. You have to hold a magic card from the lineage of the Demon Emperor to enter." Zhao Tian said.

"Then this channel is fake?" Lei Fang looked puzzled.

"It's hard to say." Zhao Tian said, "I have limited information. I only know the real entrance, but I don't know it."

"Oh." Lei Fang said, "Then what shall we do?"

"Let's take a look first." Zhao Tian said, "Many people are staring at us now. If we leave rashly, it will only attract everyone's attention."

Lei Fang glanced to the side, and sure enough, he found that many people were staring at them.

Chen Guo and Kuang's clan can have more than [-] teenagers, and seven of them even stepped into the Xuanying Realm with killing intent in their eyes.

In addition, there are several human forces coveting by the side.

However, none of these people acted rashly.Afraid of attracting a group of monsters to attack.

In addition, the cultivators of the Silver Winged Sirius Clan, the Golden Winged Peng Clan, and the Hercules Bull Clan all cast unkind glances at him, presumably because they coveted Xie Zifeng and the others.

This is the best place to start!

Xie Zifeng is not afraid of this, and some cultivators in the Xuanying realm will not let him have nowhere to go.

At this time, Xie Zifeng was trying to sense the fluctuations in the four directions, trying to find the big dog.

As long as the big dog is here, he will have more confidence.

"What are you afraid of? Since we are here looking for opportunities, how can we shrink back?" At this moment, a boy from the monster race could not bear it any longer. After a loud shout, he stepped forward and stepped on the road ahead A bridge of light across the abyss.

This light bridge is made up of runes, it can be two feet wide and ten thousand meters long.

The cultivators of the major monster races are all on some small hills near the Nine Mountains at this moment. If they want to enter the cemetery of the demon emperor in front of them, they must step on the bridge. If they fly away rashly, they may touch the prohibition above the mountain abyss, so this time People dare not take risks.


The young man stepped forward, and there was a wave of ripples on the light bridge. In the end, the man was safe and sound, and he walked forward step by step like stepping on the ground.

After the young man walked out of Baizhang and still had nothing to do, his clansmen followed closely.

The mist below the mountain abyss was hazy, and there were obscure fluctuations permeating the air. As if being restricted, the young man on Guangqiao walked step by step. After feeling that the bridge was not in danger, he relaxed and began to move forward quickly. .

"This is really the entrance to the Demon Emperor's cemetery. Let's go, let's go too, don't let them seize the opportunity!" The bystanders finally couldn't hold back anymore, and after a loud shout, they led their clansmen and allies forward. Careful for fear of being plotted against.

In a short while, cultivators of all ethnic groups moved forward one after another, not wanting to fall behind and losing the opportunity.

And the boy from the Monster Race at the front is also starting to approach the cave.

Niuteng and others from the Hercules Niu Clan took a look at Xie Zifeng and Lei Fang and stepped into the bridge with a frown.

These people wanted to take advantage of this to deal with Xie Zifeng.

Xie Zifeng and his party only had four cultivators in the Profound Core Realm, so it was no effort at all to deal with them.

But when they thought about the inheritance of the Demon Emperor, these people finally gritted their teeth and decided to look for an opportunity to make a move later.

There are still many Yaozu who hold this idea, because this opportunity is so rare. (To be continued..)

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