In August of the 36th year of the Yongli calendar, the Twelfth Society of Pingpu Fan, under the pacification department of Danshui, Dongning, joined forces to rebel because they could not bear the heavy labor.After receiving the news, in view of the fact that the main force of the Zheng Army Army Division was scattered all over the place and it was difficult to concentrate for a while, Zheng Kezang called all the Second Township of the Boy Scouts and the First Biao of Luanyiwei to suppress it.

He Gan personally led 3000 people to travel day and night. Relying on the convenience of the cement official road that has been built to the bank of the Zhuoshui River, he appeared in the rebel area within two days and massacred the Xingang and Zhuchi communes in one fell swoop. More than [-] people were rebels, and more than [-] people were captured and sent to the Danshui mining area as slave labor.Under He Gan's butcher's knife, the Shefans fled into the mountains one after another. However, the lack of food in the mountains and the threat of Gao Shanfan forced the various societies to send people to ask He Gan to surrender.

Not only did He Gan not allow it, but he also sent troops to the mountains to clear it up. All the communes rose up to resist, but in the end they had to move further to the inland mountains because of the huge losses.Immediately afterward, Zheng Kezang made the decision to release the Qing army captives captured in the First World War in Haicheng and to grant them farms and farms. As a result, nearly [-] more cards were added in Zhuluo, Fengshan and other places.

"Is your hair all shaved?" On the rickety boat, Yang Jie looked at the subordinates in front of him with a wry smile, but who made Yang Ying fall out of favor in front of Zheng Kezang? His youngest son also took the risk of playing the role of Japanese pirates. "Again, the purpose this time is to steal women." The young boy scouts laughed, some of them had already tasted the taste of love between men and women. "Have you laughed enough? Don't laugh anymore next time if you have laughed enough." Yang Jie ordered with a gloomy face. "I have told you many times along the way that Dongning is now out of balance between men and women. We are definitely not doing it for our own lusts, but for our grandchildren and Ming Dynasty." The scouts received years of military discipline education, and when they saw the officer lose their temper , naturally his complexion became dignified. "Whoever dares to touch the snatched woman will be eunuched and sent to Anping City," Yang Jie continued. "Okay, now go ashore!"

Boy scouts wearing authentic Japanese girdles woven from bamboo skin obediently got into the small boat one by one, and soon under the darkness, they went ashore one after another with the logo of Toyotomi's Gochito and the horse logo of Alisma pattern.After disembarking, led by the boy scouts who were born in chicken coops, they dispersed into more than a dozen squads. The boy scouts rushed towards the undefended North Korean village viciously. The coastal villages under the rule of Rajumu in Joseon of the Lee family rang.

"What? Japanese pirates plundering the border!" The sheriff from the fourth rank of Jeolla Left Dao opened his mouth in disbelief. "This, is this possible?" It has been more than 80 years since the last Japanese invasion, and the North Koreans have long forgotten what Japanese pirates look like. However, the soaring flames rising from many places outside the city last night proved that this is not a joke of the underworld. So after being shocked, the sheriff of the Western People's Party couldn't help but tremble. "Quick, quick, report to Lord Shepherd, report to the imperial court." The small officials hurriedly responded, and at the same time, the county guard grabbed the soldiers and horses around him. "Have you reported to Zuo Shuiying?"

The chickens are flying around here, and the boy scouts over there have long been driving the women who were tied up in a string to the shore: "The income this time is not very good. I have prepared for so long, but I only got back fifty dollars!" A few, how do I explain this when I go back, or how about grabbing the county, anyway, the counties and county towns in North Korea don’t have city walls.”

"Are you crazy?" Yang Jie looked at Xue An beside him. "There was such a commotion last night, how could the North Korean army sit idly by? Of course, the North Korean land division is vulnerable, but don't forget, we only have four lucky boats this time. If we are blocked by the North Korean navy Come on, failure is a small matter, but revealing the secrets of the feudal clan is a major event."

"Yu didn't mean to do something here, and Yu is not that stupid." Xue An defended. "Aren't we going to make a fuss?"

"Xue An's idea makes sense." Wu Ziming beside him also agreed. "Before we came out, we all knew that the Korean Party was fiercely contested. Officials from all over the country guarded their own lands. Don't say that there is no communication between Dao and Dao, that is, there is no horizontal connection between Fu and Mu, and between counties. We can snatch it all the way along the coastline, as long as we are not too greedy and walk as soon as we hit, the North Koreans may not be able to catch us."

Now it's two to one, and the leader of the other boat is Yi Maosheng, who didn't dare to argue with the three seniors, so the result has come out: "You insist, Yu Zi has nothing to say, but the food we bring is limited , so I can only grab another three days at most, and after three days, I must go back."

"Three days is enough." Wu Ziming drew a sketch on the beach at the same time, saving face from several people. "Yu's plan is to move to Gaoxing County tonight. After we finish the looting, we will cross the Taoist border and go to Hainan County on the Shangqing Right Road to grab one. On the third day, we can go home safely."

The reaction of the local government in North Korea was much faster than Yang Jie and the others had imagined—this may be due to the two battles of Renchen and Dingyou——Yang Jie had only left for two hours, and a dozen warships of different sizes were just there. At the place where they left, a large-scale manhunt soon began. However, the coastal terrain of North Korea is complicated and rugged, and there are many islands. It is not a problem to hide a few boats, so Yang Jie and the others escaped the first day of manhunt safely. .

In the dead of night, the boy scouts landed on land again. Although the villages along the way got the news that the Japanese pirates had landed, they closed their doors one by one, but no Korean thought that the boy scouts would be so bold.

"Shoot!" After a deafening bang, the boy scouts rushed into the county town of Gaoxing County. The North Koreans who basically don't eat meat are blind at the moment. Soon the unorganized resistance was defeated and driven out. The common people were driven into two piles according to the queue of men on the left and women on the right.

"Drive all the men into the barn." Wu Ziming ordered, and as soon as his words fell, the sheriff who was pulled out from under the bed looked at him in surprise.

"You are not Japanese." The sheriff spoke standard Beijing Mandarin. "You don't speak Japanese, who are you?"

"You know too much." Wu Ziming sneered, raised the Japanese knife in his hand and slashed at the sheriff, a cold light flashed, the head fell to the ground, and the smell of blood attracted many flies. The family members cried and pushed to avenge the sheriff, Wu Ziming gave the order. "Kill all the rebels"

Seeing the slaughter scene in front of them, the ashen-faced people in the city did not dare to resist, so they allowed the boy scouts to lock them into the barn one by one. However, listening to their wives, daughters and sisters being driven by the opponent's swords and guns, they stumbled towards the seaside.

"What does the old woman stay here for? Do you like it?" Although the Korean women don't bind their feet, they can't walk fast with only a few flickering torches. Xue An, who is very worried about this, is infected by Wu Ziming's violence, Soon, several women who seemed to be older were grabbed from the team. "Drive them away." The released woman turned around and wanted to run away as if she had been pardoned. Xue An winked at the boy scouts next to him. They were killed on the spot, and then Xue An shamelessly reprimanded those North Korean women who couldn't move because of fear: "This is what happens to those who run away!"

Although they couldn't understand what Xue An was going to say, the previous killings had already explained everything, so these North Korean women walked towards an unpredictable fate while crying.

"It's really annoying." A boy scout might not be able to stand the oppressive atmosphere, so he scolded. "Don't cry, you will know that you are enjoying the blessing when you get there."

"Don't worry, they don't understand." Another boy scout said carelessly. "You are called playing the piano against the cow."

"Look at them, and you will know how Dongning will be captured by Qing captives in the future." The No.3 boy scout shook his head. "We are still being polite. Apart from resisting, we did not kill recklessly. Tartars will not be so merciful. When the time comes"

"At that time, the Tartars will not be allowed to go ashore even if they die in battle." No.4 boy scout responded. "Looking at our wives, daughters and sisters being abused like those cowards, but waiting for the enemy to put a knife on our necks, we must not do it."


"Yes! We will never be shrinking turtles!"

The echoes from the side kept coming and going, so that Yang Jie, who was patrolling back and forth in the middle, wanted to order them to speak softly: "What's the noise, I don't think it's noisy enough!"

However, the boy scouts who had just completed a devastating duel were still a little excited, so even if the officers repeatedly stopped, there was still a violation, and one of them asked a question: "By the way, the grandson is asking a woman this time. Ten taels of silver, so much has been robbed, how much can each of us share."

"Score? You thought you were a sailor," the speaker sneered with envy. "Three one system, the descendants themselves have to get one third, the chiefs can get one third, our four teams, 200 people plus the sailors who handle the boats get one third, and the rest goes to the dead and wounded in battle. Yes, you can figure out how much you can divide."

The Trinity System is Zheng Kezang’s revision of the 101 edition of the loot distribution method. In this version, the income of the military officers has decreased, while the income of the soldiers has increased, but even so, everyone can’t get much money after conversion.

"It's equal to three or two, a hundred or so, ah, just one or two per person."

"It's too little, let me tell you, the second town has killed a lot of people in Danshui, but how much does everyone get? Not even five coins, which is already considered good. In fact, if we can rob the big households in the city once, we will also It’s not just harvesting, but there are orders from above, so we can only follow through.”

"Why are you talking so much nonsense, kid?" Yang Jie suddenly appeared next to the boy scout who was talking strangely. "Besides, I will fire you when you go back." The boy scout was frightened all of a sudden, and heard what Yang Jie said at this time. "Are we serving as soldiers for money? Let me tell you, grandchildren have prepared a medal. I don't need to mention what a medal is. Honor is easy to ask for money. Is honor easy to get?"

The boy scouts were shocked when they heard this, but some people still couldn't believe it: "Can you get a medal if you come out to pretend to be Japanese pirates and burn, kill, and loot?"

"What burning, killing and looting?" Yang Jie tried his best to encourage. "This is for the continuation of Daming and the future of Dongning. Otherwise, how could the descendants be willing to give Jiazhang!"

"Great." Since the medal not only represents honor, but also guarantees promotion, the morale of the boy scouts suddenly rose. "I have a medal."

"Yes, yes."

"Okay, keep quiet." Yang Jie shouted again, and then pointed to the hobbling North Korean women. "If you want to get a medal, you have to put these women on board first."

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