Demon Blood Emperor

Chapter 53 Never bow your head!

() Xie Zifeng glanced around, he found that Feng's and Wang's cultivators of the Xuandan realm were also watching with cold eyes at the moment, seeing the fluctuations in their expressions, it seemed that this had been expected for a long time, and it was not because of Wu Huasheng's attack Surprised.

Zhao Yuan, who was sitting in the middle, kept staring with his eyes closed, as if nothing had anything to do with him.

As the envoy sent by the great sect outside the world, he does nothing at this moment when someone wants to forcibly ask for the waist badge of the Chaozong of the Hundred Clans. Such behavior is really suspicious.

"A raccoon of the same breed, do you really think I, Mrs. Xie, is easy to deceive?" Xie Zifeng snorted coldly in his heart, withdrew his consciousness, restrained his murderous eyes, looked up at the young man in front of him, and said word by word, "Messenger Zhou, are you still waiting for me?" Give me the badge, why is that?"

"I'll issue the badge after you make this decision, so that it can be recorded!" Zhou Rong said flatly.

"Haha, have you made a decision?" Xie Zifeng looked up to the sky with a smile, and then said with concentrating eyes, "As we all know, the quotas for the emperors of the Hundred Clans are awarded through competitions, and they have never given up the quotas to others. I don't know what the envoy Zhou meant by that , do you want to disobey the wishes of the major sects?"

The sonorous and forceful words of the young man spread to all directions, and many people in the arena were puzzled and looked at Zhou Rong who was on the martial arts training platform.

This battle of competition is too weird and different from the previous ones, and many rules have been changed.

"Presumptuous!" Zhou Rong's eyes were stern, and he fell on Xie Zifeng like a knife, and said coldly, "The rules of the competition are determined by the major sects, how can you guess arbitrarily? We have never participated in the disputes of various clans, but we don't want to Waste a spot on a person who will be abolished!"

"Not participating in the dispute?" Xie Zifeng sneered and said, "So, Envoy Zhou is still thinking about the overall situation?"

Zhou Rong nodded.

"Fart!" Xie Zifeng snorted coldly, "Since I have won the seat of the Hundred Clans Dynasty, I should get this waist card. In this way, when I am under the protection of all the great clans until the end of the Hundred Clans Dynasty, now I have not taken the initiative to commit crimes, but you What is the reason for this excuse?"

Anyone who has obtained the waist card of the Hundred Clans Dynasty will be protected. Except for his own initiative to commit crimes, even the emperor Lao Tzu should not be rash. All this is to keep everyone and let them smoothly participate in the Hundred Clans Dynasty. If these people were intercepted and killed before they participated in the Hundred Clans Dynasty, then what is the significance of the Hundred Clans Dynasty?

Xie Zifeng's words can be described as extremely arrogant, but every sentence is reasonable, and the practitioners in the square are even more puzzled and vaguely feel that this matter is very strange.

Although they were puzzled in their hearts, everyone didn't dare to say more, the matter had nothing to do with themselves, and no one wanted to put their wealth and life in it.

"Boy, you are too arrogant. You have not yet joined the sect, so you are so rude. You will pay it off in the future!" Zhou Rong snorted coldly, "Let me teach you a lesson this time, so that you will know what to do Respect the teacher!" After speaking, his whole body roared, and he wanted to shoot Xie Zifeng.

"My God, the envoy is going to make a move this week!" The people in the field exclaimed.

"Dare!" Boss Chang yelled, with a domineering momentum, and the two eyes shot straight into the sky like a rainbow, and shot forward.

A cultivator in the Mysterious Core Realm is capable of reaching the sky, and the murderous aura contained in his eyes makes people shudder.


Zhou Rong froze, eyes showing fear.

"Rong'er, don't make mistakes!" At this time, Zhao Yuan, who had been concentrating on his eyes, suddenly opened them, and with a flick of his hand, a white light swept out, crushing the murderous aura shot out from Chang's eyes and turning them into nothing. Afterwards, he closed his eyes again, it was none of his business.

Zhou Rong's heart trembled, and cold sweat flowed from his back. He didn't expect that people from the Xie family would dare to attack him here.

"Brother Chang, peace is the most important thing, you just take a step back and give up your quota!" The old man of the Feng family's Profound Core Realm suddenly said.

"Take a step back?" Elder Chang sneered, "Feng Li, you said it so easily, why didn't your Feng family give up their quota to someone else?"

"Brother Chang, I'm doing this for your own good. Your Xie family is too powerful, you should be quiet for a while, otherwise the situation in Nanhuang City will be unstable," Feng Li said.

"Too sharp?" The corners of Chang's eyes twitched, "It's true that my Xie family has been silent for too long, and now you can't wait to ride on top!" Now he has seen that the major clans are targeting them. Perhaps an agreement was secretly reached long ago.

"This is a piece of advice from us. If you insist on doing so, the consequences will not be what we want to see!" The elder of the Wang Family's Profound Core Realm also said.

"Hehe, Wang family, Feng family, Wu family, are you going to attack my Xie family today?" Elder Chang stood on the high platform with his white beard fluttering and his clothes fluttering. There is a bit of coldness coming out, showing murderous intent.

"This is our unanimous decision!" Wu Hua Shengguang said coldly, "Xie family, it's time to be quiet!"

The cultivators of the Xuandan Realm from the three major clans stood up suddenly, confronting Elder Chang with a burst of momentum.

At this moment, all the cultivators in the square knew that it was the three major clans of Nanhuang City who were going to attack the Xie family. The demand for Xie Zifeng's quota this time was just a fuse, but everyone didn't understand that the three major clans Aren't you afraid that Xie Changqing will come back for revenge?

"Okay, very good, it seems that my Xie family has been quiet for too long, and you almost forgot about my Xie family's prestige. Today I will let you know that I am a man from the Xie family, and you must not be bullied!" Elder Chang said with a murderous look, "If you dare to fight today, this old man will drag you into the water even if you risk your life!"


As the words fell, Old Chang's clothes fluttered, and a fierce aura directly shook the seat beside him into powder, and the terrifying aura spread out, making all the cultivators on the high platform startled, and retreated again and again. Go, dare not stay here for long.

"Xie Chang, if you are obsessed with your obsession, then I will have no choice but to stay with you to the end!" Feng Li's face was gloomy, his sleeves flicked, and a wave of tenderness was released, completely defeating Xie Chang's aura. However, the front seat was turned into ashes in the impact.

A row of seats was completely destroyed, only the chair in the middle where Zhao Yuan was still sitting was safe. A halo of light bloomed on his body, and the inscriptions flowed quite mysteriously, all those fluctuations were resolved, and the chair he was sitting on could not be touched at all.

"Are you really sure about my Xie family?" Xie Changtian said with sharp eyes, "If my elder brother finds out about this, all clans will be crushed by then. I want to see, who of you would dare Dong Zifeng and my Xie family disciples have nothing!"

"Hehe, Xie Changtian, Xie Changtian, do you really think that your elder brother Xie Changqing can protect your Xie family forever?" Wu Zhengxiong laughed, and said, "To tell you the truth, I have already got the exact news that Xie Changqing died more than ten years ago. Just fell into the ancient forbidden area and never escaped, he should have fallen in it, you expect him to vent your anger and avenge you, and wait for the next life!"

"What? Xie Changqing fell into the ancient forbidden land?"

"Could it be true, otherwise, how dare the Wu family take action against the Xie family?" Hearing this, there was an uproar in the square, and many people's eyes were stunned, and they finally knew why the major clans wanted to fight against the Xie family at this time. Find an excuse to shoot.

It turned out that they already knew that Xie Changqing was in danger, and they wanted to take this opportunity to eradicate Xie's family, lest they make a comeback!

Xie Zifeng is very talented, and he is quite like a father. If he is allowed to worship in the sect outside the world, maybe the next 'Xie Changqing' will appear in the Xie family!

In order to avoid future troubles, the major clans decided to join forces to take action. Even the Feng family, who belonged to the city lord, couldn't sit still, because they were suppressed by the Xie family for too long, and now they don't want to live that kind of life anymore. The majestic lineage of the city lord has to worry about a clan, and he is so suppressed that he can't stand up. How can he save face?

"Changqing fell into the ancient forbidden land?" Elder Chang's eyes were blurred.

"Impossible. My brother is a heavenly genius with a reputation that is astonishing as the gods. Back then, going out of the ancient forbidden land was like entering an uninhabited land. How could he hate it?" Xie Changtian even raised his head to the sky and screamed. He didn't believe this fact at all. In his heart, Xie Changqing is a god, omnipotent, and there will be no difficulties.

Xie Changtian vaguely remembered that he was seriously injured and almost died, and even his father gave up hope. In the end, it was Xie Changqing who rescued him from dying and repaired his meridians so that he could still cultivate, but he never stepped into the mysterious world. Dan realm nothing more.

"I know this news is very cruel to you, but based on our friendship for many years, I would like to advise you to give up the seats of the Hundred Clans Dynasty and then hand over your property. We can let this matter go!" Wu Zhengxiong said.

The elders in the Profound Core Realm next to them looked indifferent, which was what they meant.

"My Xie family man, I would rather die than surrender!" Xie Changtian snorted coldly.

"I would rather die than surrender!"

"I would rather die than surrender!"

"Only the descendants of the Xie clan who died in battle, not the Xie clan who surrendered!"

"Changqing will avenge us!" The disciples of the Xie family shouted loudly behind them, and the sound waves resounded through the sky, making people's blood boil.

None of the Xie clan's children were willing to submit to the three major clans. Once they surrendered, their Xie clan would no longer be able to gain a foothold in Nanhuang City. Besides, no one could guarantee that someone would come and add insult to injury.

In any case, we must fight!

"I'm so old that I want to see how you can remove my Xie family from this Southern Desolate City!" Old Chang's eyes narrowed, and with a palm, a red long spear appeared, the scales on the spear body burst into dazzling red light, A ferocious air permeated from the body of the gun with a domineering momentum.

This is a mid-level spiritual artifact!

"Hmph, since you don't know a person, then draw a path and decide the winner!" Wu Huasheng snorted coldly, and with a palm, a long sword appeared. , named Qiushui Hanli Sword, is also a magic weapon at the spiritual level of a sword, but it is inferior.

Feng Li and Wang Lao next to him also each took out a weapon, both of which were rare magical weapons.

"It turns out that you are all ready. Since this is the case, why bother to persuade the old man hypocritically? Then let's fight and see which of you can take the life of the old man!" Kong, armed with a spear, faced the enemy crowd. If he fought below, innocent people would be injured, and even his own clansmen would find it difficult to protect them.

"Take them all down, remember, the direct descendants of the Xie family, stay alive!" After several strong men in the Xuandan realm took off into the air, Wu Zhengxiong snorted coldly, and immediately a few waves of people rushed up to Xie Changtian and others. Xie's children were besieged.

"Kill!" Xie Changtian raised his head to the sky and uttered a long howl, his long hair waving, with awe-inspiring fighting spirit, he said to the dozen or so middle-aged men beside him, "Protect the younger generation, and follow me to kill the blood!"


Everyone in the Xie clan has scarlet eyes and awe-inspiring fighting spirit. Now that they have been bullied by the major clans, there is nothing to say. Only in the first battle, even those younger generations are not angry, with murderous intent in their eyes. out!

"Are you really deceiving me that there is no one in Xie family?" On the martial arts training platform opposite, the murderous intent in Xie Zifeng's heart was almost gathered to the extreme at this moment. He muttered, "In this case, I will make you pay for this, but anyone who takes action against my Xie family will surely bleed for it!"

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